1、文獻(xiàn)閱讀考試樣卷發(fā)布者:admin發(fā)布時間:2013-12-09 11:42:53分類:文獻(xiàn)閱讀與翻譯江蘇大學(xué)XXXX級碩士研究生英語期末考試樣卷考試科目:文獻(xiàn)閱讀與翻譯考試時間:XXXXXX(15%)Directi ons: An swer the follow ing questio ns on the An swer Sheet.1. How many kinds of literature do you know? And what are they? (5%)2. How many types of pro fessi onal papers do you know? And wha
2、t arethey? (5%)3. What are the mai n lin guistic features of Professi onal Pap ers? (10%)4. What are the purpo ses of abstracts? How many kinds can theabstracts be roughly classified in to? And what are the differe nt kin ds?(10%)5. What is a prop osal? How many kinds of propo sals do you thi nk are
3、there? What are the main eleme nts of a prop osal? (10%)6. Give your comme nts on the lin guistic features of the followi ng p assage.Basic P oi nt-Set Topo logyOne way to describe the subject of Topo logy is to say that it is qualitative geometry. The idea is that if one geometric object can be con
4、 ti nu ously tran sformed into ano ther, the n the two objects are to be viewed as being topo logically the same. For exa mp le, a circle and a square are topo logically equivale nt. P hysically, a rubber band can be stretched into the form of either a circle or a square, as well as many other sha p
5、es which are also viewed as being topo logically equivale nt. On the other hand, a figure eight curve formed by two circles touch ing at a point is to be regarded as topo logically disti net from a circle or square. A qualitative property that disti nguishes the circle from the figure eight is the n
6、u mber of conn ected p ieces that rema in whe n a sin gle point is removed: When a point is removed from a circle what remai ns is still conn ected, a si ngle arc, whereas for a figure eight if one removes the point of con tact of its two circles, what remai ns is two sep arate arcs, two sep arate p
7、i eces.The term used to describe two geometric objects that are topo logically equivale nt is homeom orp hic. Thus a circle and a square are homeom orp hic.Con cretely, if we p lace a circle C in side a square S with the same cen ter point, the n p rojecti ng the circle radially outward to the squar
8、e defi nes a fun ctio n f :C f S, and this function is con ti nu ous: small cha nges in x p roduce smallcha nges in f(x). The function f has an inv erse f-1:S f C obta ined by p roject ing the square radially in ward to the circle, and this is continu ous as well. One says that f is a homeom orp his
9、m betwee n C and S.One of the basic p roblems of Topo logy is to determ ine whe n two give ngeometric objects are homeom orp hic. This can be quite difficult in gen eral.Our first goal will be to defi ne exactly what the geometric objectsare thone studies in Topo logy. These are called topo logical
10、sp aces. The defi niti onturns out to be extremely gen eral, so that many objects that are topo logical sp aces are not very geometric at all, in fact.7. Match the p hrase in the first colu mn with its tran slati on in the sec ondcolum n.(10%)1. Full le ngth papera.征稿啟事2. Spon sori ng orga ni zatio
11、nb.會務(wù)組3. Call for papersc.全文4. Submissi on of papersd.提交論文5. Con fere nee venue and feese.信息牌/布告欄6.Con fere nee editorial boardf.主辦單位7. Reviewg.研討會8. Limous ine serviceh.評審、審稿9. Message boardi.客車設(shè)施10. Audio visual facilitiesj.會址和會費11. Colloquiak.視聽設(shè)施8. How do you un dersta nd Yan Fus threeword guide
12、 xing, da, ya ?What s youropinion on the princip les of tran slati on? (10%)9. It is very com mon that one word has more tha n one meaning. Theproper choice of word meaning is esse ntial to tran slati on. Choosethe correct mea ning of the word“story ” in the followi ng senten ces.(5%)(1) This war is
13、 beco ming the most imp orta nt story of this gen erati on.(2) It is quite ano ther story now.(3) Some rep orters who were not in cluded in the sessi on broke the story.(4) Hell be very happy if that story holds up.(5) The Rita Haywoth story is one of the saddest.The meanings of STORY: a. situatio n
