On Characters of the Four March Girls in Little Women_第1頁
On Characters of the Four March Girls in Little Women_第2頁
On Characters of the Four March Girls in Little Women_第3頁
On Characters of the Four March Girls in Little Women_第4頁




1、On Characters of the Four March Girls in Little Women    論文AbstractAbstract: Louisa May Alcott was an American writer who was born in 1832 and died in 1888. She was the daughter of A. Brousen Alcott. At early time she lived in the environment of senior intellectual and literati.

2、So it was natural for her to begin to do writing when she was young. Little Women is a novel by Louisa published in 1868, concerning the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. The story is simple, but touching. In the past more than 100 years, it was filmed for sev

3、eral times and translated into different kinds of languages. It is one of the worlds classic works. By describing the four girls being mature experience and life experience, this paper analyzes the different characters of the four March girls and also analyzes the factors that influence their charac

4、ters. Through the paper, we can see the kindness, loyalty, selflessness, generosity, respect, tolerance, perseverance and courage promoted in the book. They are also the virtues and beliefs that people always respect and pursuit.Key Words: Louisa May Alcott; Little Women, characteristics, factors

5、60;   目  錄前言  11具體描述希思克利夫的人性扭曲   31.1殘忍的復仇   31.2虐待 42導致希思克利夫人性扭曲的原因  52.1希思克利夫的出身背景 52.2社會的不公正   62.3愛的背叛給希思克利夫的致命打擊   73探究希思克利夫人性扭曲的結果  83.1破壞自己的品質   83.2自我毀滅   94結尾 10參考文獻 11附錄   12致謝   1

6、3CONTENTIntroduction-(1)1. Different Characters of Four March Girls- (3)1.1. The first Daughter Meg Marchs Character -(3)1.2. Boyish Jo Marchs Character-(5)1.3. The Third Daughter Beths Character-(8)The Youngest Daughter Amy Marchs Character- (8)2The Factors that Affect Four Girls Characters- (9)2.1

7、 。2.2。2.3。3. Conclusion- (11)Bibliography - (12)Notes- (13)Acknowledgement - (14)Introduction Wuthering Heights has long been one of the most popular and highly-regarded novels in English literature. However, Emily Bronte (18181848), left to us only this novel and some poems. No letters or diar

8、ies help us understand her creative ideas, so it is very difficult to analyze this novel. Wuthering Heights is a riddle to many readers, and it is difficult to understand and easy to get misled.  Emily Bronte lived an eccentric, closely-guarded life. Her father worked as a church rector, and he

9、r aunt was deeply religious. Emily Bronte did not take her aunts Christian fervor; in fact, she was deeply influenced by mysticism of cosmology and soul view. She treated human religion coldly. The Brontes lived in Haworth, a Yorkshire village in the midst of the moors. These wild made up Emilys dai

10、ly environment, and she lived among them her entire life. Charlotte Bronte once commented on Emily Brontes life, “My sisters disposition was not naturally gregarious: circumstances favored and fostered her tendency to seclusion; except to go to church or take a walk on the hills, she rarely crossed

11、the threshold of home. Though her feeling for the people around was benevolent, intercourse with them she never sought; nor, with very few exceptions. And she knows them.”1 It is common-place to say that she is sphinx-like in her remoteness, “Stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature sto

12、od alone.”2  Wuthering Heights is an extraordinary novel. From the social point of view, it is a story about a poor man, abused, betrayed and distorted by his social betters because he is a poor person. As a love story, the novel is one of the most intense, the most beautiful and the most horri

13、ble, ever to be found possible in human begins. Emily Brontes novel was acknowledged as a work of strange power and energy, and was also found to be dangerously “excessive”. That is why most of the Victorian readers found the book shocking in its depiction of passionate, ungoverned love and cruelty.

14、 They said that the terrible, disgusting novel should be renamed “Withering Heights”. Even Charlotte Bronte remained ambivalent toward unapologetic intensity of her sisters novel. In a preface to the book, which she wrote shortly after Emily Brontes death, Charlotte Bronte stated, “Whether it is rig

15、ht or advisable to create being like Heathcliff, I do not know. I scarcely think it is.”3 So it seems once this novels literary value is confirmed, the critics will face a missionthat is, how to recognize Heathcliff from a different angle and liberate him from the evil image. Therefore, my thesis wi

16、ll put this love tragedy on a background to analyze the distortion of human nature and illustrate Heathcliffs complicated personal world.1具體描述希思克利夫的人性扭曲 希思克利夫的人性之所以會扭曲,很大一部分歸于愛情的挫敗。而他只是想尋找一條能實現(xiàn)復仇的道路,因為只有報仇才能撫平他心中的傷痛,使他的整個神經(jīng)興奮起來,并且得到一絲絲的快樂。他對凱瑟琳說:If you flatter yourself that I do not perceive it

17、, you are a fool; and if you think I can be consoled by sweet words, you are an idiot; and if you fancy I will suffer unrevenged, I will convince you of contrary, in a very little whileYou are welcome to torture me to death for you are amusement, only allow me to amuse myself a little in the same st

18、yle.4上面的話強烈地表現(xiàn)了希思克利夫的復仇必將是殘忍而且持久的。11殘忍的復仇 希思克利夫愛上了凱瑟琳,這種無法忘記的愛成了他生命的唯一,也使他的人性徹底扭曲。他告訴凱瑟琳,“I love my murderer but yours! How can I?”5 當愛情不可能實現(xiàn)后,他開始譴責辛德雷和埃德加。他還報復所有那些讓他痛苦的人,而后來他的報復范圍越來越大。他不僅針對他的敵人,還針對敵人的家人,當然這中間也包括凱瑟琳。 首先,他利用辛德雷既愛喝酒又愛賭博的特點,用計跟他賭博。果然不出希思克利夫預料,辛德雷輸光了所有的現(xiàn)金。這時,希思克利夫就要求他用所有莊園的土地來當賭注。為了能將這瘋狂的賭博繼續(xù)下去,辛德雷豪不猶豫的答應了。而最后這些東西自然全落在了希思克利夫的手里。希思克利夫成了受押人,而辛德雷卻因為賭博失去了所有的一切,終日酗酒。在他死后,希思克利夫就順理成章地繼承莊園,成了呼嘯山莊的主人。 其次,他要報復畫眉山莊。為了達到這個目的,他就與伊莎貝拉結了婚。從此以后,可憐的伊莎貝拉就成了一個無辜的替罪羔羊,過著痛苦的生活。因為希思克利夫從來就沒有愛過她,也從來沒有想過她的感受,他只是把她當作報復林惇家族的一個工具。后來希思克利夫告訴凱瑟琳,“If I imagine you really wishe


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