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1、詞匯與結構_ before we leave, the day after tomorrow, we should have awonderful dinner party. DHad they arrived Would they arrive Were they arriving Were they to arriveThe mere fact _ most people believe a nuclear war wouldbe madness doesnt mean it will not occur. AThat which what whyWhen he arrived, he f

2、ound _ the aged and the sick athome. BNothing but none but none other than no other thanI had just started back to the house to change my clothesI heard voices. DAs while after whenThe man in the corner confessed to _ a lie to themanager of the company. B Have told having told being told be toldI sa

3、w the _ of the taxi before it disappeared aroundthe corner of the street. B Signal rear look sceneAlthough I liked the appearance of the house, what really made medecide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the window. DPerspective look picture viewShe was so _ in her job that she didnt hear anybod

4、yknocking at the door. B Attracted absorbed drawn outstandingThis hotel _ $60 for a single room with a bath. DClaims demands prices chargesIn preparing scientific reports of experiments, a student should_ his findings in clear and precise language. DExemplify predict raise presentThe doctor told Pen

5、ny that too much _ to the sun is badfor the skin. A Exposure means exhibition gratitudeViolence in the local prison has _ two lives. CRemoved killed cost murderedThis book is full of practical _ on home improvementsand repairs. BHelps tips nods cluesIn general, matters which lie entirely within the

6、state boundariesare the _ concern of the state government. DExcessive external explosive exclusiveA friendship may be _, relaxed, situational or deep and lasting DIdentical original critical superficialThe observers statement about the accident was very _ ; we knowalmost everything about it now. ASp

7、ecific especial exceptional specialUnless he is _ intense love, he hardly ever looks intosomeone elses eyes for very long. AConfessing refusing granting coveringSome of your suggestions have been adopted but others have beenas theyare not workable. BTurned away turned down turned back turned outOcca

8、sionally we experience strong winds and storms from the west, but thewinds are from the north-east. BExisting prevailing particular specialThe escaped prisoner waited until the _ of night before leavinghis hiding place. D Dark deep depth dead選詞填空Correct answer:(1) application (2) settings (3) infers

9、 (4) confess(5) spoil (6) somewhat (7) prefer (8) conveys (9) approval (10) undermine其他詞:engagement confesses counsel concede injureMy name changes, depending on the situation. For example, if I am filling out animportant 1 , I use the name on my birth certificate, Judith. It wouldnt sound right, if

10、 myfriends called me Judith; its too polite. So, in social 2 , I go by the name Judy. My bestfriends sometimes just call me J. They say using fewer syllables 3 closeness.However, I have to 4 that I dont really like to be called J. I go along with it, though,because I wouldnt want to 5 their fun. At

11、work, things are 6 different because I am awriter. When I write, they 7 that I use my initials J. A. Subsequently, everyone at workcalls me J. A. They say using initials 8 a certain amount of distinction. Then there arethe people who want to gain your 9 by putting a title before your last name: Ms.T

12、hompson, your table is ready, states the waiter at the restaurant. Its not exactlyharmful, but it does sound a little too impressive for me. My mother is a Ms. or Mrs.; Imjust a Judy. Still I wouldnt want to 10 the manner in which people go about theirbusiness, so I keep quiet. I have gradually come

13、 to accept that as I get older, I amturning into a Ms. You can call me Judy, though.完型填空Correct answer: (1) successful (2) conspicuous (3) characters (4) athletes (5)existence (6) talent (7) explain (8) unique (9) favoring (10) intended (11) led (12)well-liked (13) example (14) Fortunately (15) ribb

14、ed (16) given (17) same (18)criminals (19) appeal (20) associateMaybe there are a lot of very 1 Jeffs out there that I dont know, but it seems thatin general, Jeffs are everyday people who dont do anything 2 . There has never beenanyone really famous named Jeff. Those actors who are named Jeff are n

15、ot lead 3 ,but rather play supportingroles in films. Great 4 dont usually have the name, Jeff, either. Was I condemned to anaverage 5 when my parents named me? Did my mom recognize my lack of 6 at birthand so named me Jeff? My mom liked the name, but she cant really 7 why she choseit. At the time, t

16、he name was fairly 8 . But when my mom was 9 this name, so weremany other parents; and contrary to what she had 10 , my name became quitecommon. I wonder what it was that 11 my parents to choose my name. Was it in abook of names or was there a 12 singer at the time with the name? I dont know of an13

17、 .14 , my mom never called me by my full name. I was often 15 when friends ofmine saw that my 16 name was Jeffrey and not Jeff. People find some name funny andthe 17 holds true for mine. Later, there were some infamous 18 who used their fullname, Jeffrey. The name lost a lot of its 19 after that. Ma

18、ny people started to 20 thename with people who were crazy.Success submit successfully successfulPleasant happy conspicuous sadCharacteristics characteristic characters characterAthletes attitude attraction athleteExtent existence exercise exampleRemarkable talent responsibility stupidityExplain giv

19、e example exemplify accountUnlike united unique usedFavorite favor favorable favoringIntention intended intends intendingLed said gave wentPositive populated popped well-likedExternal explain example excuseFortunately Formerly Unfortunately FirmlyRibbed laughed made fun revealedGiven spoken taken fu