14、; b. in side in formati on; c. exp erie nee; d.law case; e. stateme nt; f. eve nt10. Put the followi ng abstract into Chi nese. (10%)En viro nmen tal tobacco smoke (ETS) is a major source of in door airp olluti on. A major point stressed in both the Surge on Gen eral s Report and theNational Academy
15、 of Science s Report is that methods used to determine the exp osure of the non smok ing popu latio n to ETS must be impro ved. In this dissertati on, a semi-real time system for mon itori ng ETS are prop osed and comp ared with other systems. Several new tracers for ETS are prop osed. The gen erali
16、zati on and decay of ETS in an in door en vir onmen tal laboratory is studied. A new tech nique for an alyz ing microgram and sub microgram amount of ni cot ine is devel op ed. A unique exp osure study to ETS is to carry out wherein n ever-smokers are exp osed to ETS. Much evide nee has accumulated
17、that fine p articulate matter in the atmos phere affects huma n health andatmos pheric prop erties. To mon itor airbor ne p articles, it is n ecessary to sep arate various p article sizes in the atmos phere and to determ ine the chemical comp ositi ons of the p articles. A new high flow rate, multic
18、ha nnel p arallel p late denu der samp li ng system has bee n devel oped which is cap able of determ ining the p article size distributi ons and the semi-volatile orga nic compounds which can be lost from p articles duri ng samp li ng.11. Put the followi ng passage into En glish. (10%)在本國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)中,”文摘”一詞
19、的意義是:對原文獻(xiàn)內(nèi)容準(zhǔn)確、扼要而不加解釋或評論的表述。無論作者是誰,對此均不應(yīng)有所不同。一篇文摘應(yīng)該根據(jù)文獻(xiàn)的內(nèi)容與文體,使之具有盡可能多的報道性。也就是說,文摘應(yīng)盡可能多的表達(dá)文獻(xiàn)內(nèi)容中包含的定量或定性的信息。 報道性文摘對于敘述實驗研究和主題單一的文獻(xiàn)足較為理想的。但某些內(nèi)容龐雜或冗長的文獻(xiàn), 例如泛述、綜述以及整篇或整集的專著,則允許備有一個僅僅起指示性、描述性指南作用的文摘。還有一種必不可少的融報道性與指示性于一體的綜合性文摘,這類文摘適用于文摘長度受限制,或因文獻(xiàn)類型與文體的限制,而有必要對文獻(xiàn)的要點作報道性介紹江蘇大學(xué)XXXX級研究生期末考試卷樣卷課程:英語學(xué)術(shù)論文寫作時間:XX
20、XX(15%)10%)1. What are the gen eral li nguistic features of En glish academic writ ing?(2. Compare the stylistic features of the follow ing two p assages .(1)With the maid holdi ng the umbrella over her, she walked along the gravel p ath un til she was un der their win dow. The table was there, wash
21、ed bright gree n in the rain, but the cat was gone. She was sudde niy disa ppoin ted. The maid looked up at her.“Ha p erduto qualque cosa, Signora? Have you lost someth ing. Madam?There was a cat, ” said the? American girl.“A cat? ”“Si, il gatto. Yes, a cat.“A cat? ” the maid laughed.“A cat in the r
22、ain?“Yes, ” she said,“under the table. ” Then:“Oh. I wan ted it so much. I wan ted a kitty.When she spoke English the maid s face tightened.Come, Signora, ” she said. “ We must get back in side. You will be wet.“I suppose so, ” said the American girl.They went back along the gravel p ath and p assed
23、 in the door. The maid stayedoutside to close the umbrella. As the America n girl p assed the office, the p adro ne bowedfrom his desk. Someth ing felt very small and tight in side the girl. The padrone made herfeel very small and at the same time really imp orta nt. She had a mome ntary feeli ng of
24、being of sup reme imp orta nee. She went on up the stairs. She opened the door of theroom. George was on the bed, readi ng.Excer pted from a short story by HemingwayThere is now wides pread agreeme nt that the cha nges now un derway in the earthsclimate system have no p recede nt in the history of h
25、uma n civilizatio n (IPCC2007 and Stern. 2007 ). As a macro-driver of many kinds of environmental changes suchas coastal erosi on, decli ning precip itati on and soil moisture, in creased storm inten sity,and sp ecies migrati on, climate cha nge po ses risks to huma n security (McCarthy, Can zia nie
