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1、About the fun coup in junior high schoolphysics class applicati onsPaper to write network:physics as an importantnaturalscie nee,basic scienee,today is theeen terofmoder nscie neeand tech no logydiscipli nes.The entirephysicalprocessof teaching, junior high school physicsteach ingyoungpeople to ente

2、rthe physicalkno wledgebase entry anden lighte nment,is the key to studentslearning physical in terest, with a prelimi nary observati on of thin gs, an alyze problems, problem-solvi ng skills.Thusin spire stude nts in terestin scie nee in middle schoolphysics teach ing, and to mobilize theirlear nin

3、gen thusiasm for future adva need to lay a good foun dati on can not be igno red.Psychological and physiological characteristics of junior high school youth during the one hand, they have a strongdesire for knowledge, the kinds of newthings, studious, inquisitive and full of fantasy. But they are su

4、ch a lear ning en thusiasm is ofte n short-term“directin terestlin ked toencoun termore abstractrati onal iiknowledge of physics, these difficulties will soon enable them to have lost en thusiasm for study, and fin ally lead to the failure of the junior high school physics teaching. in spiratio n an

5、d a solid stude nt in terest in lear ning to fully mobilize their lear ning en thusiasm a major issue faced by every junior high school physics teacher in the teaching process.To solve this problem n aturally a lot of physicsis a rigorous natural scienee, physical learning is often lin kedand serm o

6、ns, however, the juniorsec on darystude nts,childlike still, playful spirit,sin gleandmonotonous teach ing methods, it is bounden ablestude nts to slowly lose in terest in lear ning physics, how to improve this situati on, try followi ng a small coup!A small productionto preview New to physicsstude

7、nts, physics is both familiar and un familiar familiar: the book of life know or seen something strange: the in side and what physical kno wledge.Then, if the teacherarrangement of the small production, students will be described in reference to the book yourself to accomplish virtually preview a te

8、xtbook, un til the time of the class, theteachers with the stude nts producti on re-a nalysis of thephysicalprinciples,students do not clear? such as thestudy of sound propagatio n, so the stude nt producti on of“ land phone ” learning sound characteristics, making the bottle pia no, as well as pin

9、hole cameras, kaleidoscope and other stude nts to produce their own, a successful harvest the additi on of a surprise, with such feeli ngs come back on the physics class, when the observedsig ni fica ntphe nomenon, what can you expect, of course, wan ted to know what prin ciple is it!Than the teache

10、rs do a muchmore sig ni fica nt to the stude nts dem on stratio n effect.Similarly, the arran geme ntof the in dividualexperime ntal reports, such as the study of boili ng water, survey en viro nmen tal no ise and to preve nt; survey report on water conservationand so on. Teachers guiding thelayout,

11、 the stude nts took their own first-ha nd survey data, the classroom effect can be imag in ed.Smallproducti onpreparati on,won derful!Second, the use of small ani mati on to lead the classInthis In ter net age, teachers can make use of on li ne mediaresources, collect textbooks ani mated to the in t

12、roducti onof new courses, animation is at this stage the child s love,which also found that the physical problems, so that they more found physics is in deed from the life, yo! For example,in the electrical first less on to learn, there is acarto onof a red pan da,in clud ing mobile phon es,lightnin

13、gand other electric phenomenaof knowledge,students plot and after reading,laughter, teachers, andthe n Huafe ng a turn, “ which physical kno wledgein sideyou want to know now, such as how is it? ” argument class can be used on several studentswill have a deepimpressi on, kno wledge points are virtua

14、lly in mind in the heart. Share Free paper Downl oad Cen ter littlestory to class Physical natural scienee, toestablishits system of condensation of the blood andsweat of coun tless scie ntists, and there are occasi on al, but in evitable.The discovery of a phe nomenon on a law, hasa story beh ind t

15、he teachers atte nti on to the collecti on, will be able to cleverly interspersed in the process of class come in, reach and scientists to explore the effect of learningtogether, not only the students willingto listenstory, allow stude nts to virtually experie nee thescientist s way of thinking,expe

16、rimentalmethods, hasopened a scientific veil of mystery is more interestingisthe discovery of some uninten ti on ally,so that stude ntsthoughtfully established his“ca n ” con fide nee. lear n thisless on of the telescope, for example,teacherscan tellstudents, the first telescope was a little boy acc

17、identally found his father s store glasses to play, holding the lens accide ntally before and after the two len ses place, sudde nly found far from the sce ne cha nged later through continuousimprovement, there are now various uses ofthe telescope. stude nts and some en vy, some won der, that their

18、heart will want to, I can in life found what?Fourth, the use of small experiments to break through The experimentalteaching is an integral partof physicsteach ing,experime ntaleffects on thebreakthrough teach ing difficult to play a crucial role here in particular to mention the role of the“experime

19、nt ”means those who can make the best of a succession of experiments,is the finishingtouch. for example, plasticruler, and the hair frictio n electrificati on, with the magnifying glass and walls of the an alog camera imag ing, ballo ons and etherdem on strati ongasificatio nandliquefaction,etc., th

20、e students involved, the material athand more intimatefeeling than with the assembly ofspecialized laboratoryinstruments,students are morereceptive to complex in strume nts are ofte n in troduced on the in strume nt prin ciple you have to spe nd a lot of time!Small experime ntprov incetime and effor

21、t to breakthrough the difficulties, not better!Using a small test to consolidate Spend a class period to detect the feedback of the students learning,long cycle, the questions before class, the coverage is small. Discretionunder 5 minutesbefore class dictationwell. Whole class bega n to move. Effect

22、is un expected, I urge stude nts with lear ning difficulties can remember thepoint is that, no one thought on the role of excellent stude nts a greater part of the excelle nt stude nts also tend to ignore the usual review and consolidate, until before the exam to read, small dictatio n Divisio n so

23、that they do not relax, detract from the clear kno wledge points to unit test, review a small amount, but also spe nd more en ergy on the summary of comb ing the results n aturally emerge.6, using the game to sitReview of the time, ofte n recitati ons uni oved liste nto, and the review in the game c

24、ompetiti on, the effect is not the same. How the game, for example, i n the review of the book kno wledge, the use of group games to find the knowledge points of the game to find the whole group very not find, be suppleme nted by other groups, to find one other group 1, corresp onding to this group, subtract 1 point each team take turns driv ing trains, the beg inning of t


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