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1、the partys fine e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues,practcngIeSic_kt core vaue s, vgo. cay forward the spatofJiaYuu,Hn*qCanalspiritandopessenc,hoesyin.-1*stc, t tIespi.,iheightsofIeCcmmussFouto-vl on, as, do pay a re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u Iepartyspupose,mantaifrIepeoplethem , a nd ded cin

2、geducainoIacin,tuyideplnvesgainitocange, modlcain. A chicledswngLLarningeducainpr. mefr pary-luldngioucyac,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and lel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,andleld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr o.rmmesfor a

3、l parymlmles andeidig drs a log OliCal CcmmunSt dUy To UH IeThid .”.、 ex_ple be sue toCange ito. LLar I ing to CEduatin i or rto sove the p.b ,i it doe s not sove the problm, it Wlfl, gestrougthe moios.To sre ngghe n the cnsCoisniss of prblms and ine d on p.b oriete sling eari nge - cainfr traCion,

4、tuy ueplnvesgalnito Cange, modi- sto ean Ccnsiut on Pa r - s sei, ldd s soprrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld foLndaton fr urhecreCi - aCin.B to mike chage ForCe - pu of problm, through esalshd re Hiain T a wa accunt a nd ale se Ca suevs n, ad ona _ount PIN, appr oac, isstd dsde .sde modiid, a nd

5、tha kow that modieparys pupooe, ma ntaifr te pepe thm-lvs, a nd ded c.in, dev otin, maiai line.I g ad ente prisng s* a ctve a te wel off eXta paCic, male conIiLIons Thein. A chicled sW ng LLar ning e ducainprgrmme fr pary-buld ng i ou cy a c, prpooe d t fcs on souly ds and bel es ve, cnsi ousns s pu

6、pooeof te pay d Wie fou- d on put wlar n a dd rig e duainrecifcatWt hgrsp pay of ma- lie e ducaton pact ce aCivtie s and hrre stiC te e rel tpic e duato on combi nnday organi -ins at al l e soudgive fulplly to a a nced mode s, a bls are prse ntatv* a a nce d and tyial of te imes a nd .i de the broa

7、d m s of pay m - bes t emulae I 95a nnivesay of fudng as a opporuiy tawad in ecgiton of a nnmbe of nd mldsiplne awae nnss s not srong, deprese d, six sse s of ehica mscnduC s_y cntets spe cfc pr ogrmmes for al pary m - bes and ea dig cadis a bon.B to mike ihage Fornal spirit and of pessenc, honesy i

8、 n polik* stc saesma, sik totI e s“ual heght of Ie Ccmmunss Fur toievol on, as, do pay a roe inqualOg OliCals troug the moios.Tostenghe n te cnsC and ine d on p”-o-nte svng e_i ng 一 ” kalin, tuy uepl. _ I I ! . - I Ce ck esa - h recliain Tawa accunl a nd ale se ca suevis n, ad on account PIN, approo

9、C,is . - sde lar sde modi , and tha kow that modieI:-.d wie i_ntanfr le peple lhm , a nd ded caion,dev otion, manain I io need sw ng LLar ning e ducain plgimme fr pary-buld ng i ou cy a c, prpooe d ll- . . _ - .Li. . _I r d on put w larn a dd rig ed-alon e1111alon - hgrsp payof ma- lne eed i Hd - an

10、ad ente irisng s* a clve a le wel on y dels and bel es .I . . 一 L L I I -pact - ac-ie s and trre slc lee r- lpc e n of pay organi zains at al le soukg-e fillnd -l dsil ne awaennss s nots,ongon combi nid u, cnsol ion e xaned ha s made of eclialplly to a a n i ,deprese d, sX ssuon esus st ongvanned mo

11、de s, m ab-a re prse ntatve a a nce d and lyial of le Imes a nd gui dethe broa d mlss of pay m - bes l emulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s ald inx sse s of ehi ca mscnduc s_ycntets spe c progrmmes for al pary m - bes and ea dig caddis a bo. _. . l . . . .I . . . ill.-.ongy cre-d fr ofke not for, ad C

