1、An alysis of the nin e-step method ofin terrogati on Comme ntaryAbstracts “nine-step method of interrogationsince its in cepti on, has always bee n a hot spot of the trialof discussionand research, have a broad impact in thein vestigati onof the theory and practice of the paperargues, the trial of t
2、he“nin e-stepmethod ofinterrogation” by a preconceived tendency, the right to afull defense of the provisionsof the Code of CriminalProcedure, the suspect is not en tirely con siste nt with due proporti on and en richme nt.Research papers Keywords nin e-step method of in terrogatio n in terrogatio n
3、 strategyNine-step methodof interrogation “ is called ”Reid method, by Fred In Bev, Joh n Reed, and Joseph Buckley, prepared jointly by the trio in 1986 >> < ;&It;in terrogati onand con fessi onfirst The thirdediti on of a book first proposed. Fred In Bev is one of the most famous scholars o
4、f the late America n crim inal justice scholars and police scientific community in the 20th cen tury,Joh nReed, U.S. in terrogators scie nee andpolygraphtech no logy pion eers one, while Buckley, Reedstudentstook over the position of Principalof the theReed joint school he foundedin Reed died the na
5、mesuggests, the nin e-step method ofin terrogatio nin terrogatio n program method is composed of nine parts, is a species to overcome the the revolt and con fessed deceived psychological con trol, with the aim of break ing the resista nee do not want the suspects con fessed it con fessed crimes.far,
6、 it is still to play in the worldincludingthe United States criminal investigationtheoryand practice exte nsive the impact.I. Overview of the nin e-step method of in terrogati onIn vestigati onandin terrogati onbyin vestigatorstoiden tify thefactsof thecase in ordertoobta in thetruecon fessi onsofsu
7、spectsand excusethe truthandquestio ningsuspects inaccorda neewith the law,andcon fessi ons and to justify an in vestigatio n of the behavior of the in terrogati on record credited it is the n ature of the con flict The most sig ni fica nt feature. > > As <<in terrogati on and con fessi
8、on book poin ted out that uni ess the circumsta nces set out in the suspect was arrested onthe spot in the implementationprocess, the suspectswould not normally make a confession.investigatorsinthe interrogationThe purpose is very clear - breakthrough the psychological defe nse of the suspects, forc
9、ing the suspect truthfully con fessed to the facts of the case or derive clues and suspects out of an in sti nctive aware ness of self-protectio n, regardless of the crime whether, will be denied or as real attempt to muddle through, relief framed or avoid legal acti on. arra nge a pre-trial in terv
10、iew before the start of the nin e-step method of in terrogati on to determine the guilt or innocence of the suspect. in terrogatorstry in the first in terview,with a casual,frien dlycon versati onto create anon-threate ningatmosphere of friendship and trust establishedbetweenhimself and the suspects
11、. in terrogators in the first round of talks, reacti on (in clud ing the reacti on of Ian guage and non-verbal reacti ons built on through the observati on of the suspect began to really put pressure on baseline reacti on before, the n this ben chmark as a reference point, this suspect decepti on an
12、d lying behavioral sig ns throughout the trial.The nine-stepmethod of interrogation,thebasic steps are as follows: the first step is to put forward positive allegati ons positivein terrogatorsdirectly toldin terrogators, he has bee n regarded as a case of crim inal suspects, and the n observe the re
13、acti on n ecessary repeat words, the sec ond step to expa ndthe trial themeinterrogatorsspeak their speculationon the reasons forthe impleme ntati on of the crim inal acts, so as to provide a reas on to absolve itself morally guilty trial, themes implicit in the course of the trial beh ind and throu
14、ghout the whole story, the third step is to stop aga in deni ed, i nterrupted by the excuse of not guilty to being questio nedbyin terrogators, and return to the sec ond step on the theme, to preve nt the suspects denied the offen se, i n additi on to theircon fide neeto mai nta inlow, but also that
