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1、神奇樹(shù)屋 恐龍谷歷險(xiǎn)記 瑪麗波奧斯本1 進(jìn)入樹(shù)林 “救命?。∮醒?!”安妮喊叫著。“是啊,沒(méi)錯(cuò)?!苯芸苏f(shuō),“還真是一個(gè)大妖怪,就在賓夕法尼亞的蛙溪鎮(zhèn)。” “快跑,杰克!”安妮說(shuō)著,順著街道跑起來(lái)。噢,我的天哪。這就是杰克同他七歲的妹妹玩耍時(shí)常常出現(xiàn)的情景。 安妮喜歡玩假裝的游戲。而杰克已經(jīng)八歲半了,他喜歡確實(shí)的東西。 “當(dāng)心,杰克!妖怪來(lái)了!向你沖過(guò)來(lái)啦!” “不必了,謝謝你的提醒?!苯芸苏f(shuō)。安妮自個(gè)兒沖進(jìn)樹(shù)林里。 杰克抬頭望了望天空。太陽(yáng)快要落山了?!翱旎貋?lái),安妮!該回家了!” 但是安妮不見(jiàn)了蹤影。杰克等啊等。還是沒(méi)有安妮的影子。“安妮!”他又喊了一遍?!敖芸?,杰克!快到這兒來(lái)!” 杰克咕噥

2、道:“希望這次是好事。” 杰克離開(kāi)街道,向樹(shù)林里走去。晚霞映照著樹(shù)木,閃著金光?!翱斓竭@兒來(lái)!”安妮大喊著。 安妮就在那里,正站在一棵高高的橡樹(shù)下。“看!”她邊說(shuō)邊指著一個(gè)繩梯。這是杰克從未見(jiàn)過(guò)這么長(zhǎng)的繩梯。“哇噻!”他低聲叫道。 繩梯從樹(shù)頂上一直掛下來(lái)。 一間樹(shù)屋,就在樹(shù)頂上的兩根樹(shù)枝之間。 “這肯定是世界上最高的樹(shù)屋。”安妮說(shuō)?!斑@是誰(shuí)蓋的呢”杰克問(wèn),“以前我可沒(méi)見(jiàn)到過(guò)它?!?“我不知道,但是我打算爬上去?!卑材菡f(shuō)。 “不行!我們不知道樹(shù)屋是誰(shuí)的?!苯芸苏f(shuō)。 “就上去一會(huì)兒?!卑材菡f(shuō)著,開(kāi)始爬繩梯了?!鞍材荩聛?lái)!” 她繼續(xù)爬呀,爬呀。 杰克嘆了一口氣,說(shuō):“安妮,天都快要黑了。我們得回家

3、啦?!?安妮鉆到樹(shù)屋里看不見(jiàn)了。“安妮!” 杰克等了一會(huì)兒。當(dāng)他正要再喊時(shí),安妮把腦袋伸出樹(shù)屋的窗戶(hù)。 “書(shū)!”她喊叫著。“什么”“樹(shù)屋里堆滿(mǎn)了書(shū)!” 唉呀!杰克可喜歡書(shū)了。 他扶了扶自己的眼鏡,然后緊緊抓住繩梯的兩邊往上爬。1 Into the Woods“Help!A monster! ” said Annie.“Yeah, sure ,” said Jack. “A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania. ”“Run, Jack !” said Annie. She ran up the road.Oh,brother.This is what

4、 he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.“Watch out, Jack! The monster 's coming! Race you! ”“No,thanks, ” said Jack.Annie raced alone into the woods.Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.“C

5、ome on,Annie! It 's time to go home! ”But Annie had disappeared.Jack waited.No Annie.“Annie! ” he shouted again.“Jack!Jack!Come here! ”Jack groaned. “This better be good ,” he said.Jack left the road and headed into the woods.The trees were lit with agolden late-afternoon light.“Come here! ” cal

6、led Annie.There she was. Standing under a tall oak tree. “Look,” she said. She was pointing at a rope ladder.The longest rope ladder Jack had ever seen.“Wow,” he whispered.The ladder went all the way up to the top of the tree.Thereat the top was a tree house. It was tucked between two branches.“That

