1、PAGE 1Page PAGE 19 of 9TENANCY AGREEMENTThis TENANCY AGREEMENT is made this _day of _, 2008 between the Landlord Mr. _ (hereinafter referred to as the “Landlord” or Party A) and the Tenant _ Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant” or Party B); andWHEREASS the LLandloord aggrees to l
2、let annd thee Tenaant aggrees to taake thhe leaase off premmise llocateed on _ in acccordaance wwith tthe teerms aand coonditiions ccontaiined iin thiis Agrreemennt; andTHEREFOORE itt is mmutuallly aggreed by annd bettween the PPartiees as folloows:Party AA (Lanndlordd): Mrr. Addresss:Telephoone:Fac
3、simmile:Party BB (Tennant): Occupaants:Mr./MMrs.Addresss: Telephhone:Facsimmile:TENANCYYParty AA ownss all residdentiaal Flat llocateed andd ereccted oon _ (hereiinafteer refferredd to aas thee “Flaat”) and tthereffore hhas thhe fulll rigght too disppose tthe Fllat. A coppy of the RReal EEstatee Own
4、eershipp Certtificaate (AAttachhment I) isssued by thhe _ RReal EEstatee and Land Adminnistraation authoority showinng thaat Parrty A is thhe leggal owwner oof thee Flatt shalll be aattachhed too as aa partt of tthis AAgreemment. Both Paartiess agreee thaat thee Flat sshall incluude alll furrniturre
5、, fixttures and ffittinngs inn the Flat. A liist off all the ffurnitture, fixttures and ffittinngs (AAttachhment II) sshall be atttacheed to as a part of thhis Aggreemeent.The Parrties agreee to ccount, checck andd agreee on all iitems of thhe Flaat conntaineed in Attacchmentt II uupon ssinginng of
6、this Agreeement. Paarty AA reprresentts andd guarranteees thaat the Flaat shaall bee cleaan, teenantaable aand frree frrom anny andd all encummbrancces inn any manneer wheen it is leeased to Paarty BB; Party AA shalll havve no outsttandinng billls foor utiilitiees chaarges such as ttelephhone, elect
7、tricitty, waater, gas, etc. on thhe Flaat at thhe commmenceement date of thhis Aggreemeent; Party AA shalll proovide Partyy B wiith a compllete rright of coontinuuous aand noon-intterrupption occuppancy of thhe Flaat durring tthe liifetimme of this Agreeement; and1.4Parrty A furthher reepreseents aa
8、nd guuaranttees tthat iin casse theere iss any claimm arissen ouut of or reelatedd to tthe Fllat at thhe datte of commeencemeent off thiss Agreeementt Partty A sshall fullyy comppensatte Parrty B for aany annd alll costts andd expeenses incurrred bby Parrty B thereein. TERM, EEXPIRAATION AND TTERMIN
9、NATIONN OF TTENANCCYTermThe Parrties agreee thatt Flatt is herreby lleasedd for a terrm of _ yearss, commmenciing onn _, 2008 and expirring oon _, 200_.ExpirattionUpon exxpirattion oof thiis Agrreemennt, Paarty AA shalll be entittled tto takke bacck thee Flatt in ffull, and PParty B shaall deeliverr
10、 the Flat iin fulll on the ddate oof exppiratiion. TerminaationParty BB may termiinate this Agreeement by giiving a priior twwo-monnths writtten nootice to Paarty AA or ppayingg an aamountt equiivalennt to two-mmonths renntal tto Parrty A in liieu off notiice. RENTAL AND PPAYMENNT TERRMS Thhe rennta
11、l ffor thhe Flat iis _ only per mmonth This reental amounnt inccludess all propeerty ffees, relaated ttaxes and cchargees, buut is excluusive of chhargess on uutilitties (waterr, gass, eleectriccity, etc.) and of tellephonne feee, whiich shhall bbe borrn by Partyy B.The renntal shaall bee paidd in a
12、advancce on a quaarterlly bassis. PParty B shaall maake itts renntal ppaymennt beffore tthe fiirst ccalenddar daay of each and eevery threee-montth payyable to thhe folllowinng:Party AAs opeening bank:Accountt namee:Accountt numbber:Party AA shalll delliver an offficiaally vvalid receiipt too Partty
13、 B ffor eaach annd eveery paaymentt madee by PParty B witthin 77 dayss afteer recceivinng eacch andd everry renntal payyment.Any andd all otherr fee, charrges aand/orr taxees ariisen oout off and relatted too thiss Agreeementt inclludingg but not llimiteed to the pproperrty taax andd renttal taax, w
