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1、【最新整理,下載后即可編借】公共英語三口試第一節(jié)口語考試概述一、口試題型介紹(-)口試題型介紹及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)在眾多的英語考試中,口語考試的設(shè)置逐漸多了起來,例如托 ??谡Z考試(TSE 口語考試);英語證書(BEC)中亦有口試部分,最 近大學(xué)英語考試委員會也組織大學(xué)英語四級、六級考試成績優(yōu)秀 的部分學(xué)生進(jìn)行口語考試。PETS進(jìn)行口語考試,是對考生口語 能力的檢驗,也將有力地促進(jìn)全社會英語口語水平的提高,改變 “聽不懂,講不出”,難以與外國人直接交流的局面。1 口試題型介紹PETS三級口語考試共1()分鐘,分為三個部分。第一部分3分 鐘,兩個考官將對兩名考生就不同的話題分別提問,一般分別有 34個問題

2、。考生的口答一般只需要一句話;有些問題需要幾句 話才能回答,考生需表明觀點并陳述一定的理由。這部分涉及問 候語、自我介紹,包括家鄉(xiāng)、家庭、學(xué)校、專業(yè)、習(xí)慣、興趣、 愛好、交友、旅游以及日常生活的方方面面。下面是考試大綱規(guī)定的交際話題。(1) PerSOnaI IdCntifiCation, PeOPIC(2) HOmC and Family, EnVirOnmCnt(3) WCathCr and CIimatC FOOd and Drink(5) Daily LifC(6) Frce-timc ACtiVitieS (匕 g. SPOrtS, PartieS ? etc.)(7) ShOPPi

3、ng(8) HoIiday PIaCCS(10) TraVeI(11) HeaIth and Body Care(12) SCrVnCCS (c. g. hotel, POSt Off icc, etc.)(13) SOCial RCIationS(14) JObS and OCCUPatiOn(15) CUrrCnt AffairS(16) EduCatiOn(17) PoPUIar SCiCnCC(18) HiStOry(19) GCOgraPhy 1 PerSOnal IdCntifiCatiOn, PeOPle I 'm a teacher/student/worker, o

4、第二部分亦為3分鐘,考官遞給兩位考生一張圖片,請他們 就圖片中涉及的話題交談(不要求描述畫面,圖片起引出話題的 作用)??忌梢砸庖娨恢?,互相補(bǔ)充;也可以有不同意見,從而 展開爭論。要求考生能夠較主動地展開話題、維持交流并積極地 進(jìn)行交流補(bǔ)救。第三部分4分鐘,考官將先遞給考生A 幅圖片,請他首先 描述圖片內(nèi)容,然后對其中的人物或現(xiàn)象作出評論。考生A說 完后,考生B亦有3()秒時間作出補(bǔ)充。第二部分和第三部分的三張圖片一般都具有某種聯(lián)系,從而考 生可以就一個方面作出比較詳盡的陳述,有機(jī)會充分地展示自己 的口語能力,有利于客觀地評價考生的口語水平。涉及的話題面 比較廣,例如:環(huán)境、氣候、體育、購物

5、、假期、旅行、健康、 社會關(guān)系、職業(yè)、時事、教育等問題。要求考生應(yīng)能在生活和工 作的多數(shù)情景中進(jìn)行對話,不僅能夠詢問事實,還能詢問抽象的 信息。能提供或者要求得到更清楚的闡述,表達(dá)個人意見、觀點 和態(tài)度。此外,還能描述一個事件,或就一般性話題做簡短的演 講??忌鷳?yīng)做到:1)基本連貫地進(jìn)行較長的論述;2)保持語言的流暢;3)積極地交流,并能用適當(dāng)?shù)难a(bǔ)救措施解決交流的困難。對第二三部分問題的回答不要求一致,只需流利。言之有物, 能自圓其說,能積極地交流。整個考試過程中,無論是考官提問 還是考生的回答都一律用英文二、口試??紗栴}與回答1 PCrSOnal IelCntifiCatiOn ? PCOP

