




1、- PAGE 26 -Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Discussion about transformation of curve conduit of Yellow river Tie xie projectLiu you zhan( wessterrn hhe nnan Yellloww Riiverr Afffaiirs Burreauu)Abstrractt: TTie xiee prrojeect wass paassiivelly buiilt duee too ruush
2、 to deaal wwithh emmerggenccy, it is sepparaatedd too twwo uup-ddownn beend in norrth gatte ddam (nuumbeer 110 ddam). UUntiil llastt 700 ceentuuriees, stuuff andd deesceend proojeccts werre rresppecttiveely buiilt in up andd doown thee daam. Thouugh thee buuilddingg off prrojeectss caannt ttrannspoo
3、rt dowwnsttreaam tthe 10 damm, iit wwas suiitedd too teempoorall waaterr-seedimmentt coondiitioons, thhe rriveer wwas in a pperffectt coondiitioon. Afteer tthe “96.8” fllooddingg, tthe Tiee xiie pprojjectts innfloow ppoinnt aasceend conntinnuallly, siincee thhe pprojjectt diidnt ddeveelopp a inttegr
4、ratee smmootth bbendd annd wwateer-ssediimennt ccondditiionss arre cchannginng, thee diisaddvanntagge rriveer ccondditiionss thhat Lu cunn prrojeect is neaar rriveer bbegaan tto aappeear. To ssetttle Tiee xiie pprojjectt trranssporrt eeffeectiivelly, thee emmphaasess off prrojeect bennd iis hhow to
5、impprovve 入入溜 ccondditiionss ,makke sstufff pprojjectt coomplletee, mmakee prrojeect a iintaact smooothh beend andd usse rriveerbeed ddreddge up to impprovve iinfllow, sttreaam gguiddancce aand outtfloow ccondditiionss off rivverbbed proojecct.Key wwordds: Tiee xiie pprojjectt; bbendd; fflucctuaatin
6、ng rriveer; rivver reggulaatioon; Yellloww riiverr1 thee quuesttionns pput forrwarrd Yelloow rriveer TTie xiee prrojeect is bettweeen BBai he andd Huui mmengg coounttry ,Meeng jinn coountty, 24kkm ddownnstrreamm xiiaollanggdi damm, ssoutth bbankk off Yeelloow rriveer, it is up to Baii poo prrojeect
7、andd doown to Lu cunn prrojeect, 7.45kkm ttotaal llenggthss. TTie xiee prrojeect is in iniitiaal ssecttionns ddownnstrreamm Yeelloow rriveer, it plaays a iimpoortaant rolle iin cconttrolllinng ffloood aand rivver cirrcummstaancees. In aa loong timme, beccausse TTie xiee prrojeects pplanne ccondditii
8、on is nott smmootth, outtlett fllow is unssteaady, offtenn swwinggs iin aabouut 22 kmm neear Lu cunn prrojeect, thhis makke tthe rivver cirrcummstaancees bby LLu ccun proojecct iis vveryy unnsteeadyy annd oonlyy itts ddownnsecctioon iis nnearr riiverr affterr 19996. thhe llongg tiime unssteaady of L
9、u cunn prrojeect musst ddistturbb riiverr coondiitioons dowwnsttreaam aand makke tthe ressultts oof rriveer iimprroveemennt ffaill. SSincce ccompplexx riiverr boounddariies of Tiee xiie pprojjectt, rriveer iis rresttricctedd too brridgge aand beaach andd caannt aadjuust itsselff. MMeannwhiile, wiith
10、 thee coonsttrucctioon oof xxiaoolanngdii, qqixiiayuuan resservvoirr,taaiaoo hiigh speeed yellloww riiverr rooad andd soo onn, rriveer rregiime havve ssomee neew tthinngs andd prrobllemss. SSo sspeeedinng aat cconsstruuctiing rivver reggulaatioon, rebbuilldinngTiie xxie proojecct, buiildiing smoooth
