1、1唐韓愈進(jìn)學(xué)解:“業(yè)精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毀于隨?!边@一句子中“于”的意思是C。A在B.從C.由于D.對于【解答】C 學(xué)業(yè)由于勤奮而精通,但它卻荒廢在嬉笑聲中,事情由于反復(fù)思考而成功,但它卻能毀滅于隨隨便便. 2當(dāng)王充論衡量知篇:“人之學(xué)問,知能成就,猶骨象玉石,切磋琢磨?!逼渲小按琛弊值臏?zhǔn)確含義是D。A搓弄B.商量討論C.摘取D.把象牙加工成器物【解答】D :把象牙加工成器物: 切磋; 3左傳宣公十五年:“我無爾詐,爾無我虞?!本渲星耙粋€“爾”的意思是C。A如此B.而已C.你D.那樣【解答】C : 我不欺騙你,你不欺騙我 4“苦口老師歸寂日,知恩弟子慶生辰。”(宋惠洪石門文字禪云庵生辰)
2、其中“苦口”一詞的含義是D。A.佛口B.說話太多口變苦C.口氣沉重D.不辭煩勞、反復(fù)懇切地說【解答】D 同 苦口婆心 5當(dāng)代小說家畢淑敏在提醒幸福中寫道:“幸福有時會同我們開一個玩笑,喬裝打扮而來。機遇、友情、成功、團(tuán)圓它們都酷似幸福,但它們并不等同于幸福?!迸c這里的“喬裝打扮”一語的意思最遠(yuǎn)的一頂是C。A.涂脂沫粉B.改頭換面C.廬山面目D.面目全非【解答】C 直接根據(jù)詞義判斷 6韓小蕙在悠悠心會中寫道:“有的夫妻一個屋檐下廝守一輩子,有的同事一個辦公室對坐幾十年,就是沒話,心靈始終隔膜著一片寸草不生的荒漠?!迸c這里的“寸草不生”一語的意思最近的一項是A。A. 赤地千里B.天府之國C.魚米之
3、鄉(xiāng)D.山窮水盡【解答】A :赤:空, 赤地千里形容天災(zāi)或戰(zhàn)爭造成大量土地荒涼的景象 7.2004年的印度洋地震海嘯令當(dāng)?shù)厝嗣癫患胺溃斐闪司薮蟮娜藛T傷亡和財產(chǎn)損失,但海嘯無情人有情,通過中國國際救援隊隊員等多方救助后情況就得到了改善。句中方框應(yīng)填入的字是C。A.防B.措C.猝D.促【解答】C 猝:突然,出其不意。事情來得突然,來不及防備 8清劉熙載藝論:“是其苦心孤詣,且不欲徇非常人意,況肯徇非常人之意乎?”句中“苦心孤詣”一語的結(jié)構(gòu)屬于C。A.并列式B.偏正式C.補充式D.主謂式【解答】C“苦心孤詣”指苦心鉆研,到了別人所達(dá)不到的地步,也指為尋求解決問題的辦法而煞費苦心。 9蔣子龍在喬廠長上
4、任記中寫道:“但是,他相信生活不是命運,也不是趕機會,而是需要智慧和斗爭的無情邏輯!因此他要采取大會戰(zhàn)孤注一擲?!边@里的“孤注一擲”在句中作D。A.補語B.狀語C.賓語D.謂語【解答】D 10純潔的愛情體現(xiàn)著優(yōu)美的C。A.對立統(tǒng)一性B.對立沖突性C.和諧同構(gòu)性D.矛盾差異性【解答】C 排除法:純潔的愛情不對立,不矛盾,不沖突 11耳聾之人不能欣賞馬思聰?shù)乃监l(xiāng)曲是因為他氣管C。A.后天的學(xué)習(xí)B.后天的實踐C.先天的能力D.先天的靈性【解答】C根據(jù)題意直接判斷 12“枯藤老樹昏鴉,小橋流水人家,古道西風(fēng)瘦馬,夕陽西下,斷腸人在天涯。”(元馬致遠(yuǎn)天凈沙秋思)其中的“古道西風(fēng)瘦馬”這一比喻表現(xiàn)的是C。
5、A.客觀的景物描寫 B.客觀的必理投射C.客觀景物與主觀情意的交融 D.純粹的主觀情意【解答】C 根據(jù)題意直接判斷 13泰戈爾說,翅膀墜上黃金的鳥兒將無法飛翔。劉翔110米欄完美爆發(fā)平世紀(jì)奪冠,宣告了“劉翔時代”的到來。但沒有對手的日子是孤寂的,有名利的糾繞更加危險。未來,他還能為世人帶來多少驚喜,沒人能預(yù)知,在這個巨星升起和隕落同樣倏忽的年代,這的確是留給世人的一聲重重的叩問。這“重重的叩問”是指D。在巨星升起和隕落同樣倏忽的年代劉翔是否趎的沒有對手。B.鮮花和名望是否會讓劉翔成為一顆轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的流星。C.劉翔走上了偶像的神壇之后,能否經(jīng)受得住世俗眼光的評判。D.劉翔面對巨大的名利誘惑,能否繼
6、續(xù)奮斗、再創(chuàng)輝煌?!窘獯稹緿 根據(jù)題意直接判斷 14“夸父與日逐走,人日。渴欲得飲,飲于河、渭;河渭不足,北飲大澤。未至,道渴而死。棄其杖,化為鄧林。”這個神話故事出自A。A.山海經(jīng)海外北經(jīng)B.水經(jīng)注C.天工開物D.夢溪筆談【解答】A 出自海外北經(jīng),后有成語“夸父追日”。 15“美麗地描繪一副面孔”和“一副美麗的面孔”分別指的是A。A.藝術(shù)的美、自然的美B.自然的美、藝術(shù)的美C.現(xiàn)實的美、藝術(shù)的美D.藝術(shù)的美、社會的美【解答】A 注意“描繪”一詞,表現(xiàn)的是藝術(shù)手法 16.風(fēng)來似一片綠色的海,夜靜如一堵堅固的墻“(張抗抗地下森林?jǐn)嘞耄?。這里運用聯(lián)想的方式屬于C。A.對比聯(lián)想B.接近聯(lián)想C.相似聯(lián)
7、想D.因果聯(lián)想【解答】C 相似聯(lián)想:是由某一事物或現(xiàn)象想到與它相似的其他事物或現(xiàn)象。接近聯(lián)想:是根據(jù)事物之間在空間或時間上的彼此接近進(jìn)行聯(lián)想。 17幻想中的情感體驗是B。A.真實性B.虛假的C.功利性的D.超脫的【解答】B 幻想的一大特點是不真實性 18下列名句中的空缺,正確的是B。,飛鳥相與還。(陶淵明飲酒)A.??驼勫轇.山氣日夕佳C.結(jié)廬在人境D.古道接悠遠(yuǎn)【解答】B 陶淵明飲 酒原文結(jié)廬在人境,而無車馬喧。問君何能爾?心遠(yuǎn)地自偏。采菊東籬下,悠然見南山。山氣日夕佳,飛鳥相與還。此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。 19以下不具有崇高感的詩句是A。A.人閑桂花落B.飛泉掛碧峰C.海上生明月D.飛流
