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1、With Limmiteed OOptiionss, SSoutth KKoreea SShiffts Millitaary RullesBy annd MMARKK MccDONNALDDSEOULL, SSoutth KKoreea Reespoondiing to groowinng ppubllic criiticcismm affterr a deaadlyy Noorthh Kooreaan aattaack, Prresiidennt aacceepteed tthe ressignnatiion of hiss deefennse minnistter on Thuursdda

2、y andd annnouunceed cchanngess inn thhe mmiliitarryss ruuless off enngaggemeent to makke iit eeasiier forr too sttrikke bbackk wiith greeateer fforcce, esppeciiallly iif cciviiliaans aree thhreaatenned. The ggoveernmmentt allso annnounncedd pllanss too inncreeasee thhe nnumbber of trooopss annd hhea

3、vvy wweapponss onn YeeonppyeoongIIslaand, whheree twwo mmariiness annd ttwo civviliianss diied Tueesdaay iin aan aartiilleery fussillladee frrom thee Noorthh. OOn FFridday, Prresiidennt LLee apppoinntedd a seccuriity advviseer, Leee Heee-wwon, ass thhe nnew deffensse mminiisteer. But MMr. Leee, wwho

4、 camme tto ooffiice twoo yeearss aggo vvowiing to gett tooughh wiith thee Noorthh, hhas litttlee maaneuuverringg rooom in forrmullatiing a rrespponsse. Whiile thee atttacck aappeearss too haave pusshedd annti-Norrth Korreann seentiimennt hheree too itts hhighhestt leevell inn yeearss, ttherre iis ll

5、itttle pubblicc suuppoort forr taakinng mmiliitarry aactiion agaainsst tthe Norrth thaat mmighht lleadd too ann esscallatiion of hosstillitiies. “has notthinng tto llosee, wwhille wwe hhavee evveryythiing to losse,” saiid KKangg Woon-ttaekk, aa prrofeessoor oof ppoliiticcs aat SSeouulNaatioonallUnii

6、verrsitty. “Leee MMyunng-bbak hass noo chhoicce bbut to sofftenn hiis ttonee too keeep thiis ccounntryy peeaceefull. IIt iis nnot an apppeallingg chhoicce, butt itt iss thhe oonlyy reealiistiic cchoiice.” The SSoutthss poowerrfull neeighhborr iss allso couunseelinng rresttraiint. Thhe CChinnesee prr

7、imee miinissterr, , saaid Thuursdday thaat BBeijjingg opppossed anyy prrovoocattivee miilittaryy beehavviorr byy eiitheer ssidee onn thhe KKoreeanPPeniinsuula, Xiinhuua, thee sttatee neews ageencyy, rrepoorteed. On Thhurssdayy, wwhille NNortth KKoreea wwarnned thrrouggh iits offficiial newws aagennc

8、y of furrtheer mmiliitarry rretaaliaatioon iif pprovvokeed bby SSoutth KKoreea, Mr. Leee ssaidd onnly, “WWe sshouuld nott drrop ourr guuardd inn prrepaarattionn foor tthe posssibbiliity of anootheer pprovvocaatioon bby NNortth KKoreea,” acccorddingg too hiis cchieef sspokkesmman, Hoong Sanng-ppyo. “

9、AA prrovoocattionn liike thiis ccan reccur anyy tiime.” The cchanngess inn thhe rrulees oof eengaagemmentt weere simmilaarlyy reestrrainned. Soouthh Kooreaan ddefeensees oon ffivee cooasttal isllandds iin tthe Yellloww Seea hhad beeen sset up priimarrilyy too guuardd aggainnst posssibble ampphibbiou

10、us llanddinggs bby NNortth KKoreean trooopss. CCritticss saaid Thuursdday thaat tthe millitaary hadd noot aantiicippateed tthe posssibbiliity of an atttackk byy Noorthh Kooreaan aartiilleery battterriess, wwhicch aare repporttedlly iin ccavees aalonng tthe Norrths ccoasstliine. “Now, ann arrtilllerr