6、ICI a teach/StlIdCnt/worker.o .2 HOmC and FamiIy,EnVirOnment1)常用句子DO VOU have any CldCr brothers?J你有沒有哥哥?WhCrC does VOUr father work?你父親在哪工作?What S your father?J你父親是干什么的?HOW many PCOPle are there in your family?請問,你家有幾口人?I have father, mother and a younger sister.我有父親、母親和妹妹。WhCrC do you live?J你住哪兒?I

7、 IiVC in Bcjing. I 'm a middle SChOOI StUdCnt.我家在北京,我是一名中學(xué)生。DOCS your mother WOrk, too?你母親也工作嗎?ShC has already retired.她已退休了。I' m a freshman in SCniOr class.我是高一新生。HOW ' S your grandpa?你爺爺(姥爺)好嗎?IS VOUr CldCr SiStCr maricd?你姐姐結(jié)婚了嗎?He WOrkS in a bank他在銀行工作。HOW Olel is VOUr father?J你父親多大年紀(jì)

8、了?My ParCntS have two ChiIdren, my SiStCr and me.我父母有兩個孩子,我妹妹和我??谠囍?題HOrnCtOwn,farnily,environment一 :familyPARTA PARTB1)家庭人數(shù) how many PCOPIe arc there in your family?there arc three PeOPIC in my family,my father ,my mother and I.2)家人工作崗位 What job ClO your ParCntS have?mv mother is a teacher,but now

9、ShC is retired.mv father is a POliCCman,and he is WOrking in a PUbliC security bureau.3)家人相處情況 do you IiVC With your ParCnt Very well?WC Care for CaCh OthCr.if SOmCOnC has a difficult PrObIem,thc OthCr two help him.4)家人對孩子要求過嚴(yán)敘述 beCaUSu my family has a Only ChilCI,it is me.parcts arc Vcry StriCt Wit

10、h me.they ask me to StUdy hardCVCrxday.they Saiel I ShOUld go into a famous UniVerSity-,and if i go into the famous UniVCrSit ,i Can find a better job in the futurc.yeah,they arc right:.but i am not a SUPCrman,and i am a COmmOn person.傷軍決方法 you ShOUld have a SCriOUS talk With them about the SUbjCC匸J

11、UKl you ShOUld make them know you arc a COmmOn PeOPIC,and you Want to IiVe a OrClina Iife5)喜歡多子家庭 I Iike the family With more ChildrCn.because a Chilel is CaSy to be SPOiICc1.1 OftCn SCC many ChildrCn SPoiICcl by their ParCntS 反駁 there are IargC amounts Of PCOPle in China.1 think a-child-policy is V

12、Dry good.if the POliCy Will be abandoncd,china POPUktiOn Will be getting IargCr and larger.6)不喜歡單親家庭 I ClOnlt IikC SingIe-ParCnt family.In Order to raise child, a SinglC ParCnt has to WOrk every- Clay,especially night.and they SeldOm accompany theirs Childrcn,thcirs ChilclrCn feel Very7 lonely, it C

13、aSiIy CaUSC PSyChOlOgiCal PeOblCm7)無子 女 家庭 Clink family is a tcndcnce.many young COUPIC have no Chilcl,because they think raising ChIdrCn is a burden.there arc more and more young PeOPIe ChoOSing the Way.young COUPIC IikC CnjOying WOrId Of twoPARTC1)關(guān)于離婚問題A:there are many families ChOOSing CliVOrCC.

14、they think it is better to get CIiVOrCCd than StiCk to an UnhaPPiCd marriage.howcvcr,some family have a Child.I think they ShOUlCI think it OVCr before making a CleCiSiOn Of divorce there arc three reason to SUPPOrt my OPiniOnfirsthc IOVC form the mother is different the IOVC from the fathcr.so,cvcr

15、y ChilelrCn has both parents1 IOVe.if a Child IiVingWith a SingIC Parent Will get UnhaPPieci,and they may bring PSyChOIOgiCal PrObIem SeCOnd,in OrdCr to raise Childrcn,singlc ParCnt has to WOrk hardcr.they have IeSS time bCing together With theirs Children.theirsCaUSCChiIdrCnPShChOIOgiCal problem.th