8、直下三千尺【解答】A 出自鳥鳴澗 (唐)王維人閑桂花落, 夜靜春山空。月出驚山鳥,時鳴春澗中。閑:悠閑,寂靜。這里含有人聲靜寂的意思。在寂靜沒有人聲的 環(huán)境里,桂花自開自落,好像可以感覺到桂花落地的聲息。 20秦觀踏莎行郴州旅舍有“驛寄梅花,魚傳尺素”的句子,其中的“魚”是指A。A.鯉魚B.木魚C.信函D.信箋【解答】A是情人之間互傳情書的辦法,那個魚就是水里面的那種魚,是把尺素塞到魚腹中讓在遠(yuǎn)方的情人收到情書(古代的人想象力真豐富) 21在中國近代教育史上,主張“以美育代宗教”的人物是D。A.孫中山B.王國維C.梁啟超D.蔡元培【解答】D1917年,蔡元培在新青年雜志上發(fā)表以美育代宗教說一文
9、,進(jìn)一步闡述了他的美育思想。 22熟悉大海的人見到大海的畫面,口中有了海水的咸味,這種現(xiàn)象屬于C。A.想象B.聯(lián)想C.通感D.理解【解答】C通感就是把不同感官的感覺溝通起來,借聯(lián)想引起感覺轉(zhuǎn)移。 23對“六書”解釋正確的一項是D。A.甲骨文、金文、篆文、隸書、楷書、行書B.風(fēng)、雅、頌、賦、比、興C.詩、書、禮、易、樂、春秋D.象形、指事、會意、形聲、移注、假借【解答】D “六書”是古人解說漢字的結(jié)構(gòu)和使用方法而歸納出來的六種條例?!傲鶗敝?,最早見于周禮地官保氏。后世學(xué)者定名為象形、指事、會意、形聲、轉(zhuǎn)注、假借。東漢學(xué)者許慎給“六書”下定義是:象形者,畫成其事,隨體詰詘,日月是也;指事者,視
10、而可識,察而見意,上下是也;會意者,比類合誼,以見指撝,武信是也;形聲者,以事為名,取譬相成,江河是也;轉(zhuǎn)注者,建類一首,同意相受,考老是也;假借者,本無其字,依聲讬事,令長是也。 24牛頓的聯(lián)想隨之褪色,難怪有人感到失望而責(zé)怪牛頓。句中的“霓裳羽衣”見諸B。A.唐李白將進(jìn)酒 B.唐白居易長恨歌C.唐杜牧過華清宮絕句D.唐李商隱錦瑟【解答】B霓裳羽衣以云霓為裳,以羽毛作衣。形容女子的裝束美麗。出自唐白居易琵琶行(并序):“輕攏慢捻抹復(fù)挑,初為霓裳后六幺?!?25顏之推涉務(wù)云:“古人欲知稼穡之艱難,斯蓋貴谷務(wù)本之道也。夫食為民天,民非食不生矣,三日不粒,父子不能相存?!毕铝芯渲小盀椤钡暮x與“食
11、為民天”中的“為”含義相同的一項是B。A.皆信僮仆為之B.“子為誰?”曰“為仲由?!盋.秦為知之,必不救也D.今故告之,反怒為?【解答】B “食為民天”指糧食是人民賴以生存的最為重要的東西。 26東施效顰所模仿的對象是C,典出。A.褒姒 荀子B.毛嬙 管子C.西施 莊子D貂嬋 三國演義【解答】C 出自莊周莊子天運,西施有心痛的毛病。犯病時手扶住胸口,皺著眉頭,比平時更美麗。 同村女孩東施學(xué)著西施的樣子扶住胸口,皺著眉頭,因其本來就長得丑,再加上刻意地模仿西施的動作,裝腔作勢的怪樣子,讓人更加厭惡。 27我們從有限的對象中獲得無限的韻味需要對象本身具有C。A.想象性特征B.抽象性特征C.具象性特
12、征D.自覺性特征【解答】C從具象性與抽象性的矛盾看, 在審美活動中,我們所感性對象都是具體的,它直接滿足了人們通過感官對感性對象的心理要求。因此,審美對象本身必須是具體的,用魯迅的話說要具有“具象性”的特點。但同時,我們從有限的對象本身,要能獲得無限的韻味, 要求對象本身又應(yīng)具有抽象性的特征,使對象通過象征,而表現(xiàn)出更深沉、更豐富的意蘊。 28文藝復(fù)興以后,西方悲劇的主要對象是B。A.神B.人自身的性格C.社會D.人的靈魂【解答】B如果說古希臘羅馬時期的悲劇理論是以“神”為中心,那么文藝復(fù)興時期的悲劇理論的特征就應(yīng)是以 “人”為中心。文藝復(fù)興以后,西方悲劇的主要對象是 人自身的性格。意大利文藝
13、復(fù)興時期最有影響的文學(xué)批評家卡斯特爾維屈羅針對亞里士多德的“情節(jié)中心說”,提出了“性格中心說”, 他把通過行為表現(xiàn)性格看成是悲劇成功與否的關(guān)鍵。 29元趙禹圭折桂令過金山寺:“長江浩浩西來,水面云山,山上樓臺。山水查上連,樓臺相對,天與安排。詩句成云煙動色,酒杯傾天地忘懷。醉眼睜開,遙望蓬萊,一半兒云遮,一半兒煙霾。”對這首元曲解說不恰當(dāng)?shù)囊豁検茿。A.作者用“浩浩西來”的長江的動景來襯托巍峨的金山寺,顯得綺麗動人。B.這首元曲的開頭沒有直接寫金山寺,而是描寫金山寺氣勢不凡的背景。C.“詩句成云煙動色,酒杯傾天地忘懷”是用狂態(tài)來表現(xiàn)自己沉醉在如此勝景中的豪情。D.“山水相連,樓臺相對”說的是金
14、山寺倒映江中,山與水連在一起,樓中上下【解答】A這首曲當(dāng)是趙禹圭任鎮(zhèn)江府判時作的。前面寫長江浩渺,樓臺倒映,遼闊明麗,激起了詩人的詩情酒興,忘懷一切??墒钱?dāng)他睜開醉眼時,卻已煙云渺茫,好景不常了。這就在自然景色的描繪之中隱隱透露了詩人對現(xiàn)實的迷惘心情。 30“上海的石庫門住宅是特定歷史的產(chǎn)物,是弄堂里的上海風(fēng)情!我雖然沒在那里住過,但我懂得那一種感覺。那里所有的溫煦、質(zhì)樸和對待生活的韌性是我所熟識的,也是我所向往的。這恐怕是我生長的家庭和我成長的城市所給予我的唯一不變的東西。有一天,上海的石庫門會像曾經(jīng)居于其間的人一樣悄然地逝云,但是他們留給這塵世的那種精神卻永遠(yuǎn)不變?!边@段文字的結(jié)尾流露出作
15、者怎樣的感情?下列說法中不正確的一項是D。A.生活在現(xiàn)代都市,同時保有著對以往石庫門生活的同情B.對上海石庫門的古舊所傳遞的一份永遠(yuǎn)不變的精神眷戀C.上海石庫門所代表的一種石庫門文化讓作者著迷與留戀相互映照,山在水中,水在山上,一派奇妙景象。D.對于上海石庫門住宅中的具體的舊事和故人的懷念【解答】D 注意 “我雖然沒在那里住過, 但我懂得那一種感覺”,說明并不是對上海石庫門住宅中的具體的舊事和故人的懷念 31They are fed up A the old routine.A. with B. of C. at D. on32.He is such a(n) A teacher that h
