1、苔絲英文讀后感5篇/ueditor/201708/23/a1d1c281348e4afcd792cbb6945a494b.jpg title二1.p ng alt=1.p ng width二357 height二411 /苔絲英文讀后感 1 Why was Tess s girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, n oble andpure woma n as Tess should suffer in evitable rui n? Why does the wrong man takethe wrong woma n? Why it is
2、 always the woma n who pays?Why they are always hurt?Why is beauty damaged by ugli ness? Why the tragedy ishappe ned more tha n onehun dred years ago repeated in moder ntimes? Iseverythi ng too late?Recently I ve read the British famous writer Thomas Hardy smasterpiece-Tess of the D urbervilles. It
3、describes the misfort une of a poorpeasa nt girl Tess. In this no vel, we can see Tess resist herunjust fate aga inand aga in, till to be ruin ed. With the developme nt of theplot we find that hertragedy is in evitable.We can not but feel the intenseemoti ons of pity andfear.The cause of Tess s trag
4、edy has always been the concernof people, such abeautiful,noble and pure woman as Tess should sufferin evitable rui n. Whatleads to her tragic destiny? Who killed her? I can t do very well in an alysisthe novel. I don t know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I dohave an understandin
5、gof the novel by myself. Alec andAn gel who are the twopeople very closely related to Tess s fate. I think fierce Alec played a veryimporta nt role in killi ng Tess, but in fact, it was hypocriticalAn gel whokilled Tess in directly but more cruelly.I wan ted to cry, Tess, do not follow him whe n I r
6、ead thatplot. I hope shemet her true love before she was seduced, but everyth ing was too late. She wasseduced by a so called gen tlema n-Alec, and from the n onher life totally cha ngedfrom this loss of innocence. People looked downon herand respect her no more.Actually she did nothing wrong becaus
7、e before she was seduced she knew nothingof man. Wome n were too weak. Tess was poor, weak andhelpless and met the wrongpers on at the wrong time.I stron gly believed that it was An gel who killed Tess cruelly and withoutmercy. An gel was a liberal bourgeoisie. He made himselflived in the coun trysi
8、derather tha n serv ing the god. An gel was a man who questioned the church steaching. He thought the church s views were too strict and did not allow freethinking. An gel extricated him from religio n and his family, but he couldn tbreak with traditi onal moral prin ciples. He wan ted a wifewho was
9、 the daughterof nature, honest, sensitive, intelligent,graceful, pure assnow and extremelybeautiful. I n the first part I thought An gel loved tess very much. In thefollow ing part I found that he loved an image he imagi ned.After their weddi ngAn gel con fessed the crime he committed to a woma n lo
10、ng time ago and asked Tess sforgive ness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave an gel aton ce. She innocen tlythought that the thi ng she was going to con fess would beforgive n. Poor Tess!She sat and told everyth ing to an gel, hop ing he would forgive her as he wasforgive n, but she was wrong. Th
11、e woma n pays.An gel claimed that you were one pers on, now you are ano ther whe n tess askedwhy. The woma n An gel had loved was not tess, was another woman in tess s shape.An gel loved the pers on he imagi ned. He con sidered tessthe daughter of n ature.Compared to tess s words, “ I thought an gel
12、, that you loved me-me my very self!If you do love me, how can you treat me like this? It frighte ned me! Havingbeg un to love you, I will love you forever, i n all cha nges, inall troubles,because you are yourself. I ask no more.we know howdeep tess loved an gel. Shewould have laid dow n life for a
13、n gel. She not only loved the merits but alsoaccept the demerits. We know from the book that whe nan gel came back fromBrazil, he could hardly be recognizedby his motherbecause the cruel climateand hard work had aged him by twenty years, but tess accepted an gel immediately,because he was the man sh
14、e fell in love with.I don t know why an gel could n t forgive tess since hehimself had done thesimilar thi ng.苔絲英文讀后感2 in tess of the d urbervilles, hardymolded a pure, kin dhearted image andrather an image brave eno ugh to rebel, to shoulder the resp on sibility of heracti on. her un fort unen ess
15、was the tragedy of the society,her character andfate. it vividly revealed the persecutiontowards peopleafter in dustrialrevolution made by the conceptionof capitalism andtraditi onal moral. followi ngare some of my opinions about the causes to her death.her character and pare ntage was part of the c
16、ausein the author s ideal world, tess was the embodiment of beauty and theincarnationof love .she represents all the merits of thevillagers in herhometown:beautiful, pure, kind, simple, charitable and tolera nt. to love ,shehad no egocentric thoughts and didn t plan to meet hervain wish by marriage.
