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1、simultaneous determination ofinventories and accountsreceivableby dr. ayub meharabstract:the study presents a model based on 3,375 observations from industrial firms in pakistan, and the three-stage least square (3sls) technique has been applied for the estimation. the results indicate that the econ

2、omic order quantity (eoq) of inventories is not a constant magnitude; it is a variable closely associated with 'time trend'. while the buffer stock element can be estimated through the constant term of an equation. receivables from customers show a negative correlation with liquid assets and

3、 the cost of production. receivables are also shown to act as substitute for closing inventories.key words: 3sls, inventory control, economic order quantity,buffer stocki. introductionworking capital management is one of the important areas of financial planningand control. this broad area covers th

4、e management and control of cash andbanking transactions, short-term investments, receivables from debtors, creditanalysis, inventories and current liabilities. inventories and accounts receivables are the two important components of current assets. in their work on cost accounting mats, curry, fran

5、k and khan (1982) estimated that inventories, on average, cover one third of the value of total assets in a balance sheet. similarly, receivables from customers are another important element of the current assets. inventories and receivables are illiquid assets and are important for the following re

6、asons:(1) they appear in the balance sheet at their historical value, but their realization depends on the present and future business environment and economic conditions.(2) they represent a significant share in total assets. consequently, any change in the magnitude of these assets can affect the

7、profitability and financial viability of a business.(3) the volume of sales revenue and profitability are directly correlated with the inventory-level and credit policies of a firm a soft credit policy with an interest on receivables is considered a cause of higher sales revenue and profit. similarl

8、y, an optimal size of inventory is required for profit maximization. the economic order quantity and buffer stock levels lead to minimum cost and thus to maximum profit.for these reasons optimal inventory and accounts receivables' policies alwayshave been important element in the financial manag

9、ement of a company, andvarious analyses recommend different options and tools. relatively less importance has been given to the conversion of inventories into receivables. in order to help remedy this shortcoming, the present study has the following objectives:1) to identify the determinants of clos

10、ing inventories, and2) to test the hypothesis of inverse relation between trade debtors and closing inventories.the study is also important from the business cycle's point of view. it is a common observation that a firm faces liquidity problem during recessions and hasexcess inventories at the b

11、eginning of a contractionary period. during the recession, excess inventories lead to other problems, such as a decrease in the market price of the product and a decline in production and employment levels etc. we test the hypothesis that a firm can sell its excess inventories if it can afford to in

12、crease its receivables. although, this will not solve the problem of liquidity it may, however, protect a firm from the risk of price shocks and improve its profitability.ii. the accounting insightswe adopt an econometric approach in the study. however, it is useful to recall the main insights of fi

13、nancial accounting on which most of the models in corporate finance tend to rely. the accounting and the economic approaches differ fundamentally in the literature. the accounting studies focus attention on the mechanism of the flow of funds (the origins of the funds and their use). while, ineconomi

14、c theory attention has been paid to the motivation of investors and managers. economics considers the rationale implied by the application and use of funds. consequently, studies by economists tend to answer questions that are not usually addressed by the accounting literature. various companies hav

15、e different accounting policies. particularly in depreciation accounting, inventories valuation, and bad debts estimates, the policies may differ significantly. the effects of this variability have been minimized in the study by converting corporate accounts into "the uniform accounting system

16、1". the procedure, which is described in the forthcoming section, is related to the literature on “economic tests”. the structure of the complete model proposed in this paper is given in figure: 1. this figure shows the inter dependency and relations between dependent and independent variables.

17、 figure 3 in the next section show the quantification of the relations between those variables.under the financial accounting framework, trade credits are classified in thefollowing two categories:1) accounts receivable and2) notes receivable.however, we merged both the categories into a single aggr

18、egate, due to theconstraints on the data available for this study. it is noteworthy that accountsreceivable and notes receivable have similar characteristics in financial theory.they are treated differently in connection with financial controls and legalconsiderations. similarly, accounts payable an

19、d notes payable also have identicalfinancial characteristics.a) the objectives of inventories' holding:the traditional analysis of inventory-holding decisions is based on the relationbetween inventory and sales. among the objectives of the inventory decisionexamined in the subject literature, th

20、e following stand out: 1) buffer stocks for unanticipated expansion in demand:textbooks on production management and operation research refer to this objective of inventory holding in discussing the techniques of production planning. inventory can be maintained to meet incoming orders in case of an

21、unanticipated expansion in demand. this case highlights the cost-benefit trade off in terms of inventory-holding costs versus the cost of foregone sales and goodwill. to optimize this choice, part of the goods produced are held as inventory. this is known as a buffer stock.2) inventories for smooth