16、as devoted all his and energy to his students. A. conscientious B. conscious C. academic D. scientific33.We are looking for someone with a real sense of B to the job. A. committee B. commitment C. community D. commission34.There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs, B the job stress is comp
17、aratively higher. A. that B. where C. which D. what35.Since you are C to the seafood, youd better avoid eating it. A. sensible B. sentimental C. sensitive D. sensory36.During the celebration, fireworks have been D at the bay. A. set out B. set about C. set up D. set off37.They declared the war, for
18、they believed that country had D the weapons of mass destruction. A. liberated B. countered C. approved D. proliferated38.The journalist reported the C of children labors who had worked many days on end. A. expansion B. expedition C. exploitation D. exploration What is the thing called happiness? Fo
19、r centuries, people were too busy pursuing it 39 much time analyzing it. Now a pioneering band of researchers has finally bagged the elusive quarry or at least taken its measure. Using such sophisticated new tools 40 the five-item Life Satisfaction Scale and the seven-point Delighted-terrible Scale
20、(On a scale of one to seven, how do you feel about your life?),social psychologists have plumbed the heart of happiness. And their answer to the age-old 41 is that it all depends.Happiness, that is, 42 what makes. you feel happy, which is why psyc1hologists often call it“subjective well-being.” But
21、from studies of various age and population groups in the United States and abroad, they have reached some 44 at the top of the charts is not, as many might expect, success, youth, good looks or any of those 45 assets. The clear winner is relationship, close ones, followed by happy marriage. Supporti
22、ve, intimate connections with other people seem 46 important. Using simple survey questions, psychologist David Myers found that the 47 happy people are those in unhappy marriages. Happiest are those who married 48 their “best friend.”39.A.to spend B.spending C.has spent D.have spent40.Alike B.alike
23、 C.as D.for instance41.A.psychology B.mystery C.solution D.trick42.A.results in B.leans against C.dependes on D.arrives at43.A.realistic B.idealistic C.objective D.individualistic44.A.endlessly B.contradictorily C.harmoniously D.consistrntly45.Aenviable B.reliabele C.inevitable D.endurable46.A.vastl