17、she standed by he dignity and pursue freedom .hardy made the poor, helpless,humble country girl as the heroin. despite she committed adultery and murder,hardy still claim she was a “ pure girl ” . this fully showed the author s sympathytowards tess. hardy elaborately modeled the image of tessand in
18、dig nan tlydescribes the depressi on confron ted with tess through her short life.tess is a young woma n who tends to find herself in thewrong place at thewrong time. she is a victim, but she is also, at times, irresp on sible. she fallsasleep while tak ing the beehives to market, which ends upkilli
19、 ng the familyhorse, prince she decides to visit the d urbervilles in tran tridge, giving riseto all her futurewoes, partly out of the guilt andresp on sibility she feelstoward her family. she wants to make good, but in tryingto help her family sheloses sight of her own safety and her own wants and
20、wishes. she becomes alec svictim in the forest. she probably should have known not to put herself in sucha situati on, but she has few other opti ons. here, it seems as though she isdesti ned to rely on others, eve n whe n they are un reliable.tess is also a strong woman throughout the novel. she st
21、a nds up for herselfand refuses to crumbleunder pressure. she chastisesherself for her weak nessafter her sexual escapade with alec. if we agree with herclaim that thisindiscretionis a moment of weakness, we probably alsofeel that such weak nessis not unlike thatof most human beings.she is hard onhe
22、rself for lett ingherself become a victim. at the burial of her child, sorrow , she weeps butcollects herself and moves on as a strongerwoman.overall, her determ inedattempts to escape her past primarily reflect her stre ngth.her pare ntage to some exte nt leaded to her final tragedy.born in a poorf
23、amily, with an ignorant vain, drun kard father who did notcare too much aboutthe苔絲英文讀后感3 The Woman PaysTESS is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the dUrberwilles.She was seduced by a so-called gentleman Alec, and from the n on her lifetotally cha nged from this loss of innocen ce. People lo
24、okeddow n on her andrespected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrongbecause before she wasseduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl whe n she first met thatterrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blameherself for thisaccident, so she thought she deserved nothingg
25、ood. Inorder to get rid of thepast she decided to go to a dista nt dairy farm but was stillsay ing to herselfthat she was wrong. Maybe God didn t agree with that,because the Lord gave hersome one she loved with her whole heart and life An gelChare. An gel popped thequestio n to her but she refused h
26、im without say ing why.She said she loved himdeeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more tha n she did but sheAngelAngelcould not marry him for some unspoken reason. wasn t satisfied with thisvague an swer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soonfixed the wedding
27、 day. Soon after their wedding con fessed the crime hecommitted to a woma n long time ago and asked for Tess s forgive ness. Tess wasn ot at all angry and forgave An gel at on ce; in fact she was rather happy andexcited for she also had thi ngs to con fess.She sat and told everythi ng to An gel, hop
28、 ing he wouldforgive her as he wasforgive n but she was wrong. She was not forgive n, not as she thought she was.The woma n pays.Without An gel s love, nothing mea nt anything to her. The result wasn timporta nt now. T ess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gen tlema n.Why? She still love
29、d An gel and whe n he fin ally went backto her and asked forHER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done un fair to Tess, she wasdesperate. That was too late Alec had always told Tess that An gel would n evercome back so he won Tess s trust. Uni uckily An gel didcome back and found Tess.!Eve
30、rythi ng was too late!Tess was deceived and she lost An gel for the sec ond time! The stre ngh ofher love was so strong that she had forgotten differe nee betwee n right andwrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but whe n she killed Alec,everyth ing really cha nged! She became a crim in al! c
31、ould it be? She was aspure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. whole character was hon estand faithful. An gel figured out at last that a pers on shouldbe judged not onlytheHowHeron what he has done but also on what he wan ted to do!Tess didn t want to be seduced by man and she had no power
32、to defe ndherself so she lost her innocence and that s all! An gel also did the wrong thi ngs crime but HE wasand it was eve n more serious tha n Tess not blamed for it. Whyit is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess sgirlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the w
33、rong woma n? Why do the badofte n ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugli ness? Wome n are too weak!Thousa nds of years of history have show n us that wome nhave always bee n treatedun fairly!In old China there was a culture, which didn t think ofwome n as huma nbein gs. If you asked one if he
34、was the oldest in his family,he would probablyanswer “the oldest one ” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why the nhe would say, “ Ha, they are not in cluded! ”People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep thefamily n ame going. They thought girls had no use for
35、the family. They would bemarried and go to live with their husba nds home and betheir wives some daysooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent,and virtuousand the most importa nt thi ng was she must be a maide n!If her husba nd wa
36、s thefirst man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter howshe thought. If she was n, the n she would gain a very badreputati on and n obodywould dare to go n ear her. What about men? People didnot care whether he was anexperieneed man or not, nor did they care about his chara
37、cter. They thought manequals power and power equals rights Now let s not be so bitter. Nowadays women s situatio ns have become muchbetter. Some are because of the change of society and some are because ofcivilizatio n. Just let those poor painful wome n like TESS be just a memory.苔絲英文讀后感 4 About Th
