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1、2017 下半年 CATTI 三級英譯漢試題詳解四級 程度核心詞只有十三四個,六級 級以上難度詞recipient, flop, tricky, flowery, glean, gist 六個。此外還有Anglophone、 Globish開篇首句很像一個強調(diào)句(It was just one word in one email, 典型的強調(diào)句式 but it triggered huge financial losses for就有一個單詞a multinational company.小單詞指It was. that.),但又非,會給考生帶來一點小小的別扭。Oneword in one e

2、mail也可能造成誤解,譯為“一封郵件里”,實際該理解為“一封郵件里的一個小”。 Trigger 義為 “引發(fā)、觸發(fā)”。 Multinational“跨國的,多國的”恰恰就是郵件里的一個小小單詞,卻導致一家跨國公 司蒙受了巨額經(jīng)濟損失。The message, written in English, 本小節(jié)開始承接上文講述事情的原委。 was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English was a用 second language.U nsure of the word, the recipient found two co

3、ntradictory meanings in his 指 dictionary. He acted on the wrong比較孤立,但 one.語。其中,written inEnglish 是分詞作狀語修飾主語“ the message后面又 ”,whom 引導的定語從句修飾colleague, “ for修飾 ”“ whom”, 表示“對他而言(英語是第二語言)”。 Unsureof.為分詞結構(省略being)做原因狀語。Recipient“收信/件人”。 act on 指 “按 行事 ”。最后一句話翻譯 時需要注意添加語句間的關聯(lián)詞郵件信息是一名以英語為母語的員工發(fā)給一位英語 為第二

4、語言的 位同事查了詞典,發(fā)現(xiàn)這個詞存在兩個相互矛盾的意 思,結果他卻偏偏選中了錯的那個。同事 的。由于不確定一個詞的意思,這Months later, senior management investigated why the project狀語。hadflopped, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.tr“acIet da l處指back to this one word, ” says Suan Chong, a UK-based communications skills and語從句進行修飾,intercultural trainer

5、, who didn't 對復雜,在翻譯時應重新整合語義,調(diào)整語序,合理 reveal the tricky word because it is斷句,采用分譯的方法。比如, highly industry-specific and屬于次要信息,可以置于句后,起補充信息的作用即possibly identifiable. “ Things 可,尤其不能譯為 spiralled out of control because both parties were thinking theflop 意為 “失敗 ”, 后面 ( costing.) 是現(xiàn)在分詞作結果It.一句的謂語trace b

6、ack to 意思是“追隨到” ,此l “歸結于”。Chiaa UK-based.在句中做同位語,后面有.who引導的定because引導原因從句。此句結構相who 引導的定語部分“ 的 ” 這類定語。tricky 表示 “棘手的” ,identifiable表示“可辨認的” ,spiral 指 “螺旋形運動” spiralled out of contro指l “opposite. ”發(fā)展得失控了”項目失敗了,導致了數(shù)十萬美元損失。數(shù)月后,公司管理層著手調(diào)查原因。身在英國的跨文化溝通技能培訓師蔡孫重(Chia Suan Chong)表示:“最后,一切都是由這個詞引起的。雙方的理解南轅北轍,于

7、是一切都亂了套?!钡龥]有透露這個引起麻煩的單詞具體是什么,因為這個詞高度行業(yè)化,一旦透露,很有可能暴露企業(yè)信息。When such misunderstandings happen,i t s usually the native speakers whoa re to blame. Ironically, they are worse atdelivering their message than people who speak English as a second or third language, according to Chong.It s.w為強調(diào)句;hobe to bla

8、me是主動形式表示被動意義,譯為 “ 應受到責備”。 They指 nativespeakers,deliver messag譯為e“傳達信息”。 本句用than連接,是個比較句,說明英語為母語的人反倒不如英語作為二語甚至三語者更擅長表達信息。蔡孫重說,類似的誤解,通常是英語母語者的過錯。 更為諷刺的是,與將英語作為第二或第三語言的人相 比,英語母語者反而更不擅長傳達信息。A lot of native speakers are happy that English has become the world s global language. They feel they don t have