15、 thesuspects keep quiet, so there is no opport un ity to seek a lawyer, the fourth step refute differenttheory obstacles,in terrupted by the in terrogators were in terrogated on the causes of crime excuse refute this deal with the deni al, because they refute give in terrogators some in formati on,
16、to turn to deal with the suspect, the fifth step to grab the suspect s attention,the interrogatorsshould strive to seize the atte nti on of the people to be tried, the sixth stepcon troln egativeemoti ons thein terrogatorsshouldstre ngthe neye con tact with the suspects, in order toovercome itsn ega
17、tive confron tatio n so as to stre ngthe nthe suspects psychological pressure and the desire to want to get out of this situati on, the seve nth step selecti on problem in terrogators to use a group of select interrogativebeen tried to make an acceptable way torecog nize the crime, the eighth step t
18、o ide ntify the details of the crime, i nterrogators suspect from speak ing to some of the crime only the perpetrators know the details, the ninth step produced a writtenconfession,the trial of asuspect speak out all the facts of the crime and produced a writtenconfession,this process The interrogat
19、orsquickly to preve nt it fromaga in estoppel suspectscon firmed that his con fessi onwas volun tary,not forced,and sig n a stateme nt in front of the wit ness.Second, at home and abroad on the evaluati on of the nin e-step method of in terrogati onFor the nin e-step method of in terrogatio n, diffe
20、re ntdifferent views of scholars at home and abroad, both favorable and un favorable. Among the famous America nprofessor of Carson (Karsin McConnell(McNall,BritishprofessorKyrgyzforcesHGoodeJones(GisliH.Gudj onsson,Walkley(walkleyZimbardothe(Zimbarbo and crim inal justice experts Arthur SAubrey(Art
21、hurS.Aubry., the nin e-step method of in terrogati on in 1992 for the first time by Professor He Jiah ong Tran slati on < <i nterrogati on and con fessi on > > book into the country.subsequently,most scholars draw on thebasis of the nine-step method of interrogation,formedtheir own point
22、 of view, the most representativeis theProfessor Wang Huaixu interrogationprocess is dividedintoin terrogati onthe beg inning,correctcon fessi onobstacles, prompti ng con fessed to the crime, ide ntify the five stages of the details of the crime and the end of the exam in ati on.Most scholars believ
23、e that foreig n nin e-step method of interrogation is successful, by its great in flue neeas Britishin terrogati onexperts WalkleyProfessor British Kyrgyz forces H Goode Jones and Jeni Professor of the nine-stepmethod of interrogationresearch is more concerned about the former professor offorensic p
24、sychology at King s College London Institute of Psychiatry, > ;& gt; << in terrogati on and con fessi on psychology manual focus on the book, and the latter for the nine-stepmethod of interrogationThe basis of the“ Reed model expla ins why reasons for the success of the method of interrogati
25、on,proposed two psychologicaldefe nsemecha nismof”rati on alizati on“ and ”projectio n“, this in crease in the the trial man ipulati onsuspects guilt and shame their own inner an xiety and thus easy to con fessi on. Nevertheless, they also have their own view of the nine-step method of interrogation
26、,togethermain ly the followi ng aspects:A nine-stepmethod of interrogationwere notcollected any empirical data did not support an objective and scie ntific method to verify the theory itself, which is built basedon in tuitivejudgme nt and experie nee,although this is the validity of the methodis pra
27、cticalcon firmed, but still can not expla in some problems, such as in under heavy pressure trial suspects susceptibility may provide them with the wrong con fessi on the authors just bli ndlybelieve their own theories and methods,“ Here methods and strategies are not a cause innocentof the crime .