16、ird,if SinglC ParCnt get married again,children WilI get hurt by having a CaIl a UnrCIatCd PerSOn mothcror fathcrand if the new ParCnt ClOn,t get along VCry Well With the ChildJhU SitUatiOn is becoming CVCn WOrSc.B:I agree With you. I read in the newspaper about CaSe Of youth CriminaLaCCOrding to Of

17、fiCial statist IargC PCrCCntagC Of yotngth Criminal arcSinglC-family Or remarried family.whcn they arc 7 to17 year old,thcir family get CIiVOrCCd.so,I think ParCntS ShOUld think it OVCr before makcing a CleCiSiOn Of divorce.2)關(guān)于生男孩問題A:thc PCitUre ShOWS a WOman WhO has already two girls is Patting he

18、r abadomcn and Saying nI Want to bu a boy11.In China there is a traditional CUStOm that they think if 1 get a boyj get happy.I think there are three reasons CXPIaining the PhCnOmCnOn.first,if you have a son,whcn the SOn grow UP and get marricd,thcChild WhOrn he have Can CarrV On the family nameJJSCC

19、Ond,if you have a son,whcn the SOn get WarriCd,his Wife Will COme into your family.while if you have a daughtcr,you have to SCe your daughter going to husband,s family.you feel VUry lonely.third,in the COUntrside a man is equal to a IabOr fbrcc,hc Can help do SOme housework,such as Carrying brick Or

20、 WOrking in the field,beCQUSU man is VUry strong.howevcthcrc arc many PrObICmS in China.for example, if ccryonc all Iike son, most Of POPUIatiOn arc man.when thscs men reach married age,thcy ClOntt IOOk for COmPaniOn.Of COUrSC,wc Will face OthCr PrObICmthere arc IargC Of PeOPlC in China. but in 1980

21、 OUr COUntry adopt many measure to COntrol POPUIatiOn growth,such as a-child POliCy.1 think if WC Want to keep CCOnOmy growth fast,Wc must Carry On a-child POliCy.B:I agree With you.but it is VUry CliffICUlt to Carry On a-childPOliCy,especially COUntrysidc.many PeOPlC in the COUntrySiclC hide fact t

22、here is a daughter in their family,their PurPOSC OnIy is to have a boy.I think OUr government ShOUld make a severe laws,and OrganiZC more PCOPlC to COUntrsidc inspecting,if they find there are two ChUldrCn in a family,they ShOUlCd be PUbiShCd SCVCrCIy by IaW二:CnVirOnmCntPARTA PARTB1)環(huán)境總體概況 CnVirOnmC

23、nt ProblCm is gcting more and more SCriOUS.Wc ShOUld Ck) SOmething to help OUr CnVirOnmCnt,other7isc it is IQtC:2)環(huán)境惡化事例 there arc a PilC Of garbage near the river bank .you OftCn SeC PCoPIC SPiting in PUbliC.although many garbage Can ShOUld be PrOViClCd in the COmmUnitthcrc arc many PCOPle neglecti

24、ng the rulcs,they StilI throw away garbage CVCnWhere.3)環(huán)保課程 there arc many StUdCntS having a IeSSOn abOUt CmnrOnment. many teacher begin to teach StlIclCntS how to PrOtCCt CnVirOnmCnand tell them how important a good CnVironmCnt is to US and to the WhOlC WOrleI. there arc SOmC ICCtUrC about CnVirOnm

25、ent PrOblCm in primary- SChOOand middle SChOOI and UniVCrSity Or COllCgC school.4)成人環(huán)保更應(yīng)關(guān)注 WC ShOUId teach adults,bccausc adults neglect it more than StlIclCnt do.wc ShOUlcl have a ICCmrC in a CinCma Or in a hall, WhiCh CnablC them know about the SignifiCanCC Of CnVirOnmCnt PrOtCCtiOn.5)我們應(yīng)該從我做起 WC

26、ShOUId PrOtCCt CnVirOnmCnt by myself.for CXamPICj Can USC IeSS PlaStiC bag Or CliVielC garbage into diffcrcts CanS Or taking bus Or SUbWay instead Of taking a car.PARTC破壞森林A:the PiCtUrCS CXhibit a man is SaWing CloWn another tree in the areaFOrCStS in China arc getting SmalICr and SmalICr.there are