11、h annd pplann fllow guiidannce bennd tto mmakee thhem suiitedd too neew wwateer-ssediimennt bbounndarry ccondditoons aree keeys of thiis rriveer rreacch rreguulattionn annd eemerrgennt nneedds oof ddownnstrreamm waandeerinng rriveer rreguulattionn.2 .baasicc coondiitioons of rivver wayy2.1 ccharract
12、teriistiics of rivver wayyThe rreacch oof YYelllow rivver Tiee xiie pprojjectt iss reeachh thhat is traansiitedd frrom mouuntaain areeas rivver to fluuviaal pplaiin. In mmounntaiin aareaas, watter floow ddifffusees aand vellociity is sloow, sannd-ccobbble bedd looad whiich aree brrougght froom uuppe
13、er rraviine rivver bedd caan bbe ddepoositted in rivver secctioon, so sannd-ccobbble rivver isllandd thhat hass seeverral floow bbrannchees ddisttribbutaary is devveloopedd uppperr Yeelloow rriveer rroadd brridgge, Luoo Yaang. Riveer iislaand is connstiitutted of scrree andd ruude sannd, it is in th
14、ee noorthh ceenteer oof rriveer bbed andd iss1m-5m talllerr thhan rivver bedd, iits topp iss saandyy rooam andd boottoom iis rrounnd ggravvel andd sccreee. GGeneerallly, riiverr beed iis ccoveeredd byy saand-cobbblee, ggraiin ddiammeteer ffromm 200 too 2000 mmm, thee wiidthh off riiverr iss 25500mm,
15、 wwidtth oof mmainn riiverr chhannnel is 5000-7000m, sllopee off riiverr beed iis 00.50.7, tthe deppth of scrree dowwn LLuo Yanng bbriddge is graaduaallyy inncreeaseed, itss riiverrbedd iss coonsiist of rudde ssandd, bbeacch iis uunstteaddy aand sloope of rivver wayy iss 0.2655.2.2 ccharractteriisti
16、ic oof wwateer-ssediimenntAccorrdinng tto XXiaoolanng ddi hhydrraullic staatioon ddatuum, thee avveraage annnuall diischhargge oof tthe rivver reggimee iss 3778.338 hhunddredd miilliion m3 froom 119566 too 19995, thhe ssediimennt ddisccharrge is 11.4 hhunddredd miilliion tonns. Averragee diischhargg
17、e iis 2200 hunndreed mmilllionn m3 in floood seaasonns, is 53% off tootall diischhargges, meean annnuall diischhargge iis 113000 m3 /ss. thee viirtuual chaangees oof ssediimennt aamouuntss arre hhighh, 330 hhunddredd miilliion tonns iif tthe sannd aare mucch aand 10 hunndreed mmilllionn iff itt iss
18、liittlle, aveeragge ssediimennt cconccenttrattionn iss 333.9kkg/ m3. thheree weere higgh ssediimennt cconccenttrattionn flloodd inn 19996, thhe mmostt hiigh seddimeent conncenntraatioon iis 9941 kg/ m33. Unntill slluicce iin XXiaoolanngdii reeserrvoiir Octtobeer,119999, ddownnstrreamm waaterr-seedim
19、mentt chhangged obvviouuslyy inn thhe aafflluennce of thee reeserrvoiir. The maiin ffeatturees aare: thhe ffluxx iss obbvioouslly sslowwer, thhe sscoppe oof ffluxx fllucttuattionn deecreeaseed, disschaargee iss neearlly eequaal iin ffloood aand unffloood sseassonss, rrunooff amoountt deecreeaseed mm
20、oree obbvioous in floood seaasonns; seddimeent amoountts ddecrreassed obvviouuslyy, mmeann annnuaal ssediimennt cconccenttrattionn iss 1.97 kg/m3 frrom 19999 tto 220022, ssediimennt rrunooff is 106615 tenn thhoussandd toons. Meann seedimmentt coonceentrratiion is 0.2292 kg/m3 in 20000, annnuall seed
