1、B初試試題)2011 入科目代碼: 科目名稱: 翻英滿分: 分B初試試題)2011 入科目代碼: 科目名稱: 翻英滿分: 分I.VocabularyandStructureDirections: Each of the following senten has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases marked A), B), C) and D). You are to choose the ONE word or phrase which, if substitute
2、d for the underlined word or phrase, would hest keep the meaning of the original sentence.heMesozoicperiod,theupwardthrustofgreatrockmassescreatedtheRockyMountainandthe)C) D) Theambassador wasgiventhe bookasa tokenofernmentsregardforB) aC)a D)anGrandmaMoses,apopularer,spentherlifeinatranquillittlefa
3、rmingaB) a C)a D)aTheflowerbudofawaterlilyopensatsunsetsinceitsopeningistriggeredbythedecreasedB) C) set D) ypeoplerelyonsciencetogainanunderstandingofbiologicalheC)Alegendisapopular storyrootedinhistory,butwhichhasbeentheof beingB) C)D)7. The represenive was asked to verify his earr sB) withdrawC)
4、D)8.Thenursingvocation,asweknowittoday,obeingatthebeginningofthisA) B)psychology D)Inorderto8.Thenursingvocation,asweknowittoday,obeingatthebeginningofthisA) B)psychology D)InordertoainphysicalB) unbearable D) rsonshouldeatwholesomefoodandgetsufficient10. Becauseitwithstandstheeffectsofhightemperatu
5、res,rheniumisavaluableingredientincertainA)C) B)D)he ancientcivilizationof GreeceandRome,derwas vedtobe a ionof the wraththeA) C)B)D) I was soC)y tIdidnthearthedoorbellB)D) 13.Whenhe wasa student,hisfather gave hima monthlytocover hisA)C)B)D) ProfessorndProfessorBrownwillingivingtheclassB)D)alternat
6、e D)15. The oxygenequipmentmade siblefortheclimberstorestandsleepatveryhighA) C) B)D) 16. The odied young employees were specific production or managerial tasks under fixedA) designed B)C)resigned D) 17. We stoelligenceandhardA) C) B)D)IdontreallyknowC)tHes justa(n) B)D)19. Even 30 years later, he s
7、till thememoryof his happyand care-freechildhoodwoodenhouseofhishat A)C)B)D)20.Peoplewhorefuse towith19. Even 30 years later, he still thememoryof his happyand care-freechildhoodwoodenhouseofhishat A)C)B)D)20.Peoplewhorefuse towiththelawwillbeA) C)B)D)Petrolismanufacturedfromtheoilwetake outofthe A)
8、C) B) D) 1this is attempttodiscredittheirA) aB) a C) D) aThe cookedmeals consistof meat, vegetables,and sometimeswhichare allarrangedona A)C)B)D) 24. Methods ofearlycancerhavebeenimprovedduringthepastquarterA) C)B) D)25. The woman peered through the window glass, tryingto whowas standing dimnder A)C
9、)B)D) 26.Before movingtoanothercity,Brendaofthehouse andtheA) C)B) D)tbooklookslike anadvancedtexttoA)C)B)D)28. SheonceagainwentthroughheritioncarefullytoallspellingmistakesfromA) B)C) D)ThetutorialsystematOxfordandCambridgeisthe-ofmanyjealousy B)C) D)Issac Newtonmade noefforttohisdiscoveriesortogat
10、herfameorrewardbypublishingC) D)ThetutorialsystematOxfordandCambridgeisthe-ofmanyjealousy B)C) D)Issac Newtonmade noefforttohisdiscoveriesortogatherfameorrewardbypublishingB)C)D) II.ReadingPart One: There are 3 his part. Each passage is followed by some questions unfinished ements. For each of them
11、there are four marked A , B , C D.Readthepassagesandthen decideonthebestchoice.PassageIt was once t being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to . While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being concerning the appetite and how it is controlled by b
12、oth emotional and biochemical factors. Some of s of these studies may give o how to deal with weight problems. For le, dredpeoplewereaskedabouttheireatingimesofstress,44percentsaidtheyreactedstressfulsituationsbyeating.Furtherinvestigationswithbothhumansandanimalst it isnot whichves butrathertheacto
13、fA test in which subjects were blindfolded t obese people have a keener sense of taste cravemore flavorfuln non-obese people. Whendeprived of the variety ensity of tastes, peopleare not satisfiedandconsequently eatmore tofulfill thisneed. Blood lestaken from peoplen increase in blood theywere shown
14、a picture of food t overweight people reacted achemicaltedppetite.Thisdidppentoaverage-weightInanotherexperiment,resultstcertainpeoplehaveaspecific,biologicallygercarbohydrate. Eating carbohydrate raises the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. serotoninasenseofsatiation,gerforExerci
15、se has mended as an important part of a weight-loss program. However, s tmildexercise,suchasusingthestairsinsteadoftheelevator,ishelongntakingastrenuousprogram,suchasjogging,andwhichalsoincreasesanypeoplefinddifficulttocontinueoverlongperiodsofItcanbeinferredfromthetthinpeopledonteatwhenunder 56perc
16、entofthepopulationisnt2.Accordingtothepassage,insulinA) canbeusedtolessenthecausesachemicalreactionwhenfoodisD)levelsdontchange3.Inordertoloseweight,itwouldcanbeusedtolessenthecausesachemicalreactionwhenfoodisD)levelsdontchange3.Inordertoloseweight,itwouldbeagoodideaforheavypeopletoA) jog dailyandch
17、ewoncarrot eatplentyofchewywalkupstairsandlookatpicturesof4.Whichofthefollowingexercisesmightbebestforanover-toengageinA)Anevening B)Alongbicycle5.Whatcanbesaidabout A) ItisatincreasestheB)OnlycertainpeopleproduceheirC) lsthebrainrsonisPassageThe translator ve an excellent, up-to-date knowledge of h
