1、2016 年湖北省翻譯大賽非英語專業(yè)初賽試題【最新精選】湖北省第十四屆外語翻譯大賽英語非專業(yè)筆譯組決賽試題I( 選詞用字:( 每小題 2 分, 30 分 )A(英譯漢:從A、R C三個選項中選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~語或詞組填空。1( 原文 :I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes.譯文 : 我對太太撒了個c,稱贊她穿上新衣好看極了。A(白色的謊言B( 不會造成傷害的謊言C(善意的小謊2( 原文 :Dr. Lee is a very famous scientist but literatu
2、re is all Greek to him.譯文 : 李博士是位著名的科學(xué)家,b。A(但文學(xué)對他來說就像希臘語一樣B( 但對文學(xué)卻一竅不通C(但對文學(xué)卻沒有一點興趣3( 原文 :Alex is the black sheep of the family.譯文 : 亞力克斯是a。A(不肖之子B( 家里的黑羊C(家里的害群之馬4( 原文 :Jack has had five jobs within three years! A rolling stone gathers no moss.譯文:杰克在三年內(nèi)換了五份工作 aA(這樣浮游不定,難成大器B(真是水往高處流啊C(這樣便不會對同一工作產(chǎn)生厭
3、倦或惰性了5( 原文 :English is going to the dogs.譯文 :c。A(越來越多的英國人開始養(yǎng)狗B(英語變得更加生機勃勃C(英語開始衰敗倒退了B(漢譯英:從下列詞組中選擇一個恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~組完成翻譯句子填空(注意:選項多于句子 ; 只需在答題卡上填寫正確詞組的編號) 。a. A Chinese puzzle; b. Achilles s heel; c. add salt to the wound;d. bite off more than one can chew; e.born in the purple; f. build castles in Spain; g. c
4、atch somebodyred-handed; h. cry wolf; i. face themusic; j. go west; k. hot potato; l. make bricks without straw; k the bull; n. take the bull by the horns; o. the apple of one s eye1( 原文 : 他生于貴族之家,所以自幼所受的教育,有異于常人。譯文 :He has not been raised like an ordinary child for he was.2( 原文 : 警察遇到突發(fā)事件時,必須當(dāng)
5、機立斷。譯文 :A policeman must when he meets a crisis.3( 原文 : 彼得有很好的機會取勝,但他的致命弱點就是太粗心大意。譯文 :Peter should have a good chance of winning but his is his carelessness.4(原文:埃里克嘗試做不可能的事;他竟想做一種無本放債的生意譯文 :Eric tried to ; he tried to start a moneylending business with no money!5( 原文 : 勞拉在期末考試中作弊被當(dāng)場揭發(fā),必須接受處分。譯文 :La
6、ura was caught cheating in the final examination and had to. 6( 原文 : 吉米獲悉自己測驗不及格,已經(jīng)十分沮喪了,你不應(yīng)火上澆油,還去取笑他。譯文 :Jimmy is already very upset now he knows that he has failed the test. You should notby teasing him.7( 原文 : 在昨天的教師會議中,校長提出了一個棘手的問題: 我們該用英語還是漢語教學(xué)呢,譯文 :In yesterday s staff meeting, the headmaster
7、 passed around : should we useChinese or English as the medium of instruction?8( 原文 : 你升職無望了。譯文 :Your chance of promotion .9( 原文 : 這數(shù)學(xué)測驗極為深奧,看來我不會及格了。譯文 :This Maths exam is to me! I don t think I amgoing to pass.10( 原文 : 我勸你不要好高騖遠(yuǎn),放棄參加選美比賽吧。y contest. Don t譯文 :I advise you not to join the beautII( 句
8、子翻譯: 從 A、 B、 C 三個選項中選出與原句對應(yīng)的最佳譯文。( 每小題 2分,40 分 )A(英譯漢1. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds,asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall befalse, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that itshall enforce our own prejudices.A. 最起碼我們該帶著明確的、
9、分類的目的去閱讀不同的書籍。記錄書告訴我們事實,詩使我們感性,地理類書籍使我們理性,歷史書更正我們自己的偏見。B. 開卷之初,我們往往是思緒繁雜,固守歧見,逢小說便要求真實,逢詩歌便追求虛幻,傳記自然要工于吹捧夸耀,而歷史則須附會個人固有之成見。cC. 開卷之時,我們常常思想模糊,思維割裂,苛求小說真實,認(rèn)定詩歌造作,視傳記為美化,期望史書認(rèn)同一己之見。2. The group factor also influences crowd behaviour through thesecurity which anindividual feels when he is part of the ma
