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1、Unit 1, Book IIIExperiencing English IntegratedI. Teaching objectives:1. Talking: talk about the environmental protection;talk about it and give the text summary2. Reading: reading about some stories about the environmental protectionreading skills: Review and Recall3. Writing: write a paragraph abo

2、ut one of the animals3. Grammar: sentence functions in paragraph development4. Culture: Humans and Endangered SpeciesII. Important points:1. Talking: talk about the environmental protection;talk about it and give the text summary2. Vocabulary Development:addicted; ailing; atmosphere; carbon; consequ

3、ence; convenience; deforest; dioxide; downwind; ecosystem; element; exploitation; fossil; global; greed; inexhaustible; isolate; petroleum; pollute; priority; product; purify; release; source; specific; particular; strategy; wisdom3. Phrases and Expressions:all the way; be blind to; be separate from

4、; impact on; result from; result in; sit back; take action4. Writing: write a paragraph about one of the animalsIII. Difficult points:1. Talking: talk about the environmental protection;2. Vocabulary development: global; greed; inexhaustible; isolate; petroleum; pollute; priority; product; purify; r

5、elease; source; specific; particular; strategy; wisdom3. Phrases and expressions:all the way; be blind to; be separate from; impact on; result from; result in; sit back; take actionIV. Teaching arrangements:1. Total class time for this unit: 8 periods2. Suggested arrangement:1) Listen and Talk (Duty

6、 report, Lead-in) 90'2) Passage APre-reading activities 5'Cultural background: 5'Structure of the text: 10'Detailed study of the text 100'Text Summary 15'3) Passage BPre-read ing activities 5'Readi ng Skills and Readi ng Comprehe nsion 25'Study of the text 50'Text

7、 Summary 10'4) Comprehe nsive Exercises of Passage A and B, Grammar 45'VII. Lecture scripts:Passage A Caring for Our Mother EarthI. Pre-read ing TasksA. In troductory Questi ons1. Why should we call the earth we live on our Mother Earth?2. What is the root of the environmen tal problems?B. I

8、 ntroductory RemarksIn an in terview for Aware ness Magaz ine, four specialists discuss their views on environmental issues with Dr.McKinley. Leon Nacson is particularly worried about air and water polluti on and Walter Semkiw is especially concerned with deforestati on and global warmi ng. Ama n Mo

9、twa ne believes that we have to realize that everyth ing is related, and therefore that every action has a consequenee; and Amrit Desai makes a link between consumption and global resources, arguing that human greed poses a serious threat to Mother Earth. The message is that the environment is our r

10、esponsibility and that we all have a part to play if we want to save our planet.II. While-readi ng ActivitiesA. Lan guage Points1. isolate: v. to set apart or cut off from otherse.g.1) Presley ' s early su(essed him from his friends.2) This policy could isolate the country from other members of

11、the United Nations. Tran slate洪水使這個(gè)村莊與外界隔離了兩周。The flood has isolated the village from outside for two weeks.2. (be) blind to : to completely fail to notice or realize somethinge.g.1) They seemed to be blind to the consequences of their decision.2) David ' s good looks and impeccable manners had

12、always madeto his faults3. consequenee:n . something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditionse.g.1) The safety procedures had bee n igno red, with pote ntially tragic consequences.2) Acceptanee of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any m

13、isfort une.4. evaporate:v. to (make) cha nge into vapore.g.1) The water is evaporated by the sun.2) The police failed to find any witness; it seemed that they all evaporated.5. all the way: to emphasize how long a distance ise.g.1) Football fans came all the way from every corner of the world.2) Bea

14、uty is only skin deep, but ugliness goes all the way to the bone!6. impact on: to have an importa nt or no ticeable effect on some one or somethi nge.g.1) How will this program impact on the local community?2) Falling export rates have impacted orthe country ' s economy quite considerably7. prio

15、rity:n. something that must be dealt with as soon as possible and before other lessimporta nt thingse.g.1) Agriculture is still a high priority in most developing countries.2) Banks no rmally give priority to large bus in esses whe n decidi ng on loa nsprior adj. preced ing in time, order, importa n

