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1、Part A(i)Tricol plcFlexed BudgeetFor JunneOriginaal Buddget2,000 uunitsFlexed Budgeet1,600 uunitsActual resullts1,600 uunitsVariancceF/ADirect Materrial80,00064,00061,6002,400FDirect Labouur36,00028,80035,2006,400AVariablle Prooductiion Ovverheaads4,0003,2003,2000Insurannce Coosts2,2002,2002,400200A

2、Depreciiationn15,0001,5001,5000Rent annd Rattes2,5002,5002,5000Adminisstratiion Ovverheaads2,0002,0002,200200ATotal104,2000108,60004,400A(ii)Direct materrial ttotal variaance(standaard unnits oof acttual pproducctionstanddard pprice) (acttual qquantiityactuaal priice)(4kg11600)10 616000= 640000 6160

3、00=2400 ( F )The ratte forr direect maateriaal tottal vaariancces iss 2,4000/ 64,0000100%=3.75%3%Direct materrial pprice variaance actuual quuantitty( staandardd pricceacttual pprice) =56000kg( 100- 111) =56000kg1 =56000 (A)The ratte of direcct matteriall pricce varriancee is 5,6000/ 64,0000100%=8.7

4、5%3%Direct materrial uusage variaance stanndard pricee(stanndard unitss of aactuall prodductioon-acttual uunits) =100(4kg1600-5600kkg) =100800kgg =80000 (FF) The rate of diirect materrial uusage variaance iis 8,0000/ 64,0000100%=12.5%3%Note: WWhen aaddingg the pricee and usagee variiancess the resul

5、lt musst equual thhe tottal vaariancce. Thherefoore, 5600(A) (pprice)80000(F) (usagge) = 24000(F) (totall).Direct labouur tottal vaariancce ( staandardd hourrs of actuaal prooductiionstanddard rrate pph) (actuual hooursactuaal rate ph) (2h1600)9 (35220h10) =(32000h9)352000 =288800 352000 =64000(A)Th

6、e ratte of direttc labbour vvariannce iss 64000/288000100%=22.2%3%Direct labouur ratte varriancee actuaal houurs( staandardd ratee phaactuall ratee ph) 3520hh(910) =35200h1 =35220(A)The ratte of direcct labbour rrate vvariannce iss 3,5220/ 28,8800100%=12.2%3%Direct labouur effficienncy vaariancce st

7、anddard rrate pph ( staandardd hourrs of actuaal prooductiion actuaal houurs) 922h16003520hh =9(3200hh35200h) =93320h =28880(A)The ratte of direcct labbour eefficiiency variaance iis 2,8880/ 28,0000100%=10%33%Note: WWhen aaddingg ratee and efficciencyy variiancess the resullt musst equual thhe totta

8、l vaariancce. Thherefoore, 3520(A) (rrate)28800(A) (efficciencyy) = 6400(A) (ttotal).Overheaad tottal vaariancce (stanndard insurrance costactuaal inssurancce cosst)(sstandaard addminisstratiion overhheadsactuaal admministtratioon oveerheadds) (2200024400)(2000022000) =2000(A)200(AA) =4000(A)The rat

9、te of overhhead ttotal variaance iis 400/ 4,2000100%=9.52%3%(iii)AnalysiisMateriaal varrianceeFrom thhe acttual bbudgett, we can ssee thhat thhe dirrect mmateriial tootal vvariannce iss 2,4400(F). Thee Direect maateriaal usaage vaariancce is 8,0000 (F),the Direcct matteriall pricce varriancee is (5,

10、6000)(A).The posssiblee reassons ffor maateriaal usaage vaariancces arre incclude:Use neww machhineryy.Use higgher qqualittyThe posssiblee reassons ffor maateriaal priice vaariancce:Change supplliers.Use higgher qqualitty matteriall.Loss off disccountLabour variaanceThe dirrect llabourr totaal varri

11、ancee is (6,4000) (AA) ,thhe Dirrect llabourr effiicienccy varriancee is (2,8880) (AA) andd the Direcct labbour rrate vvariannce iss(6,4400) (A). The posssiblee reasson foor dirrect llabourr effiicienccy varriancee:Lower ggrade workfforceShortagge of skillled laabor The posssiblee reasson foor dirre

12、ct llabourr ratee variianceHigher gradee workkforceesShortagge of skillled laabourOverheaad varrianceeThe tottal ovverheaad varriancee is (400)(A). The IInsuraance aand Addminisstratiion vaariancces arre (2200)(AA). Thhe tottal ovverheaad varriancee is (400)(A).The posssiblee reassons ffor ovverheaa

13、d varriancees:Using nnew maachineeryIncreassed addminisstratiion coostTo concclude a higgher-tthan-eexpectted waage seettlemment ffor prroducttion ooperattes.Difficuult trradingg condditionnsIntenseely coompetiitionRecommeendatiionAccordiing too abovve anaalysiss, we can eeasilyy undeerstannd thee o

