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1、新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案綜合教程第二冊(Book 各單元課后翻譯題參考答案Unit 11.動物保護主義者強烈反對用動物做實驗。(disapprove of)Key: Animal conservationists strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals.2.在館長的嚴厲的注視下,莎莉走進了博物館。(stern)Key: Shelly walked into the museum under the stern gaze of the curator.3.在廣告行業(yè)干了一陣之后,吉姆去了一家大保險

2、公司。(spell)Key: After a spell in the advertising business, Jim began to work for a large insurancefirm.4.周末期間估計有 50000 人涌向倫敦觀摩英聯(lián)邦運動會的開幕式。(flood)Key: It was estimated that 50000 people flooded into London over the weekend forthe opening of the Commonwealth Games.5.(mingle with)Key: He rushed into the

3、busy street and mingled with the crowd, hoping in that waythe police would not spot him.6.他躡手躡腳地從房間里走出去,以免吵醒她。(tiptoe)Key: He tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake her up.7.他買那幅油畫是作為一種地位的象征,而并非對藝術(shù)有特別的興趣。( status)Key: He bought the painting as a status symbol, not because he was particula

4、rlyinterested in art.8.吉姆一直很失望他的兒子不愿子從父業(yè),接管農(nóng)場。( follow in ones footsteps)Key: Jim was always disappointed that his son never followed in his footsteps andtook over the farm.Unit 21.他承認他的失敗是因為缺乏信心。(lack of )Key: He admitted that his failure was caused by his lack of confidence.2要求來訪者一來到就簽名。(require)K

5、ey: Visitors are required to sign their names on arrival.3.我們已邀請他們來參加聚會,但因為孩子病了,只好改期。(put off)Key: ve invited them to the party, but we ll have to put it off because the baby ssick.4.我們必須采取措施幫助那些受傷者的家庭。(take steps)Key: We must take steps to help the families of those who were hurt.5.老師花了很大力氣,確保我們每個人

6、都理解課文的內(nèi)容。(take pains )Key: The teacher took great pains to make sure that we all understood the text.6.我們集中討論無家可歸者的問題。(focus on)Key: Today were going to focus on the issue of the homeless people.7.不知道您能否賞光,參加我們的年終聚會。(wonder)Key: We wondered whether you would be so kind as to attend our end-of-the-ye

7、arparty.8.他向媽媽保證一切都好。(assure)Key: He assured his mother that everything was all right.新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案Unit 31.中東地區(qū)的人民都信奉伊斯蘭教。(believe in)Key: Most people in the Middle East believe in Islam.2.大火燒毀那幢房子時,我們呆呆地站著,注視著這一切。(stare)Key: As the fire was destroying the building, we just stoo

8、d and stared at all this.3.在破這個案子的時候,他更依賴直覺,而不是邏輯。(intuition)Key: He relied more on intuition than logic in solving the case.4.地震后這個國家經(jīng)歷著一個非常困難的時期。(go through)Key: The country is going through a very difficult period, after the earthquake.5.上星期董事會授權(quán)安裝一個新的軟件系統(tǒng)。(authorize)Key: Last week the board dire

9、ctors authorized the installation of a new computersystem.6.這個地區(qū)是一項大規(guī)模重建計劃的最大受益者。(beneficiary)Key: This area has been the greatest beneficiary of a large restoration program.7.政府用稅收的錢資助高等教育。(finance)Key: The government finances higher education with tax money.8.盡管警方不相信他的話,他仍然堅持說他說的是實話。(insist)Key: H

10、e insisted that what he said was true, even though the police refused to believehim.Unit 41.transition)Key: The new system will be introduced over a six-month transition period.2.defensive)Key: The police officers claimed that their actions in the riots were purely defensive.3.大約價值 250 000 美元的醫(yī)療物資被分

11、發(fā)到遭受流行疾病侵襲的家庭。(distribute)Key: About $250,000 worth of medical supplies has been distributed among familiesaffected by the epidemic.4.mass-produce)Key: The products used to be made locally, but they are mostly mass-produced in theFar East.5.)Key: The Presidents position on the federal deficit was en

12、dorsed by a large majorityof the Senate.6.薩拉看看窗外,對街上正發(fā)生的一切向我們做實況報道。( commentary )Key: Sarah was looking out of the window and giving us a running commentary ofwhat was happening out in the street.7.我們正面臨歷史上最嚴重的挑戰(zhàn),我們要依靠你們 -我們盟友 -的支持。(challenge)Key: We are now facing the most serious challenge in our

13、history and are dependenton you, our allies, for support.8.電視報刊有太多各種犯罪的播放和報道duplicate)新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案Key: There has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspapers ofall kinds of crimes-described in such detail that even children know how toduplicate what they have s