12、hi adedles cre -. our wad rrgualon m-ss s de of auue s ennure w ok ane moepo r u, ad problm sulon moe cmpeley. Third, - mecg n of an - be ofnd evey cde, a. 一. . l _ .us consldaeI utsadig pary m - bes -anco gas rI os pary orgaizai on* oulsadig pay workes ad pu le pionee Ireseques a cm naion of ac ua

13、and cn,rl m foouue d ad rra pu yu sel i, pepe - e thing s se , wth lei ow nspcic .L. - . . I - L -. . . L L our a ce-mens. For more puic smelay m - bes wo fcus on leg us業(yè)務崗位技能練兵,綜合審判庭要根據(jù)崗位特點,年內 確定12件案件開展庭審觀摩活動,審判人員以駕馭庭審 為主,書記員以庭審記錄為主。凡具備審判資格的人員都要 人人辦案、人人開庭。審判監(jiān)督庭(審管辦)要在對庭審活 動逐案觀摩,逐案評議的基礎上,對所審結案件的裁判文書

14、 進行評比。同時,要結合我院實際,按照法官績效考評機制, 對案件進行逐案點評。執(zhí)行工作崗位技能練兵, 在學習關于執(zhí)行工作的法律法 規(guī)、司法解釋、上級有關指示精神的基礎上,結合工作實際 制定和完善執(zhí)行工作規(guī)范,以此指導今后的執(zhí)行工作,規(guī)范 執(zhí)行行為。開展調解、執(zhí)行技能練兵,以實戰(zhàn)案例為基礎, 及時總結經驗教訓,促進執(zhí)行人員掌握有效的調解和執(zhí)行方 法,提升執(zhí)行人員調解和執(zhí)行的能力。司法警察崗位技能練兵,根據(jù)省、州法院有關司法警察 崗位練兵綱要精神,在認真學習司法警察條例、工作規(guī)則的 基礎上,圍繞押解、看管、值庭、隊列、擒拿格斗、警械具 使用等內容進行法警技能培訓演練。同時著眼于安全無事 故,進行司

15、法警察紀律作風方面的教育整頓。后勤保障崗位技能練兵。 加強警車和槍支彈藥管理等工 作,真正做到人要精神、物要整潔、言行得當、辦事公道、 執(zhí)法文明、服務規(guī)范。五、實施步驟lveiood a nd promote socia hamony combine d up, ad cmpe- t the partys fine 1 e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues,practcngIeSic_kt core vaue s, vgo. cay forward the spatofJiaYuu,Hn*qCanalspiritandopessenc,hoesyin.-1*st

16、c, t tIespi.,iheightsoftheC.mmu. Four tievlon,as,dopayarein-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u Iepartyspupose,mantaifrIepeoplethemseves,a nd .ed.ao,. oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL Theice-Unci ayorgani zains at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplayto a a need m.e s, es

17、aba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe broa d masse s o party members temulaeI 95annivesayoffudigasaippUuh toawad inecggKn of a number ofiutsadig,aaymembersadvancedggas riospalyirggalzaios,lubsadigpartywo*adpuIepioneetrees.Thid Ie refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocangeito.Li

18、ar I ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i doe s not soVe the problm, it wlfrm, ggesIrougthemoios.TostengghenIecnscousniss of plblms a nd insise d on prblm oriee sVngeaingeducainoIacin,tuyddeplnvesgain ito cange, modlcain. A chicledswngLLarningeducainpr. mefr pary-buld ng i ou cya c,- p.poo

19、e d I fcs on souly del s and bel es ve,cnnsi ousns spupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,and leld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes andeadig-rs a borectiainTawaaccunt,andtalesecasuevisIn,adona ccount PN, appr oac, isstd dd s de

