1、Uriit12.1Life is fullofthej unexpected課文知識占 八、詳解Sec:tionA. 1.Lifeis full oftheune(pected.解析ibefull of = b)e filed v/ith充滿裝滿Q)Oulifej is _chances,butthere ana also a lotofchadlenges.充滿)(DThe box is_(裝滿)books.()(On hearing thie njws,herheart wasgrattudej. A.fille(of B3. ful with C.filled1 with D.fill
2、w八th2013萊蕪77.If ycu read alot,yourlifewillbe fu山-pleasure.A.by B.ofC. fo)r D.With2014遼寧丹東1-Look!Here comesCindy! Sheis ahways;fullof .一So she is.becauseshetakes alotof exercse everyday.A.knovWedge B,coiiragie C.charigeD. eierg/解析2uneexpectedadj.出乎息料的;始料不及的the unexpected息外的事情a出乎息料的事0the十a(chǎn)dj.表示一類人或事物0
3、-Mr 央語中有些形容詞與定冠詞the連用表示一類人或事物在句子中起名詞的作用0the homehess(無家可歸者)t】e disabled(殘疾人)The old si】oul(1 betaken goodcareof by the government. It'vill not be unexpe空tedifTom co)mej) late:agaiin, 1)ecausehe isi alwayslikethis.2(14甘肅白銀ijT1e grl isgreatly initerestecin the s(ong.Thelyrics20 X 20of i:her theugh
4、ts and feedings. A.expD. hnag ne2. E3y the time Iget up, my brether _1shewer (1b) 3. 13y the tgIget()utside, t解析f 1bythe time在某一占八、到從句所示的時過去J時問狀語從句即had+動詞過去分詞0alrejady le,f t.Ely the tine I _teacher _(start) _(teacgeteutside , thebusclready _time:I heard theneist> ,it 1hadalready geneBythe time e
5、f last term,we _ al thehave finished C.hadfinishedD. w川l fii】ish州Ieversept this imerring.By the tiStcitien thie train_ (leave).thetime Ileckecthedeer, I realized Irepcired B.had changedC. had fe)rgetten 1new 3E示到現(xiàn)在為止連用。BynewI have cellected :200ressB. discuss C;.expect_alreadyn thehe bus had already
6、 left.以刖指從過去的問為止常引導表示主句常用過去完成時Bythe:imeI geup,he hiad_(walk) irnte the cassreem,thech) already.C)BythetimeI(leave).()the.A.By B.Wh】en (C. A():les:sens.A.finishedB.2013甘肅蘭megette th,e main2013山東棗莊1Bymy keysat h(emeA.】adD. hid left拓展1by通常與現(xiàn)在完成時dells.4八Vheri I got toschool,reaizedI _myback:pack:at home
7、.)解析1leave sth. +地占 八、把J走物忘在某處forget息為遺忘某物指己一件且 /、體的東西但不臺匕 目匕有且 /、體的地占 八、0I left my book on thed des;k.I fcrgotmyumbrellayestedy .辨析】leave與forget的用法:(i)leaivea遺留落下5記帶側(cè)重指把某物或某人留在某個地方,后常跟地占 八、狀語;(2)forget忘記如重指忘記某件事情后常跟to d(o(忘了要去做)或doirg (忘了做過)0拓展1?leave -> leift -» l eftv離開leavesth+地占 八、把某物遺忘
8、在J走地(2)lea,e for +地占 八、離開去某地eave a rness;age留 百a.sk forleave請假leaveschool (中學)畢、Ik (4)leae one byoneself:=leave sib aV。ne把某人單獨留一F注息1-Mr 央語中表示把某物遺忘在某處”常用leeive -地點而不是forget+地點Unuckiy, Ieft mybookat home延伸1動詞leave的弟三人稱I色數(shù)形式為leaves;而名詞leaif的復數(shù)也是leaves.2(13江蘇無錫1Id|dn,trealize I-(leave)the key athomieunt
9、l I got tomycar.So Ihadto go back.【2(13甘肅蘭I o1versept this imorning.By the time Igotto the tnminstation, the train(leave).【2011 廣西貴港 Lin Kai, hand in your homework, please. Oh, sorry. Iit athome ths miorning. A.wap leavingB. 1ias left C:.will leave D.left 【2013 山東 棗莊】By the time locked ,he door, Ire
10、alized I my keys at home. A. had repaired B. had changed C. hadforgotten D. had left【2013齊齊哈爾】 一I' m sorry,Li. I_ my Eniglish homewforkat ho)me.一Doi tforgetit to school tomorrow. A. le:t, to bring B. forgot, to takeC. lost, to brngforget -forgot一 forgotten 忘記(1)forgjet sth忘記某事(不能跟地點狀語連用) He forg
11、ot hi s grandfather ' sDori t forgetname. (2) forget to do sth 忘記去做某事(未做)(post) the le ter for me on your way heme.【2014 河北 中考】 33. Don' t forget thanks whener peopl(e hep you. A.acceptB. toacceptC. scy Dto s;ay (3)forget doing sth 忘記做過某事(已做) 【記】Inever forgetto tcke umbrellawithme,but |oday