10、ss.aA. 當(dāng)一個人與一群人融為一體時,他就會有一種安全感。群體因素也就是通這種安全感來影響人群行為的。B. 群體因素也是通過一個人在一群人中感覺到的安全感來影響人群行為的。C. 同樣,群體因素通過個人在群體中獲得的安全感來影響人群的行為。3. You were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better.You ll find usanywhere smart sports people buy their shoes. Adidas, the all sports people.A. 你生來就是要奔跑的。而我們生來就是要幫
11、助你把它做得更好。你可以在任何聰明的愛做運動的人買鞋的地方找到我們。阿迪達(dá)斯,為了所有熱愛運動的人。bB. 奔跑是你的天性。讓你跑得更快是我們的天職。在優(yōu)秀運動員買鞋的任何地方,你都能看到我們。阿迪達(dá)斯,運動者的代名詞。C. 你為奔跑而生。我們的誕生是為了讓你跑得更快。在聰明的運動者買鞋的地方,你總能看到我們。阿迪達(dá)斯,為了所有熱愛運動的人。4. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars werefloating like white lilies on the surface of a cle
12、ar calm lake.A. 他抬起悲哀的雙眼望向幽藍(lán)深邃的天空。夜空像一個清澈靜謐的大湖,星星像一朵朵百合花漂在湖面。bB. 他抬起雙眼,把悲哀的目光投向幽藍(lán)深邃的天空。夜空像一個清澈靜謐的 大湖,星星像一朵朵白色的睡蓮漂在湖面。2C. 他抬起雙眼,把悲哀的目光投向藍(lán)幽幽的天幕。夜空像一個清澈的大湖,星星像一朵朵百合花漂在平靜的湖面。5. For the best part of twenty years, Alan Greenspan has been a symbol of thestupidity of ageism.aA. 在過去 20 年的大部分時間里,艾倫?格林斯潘代表了一種形
13、象,他不斷證明了“人老不中用”的說法是多么愚蠢。B. 在過去 20 年的大部分時間里,艾倫?格林斯潘一直是證明“衰老主義愚蠢性”的代表。C. 在過去 20 年最輝煌的時期中,艾倫?格林斯潘艾倫?格林斯潘代表了一種形象,他不斷證明了“人老不中用”的說法是多么愚蠢。6. I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break,when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.A. 在我過度勞累的時候,長時間沒有間隙的工作之后,當(dāng)
14、我暫時感到饑腸轆轆而需要補充能量之時,我的孤獨感才會產(chǎn)生B. 我感到孤獨的時候只是在我過度疲勞時,在我工作太長時間卻沒有休息時,在我感到囊中羞澀,需要用錢來填滿之時。cC. 只有在我疲勞過度的時候,在我長時間工作而沒有休息的時候,或是在我感到心頭空虛而需要充實的時候,我才感到孤獨。7. Of course it is out of the question to expect that we could achieve complete successin this week.A. 顯然期待我們在本周內(nèi)取得完全成功是不成問題的。bB. 當(dāng)然了期望我們在本周內(nèi)取得完全成功是不可能的。C. 當(dāng)然目
15、前還不是考慮在本周內(nèi)取得完全成功這個問題的時候。8. It s widely known in a small circle that Imake a mean tomatosauce.aA. 在我的社交圈里,我以會做番茄醬而出名。B. 在我周圍的小圈子里,人們都知道我做番茄醬的手藝糟透了。C. 在我的社交圈里大家都知道我做的番茄醬很一般。9. I knew that I had undergone a sea change.A. 我知道我身上發(fā)生了滄海桑田般的變化。B. 我知道我已經(jīng)發(fā)生了天翻地覆的變化。cC. 我知道我已經(jīng)徹頭徹尾變了一個人。10. Traditionally, legal
16、 learning has been viewed in such institutions as the specialpreserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment ofan educated person.A. 傳統(tǒng)意義上,法律學(xué)習(xí)一直被這些學(xué)校當(dāng)作是培養(yǎng)律師的專門學(xué)科,而不是教育一個人必需的一部分知識。B. 傳統(tǒng)意義上,這些院校一直把學(xué)習(xí)法律看作是成為律師的必修課,而不是一個受過教育的人必備的知識才能。cC. 傳統(tǒng)上,這些院校一直把學(xué)習(xí)法律看作是律師專有的特權(quán),而不是每一個受
17、過教育的人必備的知識才能。B. 漢譯英1. 古來一切有成就的人,都很嚴(yán)肅地對待自己的生命,當(dāng)他活著一天,總要盡量多工作、多學(xué)習(xí),不肯虛度年華,不讓時間白白地浪費掉。A. From ancient time to now, all the people who have prestige treat their lives by theirhearts. As long as he lives, he will make full strength to work more and study more. He3is unwilling to live without any achieveme
18、nt and waste his time leisurely.bB. All those people of great achievements from ancient times take their lives seriously.As long as they are alive, they always try their best to do morework and learn moreknowledge. They never let the time slip through their fingers.C. From the old times, people who
19、held big success treated theirlives seriously. Whenhe was living a day, he might try his best to work, to study as muchas possible. He didnot obey himself to waste his life, his living time. He can not obeythe timeis slipping. 2. 小草微微笑,請您走便道。A. Little grass is smiling slightly. Please walk on the pa
