1、課例1 讀寫結合、系統(tǒng)提升高三英語話題作文教案-山東省沂南第一中學 李振永 郵箱: HYPERLINK mailto: 內容簡析話題作文是近幾年來高考經(jīng)常采用的一種命題形式。近些年來,各地的高考試題命題牽涉了眾多的與中學生學習和生活相關的話題,有時甚至還不乏社會熱點話題,如網(wǎng)絡的利與弊;中學生使用手機的利與弊;環(huán)境保護與經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的矛盾及關系;中小學生素質教育;07年山東卷的免費師范生的話題等等都是社會熱點話題。因此,教會高三學生如何進行話題作文的寫作,探究話題作文的某些可以掌控的規(guī)律等都是必須的。目標定位本節(jié)課為寫作課的教學,但盡管是寫作課的教學,由于寫作的主題是話題作文,鑒于話題作文的某些特
2、殊性,如要求學生提煉針對某個話題的不同觀點,要求學生能對不同的觀點進行理性并且客觀的分析,進而發(fā)表自己的見解 諸如此類特點都要求老師不能對寫作的內容和素材直接呈現(xiàn),而是采用和閱讀相結合的方法,讓學生通過閱讀篩選信息,提煉觀點,進而就某一相關話題提出自己的觀點。然后逐步突進,系統(tǒng)提升學生的寫作能力。(一)知識目標1、初步掌握某些用于表達觀點的英語句型,并能恰當使用。2、了解英語話題作文的寫法,學會對某一相關話題進行審題。(二)技能目標 1、能通過對某一相關話題的描述的閱讀,提煉有用的信息和相關的觀點。2、能在閱讀的基礎上理清話題作文所需要展示的話題、觀點、及對各種觀點的分析并進而提出自己的觀點。
3、3、能最終掌握話題作文的審題要點及寫作步驟。(三)策略目標1、讓學生運用原有的閱讀策略把握相關話題并進行閱讀技能的遷移,即由閱讀技能遷移到寫作技能。2、能讓學生通過討論探究學會英語話題作文的審題。3、通過相互的交流,相互學習,最終深化對話題作文的寫作過程的理解及相關句型的知識儲備。(四)情感態(tài)度目標通過學生的合作與探究寫作培養(yǎng)學生的探究精神和合作意識。方法選擇閱讀與寫作結合性教學的方法即先對學生進行與寫作話題相關的閱讀理解的訓練, 讓學生通過閱讀獲得與該話題或寫作任務相關的信息,并將其作為寫作的基礎,在閱讀理解的基礎上,馬上進行同步的寫作教學。這既體現(xiàn)了寫作教學中的漸進性原則也達到了閱讀教學與
4、寫作教學的聯(lián)動,促進學生英語綜合能力的提高。教學流程Before-writing環(huán)節(jié)一:Useful sentence patternsActivity: Practise the relative useful sentence drillsThe teacher asks the students to discuss in groups and fimd out “which sentences drills can we use to express our opinions” , then summarize the students ansers and get the stude
5、nts to make sentences following them.The useful drills:1) People have a discussion about2) People who are in favor of it think For one thing For another3) However, others put forward a totally different view about They consider it4) In my opinion, it is better than5) I prefer traveling by train rath
6、er than by plane.6) The advantage of is that and the disadvantage of is that【設計意圖】話題作文肯定要就某一話題表達自己的觀點,因此,在寫作前,讓學生進行相關句型的探討、學習和積累實際上是在為寫作做準備。這個活動調動個體學生已有的知識儲備,同時鼓勵學生利用資源策略進行信息搜尋,活動全組參與,也培養(yǎng)了學生的合作意識。環(huán)節(jié)二:Sample learningActivity: The students learn from a writing sample and conclude some writing methodsT
7、he teacher first presents a writing sample then let the students study the sample cooperatively, encouraging them to find out some regular patterns of a topic-related composition.一、典例學習(07山東)閱讀下面的文字,用英語寫一篇120-150詞的短文。 今年,教育部直屬師范大學將招收一批免費師范生,學生畢業(yè)后須回生源所在省份的中小學任教十年以上。你愿意成為一名免費師范生嗎?請陳述理由。 Suggested answ
8、ers: The Education Department of China has announced that some normal universities will accept a group of free teacher majors this year. The free teacher majors must return to their hometown to work in the primary and middle schools for over 10 years after graduation from the universities. In our cl
9、ass, nearly all the top students from families now wish to become teacher majors. I myself wish to go to a normal university, not just because of the education free of charge, but also due to my interest in teaching. Ive decided to work harder at my lessons in order to make greater contributions to