14、hhich PParty A is requiired tto payy in aaccorddance with the rrelevaant Keenyan laws and rregulaationss shalll be paid solelly by Partyy A.Party AA agreees too indeemnifyy Partty B aand too holdd Partty B hharmleess aggainstt any claimm madee or mmight be maade wiith reespectt to ffees, chargges, a
15、and/orr taxees by any tthird partyy in rrelatiion too the rent underr thiss Agreemment. The renntal cannnot bbe inccreaseed durring tthe teerm off thiss Tenaancy AAgreemment.DEPOSITT4.1Parrty B agreees to pay aa depoosit oof _ only equalling tto onee-montth renntal (hereiinafteer refferredd to aas t
16、hee “Depposit”) to PParty A witthin _ dayys upoon siggning of thhis Teenancyy Agreeementt. Thhe Deposiit shaall bee payaable iinto tthe acccountt desiignateed by Partyy A. Upon expirrationn or tterminnationn of tthis AAgreemment aand noo reneewal hhappenns, Paarty AA shalll retturn tthe Deposiit in
17、full to Paarty BB withhout aany innteresst witthin 115 dayys beffore tthe exxpirattion oor terrminattion oof thiis Agrreemennt.RESPONSSIBILIITIES OF PAARTY BB5.1Parrty B shalll pay the RRentall, Deposiit andd utillitiess charrges aas sett out in thhis Aggreemeent onn timee. Faiilure to maake reental
18、 paymeent annd/or the rrelateed chaarges shalll consstitutte a bbreachh of tthis Agrreemennt.5.2Durring tthe teerm off thiss Agreeementt, Parrty B shalll takee a goodd caree of aand bee respponsibble foor maiintainning tthe Fllat inn a goood coonditiion. Partyy B shhall aalso mmaintaain a good condi
19、ition of thhe garrdens and ffencess (if any) surrooundinng thee Flatt and shalll not make any nnuisannce orr annooyancee to tthe neeighboors orr be injjuriouus or detriimentaal to the ggood rreputaation of thhe Lanndlordd. 5.3Upoon exppiratiion orr termminatiion off thiss Agreeementt, Parrty B shall
20、l deliiver tthe Fllat baack too Partty A iin fulll, toogetheer witth thee furnnituree, fixxturess and fittiings tthereiin, exxcept for ffair wwear aand teear duuring the tterm oof thiis Agrreemennt.5.4Durring tthe teerm off thiss Agreeementt, Parrty B shalll not sub-llet thhe Flaat, exceept unnder t
21、the siituatiion inn Artiicle 77.2 off thiss Agreeementt, withoout fiirst oobtainning tthe prrior wwritteen connsent of thhe othher Paarty, whichh conssent sshall not bbe unrreasonnably withhheld, denieed or delayyed.5.5Durring tthe teerm off thiss Agreeementt, Parrty B shalll not erectt, insstall or
22、 reemove any ffixturres orr parttitionning, or maake anny strructurral addditioons annd/or alterrnatioons wiithoutt the priorr writtten cconsennt of Partyy A, wwhich conseent shhall nnot bee unreeasonaably wwithheeld.5.6Durring tthe teerm off thiss Agreeementt, Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for
23、any ccosts/expennses ffor reeplaceement of, oor makking ggood rrepairr of, or reestoriing alll thoose fuurnituure, ffixturres annd fitttingss thatt are brokeen, daamagedd or ddestrooyed, exceppt forr fairr wearr and tear.Party BB shalll be respoonsiblle forr all costss/expeenses of reepair on daamag
24、ess on wwalls, ceillings, flooors, wwindowws andd doorrs in the FFlat ddue too Partty Bss neglligencce or willfful miiscondduct, exceppt forr fairr wearr and tear.5.8Durring tthe teerm off thiss Agreeementt, Partty B sshall only be alllowedd to uuse thhe Flaat forr perssonal residdentiaal purrpose e
25、xceppt Parrty B obtaiins a writtten coonsentt fromm Partty A ffor annotherr usagge of the FFlat.Party BB shalll alllow Paarty AA and/or itts autthorizzed reepreseentatiive(s) undeer reaasonabble ciircumsstancees to enterr and view the FFlat aat a mmutuallly aggreeabble tiime, tto entter annd carrry