24、y B.tremendously C.swiftly D.basically47.A.most B.best C.least D.worst48.A.to B.with C.for D.offCCACC DABCASarah Alexander celebrated the start of her last year at Wells College the way many other seniors before her have. She ran across the picturesque to the shores of Cayuga Lake, where she jumped
25、into the water.So did many of her fellow seniors. But dozens of students decided to stay away, especially the relatively few newly arrived male students.Wells College, which since 1868 had educated only women, began accepting men this year in hopes of bolstering its dwindling enrollment. For many st
26、udents and alumnae, it was a crushing decision. After the college announced last October that it would go coeducational, about half of the students protested and two filed a lawsuit, which they later dropped.The students33 men and 383 women campus late month Both sexes are now trying to navigate new
27、 social landscape. Mr. Phillips said“You cant do guy stuff. Every time you want to sit and watch sports or a game, it turns into a movie.” The women were “some what nasty.” I could see the dirty looks in their eyes,” he said.“But I was not going to let that stop me from coming.”Wells was a place whe
28、re women did not have to fuss over their appearance or fight to be taken seriously by their professors. They could enjoy the camaraderie of their campus sisters and their playful traditions. Besides jumping into the lake, the women dance around the maypole each May and kiss the feet of the statue of
29、 Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, before exams.Ms. Alexander said,“People told us we wouldnt notice a difference, but from the moment men arrived on campus not could notice a difference. Waking up early to put on makeup, and thats odd,” she said.Henry Wells, a founder of Wells Fargo and a frien
30、d of Cornells benefactor, Ezra Cornell established this college, when women were not considered capable of higher learning. “Give her the opportunity,” he wrote.Henry Wells, a founder of Wells Fargo and a friend of Cornells benefactor, Ezra Cornell established this college, when were not considered
31、capable of higher learning. “Give her the opportunity,” he wrote.The great-great-great-great granddaughter of Henry Wells, Stephanie Redmond, 18,of Washington State, said that earlier this year a Wells student had tracked her down and asked her to support the protest. But Ms. Redmond said the move t
32、he move to admit men had encouraged her to enroll at Wells this year as a freshman. She plans on a career in engineering, a male-dominated field, and said attending an all-womens college might have put her at a disadvantage.49.The primary reason for the Wells College to accept men is that A . A. its
