1、寧 波 技 師 學 院汽車技術系畢業(yè)論文畢 業(yè) 論 文 (2016級)題目:豐田普銳斯混合動力汽車電源系統研究 專業(yè): 汽車運用工程 班級: 姓 名: 學 號: 指導老師: 寧波技師學院汽車技術系 2016年1月8 日摘 要為了應對能源危機,減緩全球氣候變暖,許多國家都開始重視節(jié)能減排和發(fā)展低碳經濟。電動汽車因為采用電力進行驅動,可以降低二氧化碳的排放量甚至實現零排 放,所以得到各國的重視而迅速發(fā)展。磷酸鐵鋰電池因其壽命長、安全性能好、成本低等優(yōu)點成為電動汽車的理想動力源。 本文研究了磷酸鐵鋰電池的工作原理和特性,針對這些特性分析了磷酸鐵鋰電池在電動汽車上使用時需要解決的一些問題。在此基礎上,
2、研究了磷酸鐵鋰電池的 SOC估算與修正策略、均衡控制策略、熱管理策略、放電控制策略和充電控制策略。最后,將磷酸鐵鋰電池和電池管理系統結合在一起,研究了智能電池系統的實 現形式。硬件上設計了較為完善的結構和電路,軟件上嵌入了針對磷酸鐵鋰電池的控制策略。智能電池系統內部對電池進行高效測量、管理和保護,對外提供完整的 電池信息,對充放電進行有效控制。 關鍵詞: HYPERLINK :/xueshu.baidu /s?wd=%E7%94%B5%E5%8A%A8%E6%B1%BD%E8%BD%A6&tn=SE_baiduxueshu_c1gjeupa&ie=utf-8 t _blank 電動汽車; HY
3、PERLINK :/xueshu.baidu /s?wd=%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E7%94%B5%E6%B1%A0%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F&tn=SE_baiduxueshu_c1gjeupa&ie=utf-8 t _blank 智能電池系統;蓄電池AbstractIn order to cope with the energy crisis and slow down the global warming, many countries have begun to attach importance to energy-saving emission reduct
4、ion and develop low-carbon economy. Because the electric vehicle is driven by electric power, it can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and even achieve zero discharge, so it has been paid more attention and developed rapidly in the world. Because of its long life, good safety performance and low
5、 cost, the lithium iron phosphate battery is an ideal power source for electric vehicles. In this paper, the working principle and characteristics of the lithium iron phosphate battery are studied. Some problems that need to be solved for the use of lithium iron phosphate battery in electric vehicle
6、 are analyzed. On the basis of this study, the SOC estimation and correction strategy, the balance control strategy, the thermal management strategy, the discharge control strategy and the charge control strategy of the lithium iron phosphate battery were studied. Finally, the system of lithium iron
7、 phosphate lithium battery and battery management system are combined together to study the real form of the smart battery system. On the hardware, the perfect structure and circuit are designed, and the control strategy of the lithium iron phosphate battery is embedded in the software. Intelligent
8、battery system inside the battery for efficient measurement, management and protection, to provide a complete battery information, to charge and discharge for effective control. Key words: electric vehicle;intelligent battery system;battery目 錄中文摘要.IAbstract. = 2 * ROMAN II1.引言.12.電動汽車對蓄電池的要求. 23豐田普銳
9、斯電源系統描述.44.豐田普銳斯電源系統的常規(guī)維護.6 5.豐田普銳斯電源系統拆裝注意事項.76.豐田普銳斯電源系統如何進行故障排除.9 (1) 電池組容量降低(2)電池組充電異常(3)電池組放電電壓低(4)電源系統局部高溫7.結論.12 致謝.13 參考文獻.141 引 言電動汽車關鍵技術瓶頸突破的預期的增強以及能源危機、環(huán)境污染的加劇,各國政府逐布加大政策支持力度,全力推進電動汽車產業(yè)化。動力電池是新能源汽車的核心,是新能源汽車技術和成本上的最大瓶頸,是新能源汽車產業(yè)鏈中最核心的一環(huán)。未來汽車廠商之間的競爭,將主要是動力電池性能的競爭,先進的動力電池廠商,必將成為汽車廠商爭奪的焦點。電動汽