7、 must be the highest tree house in the world,” said Annie.“Who built it ? ” asked Jack. “I've never seen it before.”“I don 't know. But I 'm going up ,” said Annie.“No. We don't know who it belongs to,” said Jack.“Just for a teeny minute,” said Annie. She started up the ladder.“Annie

8、 , come back! ”She kept climbing.Jack sighed. “Annie,it 's almost dark. We have to go home.”Annie disappeared inside the tree house.“An- nie! ”Jack waited a moment. He was about to call again when Annie poked herhead out of the tree house window.“Books! ” sh e shouted.“What?”“It 's filled wi

9、th books!”O(jiān)h,man! Jack loved books.der,He pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the sides of the rope lad and up he went.2 大妖怪杰克從樹(shù)屋地板上的一個(gè)洞里爬了進(jìn)去。哇噻!樹(shù)屋里的確堆滿(mǎn)了書(shū),到處都是書(shū)。有封面上積滿(mǎn)厚厚灰塵的很老很老的 舊書(shū),也有封面嶄新閃著光澤的很新很新的新書(shū)?!翱矗∧隳芸吹煤苓h(yuǎn)很遠(yuǎn)?!卑材菡f(shuō)著,從樹(shù)屋的窗口向外望去。 杰克同她一起向外望去。俯瞰下去,是其他樹(shù)木的樹(shù)梢。在遠(yuǎn)處,他看見(jiàn)蛙溪鎮(zhèn) 的圖書(shū)館、小學(xué),還有公園。安妮指向另外一邊?!澳鞘俏覀兊?/p>

10、家。”她說(shuō)。千真萬(wàn)確。那正是他們的家,就是那個(gè)有著綠色走廊的白色木頭房子。隔壁是他 們鄰居家的黑狗亨利。它看上去小得可憐?!拔?,亨利!”安妮大聲喊道?!皣u!”杰克說(shuō),“我們可是這兒的不速之客?!?他又掃視了一下樹(shù)屋?!拔蚁胫肋@些書(shū)的主人是誰(shuí)?!彼f(shuō)。他發(fā)現(xiàn)很多書(shū)里插著書(shū)簽?!拔蚁矚g這本書(shū)。”安妮說(shuō)。她抱起一本封面上有一座城堡的書(shū)?!斑@兒有一本關(guān)于賓夕法尼亞的書(shū)?!苯芸苏f(shuō)。他翻到插有書(shū)簽的那一頁(yè)。 “嗨,這里有一幅蛙溪鎮(zhèn)的畫(huà)?!苯芸苏f(shuō),“畫(huà)的正是這里蛙溪樹(shù)林!” “喂!這兒有一本書(shū)給你?!卑材菡f(shuō)。她舉起一本恐龍的書(shū)。藍(lán)色的絲綢書(shū)簽從 書(shū)頁(yè)里露出頭來(lái)?!白屛铱纯?,讓我看看!”杰克放下他的背包,從

11、安妮手中奪過(guò)那本書(shū)。 “你就看看這本,我要看看封面有城堡的那本?!卑材菡f(shuō)。“不行,我們還是別亂翻了。”杰克說(shuō),“我們還不知道這些書(shū)的主人是誰(shuí)呢?!?盡管他嘴上這么說(shuō)著,還是忍不住把恐龍書(shū)翻到插有書(shū)簽的那一頁(yè)。他實(shí)在是控制不住自 己。他翻到會(huì)飛的古代爬行動(dòng)物那頁(yè)無(wú)齒翼龍。 他摸了摸那巨型的像蝙蝠一樣的翅膀?!巴坂??!苯芸肃洁絿亣伒卣f(shuō),“我多么希望能看看真的無(wú)齒翼龍??!” 杰克仔細(xì)看著這幅畫(huà),看著畫(huà)中盤(pán)旋在空中的奇異動(dòng)物?!鞍?!”安妮尖叫著?!霸趺蠢病苯芸藛?wèn)?!按笱?!”安妮大叫著。她指著樹(shù)屋的窗戶(hù)。“別裝神弄鬼的,安妮?!苯芸苏f(shuō)?!安?,是真的!”安妮說(shuō)。杰克朝窗外看去。一個(gè)巨型動(dòng)物正在林梢之上滑