11、y bbatttle hass beecomme tthe neww thhreaat, so were reaasseessiing thee neeed to strrenggtheen ddefeensees,” Mr. Leee ttoldd laawmaakerrs. Thee neew mmeassurees hhe ooutllineed iinclludeed ddoubblinng tthe nummberr off hoowittzerrs aand upggraddingg ottherr weeapoonryy. The nnew rulles of enggageem

12、ennt wwilll bee baasedd onn whhethher millitaary or civviliian sittes aree thhe ttarggetss, ssaidd Mrr. HHongg, tthe preesiddenttiall sppokeesmaan, adddingg thhat thee moove wass maade to “chhangge tthe parradiigm of ressponndinng tto NNortth KKoreeass prrovoocattionns.” Previioussly, Soouthh Koorea

13、an fforcces werre aalloowedd too reespoond onlly iin kkindd if thee Noorthh fiiredd arrtilllerry, thee Soouthh coouldd annsweer oonlyy wiith arttillleryy to conntaiin aany dissputte. Noww, ooffiiciaals saiid, thee miilittaryy woouldd bee alllowwed to usee grreatter forrce. Mr. LLees rrespponsse tto

14、tthiss weeeks aartiilleery atttackk iss noot tthe firrst timme hhe hhas beeen ccritticiizedd foor ssitttingg onn hiis hhandds iin tthe facce oof aa deeadlly pprovvocaatioon bby tthe Norrth. Twwo yyearrs aago, whhen a SSoutth KKoreean touurisst wwas shoot bby aa seentrry aat aa Noorthh Kooreaan mmoun

15、ntaiin rresoort, hiis ggoveernmmentts ressponnse amoountted to a sslapp onn thhe wwrisst: susspenndinng ttourrs tto tthe ressortt annd bbannningg Soouthh Kooreaan cciviic ggrouups froom vvisiitinng tthe Norrth. But tthe cleeareest casse wwas Mr. Leeess reespoonsee inn Maarchh too thhe ssinkkingg off

16、 a Souuth Korreann waarshhip, thhe. Mr. LLee at firrst seeemedd too sttalll byy waaitiing forr thhe rresuultss off ann innterrnattionnal invvesttigaatioon, whiich toook ttwo monnthss too coonclludee thhat thee shhip hadd beeen sunnk bby aa Noorthh Kooreaan ttorppedoo. WWhenn hee reespoondeed, it was

17、s wiith rellatiivelly mmildd meeasuuress liike redduciing thee Soouthhs alrreaddy mminuuscuule traade witth tthe Norrth, reesummingg thhe SSoutthss coold-warr-erra pproppagaandaa sppeakkerss allongg thhe ddemiilittariizedd zoone andd deemanndinng aan aapollogyy. BBut thee sppeakkerss haave yett too

18、bee tuurneed oon aafteer NNortth KKoreea tthreeateenedd too shhoott att thhem, annd MMr. Leee drroppped thee appoloogy demmandd ass a conndittionn foor ttalkks. Mr. LLee wass wiidelly bblammed in Souuth Korrea forr haavinng pprovvokeed tthe Cheeonaan eepissodee byy enndinng uuncoondiitioonall aiid t

19、to tthe Norrth at thee sttartt off hiis ppressideencyy. “Befoore, thhe ppubllic saww hiim aas ttoo harrd, andd noow ttheyy seee hhim as tooo sooft,” ssaidd Yooo HHo-yyeoll, aa prrofeessoor oof NNortth KKoreean stuudiees aat KKoreeaUnniveersiity in Seooul. Despiite pubblicc prresssuree too doo moore,

20、 Mrr. LLee doees nnot havve mmanyy opptioons forr leess letthall foormss off prresssuree onn thhe NNortth, dipplommatiic oor eeconnomiic. Norrth Korrea hass weeathhereed yyearrs oof eeconnomiic ssancctioons andd diiploomattic isoolattionn. IIn ffactt, tthe touugh ecoonommic conndittionns aappeear on

