1、 VxRail 超融合平臺初始化及更新手冊TopicVxRail Factory Reset and Upgrade ProceduresSelectionsWhat version is the Appliance running?: v4.0.100Select Your Procedure: Factory Reset - DATA LOSS! (Resets the appliance and KEEPS the current version) Select the Platform from which the reset will be run: WindowsService P
2、rovider: EMC目 錄 TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc505596284 Preliminary Activity Tasks PAGEREF _Toc505596284 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596285 Read, understand, and perform these tasks PAGEREF _Toc505596285 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596286 Service Provider, Project Information and Customer Contact form PAGER
3、EF _Toc505596286 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596287 VxRail Reset Procedure PAGEREF _Toc505596287 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596288 Attention: PAGEREF _Toc505596288 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596289 Warnings and Disclaimers PAGEREF _Toc505596289 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596290 Intended Audience: PAGEREF _Toc5055962
4、90 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596291 Materials Required: PAGEREF _Toc505596291 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596292 Reset Procedure PAGEREF _Toc505596292 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596293 Prerequisites PAGEREF _Toc505596293 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596294 Preparing for Reset PAGEREF _Toc505596294 h 5 HYPERLINK l _To
5、c505596295 Running Reset PAGEREF _Toc505596295 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596296 Example using Reset on Windows PAGEREF _Toc505596296 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596297 After Reset PAGEREF _Toc505596297 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596298 Reset Command Options PAGEREF _Toc505596298 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596299 Be
6、st Practices and Troubleshooting PAGEREF _Toc505596299 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596300 Resetting Clusters with Multiple Appliances PAGEREF _Toc505596300 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596301 If you want to restore a multi-appliance VxRail cluster: PAGEREF _Toc505596301 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596302 If you
7、want to separate the appliances into multiple VxRail clusters: PAGEREF _Toc505596302 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596303 Reset Output: Example output of Successful reset: PAGEREF _Toc505596303 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596304 Reset Failure PAGEREF _Toc505596304 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596305 Known Issues P
8、AGEREF _Toc505596305 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc505596306 Appendix A:VxRail Appliances with a Custom Initial IP address PAGEREF _Toc505596306 h 13Preliminary Activity TasksThis section may contain tasks that you must perform before going to the customer site. Make sure these tasks are complete before perf
9、orming the procedure.Read, understand, and perform these tasks REF _Ref347961420 r h Table1 lists tasks, cautions, warnings, notes, knowledgebase (KB) solutions, and Top 10 Service Topics that you need to be aware of before performing this activity. Read, understand, and when necessary perform any t
10、asks contained in this table and any tasks contained in any associated knowledgebase solution. List of cautions, warnings, notes, KB solutions, and Top 10 Service Topics for this activityIMPORTANT: Be aware of the following cautions, warning, notes, and/or KB solutions:Note: Top 10 Service Topics: H
11、YPERLINK /docs/DOC-56303 o /docs/DOC-56303 VxRail: How to properly apply the License file for the VSPEX BLUE / VxRail appliance303859 HYPERLINK /docs/DOC-56301 o /docs/DOC-56301 VxRail: Dial-home event code: MYSTIC020002 - Hardware health changed - disk status462945 HYPERLINK /docs/DOC-56305 o /docs
12、/DOC-56305 VxRail: Dial-home event code: MYSTIC100001 - ESX Server Inaccessible458749 HYPERLINK /docs/DOC-56311 o /docs/DOC-56311 How to reset the BMC478938 HYPERLINK /docs/DOC-56307 o /docs/DOC-56307 VxRail: Dial-home event code: MYSTIC024003 - Hardware health changed - node status (System Status L
13、ED amber blinking)462954 HYPERLINK /docs/DOC-56280 o /docs/DOC-56280 VxRail: How to collect all VxRail log bundles for EMC Support333684 HYPERLINK /docs/DOC-56306 o /docs/DOC-56306 VxRail: Prerequisite for successful ESRS deployment on VxRail Appliance334581Service_Provider_Project_Cust_info.docServ
14、ice Provider, Project Information and Customer Contact formThis form is automatically populated based on the information that is provided in the VxRail Procedure Generator questionnaire prior to generating the procedure. This information is collected and used for reference purposes when referring ba