20、llyGeneral other positive sameCriminals crimes cripples crime stoppersApplaud appeal appearance affectAccept arrange associate approach閱讀理解If the population of the Earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there willeventually not be enough resources left to support life on the planet. One possi

21、blesolution to the problem has recently been suggested by an American scientist,Professor Carl Sagan: he believes that before the Earths resources are completelyused up it will be possible to change the atmosphere (大氣圈) of Venus (金星)and so create a new world almost as large as the Earth itself. The

22、difficulty is thatVenus is much hotter than the Earth and has only a tiny amount of water.Sagan suggests that algae (藻類), plant life that can live inextremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen, should beproduced in conditions similar to those on Venus. The algae will be pla

23、ced in smallrockets. Spaceships will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere. In afairly short time, the algae will break down the gasses in the atmosphere and changethem into oxygen that people can breathe. But before man can set foot on Venus, it willbe necessary for the oxygen

24、to produce rain to cool the planet, so that after a fewyears conditions like those on Earth will be produced.If the experiments are successful, life will become possible there but it will not bepleasant at first. When they go to Venus, the first citizens will have to take plenty ofwater with them an

25、d get used to days and nights lasting 60 Earth days. But there willalso be some advantages. They will live longer because their hearts will suffer lessstress than on Earth.CADBCMen may eventually move to Venus because _ .A. there are many people on the EarthB. we have used too much oil and waterC. t

26、he limited resources cant support life on the EarthD. people take up too much spaceNow it is difficult for us to move to Venus becauseA. it is too hot for men to land onB. there is no water thereC. we cannot change the environment thereD. its a long distance for us to go thereThe algae play a very i

27、mportant role in the possible solution because.A. they can be produced easily on the EarthB. there are a lot of them on VenusC. they can be easily carried to VenusD. they can live in hot and cold conditions and produce oxygenThe first citizens will find life on Venus not pleasant becauseA. their hea

28、rts will suffer more stressB. their days and nights will last quite longC. there are not any houses thereD. there is too much water thereOne of the advantages the first citizens on Venus will enjoy isA. they will have much more spaceB. they wont suffer from heart diseaseC. their life will last longe

29、rD. they will have better living conditionsSince the late 1960s a growing number of women have expressed a strongdissatisfaction with any marriage arrangement in which the husband and his careerare the most important considerations in the marriage. By the end of the 1970s, forexample, considerably l

30、ess than half of the women in the United States still believedthat they would put their husbands and children ahead of their own careers.More and more American women have come to believe that they should beequal partners in their marriages. This stage of marriage, although still unusual in mostAmeri

31、can marriages at present, will grow most rapidly in the future. In an equalmarriage, the wife gets a full-time job or career which has equal importance to herhusbands. The longstanding division of labor between husband and wife comes to anend. The husband is no longer the main provider of family inc

32、ome, and the wife nolonger has the main responsibilities for household duties and raisingchildren. Husband and wife share all these duties equally. Power over family decisionsis also shared equally.The rapid change in womens attitudes toward marriage in the 1970sreflected the rapid changes in the la

33、rger society. The Womens Liberation Movementappeared in the late 1960s, demanding an end to all forms of prejudice againstfemales. An Equal Rights Amendment ( to the US Constitution was proposed whichwould make any form of prejudice on thebasis of sex illegal, and though it has failed to be confirme

34、d, it continues to havemillions of supporters.BACDASince the late 1960s more women have been dissatisfied with the marriage inwhich _ .A. they are unhappyB. they are in a lower positionC. only the husband earns moneyD. the wife only takes care of the householdWhat is the long-standing division of la

35、bor between husband and wife inAmerica?A. Husba nd provider, wife domesti c duties.B. Husband and wife share the housework.C. Husband and wife have equal responsibility.修正案)D. Husband plays a higher role than the wifeWhich statement is NOT true about the new type of marriage?A. Husband and wife shar

36、e all their duties equally.B. Wife can also make the decisions in the family.C. Wife earns their living while husband does the housework.D. Husband is also responsible for raising children.Womens attitudes toward marriage involve _A. the Womens Liberation MovementB. forbidding any form of prejudice

37、against womenC. the changing roles of husband and wife in the marriageD. all of the aboveWhich of the following describes the general idea for this passage?A. The Changing Patterns of Americans Marriage.B. An Ideal Marriage.C. The Womens Liberation Movement.D. The need for Equal Rights between Husba

38、nd and Wife.Rote-learning (死記硬背), spoon-fed education, produces a brand of kidsthat dont know what to do when entering university. They are disciplined into following,not leading. Yet the future depends on creativity and imagination. The world needscreators, makers and shakers of the new centuries,

39、not the followers of the pastcenturies. As the numbers increase at college and university level, more students fromthe lower ends are likely to be thrown into a process designed to choose only learnersthat have proved excellent in listening to teachers.There are three ways to learn: looking, listeni

40、ng and doing.Students and teachers today are a product of learning by listening. Thecomputer may not be liked by traditional teachers, who use rotelearning to putinformation, which will be out of date in a few years, into the heads of the students.With computer learning you learn by looking, listening and doing; you use threemethods of learning, not just one. Therefore, you can learn faster.The changing speed of information is frightening. What we learn now will b


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