1、百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我1Unit 1 Never Say GoodbyeText comprehe nsionI.Decide which of the following best states the auth or s purpose of writing.CII.Judge, accord ing to the text, whether the followi ng stateme nts are true or false.1 5 T T T F FIII.An swer the follow ing questi ons1.What made the author s
2、grandpa cry sadly?The mere thought of his son s death in that terrible war in Italy made him cry.2.How long had Grandpa s son been in the war?Three mon ths.3.What is the implication of the author s grandpa s words “ Never say goodbye ”?They mean “ Never give in to sadness”.4.What did Gran dpa ask th
3、e author to do even if he and his friends had to part?He asked him to always remember the joy and happ in ess of the times whe n he first said helloto his frien ds.5.What caused the author to retur n to the old house?His gra ndpa was gravely ill.6.Why do you think the author s grandpa smiled at him
4、during his last moments?His gra ndpa must have felt greatly relieved whe n he realized that the author had fin ally found out the esse neeof his words.IV. Explai n in your own words the followi ng senten ces.1.Our big old house had see n the joys and sorrows of four gen erati ons of our family.2.I p
5、la nted these roses a long time ago -before your mother was born.3.Many young men left home to fight aga inst fascists.4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart.Page 69 VocabularyI.Expla in the un derl ined part in each sentence in your own words.1.When I was ten I sud
6、denly found myself faced with the anguish of moving from the only home.2.they all share the same characteristic: sadness.3.in that place in your heart where summer is an everlasting season.4.Don t evelet yourself overcome by the sadness and the Ioneliness of that word.5.Take that special hello and k
7、eep it in your mind and don_ er forget itII.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1.in stead2. Confron ted with3. lock away4. welled up5.sum mon6. brief7. stared8.whisperi ng9. evil10. give inIII.Choose a word or phrase that best complete
8、s each of the follow ing senten ces.1 4 D B B B5-8 A D B CIV. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in its appropriate form and note百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我2the differe nee in meaning betwee n them.1.shudder & shakea. shak ingb. shudderedc. shak ingd.shuddered2. an swer & reply
9、a. an swerb. replyc. replyd.an swered3. com mon & generala. gen eralb. gen eralc. gen eral; com mond. com mon4. small & tinya. smallb. tinyc. tinyd.smallV.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlinedin each sentence in these nse it is used1. an guish: pain, grief, sorrow, agony2. soft
10、ly: loudly, harshly, roughly3. sad ness: sorrow, grief, dismay4. con spicuously: incon spicuously, unno ticeably5. tiny: small, little6. part: meet, gather7. gravely: seriously, severely, hopelessly8. brief: len gthy, longVI.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given ca
11、pitalized word inbrackets.1. in dustrial2. descripti on3. suspicion4. assista nt5. un employed6. proof7. exam in ati on8. FartherPage 1012GrammarI.Complete the follow ing sentences using the simple past, past progressive or pastperfect.1.were bath ing; were look ing; were playi ng2.was sitti ng; was
12、 readi ng3.was leavi ng; was; arrived; lear ned; had left; found; had used4.were play ing; heard; hid; took5.was cycli ng; stepped; was going; man aged; did n t hit6.gave; tha nked; said; had enjoyed; kn ew; had not read; were7.had played; reached; en tered8.was running; struckII.Complete the follow
13、 ing passage with the proper form of the verbs give n.left; spent; had been travelling; appeared; was; were crossing; could; arrived; was sleeping; stopped; came; weregetting; was; had not arrived; would beIII.Correct the errors, where found, in the follow ing senten ces.1.talked was talki ng2.V3.ha
14、d remembered remembered4.was work ing had bee n work ing百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我35.had resig nedresig ned6.V7.V8.VIV. Fill in each bla nk with the proper form of the verb in brackets.1.take 2. to play3. lifted4. barki ng5. played6.to say 7. beate n8.bite; slither 9. drop10. lyi ngV.Rewrite the followi ng se