21、immentt ruunofff iis 4442 tenn thhoussandd toons; meean seddimeent conncenntraatioon iis 11.433kg/m3 inn 20001, annnuaal ssediimennt rrunooff is 22113 tten thoousaand tonns, meaan ssediimennt cconccenttrattionn iss 4.18 kg/ m33, annnuaal ssediimennt rrunooff is 79660 tten thoousaand tonns.2.3 eeross
22、ionn annd ddepoosittionn off riiverr beed In naaturral conndittionn, tthe eroosioon aand depposiitioon oof TTie xiee riiverr reegimme iis hhighh. AAccoordiing to meaasurremeent datta, secctioon oof TTie xiee deepossiteed 770000 m2 frrom 19334 tto 119522 annd 442900 m2 froom 119522 too 19960. Affterr
23、 Saanmeenxiia RReseerviior worrkedd, rriveer rregiime eroodedd obbvioouslly. Tiee xiie ssecttionns wwateer lleveel ddecrreassed obvviouuslyy frrom 19660 tto 119655, iit ddecrreassed 3.336m wheen tthe fluux iis 330000m3/s. Tiee xiie rriveer ssecttionn coontiinueed tto eerodde aafteer 119655 annd rrea
24、cch tthe bigggesst vvaluue 2200000 m2 inn 19968. Saanmeenxiia RReseerviior disschaargeed ssediimennt tto oopenn boottoom hholees iin 119700, TTie xiee riiverr seectiion quiicklly ddepoositted andd reeachh itts bbigggestt 50000mm2 in 19773. Sannmennxiaa Reeserrvioor ssluiicedd annd ddisccharrgedd see
25、dimmentt inn 19974, Tiie xxie secctioon bbegaan tto eerodde, thee acccummulaatedd errosiion excceedded 100000mm2 froom 119766. llateer, froom 119777 too 19999, wiith thee chhangges of watter-seddimeent, Tiie xxie secctioon eerodded andd deepossiteed rreguulattionns, butt thhe eexteent is litttlee, T
26、Tie xiee seectiion is eroodedd abboutt 90000mm2 conntraasteed tto bbefoore Sannmennxiaa Reeserrvioor wworkked froom XXiaoolanngdii reeserrvoiir wworkked in Octtobeer,119999. AAfteer XXiaoolanngdii reeserrvoiir wworkked, riiverrbedds eerossionn iss obbvioous, avveraage eroosioon ddeptth iis aabouut 2
27、2.53.00m, thee maain chaanneel oof TTie xiee seectiion deppth deccreaasedd.3 proojecct cconsstruuctiion andd riiverr evvolvvemeent 3.1 hhisttoriicall riiverr The rriveer wway thaat TTie xiee prrojeect is in hass 40000 yeaars oldd, iits lefft bbankk iss Qiing fenng llingg annd tthe rigght is Manng mm
28、ounntaiin, thee waandeer iis rresttricctedd too thhe rregiionss. TThe maiin cchanngess off riiverr seectiion is in bigg flloodd tiime, inn hiistoory, flloodd brrougght a ggreaat ddeall sccreee beed lloadd ouut oof ggorgges andd deepossiteed ssudddenlly, thaat mmadee brrancch rriveer eerodded or depp
29、osiitedd fiierccelyy annd cchanngedd thhe rriveer rregiime. Sandd-coobblle rriveer bbed is steeadyy whhen thee fllow is meddiumm orr liittlle aand thee riiverr reegimme is nott chhangged acuutelly. Betwweenn 19933 andd 19958, thhe rriveer wwas sepparaatedd soouthh annd nnortth bbrannchees aafteer ii
30、t ooutfflowwed Baii poo. TThe souuth andd noorthh brrancchess riiverr coouldd bee sttreaamedd duurinng mmanyy yeearss, tthe maiin sstreeam floowedd thhe nnortth rriveer wway bettweeen BBai he andd Baai ppo, andd thhe rriveer rregiime diinnt cchannge mucch ccomppareed wwithh thhat in 19333, aftter th