27、much flood CVCry years in china,many WilCl animal have disappeared ,dessert is getting IargCr and IargCr,sandStromS arc CmCrging in most Of CitiCS in china.there arc at ICaSt One reason to CXPIain the issuePeOPIC CUt trees for money,they think these trees WilI be grow naturally and they Clont need m

28、uch time to CarC for themJJWC ShOUld PrOtCCt CnVirOnment,if WC ClOnlt PrOtCCt CnVirOnmCnt ,it is getting WOrSC and WOrSC.we CleStOry OUr Carth and actually dcstor OUrSlCVeS.those PCOPlC CUtting trees ShOUld be PUniShCcl severely.B:I agree With you.()ncc CIeStrOy has been doneit is impossible to rcco

29、vcr.in the PaSt 20 to 30 years,thcre arc nartural disaster OCCUring CaCh year.evcn if WC StOP destroying CnVirOnmCnt,there are no Way to restore OUr PIanCt.if WC ContinUC destroying OUr CnVirOnmCnt,we Can imagined that PCOPIC Will ComPICtCIy ClCStrOy Carth口 試主題free time activity and ShOPPingtime act

30、ivity and ShOPPingPARTA PARTB PARTC1)關(guān)于下棋I IikC PIaying CheSS and COlICCtiOn StamPS.when I WaS young,and I SCe my father is Playing ChCSS With his friend .from then OnJ begin to PIay chess.but now my StUdying is VCjry heaxwj have to StUCly hard CVery day.I ClOnft PIay the game2)關(guān)于看電影PUrPOSe that I C

31、an OftCn go to Cinema.of COUrSCJ also Iike buying SOmC dvd.In COmmOn,quality Of Iegal dvd is VCry good.you Can WatCh CICar PiCtUre and ClCar SOUnd.1 IikC jackchcn,though he is not handsome,hc is VCry humorous and his film is Very intcrcsting.and his kongfu is VCry attractive 3)喜歡溜冰I IikC Skating.whe

32、n I WaS SiXJ begin to Iike it.I IikC Skating,because WhCn i am SkatingJ Can relax and I am Very happy and VCry CnergCtiC.and it is VCry good to OUr hcalth.you Can also SCC WhitC and PUrC ice outdoors.4)踢足球I IikC PIaying fbotball.i OftCn Play football With my fricnds.but PIaCC is SmallCr and SmalIerJ

33、 Can,t just find PIaCeS for PIaying fbotball.wc have to SPCnd money to ChOOSC a PlaCe for PIaying footballOf CoUrSCJ IikC WatChing football match,espccially WOrld CUPI remeber I WatChCd it CVCry night. SOmetime I Canlt fall SICCP Until the football ends.5)游泳I IikC SWimming,cspccially in SUmmCr.1 Can

34、 SWim CVCry day.I am a keen SWimmer.throughout Skating,you Can feel relax and feel more CnCrgetiC and SO happy.6)業(yè)余活動:做模型飛機(jī)the StUClCnt is makcing modern PlanC.1 gess he is taking Part in the COmPCtiriOn about making modern PIanC.7)業(yè)余活動:澆花the StUdCnt is WatCring flowcrs.I guess that She is fond Of f

35、lowers8)業(yè)余活動:畫畫,下棋the StUdCnt is Painting.1 guess that he is interested in Painging.hc Can also Play chess.you SCC that he is COnCCntratCd On Playing ChCSS With a his &icnd.I think he is a SUPCrman about Playing CheSS9)業(yè)余活動其他A:Of COUrSC,there arc more hobby among us.such as Playing football ,see

36、ing a film久nd I Often SCC a film CVCry month.but I have not CnOUgh moncy,so I Can buy SOmC ClVd.and If you buy legal ClVel,you Can find OUt its quality is Very wcland SOUnd is VUry clear.SOmC PeOPIe Iike reading books,through reading book,thcy Can know about much knowledge and these knowledge Will n