20、vement.B. Little grass says smilingly:“ Walk on the pavement, please.cC. Please keep off the grass.3. 今天,難得霧是這么稀薄,空中融融地混合著金黃的陽光,把地上的一切,好像也罩上一層歡笑的顏色。A. Today, the fog was wonderfully thin, which was slightly mixedwith golden sunshinethat cloaked everything on the ground with a happy color.B. Today, t
21、he fog was so thin that it was somehow mixed with golden sunlight, lookingas if everything on the ground were covered by a layer of joyful hue.cC. Today, however, the fog was wonderfully thin and the air wasfiltered through withgolden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue.
22、4. 精神文明建設(shè)取得新成果。A. New achievements have been made in the construction ofideological civilization.B. New achievements have been made in the social construction ofspiritual civilization.cC. Further progress has been made in the enhancement of the social construction of ideological infrastructure.5. 人是
23、很有趣的,往往在接觸一個人時首先看到的都是他或她的優(yōu)點。A. Human beings are interesting. When it is the first time you meeta person, you onlynotice his or her merits.bB. Human beings are interesting in that when they tend to first see good in a newacquaintance.C. Human beings are interesting in that when they get into contact
24、with someone whatthey first see is often his or her good points only.6. 一霎時,一陣被人摒棄,為世所遺的悲憤兜上心頭,禁不住痛哭起來。aA. All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could not helpbursting into tears. B. At the very moment the sad feeling of havingbeen abandoned by everybody and forgotten by the world struck m
25、y heart, I couldn t help cryi ng bitterly.C. At that moment, feeling that I had been abandoned and left behindall alone, I couldn thelp bursting into tears.7. 首先,抓住有利時機,創(chuàng)造條件,尋求更快更好的發(fā)展。A. First, seize the favorable opportunity and actively createconditions to seek a fasterand better speed.bB. First,
26、seize the opportunity to create conditions for faster andbetter development.C. First, seize the favorable opportunity, then create conditions,and then seek for fasterand better development.8. 我們必須密切關(guān)注嚴(yán)重?fù)p害人民健康的疾病的防治。A. We must watch closely to prevent and treat diseases that seriously harm people s4h
27、ealth.B. We must pay close attention to the prevention and treatment of serious diseasesseriously harming people s health.cC. We must do all we can to prevent and treat serious diseases.9. 我們大為驚奇的是,那幢經(jīng)受強烈的地震而幸存下來的唯一的建筑物竟是磚木結(jié)構(gòu)的。aA. To our great surprise, the only building that survived the violent ea
28、rthquake wasone of brick and wood structure.B. To our great surprise, the only building that fortunately existed after the violentearthquake was one of brick and wood structure.C. To our great surprise, the only building that survived after the violent earthquakeshould be one of brick and wood struc