21、lly tto ggivee thhe NNortth mmotiivattionn too coontiinuee itts bbrinnkmaanshhip, too exxtraact aidd ass itt faacess a winnterr off foood andd fuuel shoortaagess. Some anaalyssts sayy thhe NNortth iis aalsoo ussingg thhe pprovvocaatioons to burrnissh tthe millitaary creedenntiaals of, thhe yyounnges

22、st sson of thee Noorthhs leaaderr, , annd hhis heiir aappaarennt. Analyystss saay mmakiing sannctiionss efffecctivve wwoulld rrequuiree grreatter suppporrt ffromm Chhinaa, Noorthh Kooreaas traadittionnal prootecctorr, wwhicch hhas so farr beeen rellucttantt too tiightten thee sccrewws oon tthe Norrt

23、h. Inn reecennt ddayss, MMr. Leee annd hhavee aggreeed tto mmakee neew aappeealss too Chhineese leaaderrs tto pput morre ppresssurre oon tthe Norrth, buut aanallystts ssay theey aare nott opptimmisttic thaat tthe Chiinesse wwilll coomplly. Stilll, SSoutth KKoreean offficiialss saaid theey wwoulld uu

24、rgee Chhinaa too acct mmoree reespoonsiiblyy byy prresssingg thhe NNortth tto rrefrrainn frrom furrtheer aattaackss. TTheyy allso saiid ttheyy woouldd assk BBeijjingg too moore clooselly mmoniitorr trradee wiith Norrth Korrea by Chiinesse mmercchannts, whhichh thhey saiid hhas beeen aa waay ffor the

25、e Noorthh too byypasss iinteernaatioonall ecconoomicc saancttionns. Mr. LLee andd hiis aadviiserrs aappeear to havve cconccludded thaat aa leess connfroontaatioonall sttancce iis tthe onlly wway to perrsuaade Norrth Korrea to endd itts pprovvocaatioons. A feww annalyystss sppecuulatted thaat MMr. Le

26、ee miightt evventtuallly endd upp noot ffar froom hhis libberaal ppreddeceessoors likke fformmer Preesiddentt, wwho useed eeconnomiic aaid to apppeasse tthe Norrth andd reeducce ttenssionns oon tthe penninssulaa. “Anyoone wouuld conncluude thaat tthe peaacefful appproaach is besst tto rreveersee thh

27、e ssituuatiion,” ssaidd Mooon Junng-iin, a fformmer advviseer iin tthe Rohh addminnisttrattionn. “AA haard-linne aapprroacch iis nnot a rreall opptioon.” Su-Hyyun Leee coontrribuutedd reeporrtinng.In a Lannd oof tthe Agiing, Chhilddrenn Coountter AlzzheiimerrsBy SEONGGNAMM, SSoutth KKoreea Thhey wer

28、re sstooopedd, hhobbbledd, ddisoorieenteed, fummbliing arooundd thhe hhousse. Theey ggot connfussed in thee baathttub andd sttrugggleed uup sstaiirs thaat sseemmed to swiim bbefoore theem. “Oh, it hurrts,” ssaidd Nooh HHyunn-hoo, ssinkkingg too thhe ggrouund. “I thhougght I wwas goiing to diee,” sai

29、id YYookk Seeo-hhyunn. Theree waas ssurpprissinggly litttlee giiggllingg, cconssideerinng tthatt Hyyun-ho, Seeo-hhyunn annd tthe othherss weere acttuallly perrfecctlyy heealtthy 11- too 133-yeear-oldd chhilddrenn. BBut theey hhad strrappped on spllintts, weiightted harrnesssess annd ffoggged-up glaa

30、ssees, andd weere givven tassks likke “DDoorrknoob EExpeerieencee” aand “Baathrroomm Exxperriennce,” aall to hellp tthemm feeel whaat iit wwas likke tto bbe oold, frraill orr deemenntedd. “Evenn thhouggh ttheyy arre ssmillingg foor uus, eveery dayy, 224 hhourrs, is diffficcultt foor tthemm,” Jeoong

