



1、文檔來源為 :從網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集整理.word 版本可編輯 .歡迎下載支持 .IntroductionThe transfer of rural surplus labor force is the main problem facing Chinasmodernization process. The contradiction between the land and the people in Chinahave become increasinglyprominent inruralareashas generateda lotof surpluslabor.Excessive rural s

2、urplus labor force will led directly to the low efficiency ofagriculturalproductionand farmersincomes,restrictingtheconstructionofa newsocialistcountrysideand urban-ruralcoordinateddevelopment.Ruralmillionrurallaborers need to be transferred, the transfer of rural surplus labor is still anarduous ta

3、sk.Tocomprehensivelypromotetheconstructionofanewsocialistcountryside, the difficulty is the transfer of rural surplus labor force, the keyis to strengthenthe trainingofrurallabor,and striveto improvethecomprehensivequality of the rural labor force, make population pressure into human resourceadvanta

4、ges,and the promotionofrurallabortonon-agriculturalindustriesand urbanorderly transfer of a fundamental solution to the three agricultural issues toachieve the harmonious development of urban and rural economic and social. literature reviewForeign research theories and perspectivesLewis model emphas

5、izes the contribution of industrial high productivity of labor transfer. Lewis created a dual economy of rural surplus labor model in hisarticleUnlimitedlaborsupplyundertheconditionsofeconomicdevelopmentpublished in 1954. 1 assume that the Lewis surplus agricultural labor was anunlimitedsupplythepro

6、ductionsectorwas Dividedintothetraditionalagriculturalsector and rural center city as the center of the modern industrial sector, labortransfer from rural to urban is caused by the transformation of the structure ofindustrial production led to the employment the structural transformation. Theaccumul

7、ation ofcapitalmade the scaleoftheindustrialsectorcontinuetoexpand,the demand for labor is also increasingly expanding, driven by the high marginalproductivityofmodern industrial,agriculturalsurpluslabortransferto theindustrialsectorConstantly.Lewissdualeconomymodelshowsthedevelopmentprocessindevelo

8、pingcountriesistheprocessofthe agriculturalsectorshrinking,industrial sector ever-expanding with the transfer of rural surplus labor.2.JohnandRanisstressedthe importancetoincreaseagriculturalproductivityfor labor transfer. In 1961, the American economist John and Ranis published animportant paper en

9、titled A theory of the economic development, on the basis ofLewiss dual economy model, the process the labor flow to the industrial sector isdivided into three stages. The first stage is similar to the Lewis model, the stateof labor is in unlimited supply; the second stage, the agricultural labor fo

10、rcecontinues to decrease and agricultural productivity continue to gain, labor supplydecreaseselasticity;inthethirdstage,theindustrialandagriculturalproductivityachievea balance,zero valueof the agriculturallaborand low the valueof labor completely disappeared, to complete the transformation from tr

11、aditionalagricultureto modern agriculture.The modelstake fullaccountoftheagriculturalself-development impact to labor transfer. Fei and Ranis that directly think thatany change in a production sector productivitymust berelatedtothesame rate of1文檔收集于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),如有不妥請(qǐng)聯(lián)系刪除.文檔來源為 :從網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集整理.word 版本可編輯 .歡迎下載支持 .st

12、rengthand qualityof technologicalrevolution,any analysisofthe growthof thelabor surplus economy, should focus on not only changes in the productivity of theindustrialsector,but also attentionthe same expansionof the agriculturalsectorat the same time.Jorgenson s doctrine of consumer demand-driven la

13、bor force transfer. In the dual economy published in 1961, Jorgenson (Dale W.Jorgenson) pointed out thattechnological advances will promote industrial and agricultural sector wage to increase, and therefore industrial and agricultural wage level is not fixed. But Jorgenson point that the wage gap is

14、 not the root cause of labor transfer. In 1967, Jorgenson presented the view of consumer demand drive labor transfer in an articleentitled surplus laborand binary economic development, the fundamental transferof rurallaboristhatconsumerdemand changes,the transferisbased on agriculturesurplus rather