10、the education cause of our country in the future. In my opinion, the education free of charge will attract more talented students to normal universities. That, undoubtedly will result in a better future of Chinas education. I think its the best choice to have a free teacher education.Please read the
11、 sample above, discuss in groups and answer this question:What does a topic-related composition contain? (You may answer in Chinese.)1.2.3.【設計意圖】英語寫作教學應該是一種漸進性的教學。一個負責任的老師不能夠直接把寫作任務布置給學生然后就讓學生動筆,應該在布置寫作任務前,讓學生弄明白該怎么寫,對話題作文先要有個初步的認識,然后學生才會去寫。而典例學習顯然就是這樣的一個步驟。While-writing環(huán)節(jié)三:Reading taskActivity: Rea
12、ding the following topic passage and obtain useful informationThe students read the topic passage taken from 21st century, discuss in groups and then find out the useful information.The government of Dongguan city, Guangdong Province announced last week that the city will ban pig farming within the
13、city starting in 2009. Pig farms have become a major source of pollution in the city, according to Dongguan officials. They claim that the pig farming industry is relatively small and the ban wouldnt impact too many people. News of this decision quickly gave rise to criticism and debate in the natio
14、nal media. Many argued that the governments reason is not valid. After all, in heavily industrialized Guangdong, farming pollution is far smaller an environmental problem than industrial pollution. The real reason behind the governments decision, some critics claim, is to use the land for more profi
15、table industrial projects which produce more pollution. Others agree with the government that pig farms are not the most efficient use of land in Dongguan. They say that small, badly managed pig farms do produce lots of pollution. Read the passage above, and answer the following questions.(to save t
16、ime, you may just underline the answers in the passage above)1. Why will the government of Dongguan ban pig farming?2. Some people criticize the governments decision, why (or what are their reasons)?a.b.3. Some people agree with the governments decision, why (or what are their reasons)?a.b.【設計意圖】閱讀能
18、內化的話,寫作者是不可能寫出內容詳實感人、意義連貫、結構完整、既符合英語語言規(guī)范、又符合英、美文化習俗的地道的英語作文的。在寫作的第一階段,也就是所謂的采集階段,寫作者的主要采集手段就是閱讀。另外,即便是寫作者在寫作中所使用的各種表達技巧,也受到了閱讀活動的極大影響。可以說,寫作的過程是一個從感性到理性飛躍的過程,在這個飛躍過程中,閱讀是它最有力的支撐點。缺少了閱讀活動,寫作活動便無法展開。環(huán)節(jié)四:Presenting writng task and analysing (引出寫作任務并審題)Activity: presenting the writing task and analyse h
19、ow to write with the studentsThe teacher presents the writing task and then get the students to analyse how to write the composition. Encourage them to discuss in groups and voice their opinions bravely.寫作任務 What is your opinion? Do you think the Dongguan government is right to ban pig farming?Pleas
20、e write a composition within 120-150 words according to the passage above. 審題,三定一列: 體裁:議論文(話題作文) 人稱:_ 時態(tài): _內容要點:a. What is the topic?_b. What is my opinion?_c. The reasons I will give to support my opinion._【設計意圖】因為該寫作任務的提出是緊接在閱讀任務完成之后做出的,所以在讓學生明確寫作任務之后應該滲透以下活動:1)在閱讀材料中尋找與寫作任務相關的信息;2)以小組討論的形式交流有關信息及
