1、1.time/times/period7.78.79.大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12篇(1)大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12篇Passage 1Error Correction (15 minutes)Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. M
2、ark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark 八)in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and
3、 put a slash(/) in the blank.Example:Television is rapidly becoming the literatures of our periods.Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature as a school subject are valid forA study of television. 3.theOne major decision which faces the American student ready tobegin higher educa
4、tion is the choice of attending a large university or a small college. The large university provides awide range of specialized departments, as well numerous 71.courses within such departments. The small college, therefore,generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offer
5、a better student-faculty ratio, thuspermit individualized attention to student. Because of its largestudent body (often exceeding 20,000) consisting in manypeople from different countries the university exposes its students to many different culture, social and out-of-classprogrammes. On the other h
6、and, the smaller, more homogeneous同性質(zhì)的)student body of the big college affords greater opportunities in such activities. Finally, the university closely approximates the real world and whichprovides a relaxed, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous(隱姓埋名的)existence, on the contrast, the intimateatmosphe
7、re of the small college allows the student four years of大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12篇(1) structural living in which to expect and preparing for the 80. realworld. In making his choice among educational institutions thestudent must, there fore, consider a great many factors.71. (well) (well) as 72. therefore however7
8、3. offer offers 74. permit permitting75. in of 76. culture cultural77. big small 78. and / 或 and which, this79. contrast contrary 80. preparing prepare Passage 2Thomas Malthus published his "Essay on the Principle of Population" almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters have being
9、 warning that worldwide famine was just around the next corner. The fast-growing population's demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation.But in reality, the world's total grain harvest has risen steadily over the years. E
10、xcept for relative isolated trouble spots like present-day Somalia, and occasional years of good harvests, the world's food crisis has remained just around the corner. Most experts believe this can continue even as if the population doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding I0 billion pe
11、ople will not be easy for politics, economic and environmental reasons. Optimists point to concrete examples of continued improvements in yield. In Africa, by instance, improved seed, more fertilizer and advanced growing practices have more than double corn and wheat yields in an experiment. Elsewhe
12、re, rice experts in the Philippines are producing a plant with few stems and more seeds. There is no guarantee that plant breeders can continue to develop new, higher-yielding crop, but most researchers see their success to date as reason for hope.S1. being been S2. their itsS3. relative relatively
13、S4. good badS5. as 去掉 S6. politics politicalS7. by for S8. double doubledS9. few more S10. reason the reason Passage 351. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. S10.The Seattle Times Company is one newspaper firm that has recognized the need for change and done something about it. In the newspaper industry
14、, papers must reflect the diversity of the communities to which they provide information. It must reflect that diversity with their news coverageS1.1 / 12大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12篇(1)52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. S10.or risk losing their readers interest and their advertisers ' support.Operating within Seat
15、tle, which has 20 percents racial minorities, the paper has put into place policies and procedures for hiring and maintain a diverse workforce. The underlying reason for the change is that for information to be fair, appropriate, and subjective, it should be reported by the same kind of population t
16、hat reads it.A diversity committee composed of reporters, editors, and photographers meets regularly to value the Seattle Times' content and to educate the rest of the newsroom staff about diversity issues. In an addition, the paper instituted a contentaudit (審查)that evaluates the frequency and
17、manner of representation of woman and people of color in photographs.Early audits showed that minorities were pictured far too infrequently and were pictured with a disproportionate number of negative articles. The audit results from improvement in the frequency of majority representation and their
18、portrayal in neutral or positive situations. And, with a result, theSeattle Timeshas improved as a newspaper. The diversity training and content audits helped the Seattle Times Company to win the Personal Journal Optimas Award for excellence in managing change. S1. it they S2. percents percent S3. m