12、I le世m(xù)y umibrella inthat sho)p.()?CI'm s(orry_ my hiomework.一Tha:'sallrighit. Don't 'orgest _it toscho)ol to)morrowA. forget; totakeB. left; to take C.forget;to bringD. let ;tobring ()I_ totell 1iim the newsthatToni wa$ ill.A. kft Blea、ve C.forget D. forgot 【2013 江蘇常 州 I believe that
13、 animpOrtant moment like this should(net forget).【 2013 黑龍 江齊齊 哈爾】24. I'm sorry, Mr. Li. I myglishhomew)rk at home.一Doi tforge式it to schooltomorrow. Aleft, to bring B. forgot, to take C. lost, to brng【2014浙江33. 一I,m soirry <aboLt last night. Hwaji myhasi to s,tayn Thailand fo)r one more w/eek
14、bec;aus(e hispasspoit anC IDfau t .A.Forget it B.No way C.Go head D.My pleasure 3- H.A. Forget it Bltdoesn' tcardstolen2014 四川達25._ I'm sorry I _ myexefcisie book alhorie thiismatter C. I ' m sorry to hear that D. Greatmorning. It coesn ' t mater. Don ' t forgetit here thisaftern
15、oon. A. left; to take B. forgot; brnging C. left; to bring D.forgot; to br ng5. A What happened? 發(fā)生了 什么?(1c) B: I overs ept. And解析ijovesleep =sleeplatev睡過頭sle(平f slept一by the time I got up, my brother had a ready gotten in the showerslept oversleep-overslep overslept ()? ? CWha happened ?一.A. overse
16、epB. cversleeped C;.overslePt ()c)My,alarm cockdidngooff, so I_.A. overs;leepB.()versleptC. c)vensleei)ing()I_thismorningandmissedthe earlybus,A.oversleplB. sdeptC. heldD. caaught6.'When I got h()me,I realized I had left miy keys irn thebac火pack.(:2b)解析1leav在此處做及物動詞留下0“l(fā)eave.十地占 八、表示把某物落/忘在某地0Il
17、eft niy h()meworkat home:thismorning (1)leav用作及物動詞苴 /、用法有表離開0leave.for.息為離開某地刖往某地0The GTeeris will le<iveBe:ijingforLondon niextweek.2)表剩下Ho、m m“ch timeisthere left?還剩下多少時問?表辭去(工作等);脫離(組織等)”0Miary k流s(chool last yeair andshe iswoHdngn ashop)noV. (2)lea、,e也用作不及物動詞息為去出發(fā)0如:It'stime forus toleave
18、.我們該走了注意:表示把某物落/忘在某地不能用foreet要用leave0()-B()ys <mdgirls! Please_ V()ur compositionsafterclaj>s.-OhmyGod! I_ it at home.A. handinf)rgotB. hiancin; left C:.hand out;forgot D.harid oiit; left7.By tlie tiime I._(g(et) back to school,thebell_(ring).(:2b)解析getbac;k tosch(息為回到學校解析(1)get:back to后接表地占 八
19、、的名詞息為回到某地”; ; get backto后面接人,可引中為回復某人的信件電子郵件電話等;(3)getback還可表示回來返回拿回取回等含義02014廣東佛山1Welostthewa/ in the fores:,and wej didn,t krlowA.wh】erewe(jet backB. whendidwegetbackC.hlowwe couldgetback8.M1y alarmclock dieIn,gooff!解析go off發(fā)出響聲(鬧鐘)鬧響The akmrm、wenoff .ustnow.短語1goover復習goaway離開go)by(時問)過去gofora w
20、alk出去散步gofishing/s)hopping/skating/swim】ming去釣魚/去買東西/去溜冰/去游泳()was lat(etoday becaij semyalarrn clock didn,t_ A.runoffB. g(o offC. giveou:D.giveup拓展1go by(時問)過去;消逝0Timegoes bysecc)nd 1)y se2ond.goon繼續(xù)0Pleaise cjo oin workingJ ()-WVhy ,were) yoilatethismorning?-Myalarmclcck didn,t_, so I overs>lept
21、A.go byB.go ()n C. gooff D).go down9.So I just quickly put o| sole clothes and Rshed out the door.(2d )【解析】rush oJt 沖出去,沖出 Henry rushed out the room and disappeared in the rain Jul a rushedout and didn ' t return. lO.Carl' s day ,aw me on the street and gaveme a lift in his car.【解 析】 give sb
22、. a lift =give sb. aride / give a ride to sb.“捎 某人 一程” ,()The poor oldwo|an was standing in ,e midd e of the road and asked someone to.A. give him a rice B. give her a ride C. enjoy a ride D. accept aride ( ) Tom drove by and gave me aon the way home. A. flight B.Run C. walk D. ift11. was about to g
