1、Chapter 2The Origins of a Nation (5000BC-1066)1I. Early Settlers (5000 BC55BC)1. The Iberians 伊比利亞人 (1)Who were the first known settlers (inhabitants) of Britain?The Iberians (2)When did they come to Britain?At 3000 BC during the New Stone Age (3)How do you know that the Iberians were the first know
2、n settlers to Britain?2A. The proof is the long barrows (古墓冢) found, which were their communal burial mounds (公墓)B. the Stonehenge (圓形巨石群、陣):1) It is a circular group of large standing stones constructed before 2000 BC. 2) It is regarded as one of the most important monuments of its kind in Europe.3
3、) Exactly why it was built is unknown but it must have had religious and political significance.(There are many different ideas about the purpose of Stonehenge: it may have been a center of sun worship, and was perhaps an observatory)4) Some think the Stonehenge is associated with the Celts.32. The
4、Beaker Folk 寬口陶器人(以其鈴、鐘形寬口陶器而聞名)(1) When and where were they from?At about 2000 BC (at the early Bronze Age) the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland and the Rhineland.Why were they so called? (How did they take their name?) from their distinctive bell-shaped drinking vessels (or
5、beakers) How about their civilization? (What did they bring with them?)The art of pottery makingThe ability to fashion (ornament with patterns) bronze toolsThe custom of individual burialThe hill forts (堡壘) and small fortified towns (筑堡城鎮(zhèn)). The Maiden Castle is one of the finest examples.43. The Cel
6、ts(1) Who were the ancestors of the Scots, Welsh and Irish?The Celts were the ancestors of the Scots, Welsh and Irish (2) When and where were they from?They began to arrive about 700 BC, and may have come from eastern and central Europe, now France, Belgium and Germany (3) What were these people?The
7、y were Practised farmers. They drained much of the marshlands and built houses of wood and wickerwork with a weatherproof coating of mud.(帶有抗風化的泥層)They were ironworkers. (4) What was their religion? Druidism(德魯伊德教),the Druidsthe wise men, astrologers, soothsayers(占卜者)5II. Roman Britain (55BC410AD)1.
8、 What do you know about the Roman invasion of Britain?1)British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion.2)In 55 BC, the great Roman general Julius Caesar invaded Britain for the first time (partly to gather information about the island and partly to punish the Belgae who helped in fighting a
9、gainst the conquering Roman) the invasion was unsuccessful because of resistance, the successful invasion did not take place until nearly a century3)In AD 43, Emperor Claudius invaded successfully4)For nearly 400 years Britain was under the Roman occupation, but it was never a total occupation.First
10、, as a result of resistance; Secondly, Roman troops were often withdrawn from Britain to fight in other parts of the Roman Empire.62. the Hadrians Wall哈德良長城(公元2世紀,羅馬皇帝哈德良下令修建的城墻,用于防御英格蘭北部邊境,抵抗克爾特部落的進攻) It was one of the two great walls built by the Romans to keep the Picts out of the area they had o
11、ccupied and conquered.1)After the Roman occupation, the Romans met with fierce resistance and attacks from the tribes of Scotland. These people were called Picts(皮克特人)because of their “painted faces”. ) 2)The Romans realized that they could not conquer them. So they withdrew from the north, and buil
12、t two great walls, the Hadrians Wall and the Antonine Wall, to resist the attacks)73. the Roman contribution (1) they built a network of towns on their military camps with the capital of London (the suffix caster or chester in English place namesLancaster, Winchesterderives from castra, the Latin wo
13、rd for camp.) (2) the Romans constructed a network of major and secondary roads. From London, roads radiated all over the country. (3) The Romans made good use of Britains natural resources. They built baths, temples, amphitheatres and beautiful villas. (4)The Romans also brought the new religion, C
14、hristianity, to Britain.84. Why was the Roman influence on Britain so limited?Although Britain became part of the Roman Empire, the Roman impact upon the Britons was surprisingly limited as a result of 1)the Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class.2)The Romans and the Br
15、itons never intermarried during the 4 centuries.3)The Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons.9III. The Anglo-Saxons (446-871) 盎格魯-薩克遜人1. Who were the Anglo-Saxons? The Anglo-Saxons referred to the three Teutonic tribes(日而漫部落)who invaded Britain in the mid-5th century. Th
16、ey were Jutes, Saxons and Angles. -The Jutes 朱特人, from todays Denmark, came to Britain first for assistance to drive out the Picts and Scots. -Then the Saxons from northern German -The Angles who also came from northern German and were to give their name to the English people.102. How did the Heptar
17、chy (七王國) come into being?During the Anglo-Saxon invasion, the three tribes named the Jutes, the Saxons and the Angles settled in different parts of Britain which was divided into many kingdoms. Among them, there were 7 principle kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and North
18、umbria. So they have been given the name of Heptarchy.113. Offas Dyke歐發(fā)大堤(古代英格蘭的巨大土方工程。8世紀后期由麥西亞王偶發(fā)下令修建,作為英格蘭河威爾士的分界線)The Anglo-Saxon tribes were constantly at war with one another, each trying to get the upper hand.1)A long ancient earthwork 2)Built in the 8th century by Offa, the King of Mercia, a
19、long his western borders to keep out the Welsh3)As a boundary between England (to the east) and Wales (to the west)124. How were the early Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity?1)the Anglo-Saxons brought with them their own Teutonic religion when they invaded Britain, and Christianity was then only
20、 a fringe belief. Among the Anglo-Saxon Gods were Tiu(蒂烏),the god of war, Woden(沃登), king of heaven, Thor(托爾), the god of Storms, and Freya(弗雷婭), goddess of peace. The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from these gods.2)In 597, the Roman Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine to Englan
21、d to convert the heathen English to Christianity.3)Augustine was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility, and he became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.4)But the conversion of the common people was largely due to the missionary activities of the monks in the north. Monasteri