29、ture.10. 在我們這個時代,任何人想要在社會上起作用,就必須接受必要的教育。A. In our times, anyone who wants to play his role in society must receive substantialeducation.bB. In our times, substantial education is indispensable for anyoneto play his role insociety.C. In our times, anyone who wants to play his role in society must re
30、ceive necessaryeducation.III( 短文翻譯: 下面的英語/ 漢語短文后附有漢語/ 英語譯文,該漢語/ 英語譯文共分為15個句子,分別用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字1, 2, 3, 4, 5等標(biāo)出。這些漢語/英語句子的邏輯順序混亂,請將它們調(diào)整為符合邏輯順序的語篇。( 每小題 15 分, 30 分 )A(英譯漢The English Source Text:This is the frost coming out of the ground; this is spring. It precedes the green and flowery spring, as mythology pr
31、ecedes regular poetry. I know of nothing more purgative of winter fumes and indigestions. It convinces me that Earth is still in her swaddling clothes, and stretches forth baby fingers on every side. Fresh curls spring from the baldest brow. There is nothing inorganic. These foliaceous heaps lie alo
32、ng the bank like the slag of a furnace, showing that Nature is “ in full blast ” within. The earth is not a mere fragment of deadhistory, stratum upon stratum like the leaves of a book, to be studied by geologists and antiquaries chiefly, but living poetry like the leaves of a tree, which precede fl
33、owers and fruit,not a fossilearth, but a living earth; compared with whose great central life all animal and vegetable life is merely parasitic. Its throes will heave our exuviae from their graves. You may melt your metals and cast them into the most beautiful moulds you can; they will never excite
34、me like the forms which this molten earth flows out into. And not only it, but theinstitutions upon it are plastic like clay in the hands of the potter.Ere long, not only on these banks, but on every hill and plain and in every hollow, the frost comes out of the ground like a dormant quadruped from
35、its burrow, and seeks the sea with music, or migrates to otherclimes in clouds. Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful thanThor with his hammer. The one melts, the other but breaks in pieces. TheChinese Target Text:1 萬物都是有生命的。2 不僅是它,地球上的制度也是可塑的,和陶工手中的泥土一樣。 3 一切動植物的生命,就像寄生蟲一樣依附在這個偉大的中心上。4 溫
36、柔的解凍之神,比揮動鐵錘的雷神托爾更有力量。5 霜凍爬出大地就是春天。6 我不知道,還5有什么可以清除掉冬天的霧靄。7 這些葉狀物堆在堤岸兩旁,就像熔爐的爐渣,說明自然之火正在“熊熊燃燒”。 8 它使我堅信,大地還是一個嬰兒,手指向四周伸展,光禿禿的額頭上長出了新的卷發(fā),9 它的陣痛把我們的殘骸從墳?zāi)怪袙伋觥?0大地并非是逝去的歷史中的一個片段,它就像一頁頁書疊在一起,等待地質(zhì)學(xué)家和考古學(xué)家去研究,11 它總是先于芳草生長,鮮花盛開的春天還沒有來臨時,它就表現(xiàn)了出來,正如神話先于有規(guī)則的詩歌出現(xiàn)一樣。12 你可以融化金屬,做出各種美麗的圖案,但是不能像這熔化的地球形成的形態(tài)更令我激動。13 它
37、是充滿生機的詩歌,如同樹葉,先于花朵和果實 這并非一個化石的地球,而是一個生機盎然的地球,14 一個是融化,一個是打碎。15 不多久,不僅在湖岸上,每座小山、每片平原、每個洼地,霜凍就像冬眠的野獸一樣從地里爬出來,尋找著音樂之海,或者遷徙到云中別的地方去,B(漢譯英The Chinese Source Text:少時留居家鄉(xiāng),當(dāng)春雨像鵝毛般落著的時候,登樓眺望,遠(yuǎn)處的山色被一片煙雨籠住,村落恍惚,若有若無,雨中的原野新鮮而又幽靜,使人不易忘懷尤其可愛的是夜間。不知哪一年春天,我和兩個同伴,搖著小船到十里外一個鎮(zhèn)上看社戲,完場已是午夜,歸途遇雨,船在荷塘中緩緩前進(jìn),燈火暗到辨不出人面,船身擦著河岸新生的茅草,發(fā)出沙沙的聲音。雨打烏篷,悠揚疾徐,如聽音樂,如聞節(jié)拍,和著同伴們土著的歌謠,“河橋風(fēng)雨夜推篷”,真夠使人神往。這幾年投荒到都市,每值淫雨,聽著滯澀枯燥的調(diào)子,回念故鄉(xiāng)景色,覺得連雨聲也變了。人事的變遷,更何待說呢The English Target Text:1 The rain
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