12、翔!它有一個(gè)又長(zhǎng)又怪的頭冠長(zhǎng)在腦袋后面,一個(gè) 皮包骨頭的喙,還有一雙巨大的蝙蝠一樣的雙翼!這真是一只活生生的無(wú)齒翼龍!它劃破長(zhǎng)空,徑直朝樹(shù)屋沖來(lái)。看上去就像一架滑翔機(jī)!大風(fēng)吹了起來(lái)。樹(shù)葉顫動(dòng)不已。 這個(gè)動(dòng)物突然扶搖直上,沖入云霄。杰克想看清楚這個(gè)動(dòng)物,差點(diǎn)兒從窗戶(hù)跌了下去。風(fēng)吹得更緊了,發(fā)出呼嘯聲。樹(shù)屋開(kāi)始打轉(zhuǎn)?!霸趺椿厥隆苯芸撕艚兄!翱煜氯ィ 卑材荽蠛爸K阉麖拇翱诶嘶貋?lái)。樹(shù)屋不停地旋轉(zhuǎn)著,轉(zhuǎn)得越來(lái)越快。杰克緊緊地閉住雙眼,緊緊地抓著安妮。然后一切都平靜了。絕對(duì)的平靜。杰克睜開(kāi)了雙眼。陽(yáng)光從樹(shù)屋的窗戶(hù)斜斜地照射進(jìn)來(lái)。 安妮還在,書(shū)還在,他的背包還在。樹(shù)屋仍舊架在橡樹(shù)上。不過(guò),這不是同一

13、棵橡樹(shù)。2 The MonsterJack crawled through a hole in the tree house floor.Wow. The tree house was filled with books. Books everywhere. Very oldbooks with dusty covers. New books with shiny, bright covers.“Look.You can see far, far away,” said Annie. She was peering out the tree house window. Jack looked

14、out the window with her. Down below were the tops of the other trees. In the distance he saw the Frog Creek library. The element ary school. The park.Annie pointed in the other direction.“There's our house ,” she said.Sure enough. There was their white wooden house with the green porch.Next door

15、 was their neighbor's black dog , Henry. He looked very tiny.“Hi , Henry!” shouted Annie.“Shush!” said Jack. “We're not supposed to be up here.”He glanced around the tree house again.“I wonder who owns all these books,”he said. He noticed bookmarks weresticking out of many of them.“I l ike t

16、his one ,” said Annie. She held up a book with a castle onthecover.“Here' s a book about Pennsylvania ,” said Jack. He turned to the page with the bookmark.“Hey,there ' s a picture of Frog Creek in here,” said Jack. “It 's apicture of these woods! ”“Oh,here's a book for you,” said An

17、nie. She held up a book about dinosaurs. A blue silk bookmark was sticking out of it.“Let me see it. ” Jack set down his backpack and grabbed the book from her.“You look at that one ,and I ' ll look at the one about castles,” saidAnnie.sky.sky.No, We better not ,” said Jack. “We don't know w

18、ho these books belongBut even as he said this,Jack opened the dinosaur book to where the bookmark was. He couldn 't help himself.He turned to a picture of an ancient flying reptile. A Pteranodon.He touched the huge bat-like wings.“Wow,” whispered Jack. “I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real.J

19、ack studied the picture of the odd-looking creature soaring through the“Ahhh!” screamed Annie.“What” said Jack.“A monster !” Annie cried. She pointed to the tree house window.“Stop pretending ,Annie ”, said Jack.“No,really! ” said Annie.Jack looked out the window.A giant creature was gliding above t

20、he treetops! He had a long , weirdcrest on the back of his head. A skinny beak. And huge bat-like wings!It was a real live Pteranodon!The creature curved through the sky. He was coming straight toward thetree house. He looked like a glider plane!The wind began to blow.The leaves trembled.Suddenly th

21、e creature soared up. High into the sky. Jack nearly fell out the window trying to see it.The wind picked up. It was whistling now.The tree house started to spin.“What's happening ” cried Jack.“Get down!” shouted Annie.She pulled him back from the window.The tree house was spinning. Faster and f