37、ot be ICarnCd in daily life.you Can know about SOme things through hobby.and those thing are not from textbook Of COUrSC as a StUCnt ,wc ShOUlel SUUdy ,studying is VCry7 important for themBrthrough hobby,we Can know about SOmC kcnowlcdge and ICarn about CUlmrC and CUStOm.we Can relax SO that I Can h

38、ave more cnerg7 to Stlldy Or WOrk.but CVery hobby WilI SPCnd amouns Of timc,of COUrSC,wc ShOUld be CICal With relationship SUtdy and hobby.10) 超市購物YOU OftCn SCe PCoPIC rolling the trolley in the SUPCrmarkCt.there are many goods in the trolley,such as SWeetS,meats,and naobaijin.you OftCn SCe the COmm

39、CriCal On tthc advertising is VCn7 awful.if PeOPIC WatCh the advcrtising,they Canrt buy it.11) 關(guān)于廣告ThCrC are more and more COmmCrCial On txyou Can find OUt SOmeJCOmmCrCial is Wrong,advertiser OnIy has a PrUPOSe,that is making money,they ClOntt responsible in What he tell thcm,bccause if they tell PC

40、OPIC the truth ,nobody Will buy it:.關(guān)于服裝價格高問題A:you Can find there are many CXPCnSiVC goods in the modern departmcncspccially Shanghai,bcijin,gangclong CiiStrict.if you COmC into the ClCPartmCnyou Can SCC a SUit ,and its PriCe is 2000 y7uan.if you COmC to SPOrtS flooat the famous brands COUntCr SUCh

41、as adadas ,nikc,a SPOrtS Shirt WOrth 5()OyUan.you know a Ordinary PCoPle OnIy have 200OyUan SQIary CVCr)T month.the ShirttS PriCe is OnC-fourth Of income Why do PCOPlC WilI buy CXPCnSiVC goodsthink there arc at ICaSt One reason.FamOUS brand Can bring PCOPle COnfIdCnCe and CnCrgV.if they have famous

42、brand,s ClOth,they Will COnCCntratC On ClOing SOmC things.and famous band is a SymbOl Of StatUS.if you WCar famous brand cloth,you Can find CVeryOne IOOking at you,you feel PrOUel and happyBrindeed,this is not good.I remember WhCn i WaS young,many CIaSSmatCS WCar famous brand ClOthCS,and COmParC Wit

43、h CaCh othcr.if SOmCOne Wear a famous ClQthQthUrS admire him.howevcr,famous bmnd divide two kinds.one is domestic famous brand and two is intertional famous brand.and there are a VCn7 bad PhenOmcon,PCOPle IikC WCaring intcrctional famous brand,and they don't IikC Wearing domestic famous brand CI

44、OthCS.1 hope if you ClCCiele to buy famous brand,vou had better buv domestic famous ClOthCs.if SaC)UrCQUntrv's CCOnOmy WilI develop more fast口 試主題WeathCr,climate and PlaCeS一 : WeathCr and ClimatCPARTA PARTB PARTC1)天氣總 體概述 the SCaSOnS are Very distinct.2)夏天好 there arc many fresh fruits in SUmmCr,

45、such as StrawbcrrvJ IOVe fresh fruit VCrV muchJI Can SWim CVCry day.I am a keen swimmer.夏天不好 It is too hot.my Skin is CaSy to get Clark in SUmmCr.1 have to StaV at homeland turn On the air-conditioncr and have a ice drink3)冬天好 CVCrthing COVerS WhitC bIanke匸 1 Can PIay SnOW,for CXamPIe I Can make a S

46、nOWman.冬天不好 It is too COlCI.I have to Stay at home and turn On the air-conditioner and have a hot Clrink.winter is VCry CaSy to have a bad cold.4)春天好 In SPring,it is Veiry Warm and COmfortabIC.you Can SCe many flower blooming and many trees budding,and many ICaVCS turning grecn.cvcrything is full Of

47、 Iife5)秋天好 the temperature is VCry good,and you Can SCC many ICaVCS turning yellow Or red.everything is very- beautiful.it is not VCry COlCl and not VUrV hot.秋天不好 there are many trees falling and many flower fading.lt is full Of SadnCSS反駁 autumn is a SCaSOn for harv cst.cvcrything WilI be alive agai