15、ck to this procedure at a later date and time.Section 1:Service Provider InformationWhat is your name:What is your email address:Section 2:EMC Project InformationEMC CSI SR#:EMC Project/PAS ID (or Partner Company Name):Section 3:Customer Account InformationCustomer Site Name:Customer Contact Name:Cu
16、stomer Site Street Address:Customer Site City:Customer Site State/Country:VxRail_Nicias4_0_100_Reset_Procedure.docVxRail Reset ProcedureThese instructions describe how to reset the VxRail Appliance using the Factory Reset Script which returns the appliance to a first run state but leaves the underly
17、ing software load unchanged. The reset script can be executed in the field by a VxRail Appliance reseller, distributor, or EMC CSE.Use this process to reset between demonstrations or moves between customer sites for evaluation.The reset script takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, however if t
18、here are environmental problems (network connectivity, i.e.) it can fail.The unit must be in an otherwise healthy state, connected to the network and functioning for the reset script to be used.Attention:The reset script tool will wipe all data and defined User VMs from the appliance. If the custome
19、r wants to keep their data or VMs, they must back them up prior to running the tool.Always use the latest VxRail Reset tool for the factory reset function based on your model of VxRail.Warnings and DisclaimersReset destroys all virtual machines and datastores in your VxRail Cluster. VMs on mounted d
20、atastores that you dont want the reset to delete should be unregistered.prior to executing the reset.The process cannot be interrupted and there are no data recovery options available once the Reset starts.The Reset script and documentation may only be utilized by properly trained personnel.The Rese
21、t script and documentation are only available to properly trained engineering, support, and sales organizations.The Reset script and documentation must not be provided to anyone who is identified as a direct end-user of a VxRail product.The Reset script and documentation must be removed from the cus
22、tomers appliance and premises after Reset is performed by qualified personnel.Reset script 4.0.100 is required for all VxRail appliances with Release 4.0.100 software.Intended Audience:This procedure is intended to be used by QEP Distribution Partners and VARs performing POC demos. This Procedure is
23、 not to be used on production systems!Materials Required:From the S website, download the reset package:File Name: v4.0.100_reset.zipMD5Sum: 966d86f7ef0b9b02445bcb06eb263dcbThis procedure deletes all data on the system. It should never be used on a production system.Reset ProcedureReset restores an
24、appliance to factory settings. It uses the original software images and the factory-created backup file to restore your appliance:/vmfs/volumes/images, /vmfs/volumes/reset/configBundle.tgzPrerequisitesA workstation/laptop with a web browser is required. It must be either plugged into the 10GbE switc
25、h or able to logically reach the VxRail management VLAN on the 10GbE switch.This PC must be able to access both the pre-reset and post-reset VLANs and IP Addresses.The VxRail appliance must have all software images and the configBundle.tgz file on the service datastore.The document assumes you are f
26、amiliar with the VxRail Setup Guide, the VxRail Product Guide, vSphere Web Client usage, and ESXi usage (DCUI/CLI).All ESXi hosts must have the same version of both the ESXi and VxRail VIB on them.Preparing for ResetTo prevent a possible issue with the decompression of the software bundle, EMC recom
27、mends that the upgrade bundle is decompressed using a 3rd party decompression utility such as WinZip. Windows Explorer decompression may have difficulty handling large files resulting in file corruption.Download reset bundle v4.0.100_reset.zip from the EMC Support Zone website to VxRail workstation/
28、laptop.All files can be found in bundle with name v4.0.100_reset.zip from the VxRail Support page on /downloads. EMC Highly recommends that all files be verified using the md5 sum for each ova file to ensure integrity.On the VxRail workstation/laptop, uncompress it into a folder that you can browse,
29、 such as C:reset or /tmp/reset. This archive contains:Reset script: consisting of two python scripts: reset.pyc and gen_ovfenv.pycreset.pyc is in the package reset_4.0.100-4907696.zip.You should uncompress it first in order to get the reset script.The v4.0.100_reset.zip bundle contains three files:r