22、aster.Jack squeezed his eyes shut. He held on to Annie.Then everything was still.Absolutely still.Jack opened his eyes. Sunlight slanted through the window.There was Annie.The books. His backpack.The tree house was still high up in an oak tree.3 這兒是哪兒But it wasn 't the same oak tree.他低頭看了看書(shū)中的畫(huà),又

23、望了一眼窗戶(hù)外面。 外面的世界與畫(huà)中的世界它們一模一樣,完全相同無(wú)齒翼龍翱翔在天空。地面上覆蓋著羊齒植物和深深的草叢。有一條小溪,流水 潺潺,蜿蜒曲折。有一座陡陡的山坡,還有遠(yuǎn)處的火山?!澳膬何覀?cè)谀膬骸苯芸私Y(jié)結(jié)巴巴地說(shuō)。 無(wú)齒翼龍滑落到他們那棵樹(shù)底下。它飄然地停在了地上,然后一動(dòng)也不動(dòng)地站在那 兒?!暗降装l(fā)生了什么事”安妮說(shuō)。她看著杰克,杰克看著她。 “我不知道。”杰克說(shuō),“我正在看書(shū)中的畫(huà)” “然后你說(shuō),哇噻,我多么希望能看看真的無(wú)齒翼龍?。?#39;”安妮說(shuō)。 “是??!然后我們真的就看到一只無(wú)齒翼龍,在蛙溪樹(shù)林里。”杰克說(shuō)。 “是?。〗又L(fēng)大了起來(lái)。樹(shù)屋開(kāi)始打轉(zhuǎn)?!卑材菡f(shuō)。“然后我們到了

24、這兒?!苯芸苏f(shuō)。“然后我們到了這兒。”安妮說(shuō)?!八赃@意味著”杰克說(shuō)?!八赃@意味著什么”安妮說(shuō)?!皼](méi)什么?!苯芸苏f(shuō),他搖了搖頭?!斑@一切不可能是真的。” 安妮又望向窗戶(hù)外面?!暗撬钦娴??!彼f(shuō),“它絕對(duì)是真的?!?杰克同她一起望著窗戶(hù)外面。無(wú)齒翼龍仍站在橡樹(shù)底下,像個(gè)哨兵。它巨大的雙 翼在它身體兩邊伸開(kāi)。“嗨!”安妮大喊。“噓!”杰克說(shuō),“我們是這兒的不速之客?!薄暗沁@兒是哪兒”安妮問(wèn)?!拔也恢??!苯芸苏f(shuō)?!班耍 卑材萦謱?duì)著那動(dòng)物大叫起來(lái)。無(wú)齒翼龍?zhí)ь^看著他們?!斑@兒是哪兒”安妮朝下面發(fā)問(wèn)。“你這個(gè)傻帽!它不會(huì)說(shuō)話(huà)?!苯芸苏f(shuō),“不過(guò)那本書(shū)可能會(huì)告訴我們什么?!?杰克低下頭看那本書(shū)。他

25、看到那幅畫(huà)下面的文字: 這種會(huì)飛的爬行動(dòng)物生活在白堊紀(jì)。它消失于 6500 萬(wàn)年前。 不!不可能!他們不可能來(lái)到 6500 萬(wàn)年前?!敖芸恕!卑材菡f(shuō),“它多可愛(ài)啊!”“可愛(ài)”“是的,我覺(jué)得是這樣。我們下去跟它說(shuō)說(shuō)話(huà)吧!”“跟它說(shuō)說(shuō)話(huà)”安妮開(kāi)始爬下繩梯。“嘿!”杰克叫道。但是安妮繼續(xù)往下爬?!澳惘偭藛帷苯芸撕?。安妮下到地面上,大膽地走向這個(gè)遠(yuǎn)古的動(dòng)物。3 Where Is Here?Jack looked out the window.He looked down at the picture in the book.He looked back out the window.The world

26、 outside and the world in the picture they were exactly the same.The Pteranodon was soaring through the sky. The ground was covered with ferns and tall grass.There was a winding stream. A sloping hill. And volcanoes in the distance. “Whwhere are we? ” stammered Jack.The Pteranodon glided down to the

27、 base of their tree. The creature coasted to a stop. And stood very still.“What happened to us ” said Annie. She looked at Jack. He looked at her. “I don ' t know ,” said Jack.“I was looking at the picture in thebook”“And you said , Wow, I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real,'” saidAnnie.