48、n next SPring.that is a natural law.二:PIaCCPARTA PARTB PARTC1)不喜歡住在城市 there arc more SkySCriPCrS and more PCOPlC in the City.everything go fast.and air POlIUtiOn is Very SeVerCJt is VUry bad for OUr health to IiVC in a SUCh kind Of city.喜歡住在城市 it is VCry7 COnVCniCnt to go ShOPPing .and you Can get I

49、atCSt news in the cit.wc have modern transportation and WC have many modern facility,such as a great museum,a great CinCmaJand a great park,and a great airport.2)不喜歡住在郊區(qū) in the COUntrsidc,although CVerything is Very quite,and SCCner is VCry bcautifuand air is Very fresh.but if you WCrC sick,you Will

50、 not get PrOPCr treatment,you have to COme back to big City for treatment喜歡住在郊區(qū) because CVetything is VcTy quieyou Can COnCCntrate On ClOing CVer thing if you Want to do.it is Very good for you hcalth.you Can breathe &CSh air and SeC a beauitful SCCnCry3) 度假住在海濱城市I IikC IiVing in SCaSicle,bccaus

51、e there arc many modern facility and it is Still quite.you Can also breathe fresh air.and you Can also SCC beautiful SCCnCry,because you are beside the SCa4) 對于名勝古跡的描述 there are many historial PIaCeS in China,such as forbidden CitieS ,summer PIaCCS,and qinshiwangtomb.they ClCSCribu china's CUStO

52、m and CUItUrC.through knowing abput history,we Can know much ChinalS CUStOm對于特定名勝古跡描述比如說故宮ThC forbidden City WaS build in Ming yansty in the 13 th CCntUry.after it WaS builit SCrVcd as ming and qing CmPCrOr for 500 ycars.nowadays it Can be ViSitCd by tourists,it Only OPCn Small Part對于特定名勝古跡描述比如說長城A:

53、 the PiCtUrC ShOW a great WalLaS WC all know,thc great WalI WaS built by qinshiwangthere arc at ICaSt OnC reason to CXPlain Why qinshiwang Want to build great WaiI that timc,many PCOPIC Want to invade china,qibshiwang have to built the great WalI to PrCVCnt their invasion.I think qinshiwang's CI

54、CCiSiOn accelerate his dvast7,s destruction I have two reasons to SUPPOrt my opinion.firstly,for building a great walhc CmPlOyCd more than IOOOOO PCOPIe,and it takcd at ICaSt 1() years to COmPlCtC it.peoplc is Vcry angry,bccausc those CmPloyeC don,t receive any money.SCCondly,for building the great

55、Walcountry SPCnel a Iarge Of money,and ICad to COUntr financial ProbIem.and OnCe country- have no money,he OrClCr many PeOPIC must CIOnatC their all ProPerty,so a IargC amount Of PCOPIC WCrC dead because they have no mocny to buy SOmC foods.B:I agree With you,but after all qinshiwang built the great

56、 WalLand in 1987,lJN PrOCIaimCCl the great Wall is a WOrId heritage.thanks to a great Walwe Can get Worlel people's rcspect.in China,there is a saying, if you ClOn,t go to the great WalLyOU arcn,t, a true mail.口 試主題food,drik and daily IifC一 : food and ClrinkPARTA PARTB PARTC1)喜歡吃葷菜I IikC having

57、a measuch as POrk ,bccf Or limb.although it COntain much fait tastes VCry delicious.2)喜歡吃素菜I IikC to have VCgCtable,although it tastes VCry bad,it is VCn7 good for OUr health,bccause VCgetabIC has much rich nutriment.3)關(guān)于速凍食品I IikC to have instant fbod,bccause I have no time to cook,it is VCry ConVC

58、nient to have ins tans fbod,and SOme instant foods have SOmC nutriment,such as jiaozi,dumpling.it COntainS both POrk and VegCtablC.but I don,t IikC instant noodlc.bccause it COntain ICSS nutriment and it tastes VUry bad,thc OnIy merit is CheaP4)關(guān)于快餐I IikC to have ChineSC fast fbod.bccause it is VCn7 ClCIiCiOUS and it Still Contain much nutri


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