26、ary, Dokken, & A/hite, 2001). In most parts of the world, the imp acts of climate cha ngeon social -ecological systems will be experieneed through both changes in meancon diti ons (such as temp erature, sea-level, and annual precip itati on) over Ion g-timescales, but also through in creases in the
27、inten sity and in some cases freque ncy of floods,droughts, storms and cyclon es, fires, heatwaves, and epi demics. Outside of these short-and Ion g-term cha nges, which are p rojected to occur with high levels of certa in ty, there also exist somewhat more unquan tifiable risks of high-i mpact even
28、 ts. These in clude melt ing of glaciers and p ermafrost which may add several meters to global sea-levels, colla pse of the thermohali ne circulati on which may cause sig ni fica nt regi onal climate cha nges in the northern hemis phere, and large scale shifts in the Asia n monsoon and theEl Nino S
29、outhern Oscillation phenomenon (Oppenheimer and Alley, 2004, Veilinga andWood, 2007 and Schn eider et al., 2007).“Climate change, human security and violent conflict Political Geography ,Vol. 26, Issue 6 , Aug.2007, P 6403. What are gen eral functions of in troducti on? (5%)4. Revise the followi ng
30、abstract. (10%)As we all know, water is life .In that, we cannot live without it. For some time now, the issue of our water system has become an importan t issue to focus on. There have bee n many water p roblems due to en vir onmen tal degradati ons, such as water p olluti on. We must be aware of t
31、he importance of water in our society and the n eed to p rotect and p reve nt it from p olluti on. This paper in troduces the survey of water resources in Zhenjia ng, and the n explains the sources and distributi on of the major water p olluti on in the city.Through the data an alysis of 5-years in
32、dustrial water and livi ng water, it points out the effective ness of water p olluti on con trol of Zhenjia ng and some p roblems that still n eeded to be resolved. Water p olluti on has a great effect on the social environment. The control strategies could be propo sed to reduce water p olluti on a
33、nd p urify the environment, such as the con solidati on of law system, the preven tio n and mon itori ng of water, the pro moti on of water-savi ng tech no logies, the in troduct ion of p rocess ing tech nique and treatme nt of wastewater, etc.5. What are the gen eral requireme nts for research desc
34、ri ptio n? (5%)6. Read the followi ng sect ion and an alyze the methods of deve lopment. (10%)The differe nt architectural style and space environment of the old city is the in flue nee of the various culture impact on cities by con strsti ng the sp ace character and the hous ing con strucit on of t
35、he easter n cities and wester n cities. First, we will discuss the deve lopment of western culture and the formatio n of the cities in the historical persp ective. The n we will con clude the western cultural character and its impact on city formatio n. For exa mp le, the wester n no ti on of p ubli
36、c more important tha n p rivacy have in flue need the city arra ngeme nt exp resed by the buildi ngs located surro unding a cen tral square, show n in the follow ing figure. Second, we will sp ecically an alyze how the Chin ese tradit inal cultrue in flue nee on the historical formati on of the old
37、city that embodied the spirti of the Chin ese people. TheEastern social structur has bee n characterized with the strict hierarchy and concerned with family systme deve loped through long history, and this culture ideology have formed the strict axis, straight n orth ot south wild street and the in
38、trovert courtyard of the traditi onal easter n cities. Then, a graph of the traditioa nl Chin ese old city will be show n to illustrate the culture impact on the city character. Based on the above sp ecific an alysis of the differe nt character of the wester n cities and easter n cities. We can con