31、Jaee-heee, 12, saaid shee leearnned. “TTheyy loose theeir andd goo baack to chiildhhoodd.” It iss paart of a rremaarkaablee Soouthh Kooreaan ccamppaiggn tto ccopee wiith an expploddingg prrobllem: annd ootheer ddemeentiias. Ass onne oof tthe worrlds ffasttestt-aggingg coounttriees, witth nnearrly 9

32、pperccentt off itts ppopuulattionn ovver 65 alrreaddy aaffllictted, haas oopenned a “WWar on,” sspenndinng mmoneey aand shiininng fflooodliightts oon aa diiseaase thaat iis, herre aas iin mmanyy pllacees, ridddleed wwithh shhamee annd ffearr. Southh Kooreaa iss trrainningg thhoussandds oof ppeopple,

33、 inncluudinng cchilldreen, as “deemenntiaa suuppoorteers,” tto rrecoogniize symmptooms andd caare forr paatieentss. TThe 11- too 133-yeear-oldds, forr innstaancee, wweree inn thhe ggoveernmmentts “Aggingg-Frrienndlyy Coomprreheensiive Expperiiencce HHalll” ooutssidee Seeoull. BBesiidess thhe aaginng

34、 ssimuulattionn exxerccisee, ttheyy viieweed aa PoowerrPoiint preesenntattionn deefinningg deemenntiaa annd wweree trrainned, inn thhe hhallls DemmenttiaEExpeerieenceeCennterr, tto pperfformm haand masssagge iin. “ Whhat didd I do witth mmy pphonne? Its iin tthe reffriggeraatorr, ” ssaidd onne iinst

35、trucctorr, eexpllainningg. “HHavee yoou sseenn soomeoone likke tthatt? TTheyy maay ggo mmisssingg annd ddie on thee sttreeet.” In annothher strrikiing movve, Souuth Korrea is alsso ppushhingg too maake diaagnoosess eaarlyy, ddesppitee thheree beeingg sccantt trreattmennt. “Thiss ussed to be hidddenn

36、” aand “thheree iss sttilll sttigmma aand biaas,” saiid KKim Hyee-jiin, dirrecttor of senniorr pooliccy ffor thee Heealtth aand Wellfarre MMiniistrry. Butt “wwe wwantt too geet tthemm ouut oof ttheiir sshellls, ouut oof ttheiir hhomees aand diaagnoosedd” tto hhelpp faamilliess addjusst aand givve pp

37、atiientts “aa hiigheer cchannce of beiing takken carre oof aat hhomee.” Hundrredss off neeighhborrhoood ddemeentiia ddiaggnossticc ceenteers havve bbeenn crreatted. Nuursiing hommes havve nnearrly triipleed ssincce 220088. OOtheer ddemeentiia pproggramms, prooviddingg daay ccaree annd hhomee caare,

38、haave inccreaasedd fiiveffoldd siincee 20008, too neearlly 220,0000. Caare is heaavilly ssubssidiizedd. And aa gooverrnmeent demmenttia dattabaase alllowss faamilliess too reegissterr reelattivees aand recceivve iironn-onn iddenttifiicattionn nuumbeers. Ciitizzenss enncouunteerinng wwanddereers witt

39、h ddemeentiia rrepoort theeir nummberrs tto ooffiiciaals, whho cconttactt faamilliess. To fiinannce thiis, Souuth Korrea creeateed aa loong-terrm-ccaree innsurrancce ssysttem, paaid forr wiith 6.66 peerceent inccreaasess inn peeoplless naatioonall prremiiumss. IIn 220099, aabouut $1 bbilllionn off g

40、ooverrnmeent andd puubliic iinsuurannce monney wass sppentt onn deemenntiaa paatieentss. SStilll, witth tthe oveer-665 ppopuulattionn juumpiing froom 77 peerceent in 20000 tto 114 pperccentt inn 20018 to 20 perrcennt iin 220266, ddemeentiia iis sstraainiing thee coounttry, soociaallyy annd eeconnomi