31、ee flloodd inn 19958, noorthh riiverr diisapppeaaredd, tthe rivver outtfloowedd Tiie xxie andd weent intto ZZhaoo goou wwan neaar LLu ccun andd Tiie hhu, forrminng tthe currrennt rriveer rregiime . TThe traansllatiion exttentt off maain floow pposiitioons wass waas bbiggger in Baii hee annd BBai po
32、proojeccts, soo Tiie xxie proojecct wwas insstabble thaat mmadee doownsstreeam rivver reggimee ddisoordeeredd.Betweeen 19660 aand 19664, Tiee xiie pprojjectt innfloowedd annd tthe conndittionns nnearr riiverr immproovedd a litttlee, bbut Tiee xiie ccoulldnt ffloww weell. To bblocck uup tthe bunnch c
33、haanneel bbetwweenn Baai ppo aand Zhii shhu ttownn, BBai po bunnch chaanneel pprojjectt waas bbuillt uup iin 119699, nnortth rriveer wwentt soouthh annd tthe strreamm deecreeaseed ggradduallly, thhis limmiteed tthe proobleems thaat tthe Yellloww riiverr noorthh baank colllappsedd coontiinuaallyy. LL
34、ateer, Baii hee annd BBai pos iinfllowss weere reggulaatedd moore , TTie xiee prrojeect staandeed bby rriveer aand thee innfloow ccondditiion wass immproovedd inntennsivvelyy, tthe Lu cunn beegann too goo inncurrvatte dduriing sevveraal yyearrs aand eacch eembaaymeent desscennd aand colllappsedd. LL
35、u ccun proojecct wwas beggan to buiilt in 19771. higgh ssediimennt cconccenttrattionn flloodd bllockk upp thhe rriveer iin 119733, TTie xiee ouutflloweed aand thee noorthh brrancch ddepoositted, soouthh brrancch iincrreassed to 80%, 221-331 ddam of Lunn cuun sstanndedd byy riiverr.3.2 TTie xiee bllo
36、ckk upp emmbayymennt aand desscennd Becauuse Tiee xiie pprojjectt waas bbuillt tto ddeall wiith thee emmerggencciess, tthe whoole vullnerrablle sspott waas nnot devveloopedd a fulll eembaaymeent, thhe nnortth ddam couuld be sepparaatedd upp annd ddownn emmbayymennts loookedd frrom thee pllanee. RRiv
37、eer rregiime deesceendeed wwhenn thhe bbig floood camme, thee ouutfllow wass smmootth bby tthe norrth damm annd wwas suiitedd wiith thee doown Lunn cuun aand Huaa yuuan zheeng proojecct. Riveer rregiime weent up wheen tthe floood wass smmalll, ssmalll eembaaymeent reaacheed rriveer uup nnortth ddam
38、andd sttreaamedd too Taao wwan up thee Luun ccun proojecct. The rebbuilldmeent of Tiee xiie pprojjectt waas mmadee too bllockk upp emmbayymennt uup 112000m nnortth ddam, thhat commpriisedd doown norrth damm vuulneerabble spoot aa smmootth eembaaymeent, coontrrolllingg thhe wwateer cconssisttentt wii
39、th thee riiverr reegimme . Nuumbeer 11-5 damm weere bloockeed uup aand dowwn eexteendeed bbetwweenn 19973 andd 19986. nuumbeer 11-5 damm heead wass inn thhe llinee wiith thee 311batttleemennt aand thee noorthh daam hheadd, tthe dowwn pprojjectt heead wass inn thhe wwithh thhe gguiddancce llinee, tth
40、e exttenssionn liine of damm heead wass faace to thee nuumbeer 110 ddam heaad. AAfteer nnumbber 1annd 22 thhe bblocckedd emmbayymennt wwas buiilt in thee spprinng oof 119744, ddue to thee emmbayymennts ttop floow wwideely, nuumbeer 110 ddam strreammed baddly, annd LLu ccun proojecct fflowwed dowwn,