9、 to spend tim learning another language,”Chong.本小節(jié)相對簡單。最后的says Chong按照漢語習慣,置于前面較好。 esays蔡孫重表示:“很多英語母語者很高興英語成為全球語言,覺得不必再花時間學習其他語言了。”The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, typical of someone speaking a second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, oft

10、en talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang and references specific to their own culture, says Chong.It turns out為插入語,可以不必譯出。says Chong也要前置翻譯,與上一句話相關聯(lián),譯文“還說”。Typical of.表示(是的典型特征,在本句起非限制性定語的作用,相當于,which is typical of.)。Too fast for others to為典型的“too.to.”結構,表示“太以至于不能”;references原義為“參考

11、、涉及、介紹信、引用”等多種含義,在本句中沒有對應的意思,需要靈活處理。蔡孫重還說,非母語者講英語時更具有目的性,也更 為小心謹慎,其他以英語為第二或第三語言的人也都這樣。反之,英語為母語者往往語速過快,叫人跟不上,愛講只有歐美文 化背景的人才聽得懂的笑話、俚語和典故?!?The native English speaker the only one who might not feel the need to accommodate or adap to the others, ” she adds.ac co imsmodate有“容納,調(diào)解,使適應”的意思,與其后的adapt to意思接

12、近,翻譯時取其一即可。tshe adds要譯為“她補充道”參考譯文:“只有英語為母語者才意識不到進行自我調(diào)整,關照他人的必要性,”蔡孫重補充道。With non-native English speakers in the majority worldwide, it Anglophones who may need tou p their game.With 在本句中引導原因狀語,可譯為“由于、鑒于”等。sup their game字面意思為“升級他們的游戲”,但這個表達并不能清楚的呈現(xiàn)意義,因此要采用“意譯”的方法進行信息補充,而不能“直譯”。參考譯文:鑒于世界上大部分人口并非以英語為母語

13、,英語母語 者還是很有必要加強自身的溝通交流能力?!?Native speakers are at a disadvantage when you are in a lingua franca situation,”English is being used as a common denominator, says Jennifer Jenkins, professor of global Englishes at the UKUniversity of Southampton.the native English speakers that are having difficulty un

14、derstanding and making themselves understood. ”at a disadvantage表示“處于不利地位、沒有優(yōu)勢”;wlinhgeurea franca為語言學學科術語,譯為“通用語”,對于非英語專業(yè)的學生具有一定難度,但可以用詞典查詢或借助構詞法知識猜測詞義。denominator也是語言學專業(yè)術語,詞根nom意思是“ sname”,可以有助于猜測詞義。另外也需要借助上下文確定該詞的準確譯法。 “ It sIt s .tha為強調(diào)句型t.Have difficulty doing. 譯為“有困難,難以”參考譯文:英國南安普敦大學(Universit

15、y of Southampton)的全球英語教授詹尼弗·詹金斯( Jennifer Jenkins) 表示: “在周圍的人都把英語作為通用語的情況下,英語母語者實際上處境不利,因為他們難以理解別人,也很難傳達自己的意思”。Non-native speakers generally us more limited vocabulary and simpler expressions, withoutflowery language or slang. And then there s cultur style, Blattner says. When a Brit reacts to

16、a proposal by saying,flowery 表示“花的,華麗的”。And then there s cultural 理解容易出現(xiàn)錯誤。style字面看 cultural style 指“文化風格”,當需要區(qū)分“分化a風格”了,也就說明了產(chǎn)生了“文化差異”。 lBrit 指“英國人”,與 Briton, Britisher 同義,但略帶“ That s interestingw” B rait felmight recognise thisas understatemenftor, “ That rubbish. ” But other nationalitie would ta

17、ke the word“ interesting on f”ace value, he says.“貶義”。lounderstatement指 “輕描淡寫、低調(diào)陳述、含蓄陳述”。sstake the word .on face value指“按其字面意義進行理解”非英語母語者通常使用有限的詞匯,表達也相對簡單,不會運用華麗的辭藻或俚語。而布拉特納(Blattner)認為,這就導致了文化差異。當一個英國人說一項提議“很有趣”時,其他英國人大概會覺得,這不過是“很垃圾”的含蓄說法,但外國人就只會從字面上去理解這句話?!?English speakers with no other language