28、“Yeah. And the we saw one. In the Frog Creek woods”, said Jack.“Yeah. And then the wind got loud. And the tree house started spinning,” saidAnnie.And we landed hereAnd we landed here,” said Jack. ,” said Annie. said Jack.So that means.what?” said Annie.So that means. ”“Nothing ,” said Jack. He shook

29、 his head.“None of this can be real.Annie looked out the window again. “But he's real ,”she said. “He's very real. Jack looked out the window with her. The Pteranodon was standing at the base ofthe oaktree.Like a guard. His giant wings were spread out on either side of him. “Hi! ” Annie shou

30、ted.Shush!” said Jack. “we're not supposed to be here. But where is here? ” said Annie.“I don ' t know ,” said Jack.“Hi! ” Annie called again to the creature. The Pteranodon looked up at them.“Where is here? ” Annie called down.“You're nuts. He can 't talk ,” said Jack. “But maybe th

31、e book can tell us. ”Jack looked down at the book.He read the words under the picture:This flying reptile lived in the Cretaceous period.It vanished 65 million years ago.No. Impossible. They couldn 't have landed in a time 65 million years ago. “Jack,” said Annie.“ He's nice. ”“Nice?”“Yeah,I

32、 can tell. Let's go down and talk to him.”“Talk to him? ”Annie started down the rope ladder. “Hey!” shouted Jack.But Annie kept going.“Are you crazy? ” Jack called.Annie dropped to the ground. She stepped boldly up to the ancient creature. 4 亨利 當(dāng)安妮伸出手時(shí),杰克倒吸了一口涼氣。天哪!安妮總是試圖與動(dòng)物們交朋友。不過(guò)這次也太過(guò)火了。 “不要太靠

33、近它,安妮!”杰克大聲喊道。但是安妮摸了摸無(wú)齒翼龍的冠,摸了摸它的脖子。她正在同它交談。 她究竟在說(shuō)些什么 杰克深深地吸了一口氣。好吧,他得下去。這正是考察這個(gè)遠(yuǎn)古動(dòng)物的好機(jī)會(huì)。 做好記錄,像科學(xué)家那樣。杰克開(kāi)始爬下繩梯。當(dāng)他到達(dá)地面時(shí),那動(dòng)物離他只有幾英尺遠(yuǎn)。 它瞪著杰克,雙眼亮晶晶的,機(jī)靈靈的?!八苋彳?,杰克?!卑材菡f(shuō),“摸上去就像亨利一樣。” 杰克高聲大笑說(shuō):“它不是狗,安妮。”“摸摸它,杰克?!卑材菡f(shuō)。杰克沒(méi)有動(dòng)。 “別多慮了,杰克,摸一摸吧!” 杰克走上前來(lái),他小心翼翼地伸出自己的胳膊。他順著這動(dòng)物的脖子從上到下?lián)崦艘?遍。太有趣了。薄薄的一層茸毛覆蓋在無(wú)齒翼龍的皮膚上。 “柔軟

34、吧,嗯”安妮說(shuō)。杰克把手伸進(jìn)背包里,抽出一支鉛筆和一個(gè)筆記本。他寫(xiě)道: 毛茸茸的皮膚“你在干什么呢”安妮問(wèn)。 “做記錄?!苯芸苏f(shuō),“我們也許是世界上見(jiàn)過(guò)活生生的無(wú)齒翼龍的第一人。” 杰克又看了看無(wú)齒翼龍。 這種動(dòng)物頭頂上長(zhǎng)著一個(gè)骨質(zhì)的冠。 這個(gè)冠比杰克的胳膊還要長(zhǎng)?!安恢浪斆鞑宦斆?。”杰克說(shuō)?!胺浅B斆?。”安妮說(shuō)。 “可別作指望。”杰克說(shuō),“它的腦袋也許只有一顆豆子那么大?!?“不,它非常聰明。我能感覺(jué)得到。”安妮說(shuō),“我打算叫它亨利?!?杰克在筆記本上寫(xiě)著:小腦仁 杰克又看了看這只動(dòng)物?!八苍S是只突變了的異種?!彼f(shuō)。 這只動(dòng)物翹起它的頭。安妮笑了起來(lái)?!八皇钱惙N,杰克?!?“好吧,