21、各自的觀點和看法,進一步明確寫作的任務要求。而審題構思是寫作的準備階段。在構思過程中我們要要做到:1).明確寫作任務的主旨及要求;2).依據(jù)任務要求理出寫作要點;3).列提綱使所要寫的內容條理化;4).根據(jù)要點及提綱醞釀、選取書面素材;5).打腹稿展開構思。而為了培養(yǎng)學生的審題意識,我們將一般寫作的審題概括為三定一列,即定體裁、定人稱、定時態(tài)、列內容要點。這個階段的各種活動要用英語進行思維,學生應分析寫作任務,理出要點、提綱,并圍繞主題和要點用英語寫出關鍵詞及短語,為下一步起草作好準備環(huán)節(jié)五:WritingActivity:The students write the composition
22、The students begin to write the composition according the information they got from the reading passage and what the teacher analyses with the students. During this process, the students can walk around in the classroom and give some necessary help or guidance to some students.【設計意圖】在經(jīng)過典例學習、閱讀相關話題和審
23、題之后,學生對如何寫一篇話題作文已經(jīng)胸有成竹,并且通過閱讀和討論對于如何拓展該話題和發(fā)表自己的觀點也已經(jīng)非常透徹明白。所以該步驟學生要做的就是把他們心中的想法、觀點及對文章的組織、結構、語言材料等寫出來。Post-writing環(huán)節(jié)六:Students self-assessmentActivity: The teacher first check their compositions personally and in pairsThe teacher presents some standard for correcting. The students first check by the
24、mselves then check in pairs.【設計意圖】在學生完成自己的習作之后,我們肯定要讓學生首先自我評判一下自己的習作。因此,自查修改是一個再加工的過程。由于文章是學生自己的作品,如果教師不進行思路引導,很難保證學生自查的質量。因此,一定要讓學生掌握一份自查的思路清單,熟悉查錯的路徑。一般情況下,可從以下六個方面去進行查錯修改工作:1.所寫文章的主旨大意是什么,是否切題;2.要點是否寫全,有無遺漏;3.有無開頭、結尾,條理是否清晰,布局是否合理,內容是否連貫;4.有無主謂一致、人稱一致、時態(tài)、語態(tài)、冠詞、名詞單復數(shù)等方面的錯誤;5.有無句型、習語、固定搭配等方面的錯誤;6.有
26、的方式,效果往往比教師講解更好。更為重要的是,只有通過學生自身的體驗和感知,所學到的知識才能最終內化并提升為能力。教師在這一階段的作用則是組織并安排好雙人活動或小組活動。環(huán)節(jié)七:Teachers assessment in class and after classActivity: Teacher assesses one or two compositions in classAfter presenting the sample composition, the teacher collects one or two typical compositions, and then enjo
27、y them with all the class on the screen. During this process, the teacher encourages the students to vocice their opinions to make some alteration to improve the writing. And the teacher collets all the compositons to prepare for assessment next class.【設計意圖】在學生自評和互評之后,教師應該給學生展示范文。再讓學生欣賞和學習了范文之后。教師應該
28、找一或兩篇學生習作與全體學生共同修改潤色。在這一過程中除了繼續(xù)依據(jù)上述的“查改六路徑”審閱之外,還應考慮以下體現(xiàn)較高寫作能力的五個方面:1.主題是否鮮明、突出;2.詞語使用是否得當,能否使用更貼切、更高級的詞匯;3.句子的長度或結構是否需要增減或改動,能否使用更復雜的語言結構;4.是否有效使用了語言間的連接成分,過渡是否自然,結構是否清晰;5.語言是否地道、得體。當然做完這些還不夠,教師應該在課下繼續(xù)批閱學生的習作,以便于在下一節(jié)課進行作文講評。環(huán)節(jié)八:AssignmentsRecite the sample compositon.【設計意圖】通過學生的具體實踐后,絕大多數(shù)同學應該都掌握了話題
29、作文的寫法。在此基礎上讓學生背誦范文??梢约由顚W生對于話題作文的結構、語言等的深入把握。并適時將范文與自己的習作相對比,在對比中反思自己的不足之處,借鑒范文中的優(yōu)秀之處,可以對自己的習作作進一步的改進和完善。高三英語試卷講評導案 高三英語組 李振永I. 書面表達1. Please read and enjoy these beautiful sentences written by ourselves.a. The more we learn, the more we have in store for our future. - by Liu Tongchun.b. But once see
30、ing the computer machine, he will be crazy about it all at once. - by Liu Shengchuanc. When I invited him to attend a lecture, he refused me saying that he had no mood. - by Sun Jianjund. We should hold fast to our dreams while young rather than lose our goals. - by Sun Jianjune. But as soon as he a