41、Huaa yuuan towwn pprojjectt weent outt off riiverr inn 19975.Tiee xiie pprojjectts iinfllow conndittionn waas sstabble,thee riiverr reegimme chaangeed llitttle, upp emmbayymennt aand dowwn rriveer rregiime haad tthe chaancees oof aadjuustiing itsselff, LLu ccun proojeccts ffloww leengtths graaduaall
42、yy inncreeaseed, duee too waaterr annd ssediimennt wweree riich thiis pperiiod of timme. The rivver reggimee ggradduallly tenndedd too smmootth, at thee moost timme mmainn sttreaam mmadee a traajecctorry bbuckket typee enerrgy disssippatiion to thee riiverr chhannnel norrth sidde oof TTie xiee prroj
43、eect, byy thhe iinflluennce of cobbblee isslannd, thee riiverr waas ssepaaratted to twoo brrancchess ,tthe 80% maain strreamm weent thee noorthh, ffromm upp Luu cuun pprojjectt too emmbayymennt oof llu ccun proojecct, lu cunn prrojeect wass neearlly bby tthe rivver. Downn off 211damm Huua yyuann too
44、wn proojecct bbegaan tto ggo bby rriveer aand thee riiverr reegimme graaduaallyy weent staablee. UUntiil tthe floood timme iin 119966, tthe rivver secctioon wwas in a hheallthyy coondiitioon.3.3 aappeearaancee annd ddeveeloppmennt oof ddisaadvaantaage rivver reggimee Afterr thhe 996.88 flloodd caame
45、, Tiie xxie proojeccts ffloww poointt weent up, thhe ffloww annglee waas pparttiallly bigg, tthe maiin ffloww weent up bloockeed ddams uupsttreaam ssurffacee att a bigg fllow anggle duee too thhe nnumbber 1 ddam s sstreeam guiidannce, thhe pprojjectt beendeed aand thee fllow poiint asccendded, thhis
46、 madde tthe maiin sstreeam benndedd onn thhe ooppoositte oof nnumbber 12 damm, tthe maiin cchannnell off Tiie xxie secctioon nnearrby shiifteed ssoutth, thooughh Tiie xxie proojecct wwas by thee riiverr thhe eentiire yeaar, thee riiverr weent outt off vuulneerabble spoot aand exttendded nummberr 5dd
47、am, thhe ooutffloww weent souuth cennterr orr gllisssadeed, thiis mmadee thhe ssoutth bbrannch rivver devveloopedd doown Luoo yaang roaad bbriddge, noorthh brrancch rriveer sshruunk, thhis madde LLu ccun proojecct ddesccendded conntinnuallly, thhe ffloww daam ssecttionn diiminnishhed quiicklly, rivv
48、er reggimees ddisaadvaantaage conndittionns.Afterr thhe 996.88 flloodd, ssincce tthe Yellloww riiverrs ddownnstrreamm diid nnot floow iinunndattionn, iin tthe conndittionn off smmalll fllow loww seedimmentt coonceentrratiion, smmalll fllow rivver reggimee waas iinflluenncedd seerioouslly bby ssandd-
49、coobblle mmargginaal aand chaanneel bbar. The rivver reggimee trranssforrmedd veery sloowlyy, tthe dissadvvanttagee riiverr reegimme llastted forr loong. The mosst sseriiouss coondiitioon wwas thee leengtth wwas onlly 4400mm byy thhe rriveer, 90% off sttreaam gguiddancce wwentt ouut oof rriveer ffro
50、mm nuumbeer 332 ddam in 19999. thee riiverr coollaapseed aand shaapedd cooncaave to Wenn meen bbankk immmiggrannt ssetttlemmentt prroteectiion embbankkmennt aafteer tthe rivver wennt oout Lu cunn, tthiss thhreaatenned prootecctioon eembaankmmentt annd iinflluenncedd riiverr reegimme ddownn Luu cuun.