19、aintain maintaining S4. subjective objective S5. value evaluate S6. an / S7. woman women S8. from in S9. majority minority S10. with as Passage 4A great many cities are experiencing difficulties which are nothing new in the history of cities, except in their scale.Some cities have lost their origina
20、l purpose and have not foundnew one. And any large or rich city is going to attract S1.3 / 12大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12篇52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. S10.51. _52. _53. 54. poor immigrants, who flood in, filling with hopes of prosperity which are then often disappointing. There are backward townson the edge of Bo
21、mbay or Brasilia, just as though there wereon the edge of seventeenth-century London or early nineteenth-century Paris. This is new is the scale. Descriptions written by eighteenth-century travelers of the poor of MexicoCity, and the enormous contrasts that was to be found there, are very dissimilar
22、 to descriptions of Mexico City today the poor can still be numbered in millions.The whole monstrous growth rests on economic prosperity, but behind it lies two myths: the myth of the city as a promised land, that attracts immigrants from rural poverty and brings it flooding into city centers, and t
23、he myth of the country as a Garden of Eden, which, a few generations late, sends them flooding out again to the suburbs.S1. new a new S2. filling filledS3. though if S4. This WhatS5. was were S6. dissimilar similarS7. lies lie S8. that which S9. it them S10. late later Passage 5Sporting activities a
24、re essentially modified forms of hunting behavior. Viewing biologically, the modern footballer is revealed as a member of a disguised hunting pack. His killing weapon has turned into a harmless football and his prey into a goal-mouth. If his aim is inaccurate and he scores a goal, enjoys the hunter
25、' of triUingp his prey.To understand how this transformation has taken place we must briefly look up at our ancient ancestors. They spent over a million year evolving as co-operative hunters. Their very survivalS5.# / 12篇56. 57. 58. 59. S10.71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12depended on success in t
26、he hunting-field. Under this pressuretheir whole way of life, even if their bodies, became radicailychanged. They became chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers,throwers and prey-killers. They co-operate as skillful male-group attackers.Then, about ten thousand years ago, when this immenselylong formative
27、 period of hunting for food, they became farmers. Their improved intelligence, so vital to their oldhunting life, were put to a new use- that of penning。巴關(guān)在圈 中),controlling and domesticating theirprey. Thefood was there on the farms, awaiting their needs. The risks and uncertainties of farming were
28、no longer essential for survival.S1. Viewing Viewed S2. inaccurate accurate53. (enjoys) he (enjoys) S4. up back55. year years S6. (even) if (even) /57. co-operate co-operated S8. when afterS9. were was S10. farming huntingPassage 6More people die of tuberculosis (結(jié)核病)thanof anyother disease caused b
29、y a single agent. This has probablybeen the case in quite a while. During the early stages ofthe industrial revolution, perhaps one in every seventhdeaths in Europe ' crowded cities were caused by thedisease. From now on, though, western eyes, missing theglobal picture, saw the trouble going int
30、o decline.Withoccasional breaks for war, the rates of death andinfection in the Europe and America droppedsteadilythrough the 19th and 20th centuries. In the 1950s, theintroduction of antibiotics (抗菌素)strengthened the5 / 12大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12篇 (1)76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 71. 72. 73. 74. trend in rich countries,
31、and the antibiotics were allowedto be imported to poor countries. Medical researchersdeclared victory and withdrew.They are wrong. In the mid-1980s the frequency of infections and deaths started to pick up again around the world. Where tuberculosis vanished, it came back; in many places where it had
32、 never been away, it grew better.The World Health Organization estimates that 1.7 billion people (a third of the earth psopulation) sufferfrom tuberculosis. Even the infection rate was falling, population growth kept the number of clinicalcases more or less constantly at 8 million a year. Around3 mi
33、llion of those people died, nearly all of them in poor countries.71. in for 72. seventh seven73. were was 74. now then75. the / 76. imported exported77. are were 78. vanished had 79. better worse 80. constantly constantPassage 7When you start talking about good and bad manners you immediately start
34、meeting difficulties. Many people just cannotagree what they mean. We asked a lady, who replied that shethought you could tell a well-manned person on the way theyoccupied the space around them for example, when such aperson walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware ofothers. Such people n
35、ever bump into other people.However, a second person thought that this was more a question of civilized behavior as good manners. Instead, this other person told us a story, it he said was quite well known, about an American who had been invited to an Arab meal at75. # / 12大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12 篇 (1)篇 (1)76.