16、ce, or valuee.g.She couldn ' t go to the party becauseprfoi engagement.8. the point of no return: the point in a course of action beyond which reversal is not possible e.g1) Somethi ng must be done before the situati on reached the point of no retur n.2) If he doesn ' t have his heart operat

17、ion very soon he' s iraja1rgerr)roeaetblilrg9. nurture:v. to feed or take care of a child or a plant while it is growinge.g.1) Pare nts want to know the best way to nurture and raise their childre n.2 )Nurture your mind with great thoughts. (Benjamin Disrael)10. sit back: to relax and make no ef

18、fort to get involved in something e.g.1) Can we just sit back and do nothing whe n there are so many homeless people on the streets.2) Don ' t justt back and wait for new bus in ess to come to you.B. Sentence Expla nati on1. Look at the relati on ship betwee n the tree and its en vir onment and

19、you will see the future ofthe tree.If you look at the relati on ship betwee n the tree and its en vir onment, you will see the future of the tree.2. We have become addicted con sumers, which causes in dustrial waste.We have become used to getti ng more and more convenien ces, comfort and possessi on

20、s, which causes in dustrial waste.3. Too many of us just sit back an d say “I ' ll let the experts take care of it”Too many of us tend to take no actions ourselves and say“I ' ll let the experts take care cIII. After-readi ng Tasks:1. Do some exercises after the text.2. Dictatio n.3. Practic

21、e making senten ces with the importa nt words or expressi ons.Passage B Frog StoryI. Pre-read ing TasksA. In troductory Questi ons1. What happe ned to the author and the frog?2. What does the story imply to you?B. In troductory RemarksIn this story the author who works with environmental topics is s

22、urprised when a tree frog takes up reside nee in his studio. Puzzled at first by the frog apisare nt prefere nee for the studio rather than with the animal. At first he seems to understand that the frog is attracted by the sound of the compute that resembles the sounds made by other tree frogs, but

23、them he starts to realize that the frog is there to remi nd him of his resp on sibilities to protect the en vir onment.II. While-readi ng ActivitiesA. Lan guage Points1. atop:prep. on top of somethinge.g.1) Under the newspaper,_atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.2) There is a seagull atop the ma

24、st.2. vice versa: used when the opposite of a situation that has been just described is also truee.g.1) He doesn ' t trust her, avide versa.2) Teachers qualified to teach in England are not accepted in Scotland and vice versa.3. overtake:v. to come upon unexpectedly; take by surprisee.g.1) Somet

25、hing like panic overtook me in a flood.2) The people all over the world were overtaken by the 9-11 attack in New York.4. urge:n. a stro ng wish or n eede.g.1) The people with a powerful urge to compete and succeed are more likely to have heart attacks.2) When I was young, I often felt an urge for ch

26、ocolate.5. at this/that rate: if things continue to happen in the same way as nowe.g.1) At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt.2) At this rate, we ' ll never be home by midnight6. focus:v. to pay special atte ntio n to a particular pers on or thi ng in stead of otherse.g.1) I cannot focus my at

27、tention on my study with such a noise.2) The TV program focuses on the cause why people take drugs.7. boundary:n. the official line that marks the edge of town, country etc.e.g.1) Terrorists operate across n ati on al boundaries.2) Conquering any difficulty always gives one a secret joy, for it mean

28、s pushing back a boundaryine and adding to one ' s liberty.8. subtle:adj. not easy to no tice or un dersta nd uni ess you pay careful atte nti one.g.1) The two pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.2) The slow and subtle changes are taking place in all living things

29、.9. species :n. to continue to exist in spite of many difficulties and a group of animals orpla nts which are all similar and can breed together to produce young ani mals or pla nts of the same kind as theme.g.1) Panda has bee n declared an endan gered species.2) Some people believe that the Interne