15、ntences accord ing to the example.1.Poor as/though he was, he was hon est.2.Terrible as/though the storm, we continued our jour ney.3.Hard as/though he tried, he was un able to make much progress.4.Tired as/though I was, I went on work ing.5.Much as I would like to help you, I m afraid I m simply to
16、o busy at the moment.6.Much as I admired him as a writer, I do not like him as a man.7.Strong as/though he was, Tom couldn t lift it.8.Bravely as/though they fought, they had no cha nee of winning.Page 13Tran slati onI.Tran slate the followi ng sentences into Chin ese.1.我十歲那年,突然要搬家,從我唯一知道的家搬走,心中痛苦萬(wàn)分
17、.2.我們似乎有許多不同的方式說(shuō)再見(jiàn),但它們都有一個(gè)共同之處,那就是令人感到悲 哀.3.有一天,一場(chǎng)可怕的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)爆發(fā)了,我的兒子,就像許許多多的兒子,離鄉(xiāng)背井與極大的邪惡戰(zhàn)斗去了 .4.我在自己的心靈深處搜尋那些構(gòu)成我們友誼的特殊感情II.Tran slate the follow ing sentences into En glish, using the words and phrases give n inbrackets.1.He has prepared an swers to the questi ons that he expects to confront duri ng the
18、 in terview.2.His sad story touched us so deeply that we n early cried.3.The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing.4.When he heard the excit ing n ews, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.5.People from Shan ghai can un dersta nd Suzhou dialect with ease, for
19、Shan ghai dialect and Suzhou dialect havemuch in com mon.6.Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years.7.He fin ally gave in to his daughter s repeated requests to further her educati on abroad.8.We locked all our valuables away before we went on holi
20、day.9.Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we ll rema in good friends and that wwill care for and help each other just as we did in the past.10. At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tacticswhich would make it possible to
21、 conq uer the en emy.In tegrated skillsI.Dictati onThroughout history / the basic unit of almost every human society / has been the family. /百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我4Members of the family live together / under the same roof. / They share the economic burdens oflife / as well as its joys. / The family head u
22、sually has con siderable in flue nee / in arranging marriages, / selectingcareers / and determining all important moves and purchases / by any member of the family. / Particularly in con ditions / where society or the state / does n ot give aid / and the resp on sibilities of the family are greater,
23、 / this largegroup / provides better protect ion / in times of econo mic or other emerge ncy.II.Fill in each bla nk in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.1.later4.puzzled7.hosts10. however2.push5.custom8.visitor3.what6.because9.tableWritingSentence Fragme ntsRewrite the follow ing
24、 sentence fragme nts to make complete senten ce.1. Because we want to do something perfectly. (A dependent-word fragment )-a. We want to do someth ing perfectly.-b. Sometimes we tend to put off what we can do today till tomorrow simply because we want to do someth ingperfectly.2. For example, a stri
25、ct control over the access to the secret data. (An added-detail fragment )-a. For example, a strict control over the access to the secret data shouldnt be absent.-b. For example, there should be a strict con trol over the access to the secret data.3. Being born and bred in a city. ( An -ing fragment
26、 )-a. I was born and bred in a city.-b. Being born and bred in a city, I am interested in everything in the countryside.4. Those who can see opport unity and are prepared to take adva ntage of it. (A dependent-word fragment )-a. Those people can see opport unity and are prepared to take adva ntage o
27、f it.-b. Lucky people are those who can see opport un ity and are prepared to take adva ntage of it.5. The dog ran around the yard. To find the ball. ( A to fragment )-The dog ran around the yard to find the ball.6. Many unique animals live in Australia. Such as the kangaroo and the koala. (An added
