已閱讀5頁,還剩22頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Lease Contract of Office Building 訂立本補充租賃協(xié)議(以下簡稱協(xié)議)為各方:Both parties signing this Supplementary Lease Contact (hereinafter referred to as “Contact):出租方(以下簡稱甲方):Lessor (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”): 承租方(以下簡稱乙方): Lessee (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”):甲方同意將下述物業(yè)出租給乙方,各方經(jīng)過充分協(xié)商,特訂立本協(xié)議,以便共同

2、遵守。Party A agrees to rent out the property to Party B, whereby both parties, through full consultation, make and enter into this Lease Contact to be faithfully observed by both parties.第1條 物業(yè)名稱、辦公地址及面積Article 1: Name, Address and Area of the Property 市 路 號第 層 號單元(以下簡稱該物業(yè))建筑面積 平方米No. , Road, City (he

3、reinafter referred to as “The Plaza”)Floor No. ,Unit No. (hereinafter referred to as “This Property”) Construction Area: Square meters.第2條 用途 Article 2: Purpose該物業(yè)只能作辦公室使用。This property is only used as the office.第3條 租期Article 3: Lease Period自 起至 止,裝修免租期15 天,從 至 止。在此期間乙方無須支付租金,但須繳付物業(yè)管理費及電費等由于租賃造成或產(chǎn)生

4、的費用。The Lease Period is from until and the decoration rent-free period is 15 days from until , during which Party B does not need to pay the rental but has to pay the real property management fees, the electricity fees and other expenses incurred from the property leasehold.第4條 租金、管理費、電費及其它費用Article

5、 4: Rental, Management Fees, Electricity Fees and other Expenses第一章 租金、保證金及支付方式Chapter One: Rental, Security Deposit and Mode of Payment1、 協(xié)議期內(nèi),乙方各年每月應向甲方支付的租金如下:1. During the contract period, Party B shall pay to Party A the rentals every month, as follows:從 起至 每月租金為人民幣 (單價: 元/平方米/月);此租金包含租金發(fā)票,不包括租

6、賃期間造成或產(chǎn)生的管理費及其它由于租賃造成或產(chǎn)生的費用。The monthly rental from_ until (month), is ¥ yuan (unit price: yuan/square meter/month); the rental shall be covered by the Rent invoice, but not include the management fees and other expenses incurred during the lease period.2、租金依照自然月計算,乙方須于每月 26 日前向甲方預交付次月租金(如遇中國法定節(jié)假日,則

7、順延至法定節(jié)假日后第一個工作日),甲方應在租金收妥作實之日起10個工作天內(nèi)向乙方提供合法租賃稅務發(fā)票。2. The rental will be calculated by the natural month and Party B must pay to Party A the next months rental prior to26 every month (it shall be automatically extended to the first working day after the holiday if it falls on a Chinese statutory hol

8、iday), and Party A shall provide Party B with the legal lease tax invoice within 10 working days after Party A acknowledges the receipt of the rental. 3、乙方須于簽訂本協(xié)議時一次性向甲方支付如下費用,共計人民幣¥ 元:3. Party B must pay to Party A the following amounts in a lump sum when the contract is signed, totaling¥ yuan:I、履約

9、保證金(相當于貳個月租金)人民幣 元;II、電費保證金按 /平方米計算即為人民幣 元III、管理費按金(相當于貳個月管理費)人民幣 元;VI. 首月租金人民幣 元;I. Security deposit (equivalent to two months rentals): yuan;II. Security deposit for Electricity Fees shall be calculated according to sq.m., namely yuan.III. Security deposit for Management Fees (equivalent to two mo

10、nths Management Fees): ¥ yuan;VI. Initial rental:¥ yuan;4、協(xié)議印花稅,由甲乙各方按政府關于規(guī)定(租賃期間租金總額的2,租賃各方各承擔1。若遇政府調(diào)整稅率,各方按調(diào)整后的稅率執(zhí)行)各自支付。4. The Contract Stamp Duty shall be paid by Party A and Party B respectively in accordance with the relevant regulations of the government (1 of 2 of the total rental amounts fo