10、車對動力蓄電池的要求包括安全性、能量密度、功率密度、一致性、低成本等。車用動力電源系統的設計是集電子技術、控制技術、材料科學、工藝過程控制、汽車技術和電源技術等為一體的高新綜合科學技術,是一個系統工程。通過多年的發(fā)展,國內在電池性能方面與國外相差不大,但在整個車用動力電源系統性能方面和國外還有比較大的差距。2 混合動力汽車(HEV)對蓄電池的要求為了確保電動車合理的行駛性能,對其能源系統應具有如下要求:高比能量,以確保電動車達到合理的行駛里程;高比功率,確保加速和爬坡性能;壽命長,免維護;成本低,自放電??;充電快,效率高,以提高車輛的使用效率和接受制動回輸功率的能力;尺寸??;安全性好;更換簡便
13、構來滿足。電池的容量可以更小,但是電池組瞬時提供的功率要滿足汽車加速或爬坡要求,電池最大放電電流有時可能達到20C以上。電池的峰值功率要求大,能短時間大功率放電。較高的瞬間回饋功率。循環(huán)壽命要長。較高的能量密度。需配備電池管理系統和熱管理系統。電池的SOC應保持在30%80%。3 豐田普銳斯電源系統描述蓄電池智能單元可以將判定充電或放電值(由動力管理控制ECU計算)所需的HV蓄電池狀態(tài)信號(電壓、電流和溫度)轉換為數字信號,并通過串行通信將其傳輸至動力管理控制ECU。蓄電池智能單元采用泄漏檢測電路來檢測HV蓄電池的任何泄漏情況。此外,蓄電池智能單元檢測動力管理控制ECU所需的冷卻風扇的電壓,以
14、實現冷卻風扇控制。蓄電池智能單元還將這些信號轉換為數字信號并通過串行通信將其傳輸至動力管理控制ECU。圖1SMR(系統主繼電器)控制:1電源打開。電路連接SMR1和SMR3閉合;而后,SMR2閉合,然后SMR2斷開,由于這種這種方式可以控制流過電阻器的電流,保護電路中的觸電,避免其受到強電流造成的損害。2電源關閉。電路斷開時,先斷開SMR2,然后在斷開SMR3,然后,HVECU確認各個繼電器是否已經斷開,這樣HVECU可確定SMR2是否卡住。圖2ECU對蓄電池的電路控制圖4 豐田普銳斯電源系統的常規(guī)維護維護內容1檢查動力電源系統的狀態(tài)。2檢查管理系統的功能是否正常。3對電池進行充放維護。維護方
15、法1外觀維護 對電源系統的外觀做檢查如有問題應及時排除。2絕緣 斷開電池組與整車的高壓連接,用數字電壓表測量各個電池包的總正、總負端子對車體的電壓,是否小于上限值。如果發(fā)現電壓偏高,應測量電池與車體是否絕緣。通過測量電池包總正、負對電池包外殼的電壓可以大致確定電池包內絕緣故障的電池模塊。如果絕緣性能檢測正常,再進行充放維護。3電池及管理系統接通電池管理系統,采集并記錄開路狀況下電池組的總電壓、各個電池模塊的電壓以及各個電池模塊的溫度。 按廠家推薦的充放電制度對系統進行充放電測試。在充放電過程中檢查電池管理系統顯示的電流、電壓、溫度和SOC是否正確;車輛正常運行過程中,檢查管理系統數據顯示是否正
16、常;否則進行故障排除。接通輔助電源,運行車輛直至冷卻系統工作,觀察冷卻通道是否通暢。檢查管理系統與各部分連接是否有松動。4冷卻系統 檢測進出風通道是否順暢,風機是否能正常工作。清楚防塵網上的灰塵及雜物,或更換防塵網。 5 豐田普銳斯電源系統拆裝注意事項1. 檢查混合動力控制系統的注意事項(a) 檢查高壓系統或斷開帶轉換器的逆變器總成低壓連接器前,務必采取安全措施,如果佩戴絕緣手套并拆下維修塞把手以防電擊。拆下維修塞把手后放到您自己口袋中,防止其他技師在您進行高壓系統作業(yè)時將其意外連接。(b) 斷開維修塞把手后,接觸如何高壓連接器或端子前,等待至少10分鐘。提示:使帶轉換器的逆變器總成內的高壓電
17、容器放電至少需等待10分鐘。(c)檢查帶轉換器的逆變器總成內檢查點的端子電壓。(d) 檢查期間將電源的情況下按下電源開關將導致系統進入READY-on狀態(tài)。這非常危險,因為可能對檢查區(qū)域施加高電壓。(e)接觸高壓系統的任何橙色線束前,將電源開關置于OFF位置、佩戴絕緣手套并輔助蓄電池負極端子上斷開電纜。(f)執(zhí)行任何電阻檢查前,將電源開關置于OFF位置。(g)斷開或重新連接任何連接器前,將電源開關置于OFF位置。(h)進行涉及高壓線束的作業(yè)時,使用纏有乙烯絕緣帶的工具或絕緣工具。(i)拆下高壓連接器后,用絕緣膠帶纏繞連接器以防止其接觸異物。2. 混合動力控制系統激活的注意事項 (a)警告燈點亮
18、或斷開并重新連接輔助蓄電池時,首次嘗試將電源開關置于ON(READV)位置可能不會啟動系統(系統可能未進入READV-on狀態(tài))。如果這樣,則將電源開關置于OFF位置并再次嘗試啟動混合動力系統。拆卸豐田普銳斯電池及內部圖片圖3 圖4圖5 圖6 圖7 圖8 6 豐田普銳斯電源系統如何進行故障排除電池組容量降低現象 電動車使用過程中,出現續(xù)航里程短的現象,顯示電池容量不足。原因分析 出現上述現象,可能有以下原因:1單體電池電壓不一致,容量差異性大,單體電池過早保護;2電池組處于壽命后期,容量下降;3電池組出現溫度保護;4外圍電路存在高能耗負載;5電池長期淺充、淺放,存在記憶效應;6放電平臺過低達不
19、到要求而過早失效;7電池組放電環(huán)境溫度低;8長期在超出電池組能力的情況下使用,衰減加快。(3)故障原因確定 首先確定充電是否正常,每次充電的充電量是否偏低,由于充電量偏低而導致放電量下降,需要從充電方面去查找故障原因。其次,檢查放電環(huán)境溫度記錄,溫度低放電容量會明顯下降。再者,若電池經過了長期貯存,首先應按照維護制度進行維護,在進行使用。在電池組的應用過程中,通過BMS檢查記錄電池組的電壓、電流、溫度等情況,觀察放電末期是由于何種原因引起的放電終止,根據引起放電終止的參數進行分析判斷是何種原因。對于存在記憶效應的電池組按照系統的使用說明書或維護手冊,進行定期維護,以小電流完全充放電循環(huán)23次,
20、可以消除記憶效應,恢復電池組的容量。某些情況下電路中增加了高耗能負載,會引起電池組放電時間縮短。長期超過電池組正常應用能力的狀況下使用,電池組會衰減很快,表現為電池內阻增大,放電電壓低。(4)故障處理措施 故障處理與故障原因的確定是緊密聯系的過程。有些故障往往在查找故障原因的過程中就得到了修復。而有些故障原因需要在維修過程中才能完全確定。對于電源系統研究者來說,故障的處理并不是主要的,關鍵在于查找故障原因,避免同類時間再次發(fā)生在是主要的。一般單體電池出現故障,如內阻升高、漏液等,此時均已嚴重影響到電池性能,建議更換電池但應作好記錄。若大部分電池內阻有明顯升高,出現電池組容量降低的情況,沒有回收
21、意義時,建議直接更換電池組。電池組充電異?,F象 電源系統充電過程中,顯示充電電壓高、充電時間短,或者根本充不進電。原因分析 電池組充電電壓過高,有可能是以下幾種原因:1電池或充電環(huán)境溫度低;2電池壽命后期,內阻增加;3電池實際容量已下降,仍以原來的倍率進行充電,相對充電倍率大;4電池之間連接松動,連接內阻大;5電池組荷電量已經很高;6充電機故障,充電電流大;7電池組長期存放,首次充電即以較大電流進行充電。電池組充不進電的可能原因:1電池內阻增加,或連接松動;2電池組內部出現斷路;3電池組內部出現微短路狀況。故障原因確定與故障處理 故障的確定和處理流程與上面的基本相同,首先應排查外部因素,如環(huán)境