14、een or read.Unit 51.rank as)Key: Shanghai ranks as one of the most prosperous cities in the world.2.essential)Key: If you are walking in the mountains, strong boots and waterproof clothing areessential.3.neglect)Key: Some teachers devote too much time to helping their students study but neglecttheir

15、 sports activities.4.play a role in)Key: Some personal characters play a vital role in the development of onesintelligence.5.)Key: The s refusal to meet the press reveals just how serious the crisis tective)Key: Its perfectly natural that parents feel protective towards their children, evenwhen they

16、 have grown up.7.confide in)Key: He wanted desperately to confide in someone about his feelings of failure8.point out)Key: As some experts point out, suicide rates are much higher in some occupationsthan in others.Unit 61.illusion)Key: The road appears to get narrower as you look into the distance,

17、but it s just anillusion.2.devastating)Key: The recent drought in Africa has had a devastating effect on its rural population.3.(urge)Key: He gave copies of the report to all those present at the meeting, urging that theyread it and digest its contents.4.glance )Key: During the meal he kept glancing

18、 at the door, obviously expecting someone towalk in.5.confusion)Key: The party was in complete confusion after its election defeat.6.off and )Key: I had worked in the company off and on for two years before I went abroad.7.meet up with)新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案Key: The family would have arr

19、ived on time, but they met up with a flat tire.8.find ones way )Key: It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the smallfirm.Unit 71.embarrassed)Key: They were all staring at me-honestly, I had never felt so embarrassed in mywhole life.2.make a )Key: Before you can make the

20、right choice, you need a lot more information.3.convince)Key: The party failed to convince the majority of the voters that it was capable ofgoverning the country.4.deny )Key: To keep slim, she denied herself ice-creams.5.take up with)Key: Recently he has taken up with two bad boys, which makes his p

21、arents reallyangry.6.contradict)Key: Have you read these newspaper reports? They totally contradict each other.7.)Key: In a number of professions, it is possible to continue working beyond theretirement age.8.in the mood)Key: When he is in the mood, he would sing his favorite song.Unit 81.be incline

22、d )Key: He is inclined to lose his temper when he is playing with his younger brother.2.with the aid )Key: Since the accident hes only been able to walk with the aid of a stick.3.to a degree)Key: I think thats true to a degree, but the situation is not quite so simple.4.hold on to)Key: My father sai

23、d that if we believed that something was true, we should hold on toit.5.disillusioned)Key: Hes very disillusioned at the governments handling of the economy.6.be all set)Key: We were all set to go on vacation when we heard the news.7.太陽的光線穿透海水達 20 penetrate)Key: The s rays can penetrate the sea to a

24、 depth of 20 metres.8.lead up to)新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案Key: His flattering words led up to a request for money.Unit 91.scoop )Key: He scooped up the little boy and ran from the fire.2.老板派我去檢查全部出廠貨物的質(zhì)量。(assign)Key: The boss assigned me to check the quality of all the goods leaving the fac

25、tory.3.take precautions)Key: We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen.4.in aneffect )Key: The company is selling off some of its buildings in an effort to accumulatecapital.5.make a )Key: When you are leaning to drive, having a good teacher makes a big difference.6.

26、rumour has it that)Key: Rumour has it that he was killed in a raid in the local area.7.)Key: s refusal to work overtime enraged his boss.8.out of the blue)Key: I was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend who appeared at the party out ofthe blue.Unit 101.大多數(shù)運動員在剛成年時進入頂峰時期。(at ones best)Key: Most

27、sportsmen are at their best during their early manhood.2.盡管法律上我不是他母親,但我覺得道義上有責任幫助他。(moral)Key: I am not legally his mother, but I feel I have a moral responsibility to help him.3.那部電影是那么的扣人心弦,我的目光一刻都不能離開熒屏。(compelling)Key: The film was so compelling that I could scarcely take my eyes off the screen.