30、t is the greatest tool our species has inven ted.10. for the sake of: because of, or for the purpose ofe.g.1) Let ' s not disacfpeethe sake of some small details.2) For the sake of historical accuracy, please permit me to state the true facts.B. Sentence Expla nati on1. I was sudde nly overtake

31、n by an urge to know why he was there and not in the gree nhouse, where I figured he ' d live a happier frog life.Sudde nly I had a strong urge to know why he was there and not in the gree nhouse, where I thought he' d live a happier frog life.2. The ton seemed to hit me right in the center

32、of my mind.The tone seemed to attract my intense attention.3. “ Understand what? ” , my mind jumped in.“ Understand what? ” , the question came into my mind.4. The fax said that the earth is warming at 1.9 degrees each decade. The fax said that the earth is getting 1.9 degrees warmer every ten years

33、.III. After-reading Tasks1. Do some exercises after the text.2. Dictation.Unit 2, Book IIIExperiencing English IntegratedI. Teaching objectives:1. Talking: talk about Nobel Prize winners;talk about it and give the text summary2. Reading: reading about some stories about the Nobel Prize winners and N

34、obel Prize reading skills: Review and Recall3. Writing: write a paragraph and give a brief introduction to one of the Nobel Prize winners.3. Grammar: sentence functions in paragraph development4. Culture: Nobel Prize and Alfred NobelII. Important points:1. Talking : talk about Nobel Prize winners an

35、d Nobel Prizetalk about it and give the text summary2. Vocabulary Development:angle; apparently; atom; compass; condense; convince; create; curiosity; device; equation; essence;evidence; evident; fundamental; genius; holy; insight; instance; intellect; invisible; methodically; patience; peak; persis

36、tence; relativity; respond; simplicity; simplistic; spark; stir; stove; structure; theorem; theory; twist; ultimate3. Phrases and Expressions:come over; come up with; come upon; for instance; in no way; push for; relate to; up to4. Writing: give a brief introduction to one of the Nobel Prize winners

37、III. Difficult points:1. Talking: talk about Nobel Prize winners and Nobel Prize2. Vocabulary development: visible; methodically; patience; peak; persistence; relativity; respond; simplicity; simplistic; spark; stir; stove; structure; theorem; theory; twist; ultimate3 Phrases and expressions:come ov

38、er; come up with; come upon; for instance; in no way; push for; relate to; up toIV. Teaching arrangements:1. Total class time for this unit: 8 periods2. Suggested arrangement:1) Listen and Talk (Duty report, Lead-in) 90'2) Passage APre-reading activities 5'Cultural background: 5'Structur

39、e of the text: 10'Detailed study of the text 100'Text Summary 15'3) Passage BPre-read ing activities5'Readi ng Skills and Readi ng Comprehe nsion 25'Study of the text 50'Text Summary 10'4) Comprehe nsive Exercises of Passage A and B, Grammar 45'VII. Lecture scripts:Pa

40、ssage AEinstein ' CompassI. Pre-read ing TasksA. In troductory Questi ons1. What do you think makes a successful scie ntist?2. What kind of boy was Einstein in his parents' eyes?3. Einstein once said: "Curiosity has its own reason for existenee." How do you understand this stateme

41、nt?B. In troductory RemarksAlbert Einstein: German-American physicist who contributed more than any other scientist to the 20th-century vision of physical reality. His special and general theories of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical ba

42、sis for the exploitation of atomic energy. He won a 1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric (光電的)effect.II. While-readi ng ActivitiesA. Lan guage Points1. evident a.Examples? The threat of in flati on is already evident in bond prices.? The audie nee waited with evident exciteme nt

43、 for the performa nee to begi n.2. resp ondv.Examples? To every question the police officer asked, he responded' I don ' t know. ”For patie nts who do no t respond to drug treatme nt, surgery is a possible opti on.3. stir v.1) to excite2) to be rousedExamples? Henry Porter has stirredchildre