18、 often have a lack of awareness of how tos peak English internationally.”speak English internationally較為費解,字面意思是說 “國際化地講英語”,實質是講由于缺乏國際意識,不懂在英語國家之外的場合如何恰當使用英語與人交流。“不懂其他語言的英語母語者,往往缺乏國際意識,不懂得用英語和外國人妥善溝通”。In Berlin, Coulter saw German staff of a Fortune 500 companybeing briefed from their Californian HQ

19、 via video link.Despite being competent in English, theGermans gleaned onlythe gist of what their American project leader said. So among themselve they came up with an agreed version, which might or might not have been what was intended by the California staff.本小節(jié)的理解難度略有提高,出現(xiàn)了一些較專業(yè)的表達。翻譯中需要靈活調(diào)整語序,使狀

20、語、定語等符合漢語表達習慣。Fortune 500 company指“世界500強企業(yè)”。brief用作動詞表示“(做)簡報,摘要”,本句中用作被動語態(tài)表示“被簡要通報,傳達指示”HQ: HeadQuater 的縮寫glean本義表示“拾(落穗)”,引申為拾起,收集。the gist of指“要點,主旨”come up with an agreed version想出一個大家認同的(一致的)版本。庫爾特(Coulter)在柏林親眼見過一家世界500 強企業(yè)通過視頻從加利福尼亞總部向德國員工傳達指示。德國員工盡管英語水平不錯,但也僅能勉強抓住美國項目領導的大意。于是他們自己內(nèi)部商定了一種理解,至

21、于是否如實反映了總部的實際意圖,誰也說不準。“ Too man ynon-Anglophones, especially the Asians and thenon-Anglophones非盎格魯口音的人,即非英語為母語者。French, are too concerned aboutnot losing face and n od approvingly while not getting the message at all, ” he says.be too concerned abou太過于在意某事t:nod approvingly點頭表示同意。其中 approvingly 的翻譯要由

22、“副詞”轉類為“動詞”,不可直接譯成“贊同地點頭”參考譯文:庫爾特說:“不少非英語母語者,尤其是亞洲人和法國人,都太過糾結面子 問題,即使完全聽不懂,也會點頭表示贊同”。That s why Nerriere devisedGlobish a distilled form of English, stripped down to 1,500 words and simple but standard grammar. “ It s not a languag a tool, ” he says. Since launch Globish in 2004 he s sold m than 200

23、,000 Globish text books in 18 languages.Globish 為一個新創(chuàng)詞,有 global 與 English 混合而成,通過構詞法知識可以確定該詞詞義為“全球語”。distil 本義表示“蒸餾,提純”這里指“提煉出的”,用作定語。 e, it singostrreip down to 本義指“脫到只?!?,這里比喻意義為“精簡到”參考譯文:為此,內(nèi)里埃(Nerriere)發(fā)明了全球語,一種簡化版的英語,其詞匯量精簡到1500 詞左右,語法 既簡單又規(guī)范。他說:“全球語不是語言,只是工具”。 自 2004年推廣全球語以來,內(nèi)里埃的全球語教材已售出20000余萬

24、冊,涵蓋了18種語言?!?If you can communicate efficiently with limited, simple language you save time, avoid misinterpretation and you don have errors in communication, ” Nerriere says.本句句法簡單清晰,理解沒有難度。翻譯技巧上考慮使用“詞類轉換”,即“轉譯”法。 t參考譯文:內(nèi)里埃表示:“簡化語言,限定詞匯,有效溝通,就能節(jié)省不少時間,還能避免引起誤解,杜絕交流失誤”。When trying to communicate in E

25、nglish with a group of people with varying levels of fluency, it important to be receptive and adaptable, tuning your ears into a whole range of different ways of using English, Jenkins says.本節(jié)的主句為It s important to be receptive andadaptable,但是翻譯中可以把“it s import(這點很ant重要)”放在句末,加以強調(diào)。 sreceptive指“善于接受的

