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1、從 A BB C DD 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)中選出一一個(gè)與其它它三個(gè)劃分分讀音不同同的選項(xiàng)( ) 1. AA. ssightt B. caase C. nosse DD. llist2. AA. nneighhbor B. figght CC. ennoughh D. ddaughht 3 AA. gground BB. aabout C. ouut D. wwould4. AA . look B. book CC. goood DD. mmoon 5. AA. aanothher B. eitther C.thhoughh D.thhrouggh6. AA. ggrow B. noow CC. llo

2、w D. snoow7. AA. tthouggh B. throuugh C.aanothher D eithher 8. AA. mmind BB. liimit C. ssince D. ccity9. AA. bbrown B. south C. loudlyy D. boughtt10. AA. exxpenssive B. exerccise CC. exxit D. text11. AA. ggloryy B. grammmar C.largge D. gay12. AA. ttime B. light C. like D. wwith13. AA. oofficce B. ho

3、orse C. noiise D. plaace14. AA. liibrarries BB. ggrapees C. channges DD. taabless15. AA. ccold B. old C. whoole D. some16 AA sad B.maatch C. fast D haave 17 AA soouth BB louudly CC bouught D bbrownn cc18 AA mattch B fastt C havee DD saad B19 A grrapess BB chaangess CC tabbles DD libbrariies DDCCDDDD

4、BBADDACDCCADC 下面?zhèn)€劃劃線部分中中有一處有有錯(cuò),請(qǐng)指指出 1. Its eassier for me tto goo theere oon hoot thhan drivvng aa carr ( drrivinng a car )2. JJim wwas uupsett lasst niight becaausehhe haad too do too manyy hommeworrks( manyy hommeworrks )3. HHe foound it immposssiblee to finiish tthe wwork withh succh a sjoort tti

5、me( wiith )4.Noww morre annd moore yyoungg peoople are llearnning for tthe llittlle heero. ( foor )5.Noww thaat thhe neewspaaper arriived we ccan ssee tthe sscorees off thee tennnis matcches. ( aarrivved )6.In new toniian iit iss nott diffficuulty to wwritee dowwn thhe baasicthatt musst bee sollved

6、in( nott ieffficuulty )7.Youu shoould be wworkiing iin sttead of lie ttheree in bed. ( llie )8.He speaaks EEngliish mmore flreenthyy thaan hiis brrotheer iss. ( is )9.Thee insstrucctor had gonee oveer the pprobllems manyy timmes befoor thhs sttudennts willl takke thhe fiinal examminattion. ( willl t

7、akke ) 從給出四四個(gè)選題中中選出最適適合句子的的選項(xiàng)1.Thee roaad iss keppt oppen_A_thhe yeear.A. thhrougghoutt B thouugh C.thhoughht D.thhrouggh2.“Im leeavinng noow”“Makee surre_D_thhe dooor”A forr youu to lockk B to hhave lockked C aafterr locckingg D you havee loccked3. Shhe diid noot feeel_CC_gooing out,as sshe hhad aa

8、 sliight headdachee.A. foot BB. abbout C likee DD. affter4. _DD_mmany of tthe ccustoomerss worrk dooing the day, Billly hhas tto coollecct thhe mooney fromm theem att nigght. A. Althhoughh BB. thhereffore C. fromm DD. siince5.He is vvery inteerestted iin thhe fiilm,_D_II donnt liike. A. whenn B. whi

9、ich C. how D. thaat6.Inqquiriies_CC_the condditioon off thee pattientts maay bee madde peersonnallyy or by ttelepphonee. A. folllowinng BB. reevealling C. conccerniing D. aaffecctingg7.Thiis iss a _C_aargumment.A. coonvinnced B. cconviincinng C. iinconnvincciblee D. connvincce8.Thee govvernmment wil

10、ll havve too worrk haard_D_tthe cconfiidencce off thee peoople afteer thhe teerribble EEventt.A. too winn thrroughh BB. too comme upp witth CC. too comme att D. to win backk9. Unnlesss he is C inntensse loove. he hhardlly evvers eyess forr verry loong A. granntingg BB. coveeringg C. connfesssing D.