38、omas HardyThomas Hardy (1840-1928), who is an En glish n ovelist.His father is astoneworker,who is fond of music. His parents thoughtmuch of the educatio n oftheir son. He grownup in the Dorset shire, so theen vir onment of there becamethe main backdrop of his writings.His writingsoftenreflect ing t
39、he cha ngeafter capitalism in trude the coun tries in En gla nd and thepeople s hardlife.At first, Hardy wrote some no vels, and in his old age, heworked on poets.The no vel Tess of the D Urbervilles was published in theyear 1891.Thomas Hardyfaci ngthe terror of the war andpropagati ng the love-k in
40、dn ess, heis one of the greatest En glish writers.The summary of the bookAs is known to all, is the most famous no vel of ThomasHardy. Tess comesfrom a farmer s family, the Durbeyfields. One day her father, Joh n Durbeyfiedlearns that they are descended from the D Urbervilles, an an cie nt family. H
41、ermother urges Tess to claim ki nship with the remai ning DUrbervilles, so thatTess could marry a gen tlema n. Un willi ngly, the girl comesin con tact with theStoke, D Urbervilles. There she meets Alec D Urbervilles. Having received a jobof tending to chickens, Tess stays in the D Urbervilles. Befo
42、re long the richbut guileful Alec man ages to seduce the girl and make herpreg nant. Beinghumiliated and resolute, Tess returns home , and gives birth to the child, who iscalled Sorrow but dies soon . Without financial support, Tess has to leave homeand goes to work at a distant farm, where she meet
43、s Angel Claire. After An gelpersistentpursuit of Tess, the two fall in love. In the wedd ing ni ght, Tessadmits about Alec D Urbervilles and the child. She begsfor forgive ness, butAn gel leaves her in disgust. Tess aga in returns home alone,only find that herfamily rema ins impoverished and she eve
44、 n has no place to stay .In the mea ntime,Alec D Urbervilles appears again. He promises to supporther family, only as ameans to make Tess depe ndent. At the end of hope, thegirl jumps into the trapof the shameless man. However, An gel Claire, who is remorseful for hismercilessness comes back, which
45、makes Tess even more desperate. After An gelleaves, she kills Alec. The n she follows An gel and escape with him. They man ageto hide for a while in a wood before she is arrested. She is han ged later.In this story, the dramatis persona Tess is a beautiful, virtuous countrygirl. An gel Claire loves
46、Tess, but his love is selfish, he cant forgive herwife s mistake, he forsakes her .Alec D Urbervilles is an evil pers on, he makesTess s life being a tragedy.The comme ntThis is a dolorous book.This is a story of love.Tess, the poor girl as innocent as the sleep ing birds in the trees, or thesmall f
47、ield ani mals in the hedges, her life destroyed by herrelatives, loverand some other people. They say they love her, but they like themselves most.Her pare nts want her married Alec only because they want her doing some good forthe family. Alec wants to possess her, because she is the most beautiful
48、 girl inthe village. He makes her pregnant but can t give her his love. Angle is tess strue love, but his love also not con summate, he can t forgive tess s mistake,although he had did wrong with a wome n.Why only the women had to pay? I thought of this problem for a long time.In the 19th En gla nd,
49、 wome n had not status, they live veryhard because peopleprejudice. Tess is the victimun derthe not fairen vir onment, she lives withforce, and eve n the law thinks the in sults are allowable! Atthe end of thebook, Fort une s wheel bereaves the last thing she hadher life.How to vindicate the women s
50、 right? Expect change thepeople s prejudicewome n must lear n to be adama ncy and in depe ndent. Wemust know how to take careof ourselves. We must have the ability to feed ourselves,so that we can win theindependent of personalityand life. And so that we canhave a pure au pairlove.The word “woman ”
51、doesn t means “puny ” !苔絲英文讀后感 5 She was seduced by a so-called gen tlema n Alec, and from the n on her lifetotally cha nged from this loss of innocen ce. People lookeddow n on her andrespected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she wasseduced she knew nothingof men. She was
52、just a girlwhe n she first met thatterrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blameherself for thisaccident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of thepast she decided to go to a dista nt dairy farm but was stillsay ing to herselfthat she was wrong. Maybe
53、God didn t agree with that, because the Lord gave hersome one she loved with her whole heart and life AngelChare. An gel popped thequestio n to her but she refused him without say ing why.She said she loved himdeeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more tha n she did but shecould not
54、marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn t satisfied with thisvague an swer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soonfixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel con fessed the crime hecommitted to a woma n long time ago and asked for Tesss forgive ness. Tess wasn
55、 ot at all angry and forgave An gel at on ce; in fact she wasrather happy andexcited for she also had thi ngs to con fess.She sat and told everythi ng to An gel, hop ing he wouldforgive her as he wasforgive n but she was wrong. She was not forgive n, not asshe thought she was.The woma n pays.Without
56、 An gel s love, nothingmea nt anything to her.The result wasn timporta nt now. T ess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gen tlema n.Why? She still loved An gel and whe n he fin ally went backto her and asked forHER forgiveness,after he regretted what he had doneun fair to Tess, she wasdes
57、perate. That was too late Alec had always told Tess that An gel would n evercome back so he won Tess s trust. Uni uckily An gel did come back and found Tess.!Everythi ng was too late!Tess was deceived and she lost An gel for the sec ond time!The stre ngh ofher love was so strong that she had forgottenth
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