15、than theexist ofthat marginal productivity is zero or greater thanzero but less than the actual income level of the labor force. People stay in theagricultural sector in order to meet the physical needs for agricultural products,with the farm products remaining, the agricultural sector will lose the

16、 tension onthe labor, so the labortransferto the industrial sector ofmore exuberant demand.(B) Domestic researchDomesticThreeRuralIssuesexpertsand scholars,theCentralPolicyResearch,Policy Research Office of the State Council, the various colleges and universitiesand provincial research institutes ha

17、ve carried out a lot of research work and theresults.1.Industrializationandeconomicdevelopmentarealwaysaccompaniedbylarge-scalerural-urban(Rural City)labormobility.Thisflowwill bringincomerises, the upgrading of industries, and ultimately to promote the modern sectordevelopment,(NongZhu, 2002).InChi

18、na,a largenumber ofruralsurpluslaborforceare tied to the limited arable land, do not treat them from rural transferred outof reasonableuse,isnotonlya wasteoflaborresources,and make thispartofthelaborforcehas become a consumptionofsocialwealth.The TenthFive-Yearperiodis the peak period of growth in t

19、he labor force in China, and for a long period oftimeinthefuture.With thecontinuedincreaseofpopulationand decreasingarableland, coupled with the advances in agricultural science and technology, Chinassurplus labor force, will also be incremented.With the Agricultural productivityleveladvancing,labor

20、requiredin thecultivatedlandwillbe greatlyreduced.Thenumber of agriculturallaborand land,capitaland otherresources compared situationno doubt there are a lot of surplus labor in the agriculture (Feng Wen, Sixue Zhao,2004)2.The transferofrurallaboristheproductofthe rapidexpansionoftheinitialstage of

21、industrialization since Chinas reform and opening up. Labor transfer issimpletransferofemployment space,thenatureoflaborforcehas notchanged,stillretains its status as farmers, to retain the land, is a not encouraged farmers toleave their homes, into the factory city part transfer of rural labor the

22、juniortransferorso-calledlaborTheonce transfer.Theoncetransferischaracterizedthatthe easterncoastaldevelopedareasarethemain inflowareasof2文檔收集于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),如有不妥請(qǐng)聯(lián)系刪除.文檔來源為 :從網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集整理.word 版本可編輯 .歡迎下載支持 .labor,laborsown levelofeducation,qualityfactors,and go outtotheemploymentstructureofthelaborforceismainlycon

23、centratedinthemanufacturingandprocessing,construction,businessservices.Theinflowoflabormobilityperformance of the economy is relatively developed areas to the most economicallydevelopedregionsand backwardregionsto economicallydevelopedareas(NaiquanLiu,2005). Rural labor force,The twicetransfer,also

24、known as the labortransferagain,refersto theruralhuman capitalinvestment,improverurallaboremployment skillsand abilities, relying on the market mechanism and policy guidance, realize rurallaborfromthelaborintensiveindustriestocapital,technologyintensiveindustryandburgeoningindustry,thirdindustrialtr

25、ansfer,occupation,identityandresidencemigrationflowconversionoccursimultaneously,lifestyleproduced simplechange,entertown and become theself-runoccupationofurban residents(JiafuChen,2004 ).3.Labor transfer will help to improve the quality of urbanization. With theacceleratedpace ofChinaseconomicrefo

26、rm,more and more farmersgetintothecitytomake a living,thefarmersofa largenumber goingtocity,largeand medium-sizedcitiesin China entereda rapidperiodofexpansioninthe1990s, Chinasurbanizationlevelrapidimproved,butthequalityofurbanizationwas worryingus(TaizengRen,Liuyan Li, 2004).(C)Reviewofresearchlit