14、rgaanizattions currrent situaation. In oorder to acchievee the lowerr costts andd highh proffit heere soome reecommeendatiions ddivideed in threee secttions whichh in cclued materrial vvariannces, labouur varriancees as well as thhe oveerheadd variiancess.The reccommenndatioon forr mateerial variaan

15、ces:Investiigate the ccheapeer matteriall.Hold a stafff traiining progrram too incrrease theirr workk effiicienccy. Negotiaate wiith cuurrentt suppplier in orrder tto achhieve lowerr pricce. The reccommenndatioon forr laboour vaariancces:Providee traiining progrram too stafff forr highher skkill oof

16、 opeeratinng thee new materrial. Consideer aboout thhe lowwer grrade llabourrThe reccommenndatioon forr overrhead variaances:try to decreease tthe addminisstratiion coost Teach tthe sttaffs scienntificcally use tthese overhhead iin ordder too makee it llongerr-usedd. Part BPaybackk periiod meethod:Y

17、ear Anuual cash flowCumulattive 0(1,000,000)(1,000,000)1160,0000 (840,0000)2160,0000 (680,0000)3320,0000 (360,0000)4320,0000 (40,0000)5(1/8 oof 3200,000)40,000 NIL 5(7/8 oof 3200,000)280,0000 240,0000 Paybacck willl takke 4 yyear 11.5monnths.Net preesent ValueeAnnualCash FllowPresentt ValuueFactorss

18、at 10PresenttValueYear 0(1,000,000)1.000(1,000,000)1160,00000.909145,44002160,00000.826132,16003320,00000.751240,32004320,00000.683218,56005320,00000.621198,7200935,2000Net Preesent Valuee(64,8000)The preemise of paaybackk periiod meethodss Identiffy alll of tthe coosts oof iniitial invesstmentt. As

19、ssume tthat tthey wwill bbe paiid noww. Findd the cash infloow forr eachh projject. Add uup cassh floows eaach yeear unntil ccost oof prooject coverred. Pickk the projeect wiith thhe shoortestt paybback pperiodd. If tthe paaybackk periiod iss onlyy one year then it shhould be coompareed witth an int

20、errnal ffigureeThe preemise of diiscounnted ccash fflow ttechniiqueUncertaainty does not eexist. Therre is no innflatiion. The approopriatte disscountt ratee to uuse iss knowwn, too avoiid unnnecesssary ccalcullationns. Whhen unndertaaking DCF qquestiions, the ddiscouunt raates hhave bbeen ccomputte

21、d foor youu, andd are givenn in tthe diiscounnt tabbles .Unlimmited fundss can be raaised at a compeetitivve ratte.Analyziing paaybackk periiod meethodAccordiing too the paybaack peeriod methood, thhe oriiginall capiital tthat tthe coompanyy inveest iss 1,0000,000 and tthere are 55 yearrs forr the c

22、ompaany too get the rreturnn thatt is tthe buudgeteed payyback periood. Accordding tto thee proggram, 4 yeaars annd 1.55 montths thhat thhe commpany will get iits alll invvestmeents. At thee lastt yearr, commpany will get tthe reeturn aboutt 280,0000. AAs a rresultt, bassed onn the periood metthod,

23、the pprojecct willl be profiitablee and is woorth tto invvest.Analyziing diiscounnted ccash fflow ttechniiqueIf the compaany usses thhe disscountted caash fllow teechniqque, aaccordding tto thee peoggram, the invvestmeent iss 1,0000,000, and the nnet prresentt valuue is 10%. The bbudgetted paaybackk

24、 periiod iss 5 yeears. Afterr 5 yeears, the NNPV foor thee projject wwill bbe -64,8000. It shoows thhat thhe retturn iis lesss thaan thee inveestmennt. It willl be the lloss oof 64,8000 to invesst thiis prooject. So thiis prooject will not bbe proofitabble annd is not wworth to innvest.Recommeendati

25、ionAccordiing too the two mmethodds, itt is nnot diifficuult too findd thatt the compaany woould bbetterr to cchoosee the paybaack peeriod methood. The coompanyy choooses ppaybacck perriod mmethodd coulld gett the profiit of 280,000 aand leess 5 yearss coulld gett the all iinvesttment. And foor thee

26、 disccounteed cassh floow tecchniquue, itt willl costt 5 yeears aand looss 64,8000 at last of thhe prooject. So, baased oon thee proffit, tthe coompanyy woulld bettter tto chooose tthe paaybackk periiod meethod.Consideeratioon of otherr facttors First, the eenviroonmentt is oone faactor that the mma

27、nageers shhould to coonsideer. Triccol maakes aa rangge of furniiture and kkitcheenwaree. It mayy makee polllute dduringg the produucing. If thee comppany ddoes nnot paay atttentioon to the eenviroonmentt, it may gget soome fiine. Technollogy iis onee facttor thhat thhe mannagerss shouuld too conssider aboutt


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