11、r the lease period shall be paid by either party thereto; where the government adjusts the tax rate, both parties thereto shall execute the adjusted tax rate accordingly).5、租賃期滿終止協(xié)議后,甲方將履約保證金在乙方繳清所有租金及關于費用以及完全履行本協(xié)議的責任與義務后五個工作日內(nèi)無息退還予乙方,逾期一日甲方應向乙方支付應退保證金余額1%的延遲履行金。5. At the expiry of the lease period

12、and after the contract is terminated, Party A will return the Security deposit without interests to Party B within five working days after Party B pays off all rentals and the relevant expenses and fully performs the liabilities and obligations thereof. If the security deposit is not returned, for e

13、ach overdue day, a default penalty of 1% of the returned security deposit amount shall be paid to Party B. 第二章 電費、電話費的繳交辦法Chapter Two: Methods for Paying Electricity Fees, Phone Fees1、電費乙方以實際使用量及政府每度用電收費標準每月底向管理公司 支付電費。1. Electricity feesParty B shall pay the electricity fees to the management compa

14、ny according to the actual power consumption and the governments charge standard per KWhr at the end of each month.2、電訊費乙方的電話費(包括市內(nèi)、市外、國際長途電話費)、傳真號碼、寬帶網(wǎng)絡等所有通訊及線路租/使用的費用,每月根據(jù)市電話局及關于機構發(fā)出的收費由乙方繳交。2. Telecommunications Fee- Party Bs telephone charges (including the local call, long-distance call and int

15、ernational long-distance call fees), the fax, broadband network and other telecommunication and line rent/use fees shall be paid by Party B according to the bills issued by the city telephone bureau and the relevant organization.第5條 付款Article 5: Payment乙方應以人民幣支付履約保證金。而租金則在每月26日之前以人民幣存入甲方指派之銀行賬戶內(nèi)。Par

16、ty B shall pay the security deposit in RMB yuan. The rental shall be deposited into the bank account designated by Party A prior to26 days every month.甲方指派的銀行賬戶: The Bank A/C designated by Party A: Bank Name: 室內(nèi)裝修設備Article 6: Indoor decoration facilities:甲方于租賃期內(nèi)提供以下之室內(nèi)裝修設備予乙方使用:Party A shall provide

17、 the following indoor decoration facilities to Party B for use during the lease period:1、 中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)Central air-conditioning system2、 自動噴淋系統(tǒng)、煙感器Automatic sprinkler system and Smoke detector3、 天花及玻璃大門間隔 Ceilings and glass door interval4、 室內(nèi)天花照明燈盤Indoor ceiling lighting lamp panel5、 地面鋪置地磚on the floor備注:甲

18、方按該物業(yè)室內(nèi)現(xiàn)有狀態(tài)交樓給乙方。如乙方對物業(yè)室內(nèi)進行二次裝修,則退租時保留二次裝修后的狀態(tài)交樓給甲方。Remarks: Party A will deliver the property in the current indoor status to Party B. Where Party B has a second indoor decoration for the property, he/she/it will return the property in the state after the second indoor decoration to Party A when he

19、/she/it throws a lease.第6條 出入所租單元Article 6: Appointment for a temporary visit to the leased property租賃期滿,如乙方不續(xù)租,甲方可在本協(xié)議期滿前三個月之內(nèi),給予乙方48小時預先書面通知后,帶領新租戶進入該物業(yè)看樓,乙方須積極配合,不得拒絕。At the expiry of the lease period and in the event that Party B does not extend/renew the leasehold, Party A can take the new tena

20、nt into the property for an inspection on condition that it has given Party B a prior written notice within three month prior to the expiry of the contract. In this case, Party B shall cooperate positively and shall not reject it.第7條 乙方的責任 Article 7: Party Bs liabilities乙方同意于租賃期間遵守下列條款及條件:Party B ag