18、is source languages, full handling oflanguage,whichwill be hismothertongueorlanguage ofhabitual use,and aandunderstandingofthelatest subject-matter inhisfieldsoflization.This is,as itwere, hisequipment. In addition to this, it is t he should have an inquiring mind, erests, a memory and the ability t
19、o grasp quickly the basic principles of new developments. He should be willing work on his own, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to consult others should his knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He should be able to type fairly quickly and y and, he is working ma
20、inly for publication, should have n a nodding ancewith ing and proof-reading. If he is working basically as an information translator, let us say, for an industrial firm, should have the flexibility of mind to enable him to switch raly from one source language to another, as well as from one subject
21、-matter to another, since this ability is frequently required of him in such Bearing in mind the nature of the translators work, i. e. the sing of the written word, it is, speaking,theshouldbeabletospeakthe languagesheisdealingwith.Ifhedoesspeakit is an advantage is, however, n a hindrance, but this
22、 skill any ways a t he can dispense with. t he should have an approximate idea about the tion of his languages,evenifthis isrestrictedtoknowinghowpropernames andplacenamesare pronounced.Thes to an ability to write his source languages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not Therearemany
23、otherskillsandtaredesirableina6. alanguagethetranslatorisproficientthelanguageinhisfieldof heedothersgraspknowledgehaveanancewithprovethetaskin.Ifheis heedothersgraspknowledgehaveanancewithprovethetaskin.Ifheisworkingforanindustrialfirm,itisgetgetedwiththetypequicklyandsaryforthetranslator.D)getwell
24、edwith TheyneverhavethechancetospeakandwriteThisenablesthemtoworkmoreThissavesthemalotofTheyareonlyconcernedwiththewrittenWhatisnot essentialina Theabilityofspeakingthelanguageshe PassageThe field of he United es developed as a result of a l experience which had little to do with the political and i
25、deological Rather, the discipline evolved as a result of the t stimulated sociology in France and ted with the problems of an society he turmoil of industrialization and urban , it must be tfrom its beginning, sociology has had a very erest, which was characterized less by n by l reform and l work.
26、This practical he discipline has continued t there has existed something persist to the present. It has only been since World War II, American higher tcould be properlytermed a “sociologicalestablishment”ora highly academic field of study. Its major strength as an academic discipline resulted from i
27、ts empirical sophisticatedapproachtotheidentificationandsolutionofpracticalbuthighlysignificantlToday, what does the academic sociologist do? al sociologists are individuals who study teach about societies, l institutions, and the patterns of scientific discipline, sociology may be o three eraction
28、and human behavior. As ytical fields: the study of ysis; and the study of the l structure in general. Thus, the content of the expanding discipline of sociology is based upon culture and society, with emphasis placed upon the study the various types eraction and relationships which exist among indiv
29、iduals and human study of such areas as anization and anization, sociologists attempt to he and change of linstitutions and the changing nature ofhuman attitudinal and value systems. Among selected topics study of such areas as anization and anization, sociologists attempt to he and change of linsti
30、tutions and the changing nature ofhuman attitudinal and value systems. Among selected topics of investigation included within the study of sociology are changing nature of family institutional life, sexual attitudes, crime , religious values, and the entire gamut relationships in politics , many of
31、the areas which al sociologists study by their very nature, relatively familiar to many of us even though they are not clearly understood. The hypotheses of the t l life (both groupand individual behavior) is t value attitudes are learned, reinforced, and t we as individuals are, in many respects, w
32、hat consider us to beare ideas ost people now instinctively accept in order to live and function members of society. These topics, which emphasize individual and group behavior ses, then, areasofconcernforsociologyasoneofthebehavioralscienceDuring these last decades of the twentieth century, advance
33、d Western society will continue to confronted with l l he context of both individual and group behavior patterns from continued technological . The solution to the problem plaguing our complex society e, to a much greater extent, the primary responsibility of sociology, l psychology, and anthropolog
34、y, the three major academic disciplines comprising the behavioral . This trend is witnessed currently by the increasing numbers of behavioral t are being employed ernment,bybusinessandindustry,byhospitals andotheragenciesdevotedto problemsof healthcare, welfare agencies, by public educational systems, and by many other type
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