41、icallly. “At lleasst oone fammilyy meembeer hhas to givve uup wworkk” tto pprovvidee caareggiviing, saaid Kwaak YYounng-ssoonn, ssociial wellfarre ddireectoor ffor Mappo DDisttricct, onee off Seeoulls 25 geoograaphiic ddisttriccts. Beecauuse Souuth Korrea enccourragees ppeopple to worrk wwelll paast

42、 rettireemennt aage, faamilliess maay aalsoo loose demmenttia suffferrerss iincoomess. Most fammiliies no lonngerr haave genneraatioons livvingg toogettherr too heelp witth ccareegivvingg, aand somme ffaciilittiess haave lonng wwaittingg liistss, bbut “wee caantt keeep buiildiing nurrsinng hhomees,”

43、 Mr. Kwwak saiid. “Wee caall it a gghosst. Its bbasiicallly eattingg upp thhe wwholle hhousse.” Demenntiaa EppideemiccSouthh Kooreaa iss att thhe fforeefroont of a wworlldwiide eruuptiion of demmenttia, frrom aboout 30 milllioon eestiimatted casses noww too ann esstimmateed 1100 milllioon iin 220500

44、. AAnd whiile Souuth Korreas aapprroacch iis uunussuallly exttenssivee, eevenn inn thhe UUnitted Staatess, tthe Nattionnal Alzzheiimerrs Proojecct AAct wass inntrooducced thiis yyearr too esstabblissh aa seeparratee Allzheeimeerss offficce tto ccreaate “ann innteggratted nattionnal plaan tto ooverrc

45、omme AAlzhheimmers.” Suppporrterrs oof tthe billl, currrenntlyy inn coommiitteee, inccludde, whoose latte hhusbbandd haad AAlzhheimmers. Southh Kooreaa allso worrriees tthatt deemenntiaa, pprevviouuslyy sttigmmatiizedd ass “gghosst-sseeiing” or “onness seeconnd cchilldhoood” couuld “diilutte rresppe

46、ctt foor eeldeers,” MMr. Kwaak ssaidd. “TTherress a sayyingg thhat eveen tthe mosst ffiliial sonn orr daaughhterr wiill nott bee fiiliaal iif ttheyy loook aftter a ppareent forr moore thaan tthreee yyearrs.” So thhe aauthhoriitiees pprommotee thhe nnotiion thaat ffiliial pieety imppliees ddoinng eev

47、errythhingg poossiiblee foor eeldeers witth ddemeentiia, a ccondditiion noww caalleed cchimmae (prronoouncced cheee-mmay): ddiseeasee off knnowlledgge aand thee brrainn whhichh maakess addultts bbecoome babbiess. BBut Souuth Korreas llow birrth ratte wwilll maake fammilyy caareggiviing touugheer. “I

48、 feeel as if a ttsunnamiis commingg,” saiid LLee Sunng-hhee, thhe SSoutth KKoreean Alzzheiimerrs Asssociiatiion preesiddentt, wwho traainss nuursiing homme sstafff mmembberss, bbut alsso tthouusannds whoo reegullarlly iinteeracct wwithh thhe eeldeerlyy: bbus driiverrs, telllerrs, haiirsttyliistss, p

49、posttal worrkerrs. “Soomettimees II thhinkk I wannt tto rrun awaay,” shee saaid. “BBut eveen tthe higghesst mmounntaiin, jusst wworrryinng ddoess noot mmovee annythhingg, bbut if youu chhoosse oone areea aand movve sstonne bby sstonne, youu paave a wway to movve tthe whoole mouuntaain.” Southh Koore

50、aa iss evven tryyingg too tuurn a ccrissis intto aa buusinnesss oppporrtunnityy. TThe Agiing-Friienddly halll, finnancced by thee Miinisstryy off Knnowlledgge EEconnomyy, eencoouraagess buusinnessses to entter “siilveer iinduustrriess,” prooduccingg ittemss foor ffeebble eldderlly ppeopple, frrom ch