21、rees to abide by the following terms and conditions during the lease period:1、 接受管理公司的統(tǒng)一管理,遵守該廣場裝修手冊及管理公司不時為該廣場公共地方及設備之日常管理事宜及在確保租賃各方之共同權益而不時制定及修改之物業(yè)管理守則。1. To accept the unified management of the management company and observe the plaza decoration manual and the daily management matters of the publ

22、ic places and facilities in the plaza and the real property management rules worked out and amended from time to time to ensure the mutual benefit or interests of both parties. 2、 乙方須及時繳付租金、管理費、電費及所有相關費用,如逾期繳交,甲方可向乙方行使以下權利:2. Party B shall pay the rental, management fees, electricity fees and all ot

23、her relevant fees and expenses on a timely basis. In the event of any failure of such payment, Party A may exercise the following rights to Party B:(I) 乙方如逾期七個工作天沒有繳付租金,甲方有權即時要求乙方立即繳付租金,逾期支付租金甲方可依照每逾期一日按欠款總目取延遲履行金。(I) Where Party B fails to pay the due rental beyond 7 working days, Party A retains t

24、he right to immediately ask Party B to pay the rental without delay, and for each overdue day, Party A shall collect a default penalty at 2% of the total arrears.(II) 乙方如拖欠租金、管理費、電費達七個工作天,甲方有權即時通過管理公司向乙方發(fā)出書面通知要求乙方立即繳付欠款及延遲履行金(如有),如乙方收到該書面通知后兩天內(nèi)仍未繳足欠款,甲方有權即時要求管理公司停止向該物業(yè)供應電、中央空調(diào)或該廣場內(nèi)之其它設備,但是甲方應提前24小時書

25、面通知乙方其將采取停止向該物業(yè)供應電、中央空調(diào)或該廣場內(nèi)之其它設備之相關措施。甲方有權即時收回該物業(yè)及保留向乙方追討租金和其它損失的權利。(II) Where Party B fails to pay the due rental, management fees and electricity fees beyond 7 working days, Party A has the right to send a written notice to Party B through the management company, asking Party B to immediately pay

26、 off the arrears and the default penalty, if any. Where Party B fails to pay in full the arrears within two days after the receipt of the written notice, Party A has the right to ask the management company to stop the supply of power to the property, the central air-conditioner or any other faciliti

27、es within the plaza,however Party A shall notify Party B in writing 24 hours in advance the measures to be taken, such as stopping the supply of power to the property, the central air-conditioner, etc. Party A also has the right to resume the property and retains the right to recover the rental and

28、any other losses3、 乙方在租賃期內(nèi),必須以合理防御措施,保護該物業(yè)內(nèi)設備及裝修設備無損(自然折舊及由于第十三條款所列原因而引致的損毀除外)。乙方不得擅自改變該物業(yè)的結構、用途及裝修。乙方如因故意或過失造成該物業(yè)及其設備與裝修設備的毀損,須負責恢復原狀(自然折舊除外及由于本協(xié)議第十三條款所列原因而引致的損毀除外)或賠償合理之經(jīng)濟損失,并且毀損該物業(yè)內(nèi)牽涉到該廣場的大廈中央系統(tǒng)設備及設備(包括消防、保安、空調(diào)、通訊、電器等系統(tǒng))的修理修繕,由管理公司指派該廣場或該物業(yè)專業(yè)人員負責修理修繕,費用由乙方承擔。乙方如須重新裝修該物業(yè)需取得甲方書面許可,方可由乙方委派裝修工程公司負責裝修

29、,重新裝修費用和裝修相關費用由乙方承擔。3. During the lease period, Party B must take the rational measures to keep the equipment and decoration facilities within the property in good order and condition (except for the natural depreciation and the damages caused by reasons as stipulated in Article 13). Party B shall n

30、ot change the structure of the property, purpose and decoration without permission. Where Party B causes any damages to this property and its equipment and decoration facilities on purpose or by mistake, he/she/it must be liable for restoring it into the previous state or condition (except for the n

