



1、文學(xué)英語論文范文Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundConsidering present writing situation and teaching conditions, the author begins with herresearch depending on the practical investigations of writing as in the followings:On the one hand, the first point is how much attention of the students

2、9; and teachers ' is paidto writing.On the English class, students learn new words, natural expressions, various syntaxesand then how to use them, but actually they get lack of enough practices of what they havelearned, and the feedbacks from their teachers. In general, a lot of work needs to be

3、 donebetween the students and their teachers. Indeed, practical writing ability is an important part ofEnglish comprehensive ability for vocational college students. For no particular reason in theworld, English writing needs to be focused and paid much attention. However, the concentrationis far fr

4、om what it ought to deserve from the present situations.On the other hand, the language they have formed in their mind is different from theirmother language, and also not the samewith their target language, English. In Selinker s opinion,hecalls this language“ Interlanugage (IL)” . In his book,Inte

5、rlanguage, he gives it a definition as“geInterlanguarefers to the separateness of a second language learnerssystem, a system that hasa structurally intermediate statue between the native and target languages” (Selinker, 1972).1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the StudyStudents, who are in the proc

6、ess of learning a second- language, always feel hard andconfused in a particular period of psychology of learning second-language, or in terms of latentlanguage structure called by Lenneberg,pointed out by Selinker in his book Interlanguage.Selinker, in his book, acknowledges that perhaps mere 5% le

7、arners of second-language learning,who somehow reactivate the latent language structure which Lenneberg describes, can achievenative- speaker competence . Actually for almost majority learners of second-language learning,it is obviously happening that they will be coming into the inevitable trouble

8、during the attempted learning period if theywant to get real definite native-speaker competence .Whatthe students need to know is some mistakes happened in their process of learning are natural andinevitable, and is how they try hard to live up with those, and then eventually to find ways tohelp the

9、m out.With the acknowledgements of Interlanguage, students mistakes happened intheirconversations or writings are virtually natural. Actually, in the field of methodology, there aretwo schools ofthought in respect of learners errors. The first one schoolwhich maintains that ifpeople were to achieve

10、a perfect teaching pattern the errors would never be committed in the firstplace, and then the occurrence of errors is mere a mark of the present inadequacy of teachingtechniques. The point or philosophy of the second one is that people now are living in animperfect world and consequently errors wil

11、l often occur in spite of people best efforts.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Inte language TheoryAt the beginning of Selinker s work, Interlanguage, whichis written from the learningperspective, he admits that“ This paper discusses some theore tical preliminaries for researchersconcerned with

12、the linguistic aspects of thepsychology of second- language learning ” (Selinker,1972).In this statement, we understand that the relevant dataSelinker devotes his attention to isreferring to a certain kindof psychology, especially the psychology of second-language learning.In the learning perspectiv

13、e, the relevant behavioral events would constitute thepsychologically- relevant data of second-language learning. However, out of the greatconglomeration of second-language behavioral events, one set of these behavioral events whichhas caused considerable interest is the regular appearance in second

14、- language performance oflinguistic phenomena, some of which are thought to be eradicated in the performance of thelearner. In the meantime, a correct understanding of these phenomena can lead to the postulationof certain theoretical constructs, which play an important role in both in the formulatio

15、n of apsycholinguistic theory of second- language learning and an identification of relevant data.2.2 Error Analysis in Linguistics2.2.1 The Significance of Learners ErrorsLanguage learning is a skill like most other human learning techniques in which the mistakesor errors constitute a major aspect.

16、 Research has demonstrated or the daily life experience hasproved that children learning their native language do make countless mistakes or errors incomparison to adults. Similarly, adults will inevitably make mistakes in second languagelearning. That is to say, these mistakes or errors are inevita

17、ble in the process of learning aforeignlanguage. Although, the terms mistake and error have the same meaning from their appearances,they are different. It pays to distinguish mistakes from errors, which is the prerequisite for theresearcher to explore the investigation on how to make good use of EA.

18、 Just like Miller puts it,“ It would be meaningless to state rules formaking mistakes. On the contrary, it will be useful torefer to the systematic errors of the learner from which the learners are able to reconstruct theirknowledge of the target language, i.e. their transitional competences” (Mille

19、r, 1966).To tell thetruth, error analysis distinguishes errors, which are systematic, from mistakes, which are not.What s more,mistake refers to a kind of performance error which results in the second-languagelearner using the language incorrectly. However, an error, reflecting a kind of competence

20、error,is deviant or irregular structure from the standard language indicating the interlanguage ability ofthe learner.Chapter 3 ree Research Methodology 213.1 Research Questions 213.2 Participants 213.3 Research Instruments 213.4 Research Steps 223.4.1 Pre-test 223.4.2 Procedures of Error Analysis 3

21、03.4.3 Post-test 413.5 Interviews 423.6 Data Collection 43Chapter 4 ur Results and Discussion 454.15 tatistical Description and Analysis of the Pre-test and Post-test 454.16 Results and Discussion on Post-Questionnaires 484.17 esults and Analysis of the Interview 504.18 The Analysis of the Results o

22、f Data Collection 51Chapter 5 ve Conclusion 535.1 Major Findings 535.2 Pedagogical Implications of Error Analysis545.3 The Limitations of the Study 585.4 Suggestions for Future Research59Chapter Four Results and Discussion4.1Statistical Description and Analysis of the Pre-test and Post-testThe data

23、from the pre-test and post-test were collected and analyzed through SPSS 17.0 toinvestigate whether there was any significant difference between them after using Error Analysis. From table 4.5, we can see that the mean scores of control group between pre-test andpost-test are almost in the same leve

24、l. In the Table 4.6, the t =-0.432, Sig. (2-tailed) =0.668,P>0.05. It means that there is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test in thecontrol group.Experimetal Group:From table 4.7 and table 4.8, the scores of EG in pre-test and post-test are tested. From theresults, we can see

25、 that the mean score in post-test is increased by 3.2429. The t=-12.085, Sig.(2-tailed) =0.000, P<0.05. The result shows that there is significant defference between pre-testand post-test. The students of experimental group have made great improvements after usingError Analysis.ConclusionThis dis

26、sertation has concerntrated attention on the application of error analysis to Englishwriting and talked about its effect on writing of college students. Based on data analysis anddiscussion in Chapter four, major findings of this study can be concluded into the followingpoints:(1) Through the study, the statistic analysis has proved that error analysis does lead toimprovements in college students writing.(2) Through the


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