51、oopsttickks tthatt arre eeasiier to picck uup tto aautoomatted harrnesssess thhat hoiist peooplee frrom bedd, ssliddingg allongg a ceiilinng ttracck, andd deepossit theem oontoo tooileets or livvingg rooom couuchees. Colleege stuudennts vissit thee haall andd doon bbluee 3-D gglasssess foor “DDemeen

52、tiia EExpeerieencee” vvideeo jjourrneyys ffolllowiing peooplee diisorrienntedd onn sttreeets or seeekinng bbathhroooms. Throuughoout Souuth Korrea, Mrrs. Leee leeadss “ddemeentiia ssuppportter” traainiing, arrguiing agaainsst llonggtimme ppraccticces of chaastiisinng oor nnegllecttingg paatieentss,

53、aand advvocaatinng ffor preeserrvinng ttheiir sskillls andd seelf-estteemm. One ttip: giive demmentted rellatiivess “aa waashiing pann annd wwashhboaard” andd saay, “ Thee waashiing macchinness teerriiblee we neeed yyourr heelp ” wasshinng cclotthess, sshe tolld 2200 senniorr ciitizzenss innterrestt

54、ed in nurrsinng hhomee joobs or fammilyy caareggiviing advvicee. IIf ppatiientts ssay, “ Im ggoodd att maakinng ssoy souup, buut fforgget inggreddiennts,” gguidde tthemm sttep by steep, shee addvissed. Ottherrwisse, “Thhey mayy maake it intto ssaltt sooup, annd eeverryonne wwilll saay, Ohh, tthiss i

55、ss teerriiblee, yyou stoop ddoinng iit. ” Even thee yoounggestt arre eenliisteed. Mr. Kwwak, thhe llocaal ggoveernmmentt offficciall, aarraangees ffor nurrserry sschoool claassees tto pplayy gaamess wiith nurrsinng hhomee paatieentss, ssayiing thaat iit ddesttigmmatiizess deemenntiaa annd tthatt paa

56、tieentss whho “rregrresss too eaarliier dayys” mayy “ffindd itt eaasieer tto rrelaate to youung chiildrren.” And DDr. Yanng DDongg-woon, whoo diireccts onee off maany govvernnmennt-rrun diaagnoostiic ccentterss inn Seeoull, hhas vissiteed kkindderggarttenss, bbrinnginng ttofuu. “TThiss iss veery sof

57、ft, likke tthe braain,” hhe ssaidd, lletttingg itt crrashh doown. Noow, “thhe bbraiin iis ddesttroyyed.” “Demeentiia iis vveryy baad ffor youu, sso pprottectt yoour braain,” hhe ssaidd, wwithh exxerccisee, “nnot driinkiing tooo muuch suggar,” aand sayyingg, “ Daaddyy, ddont ddrinnk sso mmuchh beecau

58、use its nnot goood ffor demmenttia. ” At a Demmenttia Marrch outtsidde tthe Worrld Cupp Soocceer SStaddiumm, cchilldreen ccarrriedd siignss prromootinng DDr. Yanngss Maapo disstriict cennterr: “MMakee thhe BBraiin SSmille!” andd “HHow is Youur MMemoory? Frree diaagnoosiss ceenteer iin MMapoo.” The M

59、MapooCennterr foor DDemeentiia ppercchess att a bussy ccrosssrooadss off olld aand neww, nnearr a uniiverrsitty aand a sshopp seelliing natturoopatthicc gooat exttraccts. Itt haas eexerrcisse mmachhinees oout froont andd a vann wiith piccturres of smiilinng eeldeerlyy peeoplle. Even peooplee wiithoo

60、ut symmptooms comme, Dr. Yaang saiid. Theey aare “eaasedd byy heeariing, YYou do nott haave demmenttia andd caan vvisiit ttwo yeaars latter. ” Cha KKyonng-hhoss faamilly wwas warry oof ggetttingg hiim ttestted. “DDemeentiia wwas a ssubjjectt too hiide,” ssaidd hiis ddaugghteer, Chaa Jeeongg-euun. “I


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