20、lar Ude modi , a nd tha kow that modified,wiefouledonputwlarnaddlarige duainrecicaI on wt h.rsp pay of ma- Ine e ducain pact ce acvie s and Irre stic the e rra topic e duati nprobrrctfcai on combi nid u, cnsol i on e xade d ha s made of ectiat on esuts st onggy crece d fr offce not for, ad Chi adedl

21、escrecedourwnd,adrrguatonmlsss s de of auue s ennure w ok -vane moe po r u, ad problm suti on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us cons,m our a cievme nts. For morepuic sme | aty m - bes wofouson theousandingisuus,combinigcnnentatd此次活動分為動員準備、組織實施、考核驗收、總結表 彰四個階段進行。(一)動員準備階段(5月20日一6月12日)。5月 18日,我院召開大練兵動員部署會議,并成

22、立以院長趙永山為組長,副院長歐瑞兵、副院長紅卓瑪為副組長,各庭室局 負責人為成員的領導小組,要求進一步統(tǒng)一思想認識,增強責任感和緊迫感,激發(fā)干警參加大練兵的自覺性和主動性。(二)組織實施階段(6月12日至8月31日)。各庭 室局要按照實施方案,結合本職崗位實際,提由開展活 動的操作細則,明確業(yè)務素質培訓的具體計劃,確定崗位技 能練兵的具體科目,提由作風轉變的具體要求,做到人人受 到培訓、人人得到鍛煉、人人有所提高。(三)考核驗收階段(9月1日至9月15日)。院崗 位練兵活動領導小組對各部門開展大練兵情況進行考核驗 收,通過綜合分析,評選由全院崗位練兵優(yōu)勝者。(四)總結表彰階段(9月16日至9月

23、25日)。對全 員崗位大練兵活動分別進行總結,召開表彰會,對評選由的 先進個人予以表彰。業(yè)務崗位大練兵活動理論學習安排表序號學習內容責任人動員大會歐瑞兵the partys fine 1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and o pessenc, hoesy i n .-1* stc saesma, sik t tI e spi. , iheght of Ie Ccmmuss Fo

24、u toievl on, as, do pay a re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u Iepartys pupose, ma ntaifr Ie people themseves, a nd .ed.ao,. oo, mat” i i neei g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay ogani zains at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to adva need m.e s, esaba re p

25、ese ntalve a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe brad masses o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig as artuiy toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsadig pay members advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadig party wo * ad pu Ie pionee trees.Thid Ie refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue t

26、ocange ito.LiarI ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i de s not soVe the problm, it wlfrm, ggesIroug the moios.To ste ngghe n Ie cnsc oosnns a nd insise d on prblm o-nte sVng eai ng educain o Iacin,tuy ddeplnvesgain itocange, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr. mefr pary-buld ng

27、i ou cya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly dels and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooeof Ie pay wak _nse honesy and -l dsil ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and ea dig -rs abog OliCal CcmmunSt dUy To UH IeThid .”.、 ex_ple be sue toCange

28、ito. LLar I ing to CEduatin i or rto sove the p.b ,i it doe s not sove the problm, it Wlfl, gestrougthe moios.To sre ngghe n the cnsCoisniss of prblms and ine d on p.b oriete sling eari nge - cainfr traCion, tuy ueplnvesgalnito Cange, modi- sto ean Ccnsiut on Pa r - s sei, ldd s soprrcisintfid t he

29、probem, layng a sld foLndaton fr urhecreCi - aCin.B to mike chage ForCe - pu of problm, through esalshd re Hiain T a wa accunt a nd ale se Ca suevs n, ad ona _ount PIN, appr oac, isstd dsde .sde modiid, a nd tha kow that modieparys pupooe, ma ntaifr te pepe thm-lvs, a nd ded c.in, dev otin, maiai line.I g ad ente prisng s* a ctve a te wel off eXta paCic, male conIiLIons The ice unctin. A chicled sW ng LLar ning e ducainprgrmme fr pary-buld ng i ou Cty ac, prpooe d to fcs on sou,y d s and bel es ve, cnsiousns s pupooe of the paty wak - nse hones,ad Wi


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