11、reefusiing100. If you cant paay thhe biill yyoure ggoingg to( B ) A. be in ttroubble BB. falll in trouubless C. do trouubless D. ttake trouuble11.Thhe obbservvers sttatemment abouut thhe acccideent wwas vvery_D_.we kknow almoost vvery thinng abbout it nnow. A. sspeciial B. speccificc CC. esspeciial

12、D. exceeptioonal 12.I_D_mmy paaper becaause it iis tooo eaasy ffor mme.A.havve haandedd outt of BB. haave hhandeed ovver C. haave hhandeed wiith D. havee hannded in13. TThe nnoisee of the trafffis A panll forrm hiis woork.A. annnoyeed B. uupsett CC.preeventted D. disttractted 14. HHe iss thee proobl

13、emm B yoou shhouldd payy atttentiion.A. whhich B. to whicch C. oon whhich D. at whicch 15.I knoww thaat eiitherr youu or you fathher C a copyy.A. haave hhad B. havee CC. haas D. aare tto haave 1.完型填填空1. Washhoe iis a younng chhimpaanzeee. Shhe iss no orddinarry cchimppanzeee, tthouggh. SScienntistts

14、 arre dooing a reesearrch on herr. Thhey wwant to ssee hhow ccivillizedd shee cann beecomee .AAlreaady sshe ddoes manyy thiings a huuman beinng caan doo For exaamplee, shhe haas beeen llearnning how to eexchaange mmessaages withh peoople. Thee sciientiists are teacchingg herr ssign laanguaage.WWhen

15、she wantts too be pickked uup ,Waashoee poiints up wwith one fingger. She rubss herr teeeth wwith her fingger whenn shhe waants to bbrushh herr teeeth. Thiss is donee aftter eeveryy meaal. WWashooe haas allso bbeen traainedd to tthinkk outt andd finnd annswerrs too prooblemms. OOnce she was put in a

16、a rroom witth foood hhangiing ffrom the ceilling. It was too highh to reacch .Affter she conssiderred tthe prrobleem She ggot aa talll boox too staand onn . TThe ffood was stilll tooo hiigh tto bee reaachedd.Wasshoe founnd a lonng polle.Thhen sshe cclimbbed oonto the box , garssped the polee, annd k

17、nockked doown tthe ffood withh polle. Waashoee llivess liike aa humman,ttoo.TThe sscienntistts keeep hher iin a fullly fuurnisshed housse.Affter a haard daay in tthe llaborratorry, sshe ggoes homee therre shhe pllays withh herr toyys.shhe evenn eniooys wwatchhing teleevisiion bbeforre gooing to bbed

18、 Scienntistts hoope tto llearnn morre abbout peopple bby sttudyiing oour ccloseest rrelattive chimmpanzzee2.完型填填空 Yeesterrday was ( jjims biirthdday ).Hee gott a llot oof prresennts( frrom )hhis ffriennds aand ffamilly Alll thhe giifts weree wraappedd( in )ccolorred ppaperr ( ssome ) Off ( the packk

19、agess ) ( are )larrge bbut ootherrs weere vvery smalll Soome ( werre ) heeavy, andd othhers weree ligght oone ssquarre paackagge waas bllue wwas aa boook inn it Anotther one was longg nadd narrrow it hhad aan ummbrellla iin itt jimms siisterr gavve hiim a big ( rroundd )ppackaage HHe thhoughht itt(

20、was ) a bball but it ( wwas nnot ).WWhen he( remmovedd )the yelllow ppaperr thaat coovereed itt he saw thatt it was globbe off thee worrld Afterr thaat hiis brrotheer gaave hhim ( annotheer ) giift IIt waas a big box ( wwrappped iin )greeen paaper jim openned iit annd foound anotther box( ccoverred

21、wwith )red papeer Hee remmovedd thee papper aand ssaw aa thiird bbox tthis one was biuee collorEveryyone laugghed ( as ) jiim oppenedd thee boxxes TTheree werre siix off theem Inn thee lasst onne hee fouund aa smaall wwhitee envveloppe Thhere was a piiece of ppaperr in the enveelopee whiich ( saiid

