



1、 2期 10 王艷紅 , 溫永寧 , 王 許 嵐等: 江蘇省濕地保護(hù)立法評析 J . 海岸通報(bào) , 2006 , 25 ( 2 : 15 20. 117 建 , 等 . 海岸 灘涂圍墾 的適宜速 度研究 Comm ent on W etland P rotection Legislation in Jiangsu P rovince XU L an , GUO H u i L ing (N anjing Forest Po lice Co llege, N anjing 210046 , J iangsu, P. R. China A bstract : Jiangsu P rov in ce

2、, as a prov ince w ith lots of w et lands , has not yet fo r m ed specia l leg islatio n on the protection o f w etland b io diversity at presen. t The ex ist ing prov inc ial w etland protection lega l prov is ions scatter here and there in a number of lo cal law s , ru les and regu lations and th

3、ere are m any prob le ms . T he d ispersed leg islation overe m phasizes the protection o f ind iv idua l factors of w etland ecosyste m and neg lects the in tegrative pro tection o f w etland b io diversity , w hich w ill in ev itably lead to m ulti- sectora l adm in istration . W etland protection

4、 leg islation p laced ex tra emphasis on the econom ic va lu e o f w etland , and ignored th e value o f its eco log ica l func tions . T he lagged leg islat ion and excessiv e re liance on the policy led to severe dam age to the we tland . A t the sam e ti me , the lagged legislation has affected t

5、he developm ent o f w etland protection in Jiangsu P rov in ce . In or der to effectively protect the w etland resources, it is urgent to develop special local law s and regulat io ns to pro tect w etland in Jiangsu prov in ce . Against the phenom enon of excessiv e reclam ation o f beach areas in J

6、iangsu prov ince , w e propose the appearance o f spec ial lo cal law s and regulat io ns on the m anagem ent of the coasta l w etland reclam ation . M eanw hile , w e suggest the enactm ent o f loca l law s and regulat ions on th e protect io n of specif ic hab itats and spec ific rare w ild an i m a ls , hence to set up a perfect legal fram ew ork to pro tect the w et la nd b io diversity . K


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