22、production:this objective is frequently discussed in the literature on cost accounting. inventory can be held in order to provide for smoothness in the production process. the optimal stock for this objective is known as economic order quantity (eoq). the main problem of inventory control is balanci

23、ng ordering costs (which decline in total as stocks increase) against carrying costs (which increase as stocks increase), in order to calculate the economic ordering quantity (eoq) which minimize total costs. ordering costs include clerical costs, stationery, postages, telephone etc; carrying costs

24、include insurance, rent and interest foregone. the economic order quantity (eoq) depends on the time required to receive the material after issuance of a purchase order. however, the opportunity cost of interest on investment in the inventories is also an important factor in the inventory holding de

25、cision.3) inventories as some desired ratio to sales:this concept is exemplified by the accelerator principle in macroeconomics. anincrease in inventory leads the growth in demand. according to this principle theinventory holding of the year will be determined by expected sales in the nextyear.4) th

26、e speculative factors in inventories:another strand of analysis has emphasized the speculative element in theinventory decision. according to this, one of the major objectives of the inventorypolicy is to capitalize an anticipated price changes. this factor is pertains mainlyto industries where prod

27、uct prices experience wide fluctuations. it also pertains tocases of high input price volatility. inventories of precious metals, coffee, cotton,and tea are the best examples of this. if an industry utilizes imported raw materials, inventory holdings will also depend on speculative factors with resp

28、ect to exchange rates. similarly, the speculative factor also applies in the export oriented industries. a leading hypothesis in this connection concerns the importance of spot and forward exchange rates, transport costs, and the preponderance of domestic over foreign sales by affiliated companies.

29、the importance of exchange rates suggests that the speculative role often attributed to inventories may have a significant international dimension (stern: 1993)the importance of this dimension is bolstered by the finding (stern: 1993), thatthe effect of just-in-time inventory policies, which have dr

30、iven us inventory salesratio to historically low levels, is not in evidence in the year-to-year inventory-sales ratio of the foreign affiliates of us parent firms during the 1982- 87 span.(b) the determinants of receivables:receivables are another important part of the current assets. the individual

31、 sizeand the total magnitude of receivables depends the nature and volume of thebusiness. there are, however, some common factors, which determine the valueof receivables in a companys balance sheet. in the accounting literature, sales andcredit policy are emphasized as the major determinants of acc

32、ounts receivable.iii. the data and research methodthe study is based on three behavioral equations. closing inventories(clstock), accounts receivable (debtrs) and sales revenue (sales) are thedependent variables of the equations. the equations are estimated by a three-stage least square (3sls) estim

33、ation technique.the model is estimated from the pooled data of the annual audited accounts of225 companies listed on the karachi stock exchange. the accounts cover the period of 1980 to 1994, giving us 3,375 observations (225 companies and 15 years). the data for the model have been extracted from t

34、he annual reports of the listed companies. we applied the standard definitions of accounting variables as mentioned by the state bank of pakistan in the 'balance sheet analysis' (state bank of pakistan: 1995-96, 19990-91, 1986-87, 1982-83).all the data are in million of pakistani rupees. 

35、9;d6' and 'd7' are dummy variables. time is a trend variable, taking 1980 as one and so on. the description and abbreviated names of the variables are listed in table: 2. the justification for theirinclusion is discussed below:a) inventories:the specification of closing inventories (clst

36、ock) is not a simple task.traditional studies in cost accounting suggest that economic order quantity(eoq), and buffer stock levels are the most appropriate considerations ininventory-holding decision. these considerations are based on the sales volume ofa product. we therefore, hypothesized that sa

37、les' volume (sales) is one of themajor factors of closing inventories (clstock). a higher amount of sales(sales) implies a higher volume of closing inventories (clstock). it is alsohypothesized that receivable from debtors (dbtrs) is a substitute for closinginventories (clstock). in the presence

38、 of a higher amount of receivables(dbtrs) the volume of closing inventories (clstock) would thus be lower.the time trend (time) is also an important factor in determining closinginventories (clstock). 'time trend' indicates the growth in the magnitude ofinventories (clstock), over the years.