22、):GOO to the big bed-roomm Loook( iin )the closset nnear the highh winndow You willl seee thrree ssuitccasess a bblackk onee a bbrownn onee andd a ggray one Yourr birrthdaay prresennt iss in one of tthesee Jim( wwent in ) thhe laarge bedrroom. He wentt to the closset tto thhe cllosett andd beggan( o

23、penning )thhe suuitcaases He hhad tto oppen aall oof thhem ( bbeforre ) he ssaw hhis bbrothhers prresennt Hee wass verry haappy It WWas jjust whatt Jimm Wannted-a poortabble ttypewwriteer1.A birtthdayy of jim BB Jiim biirthdday C jjims biirthdday D jjim-bbirthh-dayy2.A AT B awway wwith C bacck foorm

24、 DD frrom 3.A in B BY C withh DD off 4.A mosst B somme C manyy DD muchh 5.A the packkagess B pacckagees C the packkage D paackagge6.A IS B aare C wwas D werre7.A waas B weere C hadd beeen D havee beeen8A ciirclee B aarounnd C rounnd D rinng 9A hhad bbeen BB waas CC weere D woulld bee 10A hhadnt beee

25、n B wwouldd nott be C wereent DD waas noot 11A reemoveed B toool ouut CC toook ooff D ttook awayy 12A tthe pptherr B ootherr C aan otther D aanothher13A ccoverring withh B eenvellopinng C wwrappped iin D wwrappped bby 14A wwrappping in BB cooveriing iin C ccoverred wwith D enveelop in 15 1617A att B

26、 in C forr D arroundd 18A weent tto B ccame out CC weent in D camee to19 A oppen BB oppeninng C closse D cllosinng 20 A unnlesss B aafterr CC unntil DD befoore3完型填填空 It wwas aan eaarly mornning in ssummeer. IIn thhe sttreetss sleeep-eeyed peopple wwere moviing qquickkly. Headiing ttowardss theeir( j

27、obss ).thiis waas thhe beeginnning of aanothher ( orddinarry )day in tthe NNew Yoork ccity ( butt )thiss dayy wass of be ddiffeerentt. WWaitiing( aboove )the crowwded streeets, on ttop oof ( buuildiing )110 storres hiigh wwas PPhiliippe Petitt. Thiss darring Frennch mman wwas aaboutt to( wallk )a ti

28、ghhtroppe beetweeen thhe twwo toowerss of the worlld trrade centter. PPhiliippe tookk hiss firrst( sttep )withh greeat ccare. The wiree helld. NNow hhe waas( suree )he ccouldd do it,( witth )onlyy a bbalanncingg polle. PPhiliippe walkked hhis wway aacrosss, aa( diistannce )of 1131 ffeet. SSoon the r

29、ushh-houur,( crrowdss )begaan too nottice .whaat a (wondder ), Thhere,13500 feeet abbove the streeet, a ( tiny)figuure wwas wwalkiing oon aiir. PPhiliippe madee sevven ( tripps )backk andd forrth. He wwasriit saatisffied. With justt (walkking). Att timmes, he wwouldd turrn ,ssit ddown and ( evenn)go

30、 oon hiis knnees oncee.He haad thhe asstoniishinng ( couuragee )to llie ddown on tthe tthreaad. AAnd tthoussandss of ( tterriifiedd )watccherss staared withh theeir hheartts faast.Afterr thee forrty-ffive-minuute ( shhow ) phillippe was takeen too thee pollice stattion. He was askeed( why )he ddid i

31、it. PPhiliippe shruuggedd andd saiid! WWhen I seee taall bbuildding I waalk.4完型填填空 Whhen HHenryy Aliien ccame homee 1 thee offfice 2 he saw a noote 3 hhis wwife on tthe kkitchhen ttable .Henrry thhe noote 4 my mothher iisnt weell aand II 5 hoome 6 herr forr a ffew ddays teree aree 77 thiings thatt o

32、ugght tto 8 whiile IIm awway Fiirst takee youur bllue ccoat to tthe ddry 99 annd leeave yourr shiirts at tthe llaunddry AAt thhe saame ttime woulld yoou plleasee stoop att thee shooe reepaorrmans annd 100 mmy brrown shoess?Andd go to tthe ssuoerrmarkket aand gget 111 cofffee . millk annd buutterr Wh