51、 Thouugh nummberr 5 andd 155 suubmeergeed ddam werre bbuillt ddownn Tiie xxie proojecct iin 220000 annd 220033, ddam by thee riiverr off Luu cuun aasceendeed ggradduallly, Luu cuun pprojjectt thhat wass neear thee riiverr waas aall aloong in 24-36 damm, tthe dissadvvanttagee riiverr reegimme wwas ho
52、lld bbackk teempoorallly.4 thee reeasoon wwhy chaangees oof rriveer rregiime4.1 tthe dirrectt reeasoon oof cchanngess off riiverr reegimme wwas uppper bennds eearlly ooverr fllowAnalyysinng hhisttoriicall annd ccurrrentt Tiie xxie reggimee daata, thhe cchannge of uppper bennd ooverr fllow possitiion
53、 wass thhe ddireect reaasonns oof TTie xiee prrojeect rivver reggimee. FFromm thhe19970ss onn, TTie xiee prrojeect wass uppperr beend oveerfllow at thee moost timme, outtfloow rreacchedd too uppperr annd mmediium heaad wwhenn thhe uuppeer bbendd waas ooverrfloowedd byy bllockked bennd aand nummberr
54、100 daam, thee riiverr reegimme wwas in a ffavoorabble conndittionn. WWhenn thhe uuppeer bbendd waas ooverrfloowedd byy nuumbeer 11-3 damm, tthe nummberr 122damm waas tto ffacee baank andd thhe ccobbble of deppth of burriall waas ssupeerfiiciaal, thaat lleadd too thhe ooutffloww coouldd noot rreacch
55、edd thhe LLu ccun proojecct aand wennt bbendd heere, thhe rriveer rregiime wass inn a unhheallthyy coondiitioon. The dissadvvanttagee riiverr reegimme wwas cauusedd byy bllockked proojeccts uuppeer ooness whhen bloockeed pprojjectt 1 andd 2 werre cconsstruucteed iin tthe sprringg off 19974 andd thhe
56、 ddisaadvaantaage rivver reggimee affterr thhe ffloood iin 119966. tthe diffferrencces werre uuppeer ooutffloww waas cchanngedd byy meen bby bbuilldinng tthe bloockeed pprojjectt 1-2 ddam, annd tthe uppper outtfloow ddid nott chaangeed mmuchh, iin aaddiitioonallly to ricch wwateer aand seddimeent, t
57、hhe rriveer rregiime hadd chhancced to adjjustt ittsellf.4.2 TTie xiee prrojeect didd noot ddeveelopp a commpleete smooothh beendBlockked bennd aand dowwn eexteend proojecct tthatt weere rebbuillt tthrooughh Tiie xxie proojecct ccoulld nnot makke tthe whoole vullnerrablle sspott a smooothh beend , i
58、it wwas harrd tto aarraangee thhe rriveer rregiime. Thenn, bbecaausee uppperr innfloow ccondditiion wass sttablle, thee emmphaasiss waas hhow to makke ddam 10 a ssmoooth bennd aand thee uppperr onnes of proojecct wwas omiitteed. The firrst batttleemennt llay croosslly, thee sppacee beetweeen eacch b
59、batttlemmentt annd tthe anggle of damm fllow werre ddifffereent, viiewiing froom iin aa pllanee, ddam 1 pprottrudded intto tthe rivver, waas bbounndedd too daam 11.whhen thee ouutfllow poiint wass vaary, thhe iinflluennce to thee baackwwardd riiverr reegimme wwas diffferrentt. TThe iniitiaal ffloww
60、poointt off vuulneerabble spoot wwas damm 1-2, bloockeed bbay 1-44 sttreaamedd smmootthlyy, tthe uppper bennd oof sseveerall daam ffloww smmootthlyy, fflowwed thrrouggh bblocckedd baay pprojjectt annd ddam 10, thhe ddam of Lu cunn prrojeect wass loong, thhe ddegrreess off fllow inccreaasedd grraduua
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