26、,能包容的”adaptable指“適應性強的,能適應的”參考譯文:詹金斯表示:用英語交流時,面對水平各異的人,我 們應該懷著靈活包容的態(tài)度,去適應形形色色的英語 用法,這一點很重要?!?People who ve learned other languages are good at doing that, but native speakers of English generally are monolingual and not very good at tuning in to language variation, ” she says.本句相對簡單。monolingual 指“單語

27、的”tune in to.指“收聽,收看”language variation指“語言變體”,是較為專業(yè)的語 言學術語。她補充道:“學過外語的人擅長這點,但英語母語者由于只會一種語言,并太擅長適應各種語言變體”。In meetings, Anglophones tend to speed along at what they conside a normal pace, and also rush to fil gaps in conversation, according to Steggles.speed along有一路說下去而不管不顧的味道,whatthey condise可視為插入語

28、,其表達的味道也需要予以l關注。r ush to 強調(diào)“急于”according to sb按照某人的說法,即某人說道.斯特格勒斯(Steggles)表示,開會的時候,英語母語者容易語速過快,還自以為語速正常,而且經(jīng)常急著插話。He recommends making the same point in a couple of different ways and asking for some acknowledgement, reaction or action.recommend后面接動名詞作賓語,表示 “建議做”。a couple of表示“幾種,幾個,一些”ask for some

29、acknowledgement, reaction or action詞匯語義接近,處理起來稍有難度。他建議,英語母語者用多種方式來表達同一個觀點, 同時請對方就自己所講內(nèi)容作出確認、反饋或反應。2017 下半年 CATTI 三級漢譯英試題二、漢譯英部分:本次筆譯實務考查的話題仍然為當前中國經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展熱點話題,內(nèi)容涉及氣候變化,生態(tài)文明以及中國相應的政策和舉措。該話題在中國政府工作報告,政府工作白皮書以及國際國內(nèi)高峰會議上多由涉及。該話題也是各類翻譯 訓練、輔導,平時訓練的重點,多數(shù)句型已經(jīng)形成規(guī)范表達,專業(yè)術語也已經(jīng)形成規(guī)范。對此話題,廣大考生應該并不感到陌生,應對起來不應感到困難。原文及

30、譯文文本分析氣候變化已不是單純的環(huán)境保護問題,而成為人類生存與發(fā)展問題。中國需要改變以煤為主的能源結構和高污染、高能耗的產(chǎn)業(yè)結構,以本句涉及多個專業(yè)術語表達,如 “氣候變化(climate change)”、“環(huán)境保護(environmentalprotection)”、“高污染,高耗能( heavy pollution and high energyTo address climate change has become a majocr onsumption)”。concern of the subsistence and development mankind, rather than

31、a simple issue of environmental protection. In an attempt to govern the environment and address global climate change, it is imperative for China toof另外,核心詞“應對”的翻譯可以有多個選擇,如 “ address, cope withtacle” , 甚至可以用“ fight, combat” .change its coal-dominated energy composition and the industrial structure f

32、eaturing heavy pollution and high energy consumption.從句法結構來看,原文的句法和結構相對完整,邏輯清晰,因此譯文可以按照原文斷句,無需重新組句。理的責任,也是實現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的迫切需要。積極應對氣候變化也是中國參與全球治需要積極推Meanwhile, to proactively cope with climate change is both an international duty for China t participate in global governance and an urgent本句中的固定表達為“全球治理( glob

33、al governance)”、 “可持續(xù)發(fā)展 ( sustainable developmen) t ”、“發(fā)展中國家( developingcountry) ” 、 “經(jīng)濟轉型 ( economictransformation)”need to achieve sustainable development. As th這個世界最大的發(fā)展國家來說,要 e積極應對氣候變化以參與全球治largest developing country in the world, China also calls for a positive transformation in economic drive

34、and energy consumption so as promote a sustained global economic development.理,同時推動經(jīng)濟與能源轉型以促 t進全球可持續(xù)發(fā)展”。也可分開翻o 譯,以求譯文簡潔,清晰。中國高度重視氣候變化問題,把積把綠色低碳發(fā)展作為生態(tài)文明建設的采取了一系列行動,為應對全球氣For a long time, China unwaveringly attaches great importance to addressing clime change, making it a significant national strategy