39、 we assumed that 'time' is a proxy of theimprovement in managerial skills, storage facilities, and change in the economicorder quantity (eoq) levels. the other determinants like abc cost distributionmethod 2 and inventory control levels 3 have been ignored and it is assumed thattheir effects

40、 would be captured by the explanatory variables time and 'sales'.we establish a cause and effect relation and assume that the economic orderquantity (eoq) is not a fixed parameter, but a variable instead. the futuremagnitude of inventories is independent of their historical volume.b) receiva

41、bles:we hypothesize that reserves and surplus funds (surplus), short-term liabilities(curlibl), liquid assets (lasst) and sales revenue (sales) bear a direct relation to the receivables from debtors (dbtrs). all of these lead to an improvement in the liquidity position of a firm and a good liquidity

42、 position leads to a soft credit policy. mian and smith (1992) also include sales revenue (sales) in their equation explaining receivables from debtors (dbtrs), as a proxy for the market power of any given firm. it also stands to reason that higher cost of production (cstprd) and depreciation expend

43、itures (deprct) are a cause of lower sales on credit.we have seen that trade debt (debtrs) depend upon the sales volume and creditpolicy of a firm. so far as sales revenues (sales) are concerned, we test theirrelation with receivables (debtrs) and find sales to be a significant explanatoryvariable.

44、we also hypothesize that trade credit policy is directly related to the costof production (cstprd) and to the pattern of corporate financing. we observethat externally generated employed capital - long-term debt and paid-up capital do not have a significant correlation with receivables (dbtrs), whil

45、e, thecumulative balance of retained earnings (surplus), as well as current liabilities(curlibl), have a significant positive relation with the accounts receivable. wehypothesize that liquid assets (lasst) bear a negative relation to accountreceivable (dbtrs). this hypothesis is confirmed by the res

46、ults of our study.mian and smith (1992) have analyzed the various attitudes towards trade credit.they identify sales revenue (market power), tax advantages, scale economies(production volume) and organizational set up as the factors determining accountsreceivable. they suggest that there are several

47、 non-mutually exclusive incentivesfor a firm to extend trade credit to its customers, rather than requiring cash sales.trade credit is more likely to be extended if the additional earnings on a creditsale as compared to cash on delivery (cod) are higher than the cost of borrowing. in the present stu

48、dy we assume that the producer would prefer to sale on cash basis in the presence of higher cost of production (cstprd).c) sales as an endogenous variable:the factors determining sales revenue are complicated, varied, and sales aresubject to fluctuations. therefore, a detailed estimation of sales re

49、venue (sales)is not here attempted. however, since we are mainly concerned with the creditpolicies of a firm, and in order to simplify the model, we assume that salesrevenues (sales) are largely explained by the 'time trend (time). hence, forsimplification of the model it is assumed that time is

50、 a proxy for all the relevantexplanatory variables of demand i.e., population, season, income, and demandpatterns etc.an additional hypothesis is that an increase in the credit volume (dbtrs) leadsto an increase in the sales revenue of a company.the regression results of the model are reported in fi

51、gure: 3, while, the basic features of the simultaneity in short-term credit policy model are illustrated in figure: 1. our pilot analysis using ols is confirmed by the 3sls results. these results show that our estimated parameters are robust. in addition, our model is mathematically complete and ide

52、ntified.iv: the results and their implicationsa) accounts receivables (dbtrs) :our estimates suggest that on average, five percent of sales revenues areattributable to accounts receivable. this confirms the hypothesized direct relationbetween sales and a credit facility. the results are also consist

53、ent with the findingsof the mian and smith (1992) study. higher depreciation expenditure (deprct)and cost of production (cstprd) foster a tendency to avoid sales on credit. incase of the higher cost of production, a producer will prefer to sell on a cash basis.liquid assets are also found to substit

54、ute for receivables, while financing throughinternal equities 4 and short-term liabilities (curlibl) lead to the expansion ofaccounts / notes receivable (dbtrs). any increase in current liabilities will leadto the enhancement of accounts receivables. this implies that firms want tomaintain a constan

55、t current ratio (or working capital).b) closing inventories (clstock) :the specification of this equation has some interesting implications. we willdiscuss those implications in the next section. it is interesting that 29 percent ofadditional sales will ultimately come out of inventories. sales on c

56、redit haveearlier been confirmed as a substitute for closing inventories in the historicalanalysis of the corporate sector in pakistan. the 'time trend' also avers itself as amost important variable in determining the level of inventories, because of itsmagnitude. 'time' indicates th

57、e addition in the value of inventories (clstock)over the years. it has been mentioned earlier that the 'time trend' is used as a proxyof learning-effects, of the improvement in the storage facilities and of the patternof economic order quantity (eoq). the other important implications are dis

58、cussed as follows:a) accounts receivables as a substitute of inventorieswe conclude that accounts receivable (debtrs) are a substitute for closinginventories (clstock). this is reflected by the highly significant beta attachedto accounts receivable in the first equation. closing inventories will be

59、less forthose products, which are sold on credit. it is obvious that sales volume affects thesize of inventories. if products are perishable or proper storage facilities are notavailable, the producer will prefer to sell the products at the earlier possible time.in this case, he will expand his credit facility. a 100 percent increase in c


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