35、那它在這兒干些什么呢這個(gè)地方是哪兒呢”杰克說(shuō)。 安妮緊緊地挨著無(wú)齒翼龍。“你知道我們?cè)谑裁吹胤絾?,亨利”安妮輕言細(xì)語(yǔ)地問(wèn)。 這只動(dòng)物眼睛一眨也不眨地盯著安妮。 它的嘴巴忽而張開(kāi), 忽而閉攏, 像一把巨型剪刀 “你想同我說(shuō)話(huà)吧,亨利”安妮問(wèn)?!八懔税?,安妮?!苯芸嗽诠P記本上寫(xiě)著: 嘴巴像剪刀“我們是不是回到了很久很久以前,亨利”安妮問(wèn),“這是很久很久以前的某個(gè) 地方嗎”突然間她氣喘起來(lái)?!敖芸?!”杰克抬頭一看。安妮手正指著小山。山頂上站著一只巨大的恐龍!4 HenryJack gasped as Annie held out her hand.Oh,brother.She was always

36、trying to make friends with animals. But this was going too far.“Don't get too close to him,Annie! ” Jack shouted.But Annie touched the Pteranodon 's crest. She stroked his neck. She was talking to him.What in the world was she saying?Jack took a deep breath.Okay. He would go down too. It wo

37、uld be good to examine the creature. Take notes. Like a scientist.Jack started down the rope ladder.Whenhe got to the ground , Jack was only a few feet away from the creature. The creature stared at Jack. His eyes were bright and alert.“He' s soft , Jack ,” said Annie.“He feels like Henry. ”Jack

38、 snorted. “He's no dog , Annie. ”“Feel him , Jack,” said Annie.Jack didn 't move.“Don't think , Jack. Just do it.”Jack stepped forward. He put out his arm. Very cautiously.He brushed his hand down the creature 's neck.Interesting. A thim layer of fuzz covered the Pteranodon's ski

39、n.“Soft ,huh?” said Annie.Jack reached into his backpack and pulled out a pencil and a notebook. He wrote:fuzzy skin“What are you doing? ” asked Annie.“Taking notes ,” said Jack. “We're probably the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Pteranodon. ”Jack looked at the Pteranodo

40、n again. The creature had a bony crest on top of his head. The crest was longer than Jack's arm.“I wonder how smart he is ,” Jack said. “Very smart ,” said Annie.“Don't count on it ,” said Jack. “His brain 's probably no bigger than a bean. ” “No, he' s very smart. I can feel it,” sa

41、id Annie. “I 'm goin tto call him Henry. ”Jack wrote in his notebook:small brain?Jack looked at the creature again.“ Maybe he' s a mutant ,” he said.The creature tilted his head.Annie laughed. “He's no mutant, Jack. ”“Well, what ' s he doing here then?Where is this place?” said Jack.

42、Annie leaned close to the Pteranodon.“Do you know where we are ,Henry?”she asked softly.The creature fixed his eyes on Annie. His long jaws were opening and closing.Like a giant pair of scissors.“Are you trying to talk tome, Henry? ” asked Annie.“Forget it , Annie. ”Jack wrote in his notebook:mouth

43、like scissors?“Did we come to a time long ago, Henry?” asked Annie. “ Is this a placefrom long ago? ” Suddenly she gasped. “ Jack! ”He looked up.Annie was pointing toward the hill. On top stood a huge dinosaur!5 草地上的金牌 “快,快!”杰克說(shuō)。他把筆記本塞進(jìn)背包,推著安妮向繩梯跑去?!霸僖?jiàn),亨利!”她說(shuō)?!翱?!”杰克說(shuō)。他把安妮猛推了一下。 “別推!”她說(shuō),不過(guò)她還是爬上了繩梯。杰克