35、 for its social and economic development and promoting green and low-carbon development as an important component of the ecological civilization. China has already taken a series of actions and made great contribution to combating the global climate change.“高度重視”的固定表達為“ attachgreat importance to.”;“

36、重大戰(zhàn).略” 為 “ significant/major strategy” 。專業(yè)化表達“綠色低碳發(fā)展”可譯為“ green and low-carbon development”“生態(tài)文明”譯為“ecologicalcivilization ”?!盀樽鞒鲐暙I”譯為“ contribute.to./make contributionto.”。本句包含的語義較多,且相互關聯(lián)度不高, 建議采取 “拆分” 的手法,譯成兩句話。2020 年單位國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,非化石能源占一次能15%,森林面積比20054000 萬公頃,森林蓄積量2005年增加13億立方米。本

37、句中的術語表達較為專業(yè),且不易從詞典上查到,如“國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值二氧化碳排放量(carbon dioxideemissions per unit of GDP) ” 、 “非 化石能源( non-fossil fuels) ” 和 “一次能源消費(primary energyconsumption)”需要經(jīng)過專門學習e開可以準確翻譯。另外需要注意 “增長/下降”百分比a的表達方式為“ increase/decrease%”。By 2020, China will have reduced its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40% to

38、45% on the basis of its 2005 level, increased th share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to 15% and enlarged its forest are by 40 million hectares and forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters.林業(yè)、水資源等重點領域和沿海、生態(tài)脆弱地區(qū)形成有效抵御氣候本句中的專業(yè)詞語為 “重點領域”,可譯為“key areas”或“majorsectors”,“生態(tài)脆弱地區(qū)”可

39、譯為“ eco-fragile areas/zone”,也可s用描述的語句如“areas which isvulnerable to.” .從句法上講,本句的核心成分是:a中國(在領域)形成() s機制,和提高抵抗能力。China will also work hard to develop an effective mechanism and enhance its capacities to cope with climate change risks in some key areas such as agriculture, forestry, water resources as w

40、ell as in some cities, coastal are and eco-fragile zones.2017 下半年筆譯二級真題解析英譯漢第一篇:本篇文章,充分體現(xiàn)母語作者輕松隨意表述自然的特點,英文原句結構簡單,用詞難度一般。但是處理成文體、選詞和表達各方面恰當?shù)皿w的漢語,需要一定的思考和調(diào)整.You ve temporarily misplaced your cell 這個段落理解起來并不困難,主要考的是 phone and anxiously retrace your steps to考生的中文表達習慣,尤其是對一些與漢 try to find it. Or perhaps

41、 you never let go 語說法差異較大的部分,能不能地道而準 of your phone it's always in your hand, 確地譯出來。 your pocket, or your bag, ready to be answered or consulted at a momen t s notice. When your battery life runs down 方法,加上動詞,就顯得簡明而且讀起來 at the end of the day, you feel that yours is有節(jié)奏。 running low as well. New re

42、search shows that there s a psychological reason for such extreme phone dependence:詞其實就是指人們平??次⑿胖惖幕頸t's always in your hand, your pocket, or your bag,這個地方,可以參考譯文的處理consulted at a momen t s notice. consult一According to the attachment theory, for 動,一旦理解了,也就比較容易處理了。 some of us, our phone serves th

43、e same function as the teddy bear we clung to in childhood.但在譯文處理時可以轉譯,這樣才符合漢 語的習慣。這個句子理解不成問題,難在要把里面的 所有代詞全都去掉,這樣才顯得簡潔得 體。When your battery life runs down at the end of the day, you feel that yours is running low as well.這里的yours直譯為人的電池,According to the attachment theory, for some of us, our phone s

44、erves the same function as the teddy bear we clung to in childhood.這個段落當中有比較復雜的細節(jié), 容易脫漏,在翻譯時一定要注意英文當中 每個動詞都是有意義的,一定要在譯文當 Attachment theory proposes that our early中體現(xiàn)出來,切忌出現(xiàn)囫圇吞棗式的譯 life experiences with parents responsible 文。 for our well-being, are at the root of our connections to the adults with w