33、hen yyou gget hhome pleaase ttelepphonee Marry Biickfoord aand ttell her wont bee ablle too go to hher ppartyy tommorroow evveninng teell hher wwhy II cannt 12 Theere aare tthreee thiings thatt 113 beffore you go tto woork ttomorrrow mornning leavve a notee forr millkmann 14 jusst onne quuart of mmi

34、lk nnot ttwo, putt thee garrbagee 15 thhe baackyaard ggive the dog someethinng too eatt If you havee on Saturrday cut the grasss Doont foorgett thee fraass iin thhe baackyaard tthe nnewsppaperr boyy willl coome 166 Saturrday afteernoonn Be suree 17 him moneey I tthinkk thaats alll Ill ttelepphonee t

35、hiis evveninng annd 188 youu knoow hoow mootherr is ;LOVVE ALLICE Heenry lookked OOut tthe wwindoow 199 thee graass AAlicee wannted him cut His had askeed hiim too do manyy thiings He hhopedd her mootherr 20 wwell veryy quiicklyy 第一Aoutt of B backk C froom D iinsteesd oof 第二空 A laast nnightt Thuursd

36、aay B laast TThurssday nighht C Thhunrssday lastt nigght D Thhursdday nnightt lasst1閱讀理理解 A mman oon a lineely iislannd caan acct ass he likees beecausse haas noo onee to conssiderr exccept himsself But whenn Robbinsoon Crrusoee disscoveered foottprinnts iin thhe saand hhe coould no llongeer acct pr

37、recissely as bbeforre Hee hadd to thinnk off thee exiistennce oof a comaanionn andd thee posssiblle efffectt of his actiions uponn a sseconnd peersonn .Twwo peeoelee thuus suuddennly bbrougght fface to fface can not ignoore eeach otheer Eiitherr onee musst ovvercoome tthe ootherr or theyy musst arrr

38、ivee at somee forrm off coeexisttenceeIn thhe laatterr eveent tthey havee firrst tto coonvinnce eeach otheer off theeir ffrienndly inteentioons. Whenn a mman ccomess upoon a tribbe whhose langguage hhe dooes nnot kknow. he wwill nod smille. makee friiendlly geesturres aand pperhaaps ssend themm smaa

39、ll ggifts If tthesee offfers are succcessfful tthe ttribeesmenn willl taake hhim tto thheir villlage and brinng hiim foood aand ddrinkk Morreoveer thhe arrrivaal off an impoortannt biisitoor iss sommethiing oout oof thhe orr dinnary So aas ann ansswer to tthe ffeeliing tthat theiir guuest shouuld bb

40、e trreateed ass welll ass theey caan soomethhing bettter tthan the or ddinarry foood wwill be pproviided and the meall follloweed byy sinngingg andd danncingg Thee hosst wiishess to makee hiss gueest ffeel at hhome the guesst too shoow thhankss of the kinddnesss he has receeivedd Uestiions of ggood

41、behaaviorr andd connsideeratiion ffor ootherrs maaybe havee ariisen in oone fform or aanothher ssincee soccial lifee beggan bbecauuse ssociaal liife iis immposssiblee if eachh perrson thinnks oonly of hhimseelf If meen arre too livve toogethher iin a commmunitty thhey mmust as aa meaasuree of commmo

42、n ssensee andd in the inteerestt of all acceept aa cerrtainn nummber of rrules and convventiions Suchh agrreemeent iis moore tthan eveer neceessarry Chhaos may resuult wwhen fourr peoople playy briidge accoordinng too widdely diffferennt coonvenntionns Thhe saame iis trrue oof soociall liffe 1.A mma

43、n oon a loneely iislannd caan acct ass he likee beccausee .2 Twoo strrangeers wwill neveer geet allong welll unlless .3.If you meett a ttribee whoose llanguuage you dont knnow yyou ccan oofferr alll folllowiings EXCEEPT4. Thhe arrrivaal off an impoortannt viisitoor iss sommethiing oout oof thhe orrd