28、4.命中注定他們彼此再也不能相見。(destined)Key: They are destined by fate never to see each other again.5.起初勞倫斯的小說遭拒絕,但后來逐漸被公認為天才之作。(recognize)Key: Laurences novels were rejected at first, but they later came to be recognized asworks of genius.6.人們常常發(fā)現(xiàn)菲利普獨自一人坐在爐火前靜靜地索著。(meditate)Key: Philip was often found sitting

29、alone in front of the fire meditating quietly.7.現(xiàn)代研究已使這個問題大為明朗化了。(shed light on)Key: Modern research has shed great light on this question.8.breathe lifeinto)Key: The coming of the new manager breathed new life into the company, and soon itprospered.Unit 11新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案1.他因急性闌尾炎

30、住院治療,結(jié)果連期末考試都沒考上。(with the result that)Key: He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with the result that he missed thefinal examination.2.(go round)Key: As many more people came to the lecture than expected, there were not enoughhandouts to go round.3.(makea point of)Key: No matter what a long

31、day he may have, he makes a point of checking his e-mailbox before going to bed.4.世界各國都有失業(yè)問題,但各國政府處理這個問題的方法不盡相同。(handle)Key: Unemployment is found in all countries in the world, but the governments varyin their way to handle the problem.5.第一次來到異國的人往往會感到自己周圍的一切既陌生,又有趣。(be apt to)Key: Anyone who has c

32、ome to a foreign country for the first time is apt to findeverything around him both strange and interesting.6.球迷們對這場足球比賽中雙方球員場上的表現(xiàn)感到十分失望。(disappointed at)Key: The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players ofboth teams.7.他的話,你得好好想一想,千萬不要他說什么你就信什么。(take at face value)Key:

33、 Never take what he says at face value. Think it over yourself.8.醫(yī)生的一番話消除了他對手術(shù)的恐懼感。(remove)Key: The doctors words removed his fears about the operation.Unit 121.通常,我們每天攝入可卡路里中 18%來自糖。(on average)Key: On average,18% of our daily calories come from sugar.2.由于罷工,福特汽車廠停工兩個月。(shut down)Key: Ford Automobi

34、le Plant was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.3.他已經(jīng)決定放棄經(jīng)商,致力于慈善工作。(dedicate to)Key: Hes decided to give up his business and dedicate himself to charity.4.農(nóng)村的文化生活無法與大城市相比。(compare)Key: The cultural life in the country cannot compare with that of a large city.5.國家的獨立慶典繼續(xù)進行著,好像什么也沒發(fā)生。

35、(carry on)Key: The s independence celebrations carried on as if nothing had happened.6.該報告使讀者能夠?qū)煞N車子進行直接的比較。(make a comparison)Key: The report allows the readers to make a direct comparison between the two typesof car.7.現(xiàn)有的煤的儲備量應(yīng)該能夠滿足來年的需要。(meet)Key: The existing (present) stocks of coal should meet

36、 our needs for the coming year.8.contemplate)Key: He remained there for hours deep in thought, contemplating the mysteries of theuniverse.新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案Unit 131.全球性的氣候變化也許是造成恐龍滅絕的原因。(globle)Key: Global climate change may have been responsible for the extinction of thedinosaur.2.患

37、有不治之癥的病人經(jīng)常會尋求不同的療法,諸如順勢療法。(incurable)Key: Patients with incurable illness often seek alternative treatments such ashomeopathy.3.經(jīng)濟理論預(yù)言,商品降價會引起消費上升。(lead to)Key; Economic theory predicts that a fall in the price of commodity will lead to anincrease in consumption.4.對于集團犯罪問題,人們要求國會采取有力的行動。(take action

38、)Key: The congress is expected to take strong actions on the problem of organizedcrime.5.始終存在的失業(yè)威脅使得工人不太愿意罷工。(threat)Key: The ever-present threat of unemployment makes workers less willing to go onstrike.6.老年人會面臨一些由于失去了獨立性而產(chǎn)生的心理問題。(result from)Key: Elderly people may face some psychological problems

39、 that result from their lossof independence.7.汽車業(yè)和絕大多數(shù)其他工業(yè)一樣正在感受到衰退的影響。(effect)Key: The car industry, like most other industries, is feeling the effects of therecession.8.adapt )Key: Your success at college partly depends on how well you can adapt yourself to thenew environment.Unit 141.draw a disti

40、nction)Key: Its important to draw a distinction between the policies of the leaders and theviews of their supporters.2.symbolize)Key: In Europe, the color white symbolizes purity but in Asia it is often the symbol ofmourning.3.confine to)Key: The tour group is confined to the planned activities.4.ge

41、t )Key: Once the rumour gets around, ll never work in this town again.5.run out of)Key: Hes always running out of money before payday.6.be engaged in)Key: He got the Nobel Prize for peace because he was engaged in the promotion ofworld peace all his life.7.adapt to)Key: The children have found it di

42、fficult to adapt to living in an apartmentthey新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材綜合教程第二冊課后翻譯題參考答案want a garden to play in.8.convert into)Key: A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel.Unit e upon)Key: Bad luck has come upon us since we moved into the new house.2.renovate,costly)Key: Renovating your house can be a costly and time-consuming business.3.simplify)Key: The government is plann


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