44、緊跟在她后面爬上去。 他們急匆匆地鉆進(jìn)了樹(shù)屋。他們喘著氣望著窗外那只恐龍。它正站在山頂上,把一棵樹(shù)上的花都給吃光了。 “天哪?!苯芸诵÷曊f(shuō),“我們的確是在很久很久以前!” 這只恐龍看上去像一只巨大的犀牛。只不過(guò)它可不只長(zhǎng)了一只角而是三只角。兩 眼之上長(zhǎng)有兩只長(zhǎng)角,鼻子上也長(zhǎng)了一只角。腦袋后面還長(zhǎng)有一塊盾牌狀的東西?!叭驱?!”杰克說(shuō)?!八匀藛帷卑材菪÷晢?wèn)。 “我查查看?!苯芸俗テ鹉潜究铸垥?shū)。他快速地翻著書(shū)頁(yè)。“在這兒!”他指著有一只三角龍的畫(huà)。他讀著上面的說(shuō)明文字: 三角龍生活在白堊紀(jì)晚期。這種素食恐龍?bào)w重超過(guò) 12 000 磅 注。 杰克砰地一下合上書(shū)。“只吃素,不吃肉?!薄澳俏覀?nèi)ヒ?jiàn)見(jiàn)它

45、?!卑材菡f(shuō)。 “你瘋了嗎”杰克說(shuō)?!澳悴幌胱鲂╆P(guān)于它的記錄嗎”安妮問(wèn),“我們很可能是世界上見(jiàn)過(guò)活三角龍的第一 人?!苯芸藝@了一口氣。她是對(duì)的。 “那就去吧。”他說(shuō)。 他把恐龍書(shū)塞進(jìn)背包里,把背包背在肩上,開(kāi)始下繩梯。 繩梯下到一半,杰克停住了。他對(duì)上面的安妮喊著,“你要保證不摸它?!薄拔冶WC?!薄氨WC不吻它?!薄拔冶WC?!薄氨WC不同它談話(huà)?!薄拔冶WC?!薄氨WC不一一”“快下,快下!”她說(shuō)。杰克繼續(xù)下繩梯。安妮緊跟著。當(dāng)他們從繩梯上下來(lái)時(shí),無(wú)齒翼龍慈祥地望著他們。安妮給了它一個(gè)飛吻?!耙粫?huì)兒就回來(lái),亨利?!彼d高采烈地說(shuō)?!皣u! ”杰克說(shuō)。他帶路穿過(guò)羊齒植物,一路上慢慢地,小心翼翼地。當(dāng)他們到達(dá)

46、小山腳下之后,杰克跪到一叢厚厚的灌木叢后面。安妮跪在他的后面,就講起話(huà)來(lái)。杰克把手指放在嘴唇上“噓”了一下。安妮扮了個(gè)鬼臉。杰克偷偷看著三角龍??铸埓蟮昧钊穗y以置信。比一輛卡車(chē)還要大。它正在吃一棵木蘭樹(shù)上的花。杰克悄悄地從背包里掏出筆記本。他寫(xiě)道:吃花安妮用肘碰了碰他。杰克沒(méi)理睬她。他繼續(xù)觀察三角龍。他寫(xiě)道:吃得很慢安妮用肘使勁兒頂了頂他。杰克這才看著她。安妮先指了指自己,又用手指在半空中做行走的樣子,然后指了指恐龍,笑了起 來(lái)。她這是要戲弄人嗎她朝杰克擺了擺手。杰克正要去抓住她。她笑著,一下子跳開(kāi)去。她跌倒在草地上,完完全全地暴露在三角龍的視野之下。 “回來(lái)! ”杰克低聲喊著。太遲啦。大恐龍