23、o up when I decided to get a coffee first.(3a)【解析】be about to忙于;即將做某事。側(cè)重于表示動作馬上就要發(fā)生,常與 when引導的從句連用,但不與具體的時間狀語連用。 ()Hurry up, Tom! The train isto start A. about B. with C. for D.At 12.I went to my favorite coffee place even though it was two blockseast from my office.【解析 1 】 even though 即使,雖然,盡管,用于引導
24、讓步狀語從句。()don' t like vegetablesthey are good for my health. A. because B.even though C. after all D. so that【2014 浙江 麗水】Frank left school a, 16, he still become a successful write,. A.Ever snce B. I, fact C. After all D. Even though【拓 展 】even if / even though/ though三者都可以引導讓步狀語從句。 Even if =even
25、though "即使、縱然”引出的從句敘述的是假設(shè)或把握很大的事情thcug h ”雖然”,引出的從句敘述的是事實。 I will t| evenif I may fail Though it was very late, he went on working.注 though 和 but 不能同時出現(xiàn)在句中。 On those foggydays,you could hard y see anything a,ound youit was at noon.A.so B.because C.b D.though【2014 河 北 Eric arrived ontime,it was
26、the rush hour. A. klthougn B. because C. while D.unless 【 2014 南京】L Feng has to work late, shealways wears a smile on her face. A. Because B. If C. Until D. Though【解析2】block n街區(qū)13.As I was wai ing in line with other office workers, I heard a loudsound.【解析】 wait in line with思為與排隊等候“ o stand in line站
27、成一排 cut in l ne插隊【解析2】sound n| “聲音;聲響"?!颈嫖觥縮ound, voice 與 no se sound 含義 廣泛,指一切 可以聽到的聲音,包括有意聽到的和無意聽到的。Atmidnight heheard astraingesound. voice日多用于指人的嗓日voice.這個女孩有美麗的鬧聲0The noise()f traffickeptme臺1Woud ycu mind not_noisdidn'tknow. I_ shewa:s awake.thoughtC. making, thinkD. make,thoightThb bo
28、y did一 ,nt sle汜p、vellastnighbecfa(:tory.A.voic? B.noise C.mus,ic DSo14.Westared indisbelief at ,he b)lacksm(burningbuilding(3a)解析凝視(表示看日比較仔的息昧去看常與at,intolikethat.別那樣盯著我看disbelief不相信疑惑indisbeliefshekingherheald. She looke解析31abo)ve 1)preP(方;于0(與beowthetrees».月亮正位于樹梢位、級別、能力、資歷指說話及唱歌的聲0The girl ha
29、s abeaiutifu嗓日noi)se特指噪日和吵awake.2()14煙se? /Miceis seepng.Sorry,IA. make, think B.making,2014甘肅白銀1ausie ofthe _ fromhengoke iisingj ab(ove the11stare v.盯著看細有時候也帶有吃驚連用0)Dont stare at me0解析21in懷疑Tariarastaied at hinnd athimin disbelef.表示位置)在正上相對)The moonis now abov3上02)prep)表示在地、重要性等方面超過Hes abovemein e
30、eryway,他各個方面都比我強03)ad,v.在上面;(級別、數(shù)目等)更;更大;更多;在上文0Se汨 the examples(jiveri abo)ve.見上述例子0()Ice is riot oftenseen here inIwinter as the teriperature nomally stays .zero. AupB. d(ownC.aboveD. below拓展1above/over/on辨析相同占八、1方位介詞在之上不同占八、11)above著重指:在上方不一定含有垂直在上的息思0反義詞為:bedow.Thej suri rose abovethehorzon.太陽升到
31、了地平線上02)over表蓋在 上面或鋪在上面0此時不臺匕 目匕用above.代替0含有垂直在上的息思0反義詞為unde町Spread the tablecl(oth cverthe table,3).on含有與表面相接觸的息思0The bo)ok is onthedesG2(14揚州11_)Thisprob)lemis far _ nie, I,m afraidI cari't w/orkitout,一-Doin' t、vorr/, w(w wilhelp yoi. A.beyondB. beside C.behindD.Between_1Shesold1 hertreasu
32、res tocureh hermotther,s ilness,even thougF】it was her own v0shes.-It,s sokind _her.A.against;of B3. above;of C;.on;forD. f()r; for解析41burn v.著火燃燒(bunt, t)urnt/ burnecL burned)burninjJadj著火的;燃燒的H()Teachersareofteri coimpaed to _-burningC. burnsD. burning拓ofthe candle h.id biurntawa、y.2) bgrew/ colde
33、ras the fire burnt down.15.I felt lucky tcbealive辨livey alive活著活的可指人也可指物表語livin活著,尚在人問,語或表語live活著的人定語lively活潑的可指人也可指物定Jin ,Yongj is o)ne c)f th) grejatest and oldestlivir1g; aliveB. living;living C.alive; living 1()2L一Ishis gjrancdmotherstill?livej B.ivingJ C.aliveD. 1,ivel/16.Butby the time Igotto the airportmyalreadytakem off.(
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