22、溫度和充電機,其次從電源系統方面查找問題,分BMS和電池組,排除BMS問題,電池組在分為連接部件問題和單體電池問題,排除連接部件問題,最終查單體電池的原因。若在正常溫度下充電,電壓仍偏高,可以通過階躍充電檢查系統的直流內阻是否明顯增大。同時通過BMS檢查單體電壓數據,若有某些電池電壓偏大,其他電壓正常,則可能是這些電池長期過充、過放,造成內阻增大甚至斷路,更換此部分電池,若電壓均一性比較好,檢查單體電壓之和與總電壓數據比較是否相差過大,若差別較大表明電池組內部線路連接松動,進行維修。電池組放電電壓低現象 輸出功率能力下降,正常電流放電電壓平臺明顯下降,荷電量低時不能啟動。原因分析1電池內阻增大
23、;2內部發(fā)生微短路或有電池短路,串聯數量減少;3電池包內或環(huán)境溫度低4連接松動;5荷電量低;6長期貯存未有效活化;7部分類型的電池長期淺充放存在記憶效應。故障原因確定與處理措施 一般放電電壓低于充電電壓高的原因是一致的,處理方式和處理措施一樣。有兩個原因不同,一是電池內部發(fā)生微短路,或者電池內部有電池短路,表現串聯電池數量減少,一般微短路的電池充電后擱置其電壓會明顯降低,或者充電時其電壓低,在充放電過程中進行監(jiān)測便可查到這些電池。二是若電源系統本身發(fā)生漏電現象,也會出現放電低電壓現象,此時檢查電池組與車體的電壓,找出漏電點,進行排除。對于電池包內部出現的內短路現象,大多是由于電池漏液等引起的,
24、此時拆開電池包進行檢查,清理電池包內部,更換壞電池。4 電源系統局部高溫(1)現象 車輛行駛過程中,電源系統某部位溫度高出5C以上,并且多次表現為同一部位。(2)原因分析 1冷卻通道受阻或該位置的冷卻風扇故障;2局部連接片松動,連接電阻大;3該部件電池內阻明顯增大,產熱大;4設計缺陷,流場存在溫度死角;5外圍局部環(huán)境影響。(3)故障原因確定及處理措施 電池組局部高溫,除了設計造成的流場死角問題外,冷卻系統如風扇損壞、進出風口由于灰塵等堵塞是常見的因素,風機有故障需要更換,風道定期清理。另外若電池組在應用過程中,外圍設備影響電池包局部位置,可能會引起電池內局部溫度過高。局部高溫另一個主要因素是應
25、用過程中局部產生了熱源,熱源主要是高電阻引起的,有兩個可能,一是電池本身內阻加大,充放電過程中產熱高,另一方面是連接片或接線端子松動,電阻升高。因此對于主電流回路的線路連接,應定期進行檢查,否則松動后很容易出現燒壞接線柱,并且容易影響到電池性能。 5 結 論經過了這些時間對電源系統課題的學習,讓我更全面的了解到了電源系統的各方面知識。從之前剛開始接處到該課題的一無所知,通過不斷查閱汽車混合動力電源的書籍與其他各種資料,使我對豐田普銳斯的電源系統有了新的認識。結合了豐田普瑞斯混合動力汽車,了解了豐田普銳斯電源系統的常規(guī)維護、拆裝注意事項以及一些故障的排除。雖然電源系統的故障種類繁多,但是其故障對
26、電源系統充電不正?,F象是大致相同的,都是為了讓電源系統給電動機供電。致 謝 在本次論文設計過程中,常亮老師對該論文從選題,構思到最后定稿的各個環(huán)節(jié)給予細心指引與教導,使我得以最終完成畢業(yè)論文設計。在學習中,老師嚴謹的治學態(tài)度、豐富淵博的知識、敏銳的學術思維、精益求精的工作態(tài)度以及侮人不倦的師者風范是我終生學習的楷模,導師們的高深精湛的造詣與嚴謹求實的治學精神,將永遠激勵著我。在此,我向老師們致以衷心的感謝和崇高的敬意!最后,我要向百忙之中抽時間對本文進行審閱,評議和參與本人論文答辯的各位老師表示感謝。參考文獻1李相哲,丁干,石常青混合電動車及蓄電池電池工業(yè),2003.2王紅梅,許順余,吳兵,插
27、電式混合動力汽車用動力蓄電池探析,2006.3黃倩鋰離子電池熱效應及安全性能研究上海:復旦大學,2007.4朱亞薇鋰離子電池過充安全性能研究廈門;廈門大學2006.5劉曉巖現代汽車42V電源系統新技術2009.6李學成ISA/ISG在42V汽車電源中的應用分析,2008.7徐宏佳電動汽車混合動力系統的技術分析機電工程技術,2001.8黎林,姜久春電動汽車電池組絕緣檢測方法的研究電子測量技術,2009.請刪除以下內容,O(_)O謝謝!conduction, transfer of heat or electricity through a substance, resulting from a
28、difference in temperature between different parts of the substance, in the case of heat, or from a difference in electric potential, in the case of electricity. Since heat is energy associated with the motions of the particles making up the substance, it is transferred by such motions, shifting from
29、 regions of higher temperature, where the particles are more energetic, to regions of lower temperature. The rate of heat flow between two regions is proportional to the temperature difference between them and the heat conductivity of the substance. In solids, the molecules themselves are bound and
30、contribute to conduction of heat mainly by vibrating against neighboring molecules; a more important mechanism, however, is the migration of energetic free electrons through the solid. Metals, which have a high free-electron density, are good conductors of heat, while nonmetals, such as wood or glas