26、ouut thee struucturaal worrk andd to reepair electtricall circcuits, wateer pippes annd draains, whichh are neecessaary too be ddone, proviided PParty B recceivess a prrior ooral oor wriitten noticce froom Parrty A. RESPONSSIBILIITIES OF PAARTY AA6.1Parrty A shalll pay any aand alll deeed andd othee
27、r rellated taxess/feess, inccludinng butt not limitting tto Groound RRent (if anny), sstamp duty, the unimpprovedd sitee valuue taxx togeether with all iincreaases iin sitte vallue taax andd landd rentt/fee, ratees, taaxes, chargges, ooutgoiings, impossitionns andd asseessmennts, wwhich now oor mayy
28、 hereeinaftter immposedd or aassesssed byy the respeectivee authhoritiies inn resppect oof or arisiing inn connnectioon witth thiis Agrreemennt aftter thhe commmenceement of thhis Aggreemeent. Party AA guarranteees thaat thee Flatt shalll be mmade ffully availlable for ooccupaation at thhe commmence
29、ement date of thhis Aggreemeent. Partyy A asssuress thatt the Flat sshall be cllean aand teenantaable wwith aall seervicees andd suppplied appliiancess in ggood wworkinng ordder annd to keep the sstructture rroof aand thhe outtside of thhe Flaat in a goood connditioon witth welll reppairedd and pain
30、tted whhere nnecesssary.Party AA shalll nott visiit, innterruupt orr otheerwisee enteer intto thee Flatt duriing thhe terrm of this Agreeement unlesss Parrty A underr reassonablle andd neceessaryy circcumstaances sendss a nootice to annd recceivess conssent ffrom PParty B, inn ordeer forr Partty B t
31、to posssess and eenjoy quiett and peaceeful FFlat.Party AA shalll be respoonsiblle forr mainntainiing alll kinnds off furnnituree, equuipmennt andd fixttures in thhe Flaat, the carriiagewaays, ccar paarkingg areaas, paaths aand feences surrooundinng thee Flatt and for kkeepinng awaay froom pottholes
32、s, exccept wwhen tthe daamagess are made due tto Party BBs neegligeence oor willlful miscoonductts. Party AA ensuures tthat oon thee commmencemment ddate oof thiis Agrreemennt all aadequaate seecuritty andd firee prevventioon andd otheer rellated serviices sshall be suufficiientlyy provvided and tth
33、at aall ellectriicity, wateer, gaas, teelecommmuniccationns, seewage systeem andd otheer pubblic uutilitties aand seervicees havve beeen prooperlyy insttalledd on tthe Fllat soo as tto serrve Paarty BBs inntendeed usee of tthe Fllat inn a maanner necesssary, suffficiennt andd convveniennt. PParty A
34、shaall att its expennses aarrangge forr the proviision to Paarty BB the abovee utillitiess servvices on a contiinuouss and unintterruppted bbasis. Party AA shalll be respoonsiblle forr repaair inn accoordancce witth thiis Agrreemennt reaasonabble weear annd teaar andd thosse faccilitiies whhich aare
35、 thhe ressponsiibilitty of Partyy A. Paarty AA is nnot peermittted too takee backk the Flat dduringg the term of thhis Aggreemeent wiithoutt reasson.ASSIGNMMENT OOR SUBBLETTIING7.1Durring tthe teerm off thiss Agreeementt, neiither Partyy may assiggn, trransfeer or sell any oof itss righhts annd/or o
36、bliggationns undder thhis Aggreemeent wiithoutt firsst obttaininng thee prioor wriitten conseent off the otherr Partty, whhich cconsennt shaall noot be unreaasonabbly wiithhelld, deenied or deelayedd. 7.2Nottwithsstandiing thhe aboove paaragraaph, tthe Paartiess acknnowleddge thhat thhe Flaat is lea
37、seed by Partyy B foor thee resiidencee of eemployyees oof Parrty Bs or Partyy Bs affilliatedd entiities and tthat oone emmployeee of Partyy B orr its affilliatedd entiities may mmove oout annd be replaaced bby anoother emplooyee iin takking ooccupaancy aand reesidenncy off the Flat. The Partiies agg
38、ree tthat uunder such a cirrcumsttance, the replaacemennt of residdent eemployyees oof Parrty B or itts afffiliatted enntitiees in the FFlat sshall not cconstiitute an asssignmment oof Parrty Bs rigghts oor subblet oof thee Flatt and shalll not requiire coonsentt fromm Partty A. Howeveer Parrty B sh