30、eset_4.0.100-4907696.zip Python-2.7.8.msiVMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-3562874.exePython libraries: pyVim and pyVMomiPython 2.7 is required for Reset. Python 2.6 will fail. If necessary, python 2.7.8 is recommended and includes the install exe for installation on your VxRail Management workstation/lapto
31、p.The Reset script is backwards compatible with all versions of VxRail so users should update to the latest version of the reset script. If previous versions of Python are installed on the management workstation, those versions should be uninstalled first and Python v2.7 installed.For VxRail applian
32、ces connected to an External vCenter, manually remove the cluster/VDS/management accounts in the External vCenter. (Optional) In the vSphere Web Client, go to the Marvin-Virtual-SAN-Datastore. Click on Manage and then Files. Delete the ISO and UPGRADE directories. DO NOT delete any directories named
33、 with a UUID.For each VxRail host in the VxRail cluster, identify the IP address assigned to the factory-created VMkernel management interface (vmk0) in one of the following ways:The IP address is displayed in the vSphere Web Client (use vcserver to locate the network information for the VMkernel ad
34、apter on each ESXi host)orThe IP address is displayed in DCUI (console user interface for ESXi)orssh into each ESXi host (or connect a console or monitor via BMC) and run the esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get command on each host. The username is root. Use the password for the ESXi hosts that was
35、 set during VxRail Initial Configuration. (For an un-configured VxRail appliance, the password is Passw0rd!) The output will be similar to what is shown below:esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get | grep vmk0vmk0 MARVIN Management IPv4 55 00:25:90:eb:bc:0a 1500 65535 true STATICOn an un-configured Vx
36、Rail appliance, ESXi IP addresses are either assigned by DHCP (if it was available in your network) or configured as IPv4 link-local addresses (starting with 169.254.x.y). On a configured VxRail appliance, ESXi IP addresses are specified by the user who set up the appliance.Fill in the IPv4 address
37、of each ESXi host in the cluster (use additional space if there is more than one appliance in a cluster):HostIPv4 AddressESXi host on node 1ESXi host on node 2ESXi host on node 3ESXi host on node 4From the VxRail workstation/laptop, verify that you can ping each IPv4 addressIf you cannot access a ho
38、st, try power-cycling the node first.Use vSphere Client to login vCenter Server to check current Management VLAN as below:Example: the management VLAN ID in this appliance is 117If you cannot access vCenter Server, you will have to ask the customer for the management VLAN ID.Running ResetReset is ru
39、n from the VxRail workstation/laptop, using the options described in the Reset Command Options section. Before running Reset, be sure to read the section on Best Practices and Troubleshooting so that you can use the Reset script correctly. Using the -vlan option for Reset is recommended even if curr
40、ent management VLAN is not set ( in this case, use 0 for VLAN ID). It will modify the management VLAN ID saved in configBundle first before actually using the configBundle. It simplifies initial setup because the management VLAN ID is configured on all 4 ESXi hosts. Likewise, the -initialIpAddress,-
41、initialSubnet, and -initialGateway options also simplify initial setup. Another benefit comes when a VxRail appliance is reset and remains in the same environment (I.e. It is not relocated to another network). In this case, retaining the management VLAN ID and initial IP information during a reset p
42、ermits the VxRail Manager workstation/laptop to remain set for the correct VLAN and IP. If these options are not used, the instructions in the VxRail SetupGuide can be followed at a later time.If the VLAN option is not used, no changes will be made to the Management VLAN settings. It will remain exa
43、ctly as previously set.All appliances and nodes in a VxRail cluster should be reset if one appliance or node needs to be reset. Use the following procedure:If you have more than one appliance in your VxRail cluster, reset each secondary appliance, one at a time. We recommend that the secondary appli
44、ances be reset in the order in which they were added to the cluster. Power off all nodes after each appliance is reset.If you only have one appliance in the VxRail cluster, or when you have finished resetting and shutting down all secondary appliances, reset the primary appliance.Example using Reset
45、 on WindowsTo reset the appliance use the following command:Example:C:Python27python.exe c:resetreset.pyc -d -destroyAllVMs -f -a -a -a -vlan -initialIpAddress= -initialSubnet= -initialGateway= After ResetThe password is now Passw0rd! for all ESXi hosts, vCenter Server Appliance, and VxRail Manager.