44、n ' s imagination.? The mother ' s grsfred when she saw the photo of her son, who died in a traffic accident.4. in tellectn.Examples? Gates is a man no ted more for his intellect tha n his charm.? Maria Gomez, historia n, socialist an d intellect, has died at the age of eighty-nine.5. in tel

45、lectn.1) the ability to use the power of reas on2)a pers on of great in tellectual abilityExamples? Gates is a man no ted more for his intellect tha n his charm.? Maria Gomez, historia n, socialist an d intellect, has died at the age of eighty-nine.6. fool into (doing)deceive somebody into doing som

46、eth ing Examples? Tim was fooled into believing that he ' d won the lottery.? It was not right for Jea n to fool Robert into believ ing that she was in love with him.7. in visible a.that can not be see nExamples? In visible marks on the bank n ote make it almost impossible to fake.? The Stealth

47、fighter is an aircraft desig ned to be invisible to radar.8. up toas a maximum nu mber of amountExamples? This Ian guage lab can hold up to about 40 people.? Up to two hundred people died in the air crash.9. methodically ad.in a very ordered, careful wayExamples? Joan methodically put the things int

48、o her suitcase.? Could you arrange the files methodically so that it will be convenient whe n you n eed them?10. come overto make a short in formal visitExamples? When ever in trouble she would come over to us for help.? I ' Come over to see you on my next day off.11. methodically ad.in a very o

49、rdered, careful wayExamples? Joan methodically put the things into her suitcase.? Could you arrange the files methodically so that it will be convenient whe n you n eed them?12. i n no way not at allExamples? Theory can in no way be separated from practice.? Alcohol will in no way ease your miseries

50、.13. curiosityn.the desire to know or lear nExamples? It is importa nt to develop the n atural curiosity of each child.? I ' m burning witcuriosity you must tell me who ' s won!14. i nsight n.(the ability to have) a clear, deep un dersta nding of acomplicated problem or situati on Examples?

51、He was a brillia nt actor who brought deep psychological insight to many of his roles.? Professor Becker offered some in teresti ng in sights into the huma n society.15. genius n. 1) great and rare power of thought, skill, or imag in ati on2) a pers on of very great ability or very highin tellige ne

52、eExamples? He has a spark of genius that dist in guishes him from the other actors.? Chapli n was not just a genius; he was among the most in flue ntial figures in film history.16. appare ntlyad. 1) according to what seems to be true2) actuallyExamples? Well, apparently she' s had eno ugh of her

53、 major and she ' s hfeaancg.off to? The window had apparently been forced open.? I thought they were married but apparently not.? She looks about 12 but apparentlyshe' s 14.B. Sentence Expla nati on1. The in visible force that guided the compass n eedle was evide nce to Albert that there was

54、 more to our world that meets the eye (Para. 2).The invisible force that guided the compass needle made Albert believe that there were things we couldn 't see.2. “It 's not that I 'm so smart, it's just that I stay with pro(bPleamras. l4o)n.g”erI can do this not because I'm very

55、smart, but because I pursue problems longer.3. While the expression of his mathematics might be accessible to only a few sharp minds inthe scie nee,(Para. 7)While the expression of his mathematics might be understood by only a few perceptive scientists, aIII. After-reading Tasks:1. Do some exercises

56、 after the text.2. Dictation.3. Practice making sentences with the important words or expressions.Passage B The Wake-up Call from StockholmI. Pre-reading TasksA. Introductory Questions1. What would you do if you were awarded the Nobel Prize?2. What would Zewail plan to do after he won the Nobel Priz

57、e?B. Introductory RemarksThis passageprofiles Ahmed Zewail, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1999. Beginning with his reactions to the prize and those of his family, friends and the international media, the passagegoes on to describe his academic career: from undergraduatestudies at

58、Alexandria University in his native Egypt to a professionalship at the prestigious Caltech in the United States. It also explains something about his work and how he put physics and chemistry together, leading to a scientific revolution-the ability to observe the movement of atoms during a chemical reaction.II. While-reading ActivitiesA. Language Points1. investigation n. an act to try to find out


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