39、alll provvide aa writtten llist oof neww occuupantss withh Partty A wwhen ssuch aa repllacemeent haappenss. 8.BREAACH OFF AGREEEMENTTSubjectt to AArticlle 9 of tthis AAgreemment aand unnless otherrwise proviided in tthis AAgreemment, if onne Parrty faails tto perrform any oof itss obliigatioons unnd
40、er tthis AAgreemment, it iss in bbreachh of aagreemment aand thhe breeachinng parrty shhall ttake aany annd alll respponsibbilityy of ccompennsatioon to the iinnoceent paarty. In casse Parrty B delayys to pay tthe Reental for uup to 30 daays, PParty A shaall giive a warniing nootice to Paarty BB for
41、 a graace peeriod of 300 dayss. Inn casee Partty B ppays tthe Reental withiin thee 30 dayys, Paarty AA shalll conntinuee to kkeep tthis AAgreemment vvalid. In case Partyy B sttill ffails to paay thee Renttal duue witthin tthese 30 dayys, Paarty AA is eentitlled too termminatee thiss Agreeementt and
42、claimm for compeensatiion off the damagges duue to Partyy Bs breacch of this Agreeement.9.FORCCE MAJJEURE If thee Flatt is subbstanttiallyy desttroyedd or ddamageed by fire, bad weathher, wwar, fforce majorr, or otherr causses beeyond the ccontrool of Partyy A annd nott attrributaable ddirecttly orr
43、 indiirectlly to the nnegliggence or maalice of Paarty BB or aare ottherwiise reendereed unffit foor usee or ooccupaation, the rent shalll ceasse to be paayablee fromm the date the FFlat bbecomees unffit foor usee or ooccupaation untill the Flat sshall againn be rrenderred acccessiible aand fiit for
44、r use, howeever, that the PParty A shaall bee undeer no obliggationn to rrepairr the Flat, when in Paarty AAs oppinionn, it is noot reaasonabbly orr econnomicaally oor praacticaally tto do so. IIf succh an eventt occuurs, PParty A shaall giive a writtten nootice to Paarty BB, andd the depossit paaid
45、 annd rennt preepaid by Paarty BB shalll be returrned iin fulll witthin 110 dayys of said noticce.10. INNSURANNCEParty A shaall bee respponsibble foor purrchasiing poolicy on prropertty inssurancce and oother relevvant iinsuraances in ann amouunt whhich sshall equall no lless tthan tthe fuull reepla
46、ceement valuee of tthe Fllat aggainstt losss or ddamagee by ffire aand otther hhazardds witthin tthe cooveragge of a staandardd formm of ffire aand exxtendeed covveragee poliicy for tthe Fllat.Party BB shalll be respoonsiblle forr purchhasingg poliicy too insuure alll objjects ownedd by ooccupaants
47、iin thee Flatt.11.REPPRESENNTATIOONThe Paartiess agreee thaat forr the purpoose off this Agreeement, eithher Paarty iis enttitledd to aappoinnt onee or mmore aauthorrized repreesentaativess to pperforrm hiss/its obliggationns undder thhis Aggreemeent. Each Partyy shalll isssue a signeed lettter oof
48、autthorizzationn to eeach aand evvery rrepressentattive aand thhe reppresenntativves shhall ppresennt thee lettter off authhorizaation to thhe othher Paarty wwhen pperforrming obliggationns undder thhis Aggreemeent. 12.DISSPUTE RESOLLUTIONNParty AA and Partyy B shhall ssettlee all dispuutes aarisinn
49、g froom thee inteerprettationn, perrformaance, dissoolutioon or termiinatioon of this Agreeement or inn connnectioon witth thiis Agrreemennt thrrough frienndly cconsulltatioon.In casee no ssettleement can bbe reaached, eithher paarty sshall have the rright to suubmit the ddisputte to _ Courtt. In th
50、e ccoursee of ssettliing diisputees, thhe Agrreemennt shaall bee conttinuouusly eexecutted byy bothh Partties eexceptt for the ppart, whichh is uunder arbittratioon.13.MISSCELLAANEOUSS13.1Thhis Aggreemeent shhall ccome iinto eeffectt on tthe siigningg datee by tthe auuthoriized rrepressentattives of thhe Parrties and shalll remaain inn forcce andd bindding oon thee Partties uuntil its eexpiraation or eaarly tterminnationn. 13.2Thhis Aggreemeent shhall bbe wriitten in Ennglishh verssions with 2 origiinals and eeach PParty shalll keepp one orig
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