46、For VxRail appliances connected to an External vCenter, manually remove the cluster/VDS/management accounts in the External vCenter. Point a browser to the VxRail Manager user interface to begin VxRail initial configuration following the instructions in “VxRail Initial Configuration” in the VxRail S
47、etup Guide. The location is one of the following: specified in the -initialIpAddress option supplied to Reset or HYPERLINK 00/ 00, the default value for ResetIf you cannot reach VxRail at one of these IP addresses after Reset, follow the instructions in Appendix A to configure another initial IP add
48、ress.Reset Command Options-h-helpDisplay help message-v-verboseVerbose output-versionDisplay version number-validateWithout performing the reset, this option displays any errors in host connectivity, host passwords, OVF file format, and VLAN id. We recommend using this option before running the actu
49、al reset. -f -primary=The IPv4 address of the primary ESXi host of the appliance. This host will be removed from the Virtual SAN cluster, reset, and then the VxRail system VMs will be redeployed on it.-a -additional=The IPv4 address of a non-primary ESXi host of the appliance to be reset. Use this o
50、ption once for each secondary host in the cluster.-p -password=If the appliance has been configured, use the ESXi password specified during initial configuration.If the appliance has not been configured, use the factory- default password, Passw0rd!When this option is not supplied, the user is prompt
51、ed for their ESXi password.-d-destroySystemVMsDestroys any system VMs that are found (vCenter Server Appliance, Log Insight, and VxRail Manager)-destroyAllVMsDestroys all user VMs and the VxRail Manager Extension. Must be used with -d.-e-eraseVSANObjectsErase all objects on the VSAN clusters. Must b
52、e used with “destoryAllVMs”.-initialIpAddress=Set the initial IP address. If this option is not specified, the default is 00. Must be used with -initialSubnet and -initialGateway. -initialSubnet=Set the initial subnet mask. If this option is not specified, the default is Must be used with -initialIp
53、Address and initialGateway.-initialGateway=Set the initial gateway. If this option is not specified, the default is 54Must be used with -initialIpAddress and -initialSubnet-vlan=Set the VLAN id for the Management Network, MARVIN Management, and vCenter Server Network to .-onlyRegeneratePrimary(Advan
54、ced usage) Redeploys the vCenter Server Appliance, VxRail Manager VM, and Log Insight VM on the primary ESXi host. Must be used with -f. Cannot be used with -a, -d, or -destroyAllVMs.Best Practices and TroubleshootingResetting Clusters with Multiple AppliancesIf you want to restore a multi-appliance
55、 VxRail cluster:After performing initial configuration on the primary appliance in the VxRail cluster, power on and configure each secondary appliance, one at a time. The primary appliance will discover each secondary appliance when it is powered on. Then you will add it to the cluster before contin
56、uing with the next secondary appliance. For more information, including configuring the Management VLAN, see the VxRail Setup Guide, “Adding Appliances to a VxRail Cluster”.If you want to separate the appliances into multiple VxRail clusters:When you run Reset on each appliance, assign a unique with
57、 the -initialIpAddress option. Then point your browser to each and run VxRail initial configuration to create separate VxRail clusters.Reset Output: Example output of Successful reset:Reset succeeds with INFO and WARNING output similar to the following:c:Python27python.exe reset.py -d -destroyAllVMs
58、 -f 1 - initialIpAddress=50 -initialSubnet= -initialGateway=53 -a 2 -a 3 -a 4Post-configuration Password:INFO Primary node supplied: 1 INFO Secondary node supplied: 2 INFO Secondary node supplied: 3 INFO Secondary node supplied: 4INFO MARVIN VIB 3.x discovered on hostsVxRail 3.x WARNING =WARNING THE
60、 Appliance, VxRail Manager, VMware vRealize Log InsightINFO Host 1 has VMs remaining. INFO Removing hosts from VSAN cluster.INFO Putting hosts in maintenance mode. INFO Resetting and rebooting hosts.INFO Waiting for hosts to finish rebooting to confirm reset .INFO Trying to connect to 4 .INFO Host 4
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