31、pproaches the computer games, he will lose himself in it in no time. - by Gongxuef. Only study can really bring us interest and happiness as students. - by Cui Yixiug. Whats surprising is that he should tell us it isnt interesting at all when we ask him to play football after class. - by Yang Yekaih
32、. Not only does it do harm to our health, but also it takes up too much time for our homework. - by the teacheri. Theyre wasting the money their parents earned hard. They are ruining their life. They are working up a hopeless future. - by the teacher2Please read the directions again. Discuss in pair
33、s and answer: (請再讀一遍寫作要求,相互討論并回答)體裁:_ 人稱:_時態(tài):_ 內容要點:1) _ 2) _3. 典型錯句:1). When we asked he to listen to a lecture, he said he had no mood.2). Study hard is our duty.3). We must can control ourselves.4). I suggested him to play football.II. 閱讀表達考情統(tǒng)計題號23正答率較低極低A. 整體性理解1. What is happiness according to
34、the passage?a. _b. _請據(jù)此解釋第2題。B. 連貫性理解2. What does the underlined “it” in these sentences refer to?It is most decidedly(certainly) not. Pleasure is an end in itself; it is something that is hunted for. _; it is not obvious, but mysterious.請據(jù)此解釋第3題。III. 完形填空考情統(tǒng)計題號及答案2B6B7B10C11A13C14B16B19A正答率%44.229.
35、529.544.24139.347.539.331.1誤選項DCADDAAAD BA整體性理解貫穿本文的兩條主線1. How did the writers attitude toward Michael change?a. When I was told his name, _.b. At last, I told Michael _.2. How did Michael change?a. Before practising football, he had never _ sports and was the _ jokes.b. While practicing, he fell re
36、peatedly, but each time _.c. After hard practice for weeks, Michael could run the mile _, and the team _ than the victory they had.B. 連貫性理解請解釋說明第14題如何應用連貫性理解來選擇答案。(14)“Michael,” I said, “Why dont you just _ the mile?” he said in tears that he wanted to run with the others.C. 語言知識查詞典,掌握以下短語的意義和用法。(6)
37、 talk sb. out of sth./doing sth. _(7) set ones heart on _(10) make it _(11) let alone; let down _(13) keep an eye on; fix ones eyes on _(16) pick oneself up _D. 偶爾語法現(xiàn)象1說一說,以下兩個句子錯在哪里,如何改正,并據(jù)此解釋第2題。a. Im worried about that he could return safely.b. We cant depend on that he could help us.2. 讀下面兩個句子,體
38、會while和yet的區(qū)別,并據(jù)此解釋第19題。a. That region has plenty of natural resources while this one has none.b. The car was old, yet it was in excellent condition.While表_ yet 表_IV 閱讀理解考情統(tǒng)計題號及答案5 D10 A正答率59.01%55.73%誤選項BBPassage AFurther Understanding1. Translate Para4 into Chinese. (把第四段話翻譯成漢語) Anyone who thinks
39、we have outgrown (to change sth. or desert sth. as we grow) our old fears and fascination for the unknown need only visit a bookstore or tune in to cable television (看看有線電視). Many of these popular books and programs deal with angels, ghosts, lost civilizations, UFOs, doomsday comets and other mysteries._2. Analyze the following sentence and tell us
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