47、已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了她。它在山頂目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地緊盯著她。半截木蘭花還掛在它的口 邊?!鞍パ?,糟糕。”安妮說(shuō)?!盎貋?lái)! ”杰克對(duì)她喊道。“它看上去很可愛(ài),杰克?!薄翱蓯?ài)當(dāng)心它的角,安妮!”“它真的很可愛(ài),杰克。”可愛(ài)三角龍只是靜靜地注視著安妮。然后它轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)身,跨開(kāi)大步,向山的另一側(cè)跑了下 去?!霸僖?jiàn)!”安妮說(shuō)。她轉(zhuǎn)身對(duì)杰克說(shuō):“瞧,我說(shuō)它很可愛(ài)吧”杰克咕咕噥噥。不過(guò)他在筆記上寫(xiě)下了:可愛(ài)“來(lái)吧!我們把這周?chē)俣嗫纯窗?。”安妮說(shuō)。杰克正要跟上安妮,可這時(shí)他看見(jiàn)深深的草叢中有東西閃閃發(fā)光。他伸手把它撿了起來(lái)。一塊大獎(jiǎng)牌。一塊金子做的獎(jiǎng)牌。 牌子上鐫刻著一個(gè)字母。一個(gè)奇妙的 M。 “啊,好家伙。看來(lái)已經(jīng)有人在我們之前

48、來(lái)過(guò)了。”杰克輕聲說(shuō)。5 Gold in the Grass“Go!Go!” said Jack. He threw his notebook into his pack. He pushed Annie toward the rope ladder.“Bye, Henry! ” she siad.“Go!” said Jack. He gave Annie a big push.“Quit it! ” she said. But she started up the ladder. Jack scrambled after her.They tumbled into the tree hou

49、se.They were panting as they looked out the window at the dinosaur. He was standing on the hilltop. Eating flowers off a tree.“Oh, man,” whispered Jack. “We are in a time long ago!”The dinosaur looked like a huge rhinoceros. Only he had three horns instead of one. Two long ones above his eyes and on

50、e on his nose.He had a big shield-like thing behind his head.“Triceratops! ” said Jack.“Does he eat people? ” whispered Annie.“ I 'll look it up.” Jack grabbed the dinosaur book. He flipped through thepages.“There! ” he said. He pointed to a picture of a Triceratops. He readte caption:The Tricer

51、atops lived in the late Cretaceous period. This plant-eating dinosaur weighed over 12,000 pounds.Jack slammed the book shut. “Just plants. No meat. ”“Let's go see him ,” said Annie.“Are you nuts? ” said Jack.“Don't you want to take notes about him?”asked Annie. “We're probably the first

52、people in the wholeworld to ever see a real live Triceratops.”Jack sighed. She was right.“Let's go,” he said.He shoved the dinosaur book into his pack. He slung it over his shoulder and started down the ladder.On the way down , Jack stopped.He called up to Annie ,“ Just promise you won 't pe

53、t him. ”a -”“I promise. ”“Promise you won ' t kiss him. ”a -”“I promise. ” “Promise you won ' t talk to him.”a I刀“I promise. ”“Promise you won ' t ”“Go!Go!” she siad.Jack went.Annie followed.When they stepped off the ladder, the Pteranodon gave them a kind look.Annie blew a kiss at him.

54、“Be back soon, Henry ,” she said cheerfully. “ Shush!”said Jack. And he led theway through the ferns. Slowly andcarefully.When he reached the bottom of the hill, he kneeled behind a fat bush.Annie knelt beside him and started to speak.“Shush!” Jack put his finger to his lips.Annie made a face.Jack p

55、eeked out at the Triceratops.The dinosaur was incredibly big. Bigger than a truck. He was eating the flowers off a magnolia tree.Jack slipped his notebook out of his pack. He wrote:eats flowersAnnie nudged him.Jack ignored her. He studied the Triceratops again. He wrote:eats slowlyAnnie nudged him h

56、ard.Jack looked at her.Annie pointed to herself. She walked her fingers through the air. She pointed to the dinosaur. She smiled.Was she teasing?She waved at Jack.Jack started to grab her.She laughed and jumped away. She fell into the grass. In full view of the Triceratops!“Get back! ” whispered Jac

57、k.Too late. The big dinosaur had spotted Annie. He gazed down at her from the hilltop. Half of a magnolia flower was sticking out of his mouth.“Oops,” said Annie.“Get back! ” Jack shouted at her.“He looks nice ,Jack. ”“Nice?Watch out for hishorns , Annie! ”“No. He's nice ,Jack. ”Nice?But the Triceratops just gazed calmly down at Annie. Then he turned and loped away. Down the side of the hill.“Bye! ” said Annie. She turned back to Jack.“See?”Jack grunted. But he w


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