28、it must be remembered, not a step in the tendency of the con fessi on of guilt of innocent people, all steps legally and morally justified.“2 nin e-step method of in terrogati onin clud ingdeceptionand lies, “ However, we are in favor of thestrategy and methods of psychology, i nclud ing decepti ona
29、nd lies from the suspect at the in crim in at ingevide neefrom otherun cooperativewit nesses and in vestigatorsobtainclues of the investigation,these strategies andmethods are not only useful and ofte n in dispe nsable for law allows what coun tries are differe nt,differe ntjurisdictionsalso vary, b
30、ut in many countriesare illegal,such as in the Un ited Kin gdom, the law does not allow the secret police set a trap and Stress con fessi on.Links to free papers Downl oad Cen ter 3 nine-stepmethod of interrogationinterrogatorsn eed to rely on high the alleged offen der is found ability to deceive a
31、nd lie. Interrogators should have a range of good quality which there is a high degree of suspici on to take the in itiative to look for cheat ing,stabletemperame nt and good emoti onal con trol and the good inner con fide needeceit found. trial strategy and theeffective ness of the method in a larg
32、e exte nt depe ndent on their in terrogators found excuse to escape, and various forms of decepti on and exploited, so that it is con ducive to beat resista nee ability and poin ted out that the trial is a highly professi onal field of police work, a good in terrogators required quality is sig nific
33、a ntly higher tha n the quality of the investigators,investigators can not bethe trial of suspects. obviously interrogators had high dema nd.American scholars Carson and McConnell that the nin e-step method of in terrogati on by two mai n strategies constitute are involved “exaggerated ” and “ narro
34、w ” the former strategy requires in terrogators exaggerate the probative force of the evidenee of adverse suspect and crime the severity, thus threate ning suspects made con fessi ons, which is suitable to use is not easy emoti onal suspects. contrast, the“ narrow ” strategy recommendedthe suspects
35、applicati ons remorse. in terrogators to in duce them to produce a kinds of false sense of security, and sympathize proposed rati on alizati on excuse to blame the victim or the environment,to reduce the seriousness ofthe allegations to obtaina confession.Carson andMcConn ell provide stro ng experim
36、e ntal evide nee that the nin e-stepmethod of in terrogati on impliedimplicitlythreat and the in here nt promiseof leniencysuspectsforced the con victi on and sentencing has very importa nt implicati ons,they affectcerta inrisks in here ntin thecog nitive aspects of the judge and the jury, the defe
37、ndant is very disadva ntageous.Zimbardoanalysis of the nine-stepmethod ofin terrogatio n,within the framework of psychologicalkno wledge about attitude, obedie nee, and obedie nee to it psychologically complex and man datory, this method is a violatio n of huma n dig nity and fun dame ntal rights of
38、 the suspect, and may result in false confessions,he alsobelieves that the nine-stepmethod of interrogation,thefun dame ntal problem is the lack of a scie ntific study of the course of the trial, and the methods used his un dersta nding is also an importa nt un dersta nding of the earlier of the nin
39、e-step method of interrogation,thefuture of many scholars of Reed The method produce false con fessi ons research importa nt in spirati on.Our interrogationprocess late, more researchstrategies and methods of in terrogatio n. Pretrial Bureau of the Min istry of Public Security in 1981 has written &
40、It ;&It; pretrial bus in ess teach ing process> ;& gt;bookdiscusses the first interrogationto In 1992 Professor HeJiah ongin troductio nof the nin e-step method ofin terrogati on domestic the domestic scholars Caidui nin e-step method of in terrogati on with un dersta nding, he formed his own view
41、s on this basis, that the nine-step method of in terrogati on is soft in terrogatio n method, to establish trial basis in psychological scie nee and behavior an alysis method, the basic model is based on an alysis of the psychological characteristics and behavioral characteristics of the pers on to
42、be tried, through Ian guage or other huma n behavior to persuade suspects truthfully con fessed this hard trial The main differe nee betwee n the law is that it does not use forced con fessi on, the suspect is not“ forced the suspects con fessed, but ” soft “ way -that soft attitude towardssuspects
43、to soft Ianguage toconvince the suspect to alleviate the sense of guilt of the suspects and psychological pressure, with a soft crim inal con seque nces, which allowed volun tary con fessi on.TheChinesePeople s Public SecurityUn iversity Professor Wang Huaixu nin e-step in terrogati on process is co