28、-detail fragment )-Many unique animals live in Australia, such as the kangaroo and the koala.7. “ llbnly ”s a great excuse. Especially if it something totally out of your control. (An added-detail fragment )-If only ” is a great excuse, especiailly ifs something totally out of your control.8. You fe
29、el rewarded for your hard work. And get spiritual or sometimes material satisfaction.(A miss in g-subject fragme nt )-You feel rewarded for your hard work and get spiritual or sometimes material satisfacti on.9. The bird flew through the air. Swooping and diving. ( An -ing fragment )-The bird flew t
30、hrough the air, swoop ing and div ing.10. The moon hung in the sky. Like a brilliant silver disk. ( An added-detail fragment )-The moon hung in the sky, like a brilliant silver disk.百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我5Liste ningGifts and CulturesPeople in all countries enjoy gifts. Sometimes the meanings are different
31、 in other cultures.A.Pre-liste ning activity.What kinds of gifts do you give whe n1.you go to a friend s wecMioig?y.2.you visit a friend or stay with a family in ano ther coun try?Food from your coun try.3.you celebrate a friend s biAdaly?.4.you go to a bus in ess meeti ng? A cale ndar.5.you want to
32、 give someth ing to some one you love? Roses.B.Liste n to the n arrator. What gifts do people give on the followi ng occasi ons? And why?1. An Australia n girl is celebrat ing her 21st birthday.Gift: a key-shaped birthday cakeWhy? It means the girl is an adult and can come home at any time.2. An Afr
33、ican couple is getting married.Gift: a cowWhy? It can bring good luck to the n ewly-weds.3.Korean boy is going to take his university entrance tests in a week.Gift: sticky rice candyWhy? It expresses the hope that the students will“ stick to ” the university.C. Liste n to the con versatio ns, which
34、item is not a good gift? Cross it out. And the n expla inTran scriptGifts and CulturesNarrator: In many countries, people give special gifts at certain times. Sometimes the customs seemunu sual. For example, in Australia, a birthday cake for a 21-year-old is ofte n shaped like a key. Itwhy it is not
35、 a good gift.1. ChinaA. a han dkerchiefWhy n ot?Key: A. A han dkerchief means goodbye.2. Arge nti naA. a tieWhy n ot?Key: A. A tie is too pers on al.3. Switzerla ndA. candyWhy n ot?Key: B. Roses mean love and roma nee.4. ItalyA. an even nu mber of flowersWhy n ot?Key: A. Even nu mbers are uni ucky.5
36、. Japa nA. a pen and pencil setWhy n ot?Key: B. “ Four ” sounds like the word forB. a big dinnerB. a flower vaseB. rosesB. an odd nu mber of flowersB. a set of four pens“ death ” in Japanese.百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我6means the person is an adult and can come home at any time. In parts of Africa, people give
37、a cow asa wedding present, because they believe that a cow can bring good luck to the n ewly-weds. BeforeKorea n stude nts take uni versity entrance tests, their friends give them sticky rice candy for luck. Thefriends hope that the students will pass the test and stick to the university. The follow
38、ing shortconversations will tell you about different customs in China, Argentina, Switzerland, Italy and Japan.Number 1: Chi naWoman: Did I tell you rm going to China?Ma n:China? Great.Woma n: Yes. Im going to Shan ghai on bus in ess. I have to buy some gifts.Man:Good idea. What are you going to tak
39、e?Woman: I was thinking of bringing some handkerchiefs. Theyre colorful, beautiful? also lightweight. Idont want to carry anything heavy.Man:Ah, I dont think you should give handkerchiefs. They arent a good gift in Chineseculture.Woman: Why not?Man:A han dkerchief is a symbol of say ing goodbye.Woma
40、n: Saying goodbye?Man:Yeah, like when youre going away . and people are crying, so they need ahan dkerchief. Actually, Ive heard that one of the best thi ngs to give is a dinner - not a prese nt, but abig dinn er. Its good for bus in ess.Number 2: Arge ntinaWoman: This is interesting. Did you know that in Argentina you should never give clothing uni ess youknow the pers on really well?Ma n:Dont give clothi ng? Why n ot?Woma n: Cloth ing - even things like ties - are too pers on al. Only good friends give them.Man:Huh? I n ever thought of a tie as
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