31、s, have few free electrons and do not conduct as well. Especially poor conductors, such as asbestos, have been used as insulators to impede heat flow (see insulation). Liquids and gases have their molecules farther apart and are generally poor conductors of heat. Conduction of electricity consists o
32、f the flow of charges as a result of an electromotive force, or potential difference. The rate of flow, i.e., the electric current, is proportional to the potential difference and to the electrical conductivity of the substance, which in turn depends on the nature of the substance, its cross-section
33、al area, and its temperature. In solids, electric current consists of a flow of electrons; as in the case of heat conduction, metals are better conductors of electricity because of their greater free-electron density, while nonmetals, such as rubber, are poor conductors and may be used as electrical
34、 insulators, or dielectrics. Increasing the cross-sectional area of a given conductor will increase the current because more electrons will be available for conduction. Increasing the temperature will inhibit conduction in a metal because the increased thermal motions of the electrons will tend to i
35、nterfere with their regular flow in an electric current; in a nonmetal, however, an increase in temperature improves conduction because it frees more electrons. In liquids and gases, current consists not only in the flow of electrons but also in that of ions. A highly ionized liquid solution, e.g.,
36、saltwater, is a good conductor. Gases at high temperatures tend to become ionized and thus become good conductors (see plasma), although at ordinary temperatures they tend to be poor conductors. See electrochemistry; electrolysis; superconductivity. Almost everyone has experienced the Doppler effect
37、, though perhaps without knowing what causes it. For example, if one is standing on a street corner and an ambulance approaches with its siren blaring, the sound of the siren steadily gains in pitch as it comes closer. Then, as it passes, the pitch suddenly lowers perceptibly. This is an example of
38、the Doppler effect: the change in the observed frequency of a wave when the source of the wave is moving with respect to the observer. The Doppler effect, which occurs both in sound and electromagnetic wavesincluding light waveshas a number of applications. Astronomers use it, for instance, to gauge
39、 the movement of stars relative to Earth. Closer to home, principles relating to the Doppler effect find application in radar technology. Doppler radar provides information concerning weather patterns, but some people experience it in a less pleasant way: when a police officer uses it to measure the
40、ir driving speed before writing a ticket. Sound and light are both examples of energy, and both are carried on waves. Wave motion is a type of harmonic motion that carries energy from one place to another without actually moving any matter. It is related to oscillation, a type of harmonic motion in