45、hom we form close relationships. Importantly, attachment in early life can extend to inanimate objects. Teddy bears, for example, serve as“ transitional objects.” 成年人在譯文中轉化為了人成年后, The teddy bear, unlike the parent, is alway與其它人這種說法更符合中文的習慣。 there. We extend our dependence on parents to these animals

46、, and use them to help us move to an independent sense of self.小詞都有相關的含義,不能省略,一定要在譯文中體現(xiàn)出來。翻譯 時Attachment theory proposes that our early life experiences with parents responsible for our well-being, are at the root of our connections to the adults with whom we form close relationships.這個句子當中的”sWe ext

47、end our dependence on parents to these animals, and use them to help us mov to an independent sense of sel這里的兩個f.A cell phone has the potential to be a compensatory attachmen” t object.potential 既要翻譯,又要地道,因此都做Report一詞英文理解為t o make a formalstatement regarding somethingAlthough phones are often castig

48、ated for their addictive potential, scientists cite evidence that supports the idea that healthy, normal adults also reportsignificant emotional attachment to specia objects”pervasive feature: 這里feature可以省略掉,Indeed, cell phones have become a不會損失更多的信息。pervasive feature of our lives: The number of cel

49、l phone users exceeds the total population of the planet. The averageThe number of cell phone users exceeds thamount of mobile or smartphone use in the U.S. is 3.3 hours per day.People also like 譯時進行了調(diào)整,否則講不清道理。實際 to be near their phones: A 2013 survey 上原文是指一些人可能會有多部手機,但total population of the plane

50、t.這個句子在翻cited by the Hungarian teamreports that 79 percent of users keep their phones with them for all but two of their waking hours.Nearly as many people report being distressed when they re separated from 進行處理。their phone.也就是說除了睡覺以外user一詞直譯為用戶顯得費解。that 79 percent of users keep their phones with t

51、hem for all but two of their waking hours.這個句子同樣需要按照漢語的說法Waking hour 直譯為清醒時間,3.3小時。人們也喜歡將手機帶在身邊:2013 年一項由匈牙利進行的調(diào)查顯示,百分之七十九的人除了睡覺以外不使用手Phones have distinct advantages. They ca像n follow,track 這些與網(wǎng)絡相關的用語,在be kept by your side and they provide a social connection to the people you care about. Even if yo

52、u re not talking to your friends, lover, or family, you can keep their photos close by, read their messages, and follow them on social media. You can rack them in real time but also look backon memorable moments together. These channels help you“ feel less alone” .社交 媒體賬號,不僅能查詢他的即時狀態(tài),還能回第二篇英譯漢第二篇:相對

53、而言本篇文章,用詞簡單,句式邏輯清楚,難度上并不大,只需要考生能夠,緊密跟隨作者的行文邏輯,文從字順地進行調(diào)整,用一些比較初級的 翻譯 技法,就可以解決.Many countries have adopted the principle of sustainable development it can combat 原文加黑部分不完整。答案只能作為參 against environment deterioration in air考。quality, water quality and .viable role for every member in the內(nèi)容一定要逐字分析,不要出現(xiàn)意義空

54、world. production .health education in 白, developing countriesB.ut some argue that it's a vague idea, some organizations may use it in its own interests, whether environmental or economic is the nature of interests. Others argue that sustainable development in developing countries的overlook the l

55、ocal customs, habitude and 有效調(diào)整,以達到通順的目的。 people.local customs, habitude and people這類 .But some argue that it's a vague idea, some organizations may use it in its own interests, whether environmental or economic is the nature of interests本句中.idea和nature都要根據(jù)漢語習慣進行實踐證明,衛(wèi)生教育對推動世界各國的 但有人認為,可持續(xù)發(fā)展的概念不

56、夠明晰,淪為部分組織Whereas interdependence is desirable durin times of peace, war necessitates competitio and independence. Tariffs and importation limits strengthen a country's economic vitality while potentially weakening the economies of its enemies. Moreover, protectionism in the weapons industry is highly desirable during such circumstances because reliance on another state forgnwar necessitates這armaments can be fatal.制造業(yè) 采取保護主義極為必要,因為


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