33、 enrollment rate is decline B. the campus is lack of vigor and vitality C. it will face the destiny of being closed down D. all-womens college might put a woman at a disadvantage50.A typical behavior for seniors to do that C . A. they jog along the picturesque campus B. they switch sports programs t
34、o a movie C. they celebrate their year by jumping into a lake D. they swim in Cayuga Lake accompanied by friends51.The change after turning into a coed college is that B . A. dirty looks in womens eyes have disappeared B. women get up early to make up C. women are waking up early to study D. women d
35、ance with men around the maypole52.The attitude of the author is that D . A. she hares a tradition of all-women schools B. she calls on women in support the protest C. she dislikes the change and hopes to file a lawsuit D. she objectively describes the new and uneasy coeducation53.Which of the follo
36、wing statements is Not true? B A. The enrollment of male students caused controversy, B. The grandchildren of the college founder benefited most. C. The current president of the college was also its graduate. D. The founder hoped to give women opportunities of higher education. But what is teacher q
37、uality? How can one measure it reliably?An analysis is issued a sample of data a Texas school district. Experts argue convincingly that teacher effectiveness should be measured by students gains on standardized tests: Mr. Smith is presumably a better teacher than Ms. Brown if his students consistent
38、ly improve their test scores more than hers do.Though this approach is appealing, there are tricky issues. For example, what if Ms. Brown teaches in a school where students score so high there is little room for improvement?The authors try to correct for this problem, as well as other sorts of measu
39、rement issues, to generate a measurement of teacher effectiveness. The paper is primarily concerned with how this measure is related to other observable teacher characteristics.The first finding is that is a large variation in teacher effectiveness: some teachers consistently have a larger impact on
40、 their students achievement than others.Second, easily observable characteristics like having a masters degree or a passing score on the teacher certification exam are not correlated with teacher effectiveness.Then what does matter? The most important single influence is experience: first-year teach