36、77. 78. 79. 80. 4.75.76.one of the countries of the Middle East. The American hasn tbeen told very much about the kind of food he might expect. Ifhe had known about American food, he might have behavedbetter.Immediately before him was a very flat piece of bread thatlooked, to him, very muc
37、h as anapkin (餐巾).Picking it up, he put it into his collar, so that it falls across his shirt. His Arab host, who had been watching, said of nothing, but immediately copied the action of his guest.And that, said this second person, was a fine example of good manners.71. (on the way) in the way72. un
38、aware aware73. as than 74. it which75. at in 76. hasn thadnt77. American Arab 78. as like79. falls fell 80. of /Passage 8Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he had the capability to leave that planet and moveout in
39、to the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. Men have explored parts of the moon.put spaceships in orbit around another planet and possibly withinthe decade will land into another planet and explore it. Can we betoo bold as to suggest that we may be able to colonize o
40、therplanet within the not-too-distant future? Some have advocatedsuch a procedure as a solution to the population problem: ship theexcess people off to the moon. But we must keep in head thebillions of dollars we might spend in carrying out the project. Tomaintain the earth psopulation at its presen
41、t level, we would haveto blast off into space 7,500 people every hour of every day of theyear.Why are we spending so little money on space ex- 77.ploration? Consider the great need for improving many 78. aspects_of the global environment, one is surely justified in hisconcern for the money and resou
42、rces that they are poured 79. into_the space exploration efforts. But perhaps we should look atboth sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions. 80.71. had has 72. directly indirectly73. into on 74. too so75. planet planets / worlds 76. head mind77. littlemuch78. Consider Considering79. they
43、/80. (arriving) (arriving) at 或 arriving reaching/drawing/makingPassage 9Most people work to earn a living and they Produce goods and services. Goods are either agricultural (like maize) or manufactured (like cars). Services are such things like education, medicine, and commerce. These people provid
44、e goods; some provide services. Other people provide both goods or services. For example, in the same garage a man may buy a car or some service which helps him maintain his car.The work people do is called as economic activity. All economic activities taken together make up the economic system of a
45、 town, a city, a country, or the world. Such economic system is the sum-total of what people do and what they want. The work people do either provides what they need or provides the money with that they can by essential commodities. Of course, most people hope to have enough money to buy commodities
46、 and services which are essential but which provide some particular personal satisfaction, such as toys for children, visits the cinema, and books.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The science of economics is basic upon the facts of our everyday lives. Economists study our every day lives and the gener
47、al life of our communities in order to understand the whole economic system of which we are a part. They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live, and to explain how it works. The economist methods should of course be strictly objective and scientific.# / 12大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12篇(1)1. like &g
48、t; as2. these > some3. or > and4. as > 去掉 as5. Such economic system > Such A an economic system6. that > which7. are essential > are A not essential或者 essential > non-essential8. visits the cinema > visits A to the cinema9. basic > based10. The economist methods > The e
49、conomist ' s methodsThe economists ' methods Passage 10Parents can be supportive of suspicions. They can be helpful to the teacher, or are in need of help1. themselves. Sometimes, I think parents are too hard to their children. I have seen many parents of this 2. kind. I often have the probl
50、em of parents coming in and telling me what they really treat their kids. They3. tell me that they usually stand over their kinds when they do their homework. They check their work and make big fuss over the grades. They criticize the kids 4. over everything having to do with school. My response usu
51、ally is:" uwelowohe is really agood kid. He is fine in my class. Maybe you should not be too strict with them. 5.“We want parents to realize the fact that teachers are professors at working with children. They have 6. observed many children and many parents. Because of this, and because of thei
52、r specialized training, teachers can be realistic about children. Teachers know whether parents want their children to do well7. and to behave well. But teachers know less what 8. children should be able to do at different ages and stages. They don ' t expectyear-olds to do the work that can onl
53、y be done by the 12-year-olds. Parents, in the contrary, often expect their children 9 to do what is usually beyond their age and ability. Obviously, this may make great harm to the 10 children ' s development.9 / 12大學(xué)英語六級改錯題12 篇 (1)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 are > be2 be hard to > be hard
54、on3 what > how4 make big fuss > make a big fuss5 them > him6 professors > experts professional7 whether > that8 less > more better9 in the contrary > on the contrary10 make harm to > do harm toPassage 11Closure is the positive felling you get when you finish a task. Lack of c
55、losure results from the panicked feeling that you still have a million things to do. One way to obtain closure is divide a task into manageable goals, list them, and check them off your list as you finish them. For example, suppose your historic teacher assigns three chapters to be read. If your goa
56、l is to read all three chapters, you may feel discouraged if you don t complete the reading at one time. A more effective way to complete the assignment is to divide the reading into smaller goals by thinking each chapter as a separate goal. Thus you experience success as you complete. each chapter.
57、 While you have completed the overall goal, you know you have progressed toward it.A second block to obtaining closure is unfinished business. You may have several tasks with the same deadline. If changing from one task to another serves as a break, changing tasks too often waste time. Each time you switch, you lose momentum. You may be unable to change mental gears fast enough. You may find yourself thinking about the old project when you should be concentrating in the new one. In addition, when you return to your first task, you have to review
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