41、one or more dimensions. Oscillation involves no net movement, only movement in place; yet individual points in the wave medium are oscillating even as the overall wave pattern moves. The term periodic motion, or movement repeated at regular intervals called periods, describes the behavior of periodi
42、c waveswaves in which a uniform series of crests and troughs follow each other in regular succession. A period (represented by the symbol T ) is the amount of time required to complete one full cycle of the wave, from trough to crest and back to trough. Period is mathematically related to several ot
43、her aspects of wave motion, including wave speed, frequency, and wavelength. Frequency (abbreviated f ) is the number of waves passing through a given point during the interval of one second. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), named after nineteenth-century German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-18
44、94), and a Hertz is equal to one cycle of oscillation per second. Higher frequencies are expressed in terms of kilohertz (kHz; 103 or 1,000 cycles per second); megahertz (MHz; 106 or 1 million cycles per second); and gigahertz (GHz; 109 or 1 billion cycles per second.) Wavelength (represented by the
45、 symbol , the Greek letter lambda) is the distance between a crest and the adjacent crest, or a trough and an adjacent trough, of a wave. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Amplitude, though mathematically independent from the parameters discussed, is critical to the understanding
46、 of sound. Defined as the maximum displacement of a vibrating material, amplitude is the size of a wave. The greater the amplitude, the greater the energy the wave contains: amplitude indicates intensity, which, in the case of sound waves, is manifested as what people commonly call volume. Similarly
47、, the amplitude of a light wave determines the intensity of the light. electromagnetic radiation,energy radiated in the form of a wave as a result of the motion of electric charges. A moving charge gives rise to a magnetic field, and if the motion is changing (accelerated), then the magnetic field v
48、aries and in turn produces an electric field. These interacting electric and magnetic fields are at right angles to one another and also to the direction of propagation of the energy. Thus, an electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave. If the direction of the electric field is constant, the wave is
49、said to be polarized (see polarization of light). Electromagnetic radiation does not require a material medium and can travel through a vacuum. The theory of electromagnetic radiation was developed by James Clerk Maxwell and published in 1865. He showed that the speed of propagation of electromagnetic radiation should be
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