44、inaary sso thhey wwill 5. Iff youu wannt too livve weell iin a commmunitty A noo onee carres ffor hhim B no oone ffeelss it neceessarry too worrry aaboutt himm C hee feeels iit neecesssary to ttake caree of himsself D hee feeels iit unnneceessarry too connsideer ottherss 2閱讀理理解 Maannerrs arre immpor

45、ttant to hhappyy rellatioons aamongg peoople. Eveeryonne liikes a peersonn witth goood mmanneers .NO oone llikess a ppersoon wiith bbad mmanneers. But whatt aree goood maannerrs? HHow ddoes one knoww to do aand wwhat not to ddo? WWell heree aree somme exxamplles A perrson withh goood maannerrs neeve

46、r laugghs aat peeoplee wheen thhey aare iin trroublle. iinsteead hhe trries to hhelp themm. hee is alwaays kkind to ootherrs Whhen ppeoplle arre waaitinng foor a bus, he takees hiis tuurn HHe dooes nnot ppush to tthe ffrontt of the linee on the bus. he givees hiis seeat tto ann oldder ppersoon orr a

47、 ppersoon wiith aa verry yooung chilld. IIf hee knoocks intoo sommeonee or getss in his way heavvys EExcusse mee of Im soorry He sayss Pleease whenn he askss forr sommethiing aand TThankk youu wheen hee recceivees soomethhing .He stannds uup whhen hhe iss speeaking to aan ollder persson aand hhe doo

48、es nnot ssit ddown. unttil tthe ootherr perrson takees hiis seeat. He ddoes not inteerruppt otther peopple wwhen theyy aree tallkingg.He doess nott tallk tooo muuch, He ddoes not talkk louudly or llaughh louudly in ppubliic WhhenHe iss eatting he ddoes not speaak wiith hhis ,out fulll of foodd. Hee

49、usees haandkeerchiief wwhen he ssneezzes oor cooughss, Hee doees noot sppit iin puublicc ASS a sstudeent iit iss a bbad mmanneer too comme laate tto cllass If yyou aare yyou sshoulld maake aan appologgy too thee teaacherr eitther at ttime of aafterr thee claass. It iis allso aa badd mannner to kkeep

50、 sileent wwhen the teaccher askss youu a qquesttion. If you do nnot kknow the answwer ssay sso immmediiatelly. IIf yoou doo knoow annswerr in a looud eenouggh vooice so tthat all the classsmatte heear. It iis poolitee forr thee stuudentts too hellp thhe teeacheer. SSomettimess stuudentts caan heelp

51、ttheirr teaacherrs too cleean tthe bblackkboarrd too cloose oor oppen tthe ddoor or wwindoows. Someetimees thhere are papeers tto coollecct orr to handd outt Thiis kiind oof heelp iis allwayss Apppreciiatedd Iddeas of wwhat are goodd mannnerss aree nott alwways the samee in diffferennt coountrries,

52、Butt in all counntriees itt is impoortannt too be kindd andd hellpfull Quuestiionpersoon wiith ggood mannners is ppopullar wwith otheers bbecauuse A perrson withh goood maannerrs wiill thhose in ttroubble When you are withh an old man you shouuld ddo alll thhe foollowwing exceept Whicee of the folll

53、owinng iss NOTT prooper for a sttudennt wiith ggood mannners to ddo ?Youdd bettter keepp in mindd thaat 第二空A .feeel ssorryy forr B. lauugh aat C .ffeel it ddiffiicultt to helpp DD .doo whaateveer hee cann do helpp 第三空standding up wwhen you havee a ttalk withh himmgivinng yoour sseat to hhim oon thhe

54、 buus interrrupttong tim if hhe taalks too muchh showiing ttour resppect to hhim第四A . mmakinng noo souund aall tthe iin cllassB. coomingg to schoool oon tiime C . DDoingg youur beest tto heelp tthe tteachher D. Annswerring the quesstionns inn a lloud voicce too makke hiim heeard第五A youu cann actt as you likee in any counntryB.youu cann actt in the samee wayy eveen inn difffereent ccounttriessC.peoo


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