27、eraturecontentThroughthearticleanalyzesandconsolidation about the labor transfer,I found that domestic reseaches of domesticlabor transfer analyzed mainly from the 10 aspects:(1) the status ,problems and countermeasures of the transfer of rural surpluslabor force in China; (2)thefactorofrestrictingt

28、hetransferofruralsurpluslaborforceand countermeasures;(3)industrialrestructuringand labortransfer;(4)thetransferof rurallaborintheprocessofurbanization;(5)thequalityof thepeasantson the transfer of rural surplus labor; (6) the mechanization of agriculture andrurallabortransfer;(7)Chinasinvestmentinh

29、uman capitalin ruralareasand ruralsurplus labor transfer; (8) the development of small towns and agricultural laborforcetransfer;(9)agriculturalsurpluslabortransferproblemandoutletintransition period of China; (10) use comparison of productivity to analysis thetransfer of the agricultural labor forc

30、e in China.Specifically involved content are summarized as follows:The existing problems of rural surplus labor force, the constraints of ruralsurplus labor transfer, the countermeasures of rural surplus labor force transfer.(1)thetransferpointofdepartureisnot standardized,the constraintsofthelevelo

31、fagriculturalproductivityand agriculturalburdens,andlowfarmincome.Vigorously develop small towns, the urbanization process. (2) transfer prominentspontaneous, unorganized, chaotic order. The constraints of the labor itself, thequalityofthefulluse ofagriculturalresources,developtheagriculturalpotenti

32、alemployment opportunities. (3) transfer of a single channel, directly under theinfluenceof geographicalconstraintsplustransfercosts.Strongtraining,improvethe comprehensive quality of the rural labor force. (4) the transfer of regionaldifferences,exacerbatedinter-regionalinequalityofeconomicdevelopm

33、entand3文檔收集于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),如有不妥請(qǐng)聯(lián)系刪除.文檔來源為 :從網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集整理 .word 版本可編輯 .歡迎下載支持 .income. Shortage of funds constraints. Deepen institutional innovation, and ensuretheeffectivetransferofagriculturallabor.(5) ruralsurplus laborforcedispersed,theway transfer biased,the developmentoftownshipenterprisesdidnotcorrespondwith

34、thecapacityofruralsurpluslaborforce.Vigorouslypromotetheindustrializationofagriculture.(6)socialenvironmentalconstraintsofthetransferprocess.Consolidationanddevelopmentoftownshipenterprises.(7)transferredcities grimemployment situation.Establishand improvea unifiedlabormarket. (8) to accelerate the

35、development of tertiary industry. (9) active in the organized inter-provincial and cross international labor output. Research summary of the transfer of rural laborDomestic research on the transfer of rural labor, mostly in reference based onmodels the combination of the actual situation of China to

36、 make some improvementstoobtainusefulinspiration.Emergedasagrowingtrendforthetransferofagricultural labor from the depth and breadth of view. The transfer of rural laborissues related to motivation, implementation and development, covering economicdevelopment, economic progress, institutional change

37、, industrial change and otherfactors.Theiroverallcharacteristicscan be summarized as follows:more on transferproblems, less on study for the transfer of rural labor regional contribution andcontribution to the development of farmers and farmers; more on countermeasureresearch , less to meet farmers

38、to develop; characteristic digital significant ofrural labor transfer are more qualitative research, quantitative research is less;multi-referencestatistics,and the scopeofthe study ismainly concentratedin thedevelopedcoastalareas;more contributionto the regiontherurallaborforceintoand less on rural

39、 labor outflow region.Although influencefactorsof laborTransferhas been comprehensive,because ourcountryis at the dual socialand economic transitionperiod,we shouldcloseconnection with Chinas labor transfer status and the problems to expand the scopeof the study, and deepen the impact of various factors research.Study regarded thefocuson therurallaborforceforthetransferofrurallaborissues asthedeterminantspowerofagriculturalproductionandeconomicdevelopment ,its total growth, sector allocation, the overall level of quality andtheuse ofreasonable have closerelati


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