39、clude how the various cultrues can in flue nee the differe nt city formati on and its character by making a comp aris on show n in the follow ing table. Fin ally, we can gen eralzie that exisit ing old cities at p rese nt are the reflect ion of various culture tradit ons of differe nt historical p e
40、riods and differe nt cout nries, cultrue eleme nts will have imp orta nt impact on city formatio n. (fromUrban Studies, Vol.65, No.4, 1996)7. The sentence structures in the follow ing p assage are monotonous and p rimer.Rewrite the sentences to avoid monotonous and p rimer style. (10%)Compu terized
41、systems can op erate in one of three modes. The op erati ng modes are batch pro cess ing, remote batch pro cess ing, and time-share pro cess ing. Conven ti onal batch pro cess ing met all but one of the desig n requireme nts. The exce pti on wasaccessibility. Batch pro cess ing could not p rovide ou
42、t put to diversified, remote locatio ns in a timely manner. Remote batch pro cess ing, as the n ame imp lied, could p rovide batch p rocess ing at remote locati on s. It could do this through the use of telet yp e-writer term in als as out put devices. Unfortun ately the response time for remote bat
43、ch pro cess ing is unp redictable. It can vary from a few minu tes to several hours.8. How to avoid unintentional plagiarism in a professional writing ? (10%)9. A nalyze the lin guistic features of the followi ng ack no wledgeme nts. (10%)AcknowledgementsI would like to tha nk Dr. Gillia n Tober (Le
44、eds Addict ion Un it) for her in terest in my research propo sal, and for allow ing me access to the UKATT data for my study. Additi on ally, I exp ress thanks to Adele Loftus and Gail Crossley (Leeds Addict ion Un it), for their assista nee with the adm ini strati on requireme nts to that end. Warm
45、 tha nks are exte nded to my sup ervisors ProfessorAlex Cop ello (Un iversityofBirmi ngham), and Dr. Alis on Rolfe (Newma n Uni versity College,Birmi ngham), for their time and comme nts in relati on to my emp irical paper and literature review, and their willi ngn ess to bear with me whe n gett ing
46、 this dow n on paper. Massive tha nks to my mum,Je nnifer Lane, for allow ing me to use her little office (whe n I visited her and Dad at theirt know or in deed owe hlovely bungalow on the Costa - del - Essex). Thanks also to my cat, Kiwi, who spent hours on end purring next to me while I was workin
47、g a nd who probably doesn comfort ing this was to me. Fin ally, I exp ress heartfelt gratitude to my husba nd, Dr. GrahamFee ney, for his kindn ess and un dersta nding throughout the p ast three years. I would p articularly like to tha nk him for givi ng me the time and space I n eeded to comp lete
48、my research and cli nical p ractice reports, whe n the time we have had together over this p eriod has bee n so very sp arse.lO.Rewrite the follow ing, mak ing them more cohere nt by either addi ng tran siti onal words or cha nging the sentence order. (15%)Look ing forward to the year 2012, one won
49、ders what personal qualities will bethe abilityn eeded for success. Possibly the four most esse ntial qualities are flexibility, hon esty, creativity, and p ersevera nee. Our rapi dly cha nging society requires flexibility to ada pt on eself to new ideas and p ractices. Hon esty, the cap acity both
50、to tell and face the truth courageously, will be imp orta nt in all asp ects of personal and p ublic relati ons.Creativity will be required to meet the con sta ntly cha nging world around us. Persevera nee.the ability to hold on at all costs will be required in a society where comp etiti on for space, food, and shelter will in crease with a grow ing popu lat
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