22、es sprang up throughout the country and became places of learning.135. What contributions did the early Anglo-Saxons make to the English state?Though the Anglo-Saxons were ferocious (barbarian, brutal) people, they laid the foundations of the English state.1)First, the modern names of “England” and
23、“English” derived from the Angles.2)Secondly, they divided the country into shires (郡),with shire courts and shire reeves, or sheriffs(郡長官、行政司法長官),responsible for administering laws.3)Thirdly, they devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system(三田耕種制度),which continued until the agricultural re
24、volution in the 18th century.4)Fourthly, they also established the manorial(莊園的、領地的)system(采邑制度),whereby the lord of the manor collected taxes, and organized the local army.5)They created the Witan (council or meeting of the wisemen, 議會、賢人會議) to advise the king.146. What is the Witan1)Witan was the
25、council of meeting of the wisemen. 2)It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advise the king. 3)Its the basis of the Privy Council(樞密院)which still exists today.157. the Privy Council1)An advisory body to the Crown: a body that advises the Crown on matters of government.2)the predecessor of the Cabinet
26、. It was the most important part of the government until the development of the Cabinet after 1688.3)Its duties are now formal: it is the body through which the Queen makes certain orders, putting into effect decisions made by ministers.4)number of members: it has about 400 members, including all Ca
27、binet ministers, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and senior British and Commonwealth statesmen.16IV. The Viking and Danish Invasions 北歐海盜和丹麥人入侵1. Who were the Vikings and how did they invade Britain?1)the Vikings were the Norwegians and the Danes from Den
28、mark.2)They attacked various parts of England from the end of the 8th century and became a serious problem in the 9th century.3)They even managed to capture York, an important center of Christianity.4)They gained control of the north and east of England (“the Danelaw”)172. What do you know about Kin
29、g Alfred?1)Alfred was the king of Wessex.2)He defeated the Danes who attacked England and reached and agreement with them.3)The Danes gained control of the north and east of England, while Alfred ruled the rest.4)He also converted some leading Danes into baptized Christians.183. What makes him worth
30、y of the title of “Alfred the Great”?1)Alfred is known as “the father of the British navy” as he founded a strong fleet to beat the Danes at sea to protect the coasts, and encourage trade. He constructed a fleet of ships to augment his other defenses, and in so doing became known as the Father of th
31、e English Navy.2)He reorganized the Saxon army to make it more efficient.3)He translated Bedes Ecclesiastical History of the English People. He, himself, was a scholar and translated Latin books into the Anglo-Saxon tongue.4)He encouraged learning, established schools and formulated a legal system.T
32、he reign of Alfred was known for more than military success. He was a codifier of law, a promoter of education and a supporter of the arts. After his death, he was buried in his capital city of Winchester, and is the only English monarch in history to carry the title, the Great.All this makes him wo
33、rthy of his title “Alfred the Great”.19V. The Norman Conquest (1066) 諾曼征服1. King Edward, “the Confessor” (“懺悔者“)1)King Edward was known as the Confessor because of his piety to religion. He was far more Norman than Saxon.2)He was more concerned with the building of Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特大教堂)than wi
34、th affairs of state.3)He promised the English throne to William, Duke of Normandy(諾曼底公爵).202. William the ConquerorWhy did William the Conqueror invade England after Edwards death?1)King Edward had promised the English throne to William,2)When Edward was on his deathbed, several men laid claim to th
35、e English throne, but the Witan chose Harold as king.3)The Battle of Hastings 哈斯廷斯戰(zhàn)役 In 1066, King Edward died with no heir, the Witan chose Harold as king.William, Duke of Normandy, invaded England. On October 14, the two armies met near Hastings. After a days battle, Harold was killed and his army
36、 completely defeated. William entered London shortly before Christmas, and on Christmas Day he was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York.This battle was very important on the way of the Roman Conquest.213. What were the consequences of the Norman Conquest?The Norman
37、Conquest of 1066 is the best-known event in English history. It brought about many consequences.(1) William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers.(2) He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government.(3) The feudal system was completely estab
38、lished in England.(4) Relations with the Continent were opened, and civilization and commerce were extended.(5) Norman-French culture, language, manners, and architecture were introduced.(6) The Church was brought into closer connection with Roman, and the church courts were separated from the civil
39、 courts(世俗法庭).224. Why do we say the English nation is a mixture of nationalities of different origins?1)The population of Britain is made up of the English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Irish, and other peoples. The formation is complicated because England was invaded by different races at various
40、times from Europe.2)Besides the early settlers, the Iberians, and the Celts, 3)Roman occupied Britain for nearly 400 years after 55 BC.4)Then the invasions of Anglo-Saxons helped to form English race and language and laid the foundation of the English state.5)After that was the invasion of the Vikin
41、gs and Danes.6)Finally, in 1066, William of Normandy invaded England and began the age of the Norman Conquest that resulted in great French influence.Therefore, many different peoples of different origins are living in Britain. Thats the reason why we say English nation is a mixture of nationalities
42、 of different origins.23 1、the earliest settlers in Britain2、the Stonehenge3、Roman influence on Britain and its limitations4、basis of modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons5、Heptarchy; Offas Dyke; the Witan; the Privy Council6、King Alfred and his contributions7、the Norman Conquest and its consequences24I. Multiple choice1.The first inhabitants in Britain were _ C _.A. the Normans B. the Celts C. the Iberians D. the Anglo-Saxons2.The Beaker Folk were skilled at the following except D _A. pottery making B. fashioning too
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