41、ers are much less effective than others. The second year is significantly better, and by the fourth year, most teachers hit their stride.It is not entirely clear whether this experience effect is learning by doing (the more you teach, the more effective you become) or survival of the fittest (those
42、who are not good at teaching tend to drop out early).From my reading of the paper, both effects appear important and there is no simple answer. The data do suggest, however, that teacher effectiveness is pretty clear by the end of the second year, so the information to make an informed decision is a
43、vailable at that time.The authors also investigate the contentious issue of racial matching of students and teachers. Here they find strong evidence that minority teachers tend to be more effective with minority students. Again, it is unclear whether this is because of a role model effect (students
44、respond better of their own race )or an empathy effect (teachers empathize better with students of their own race )or something else entirely.The authors also look at teacher mobility. There is some evidence that teachers who quit teaching or switch schools tend to be below average in effectiveness.
45、 This is consistent with the survival-of-the-fittest model.54.The schoolmaster could decide wisely whether to further employ the teacher by the end of the B . A. the first year B. the second year C. the third year D. the fourth year55.The phrase“hit their stride” most probably means“ C ”. A. reach t
46、heir normal level B. become confident C. walk with long steps D. get bored56.The author of this passage the view that A . A. teachers will perform better with time passing B. ineffective teachers should leave earlier rather than later C. teachers effectiveness is apparent after a couple of years D.
47、a masters degree will improve teachers effectiveness57.Why do black teachers tend to be more effective with black students? D A. Students feel secure, so they respond better. B. Teachers sympathize with students of their own race. C. There are entirely some other identified reasons. D. The reasons a
48、re far from clear and definite.58.Which of the following may serve as the best title? DA. Tenure, Turnover and the Quality of TeachingB. Impact of Teacher Quality on Student LearningC. Different Sorts of Measurement IssuesD. Survival-of-the-fittest Model vs. Learning-by-doing Model 59三邊均為整數(shù),且最大邊長為11的三角形,共有D個。A.20B.26C.30D.3660若a1,b1且lg(a+b)=lga+lgb,則lg(a-1)+lg(b-1)= D 。A.lg2 B.1 C.不是與a、b無關(guān)的常數(shù)D.061已知zC,若z24i,則 的值是DA34i B. C. D.62已知函數(shù)f(x)=co
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