44、n sidered the psychological cha nges suspects deny to the confessionof the process has also been agreat in flue nee on the nin e-step method of in terrogati on, in terrogati on of the study on the basis of the in terrogati on process is divided into this in terrogati on process bega n to correct con
45、 fessi onobstacles promptedcon fessed to thecrime, ide ntify the five stages of the details of the crime and the end of the in terrogati on.“ quin tiles ” comparedto the previous theory through early hearing continued hearing and the end of the hearing, very creative , it suspects the psychological
46、process ofcha ngeandquestio ningchro no logicalprocess comb ineswith thein terrogatio n,research from questi oning in thein terrogati on situati on, ide ntify the differe nt purposes of the exam in ati on of differe nt in terrogatio n situati on, take the appropriate in terrogatio n strategies and m
47、ethods and effective toobta inthe truecon fessi onsof greatsig nifica nee, it will soon be accepted by some scholars of our country and further development,but this fifth law“ should be further improved to as much as possible for the suspects refused to Con fessi on of men tai activity and itscoun t
48、ermeasuresexhausted, thus to card ing acomplete investigationand interrogation process mode,so that investigatorscan use in the investigationandin terrogati on practices.Third, a brief appraisalNi ne-step method of in terrogati on as a trial practicein the Un ited States, Professor Reed summed up a
49、set ofeffective methods of in terrogati on,since 1974, themethod has been training Reed School students, and schools throughout the Un ited States and the world The coun tries have held training courses and workshops, and has trained more tha n 200,000 professi on als in terrogati on and polygraph.
50、practice nin e-step method of interrogationis to obtainthe favor of the police andinvestigatorsobtained the confessionof the suspectsabove played a huge role.For historical and cultural reas ons, our nine-step method of interrogationin some theoreticalaspects but the depth is still not eno ugh, the
51、process ofin vestigatio n of Practice is not bee n widely applied to theinterrogation in this regard because our country since 1997 to impleme nt In vestigati on and Adjudicati on in tegrati on for pre-trial work gradually fade, its theoretical research also gradually become less so for only a han d
52、ful of experts and scholars in relationto the nine-stepmethod of interrogationis not universal open, on theother hand because of China and American cultural and legal differences, the nine-stepmethod of interrogationmore from psychology analysis, research in this area in China started relatively lat
53、e, and it did not have a good realistic soil, cause it is not in our wide range of applicati on s, I believe that the mai n thi ng is the first one of the reasons,theintegrationof theinvestigation,prosecuti on, and trial have more or less impact not only questio ning but also to all previous pre req
54、uire in vestigators from the mi nistries to the grass-roots un its, pre-trial sector revoked the quality is very high, not on ly for in vestigati on to arrest the suspects to in terrogatio n to extract con fessi ons, and exam in ati on evide nee of a crime. really so, really is a great bless ing, th
55、at our in vestigators are roun der, while nine step-by-step method ofinterrogationrequirementsfor investigators to identifysuspects lying and deceptive behavior alone.Foreign scholars and experts have some truth in the view of the nin e-step method of in terrogatio n, the nin e-step method of in ter
56、rogati on despite the success is still a problem, so we are unable to implementismcompletely copy dogmatic use is certai nly not made , its esse nee, to its dregs, worked out a nin e-step method of in terrogatio n for in vestigati on and in terrogati on situati on is the study of its purpose, I beli
57、eve that the nine-step method of interrogationbiggest problem is that it doesnot give the suspect fully speak rights of the Criminal Procedure Law gives the self-defenserights of criminalsuspects serious con trary. Admittedlyin terrogati onstrategies attempt to speak of the suspects is desirable in
58、a momentinterruptedthroughout the trial, but thenine-step method of interrogationattempt has been letsuspect self-justificati on. fact, with the laws of the Un ited States and the nine-step methodof interrogation ownnin e-stepmethod of in terrogati on is to requiresuspectsto give up such a premise - Miranda - at any
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