31、atural depreciation and the damages caused by reasons as stipulated in Article 13) or compensating for the reasonable economic losses thus incurred, and for maintaining or repairing the central air-conditioning facilities and equipment (including the firefighting, security, air conditioner and elect

32、ric appliance and other relevant systems) involved with the damages within the property, which shall be maintained and repaired by the professional repairman in this plaza or in this property designated by the management company, but the expenses thus incurred shall be borne by Party B. Where Party

33、B needs to have this property re-decorated, the written permission must be obtained from Party A before Party B appoints a decoration engineering company for the decoration, but the redecoration expenses and the relevant expenses related to the redecoration shall be borne by Party B accordingly.4. 負

34、責該物業(yè)內(nèi)部的一般清潔衛(wèi)生工作。4. responsible for the general cleaning within the property.5. 保持該物業(yè)內(nèi)部清潔完好(自然折舊及由于第十三條款所列原因而引致的損毀除外,其中包括但不限于地面鋪設,內(nèi)部粉飾或墻壁、地面、天花板的其它表面材料,以及各種不動產(chǎn)附屬物,如門窗、電器線路及電器設備等的清潔完好)。如屬于由乙方或其客人造成對該物業(yè)或該廣場的損害,甲方修復的費用由乙方如數(shù)繳付。5.to keep the interior of the property in clean and perfect order and conditio

35、n (except for the natural depreciation and the damages caused by reasons as stipulated in Article 13, including but not only limited to the floor paving, interior redecoration or the surface materials for walls, floor and ceilings and all kinds of appurtenances to the real property, such as, doors a

36、nd windows, electrical lines and electrical installations, all of which must be kept in clean and good order and condition). Where any damage is caused to the property by Party B or his/her/its visitor or guest, the expenses for the repair and maintenance caused to Party A shall be paid in full by P

37、arty B accordingly.6. 在暴風雨來臨之前采取所有適當措施,保護該物業(yè)的內(nèi)部不受損害。6.Take all proper measures to protect the interior of this property from being damaged before a rainstorm.7. 不得及不得允許他人在該物業(yè)的地面放置超過設計荷載(每平方米450公斤)的物品。7. He/she/it shall not permit any other person(s) to put any article (s) beyond the design load (450

38、 kilograms per square meter) on the floor of this property.8. 不得及不得允許他人在該物業(yè)內(nèi)存放武器、彈藥、硝石、火藥、火油或進行其它易爆違法危險的活動。8. He/she/it shall not permit any other person(s) store weapons, ammunition, saltpeter, gunpowder, kerosene within this property or engage in any other illegal or hazardous and explosive activi

39、ties.9. 不得及不得允許他人利用該物業(yè)進行違法的活動。9. He/she/it shall not permit any other person(s) to use this property for any illegal activities.10. 不得及不得允許他人在該物業(yè)內(nèi)進行公開拍賣活動。10. He/she/it shall not permit any other person(s) to conduct any public auction activities within this property.11. 不得及不得允許他人在該廣場各層電梯大堂、樓梯、通道及其它

40、公用地方堆放或留置箱物、家具、垃圾、以致阻塞這些地方的通行。 11.He/she/it shall not permit any other person(s) to pile up or leave or retain locker, furniture, rubbish in the elevator lobby, staircase, passage and any other public places on either floor of the plaza so that it may block the access or passage.12. 租賃期滿或各方同意或按本協(xié)議規(guī)定

41、提前解除本協(xié)議時,甲方在此同意保留退租時的裝修無須還原,但乙方須保持其完好(自然折舊或該物業(yè)的潛在缺陷或本協(xié)議第十三條款所述之情況除外)。乙方不得以任何理由要求甲方收購或補償其設備。同時,如因乙方原因致使未能在本協(xié)議期滿以前辦妥交接手續(xù),則自本協(xié)議終止日后第一日起至交接手續(xù)辦妥之日止,乙方仍須按日支付租金及管理費,但此費用之支付并不意味各方租賃關系之繼續(xù),同時,乙方應賠償甲方因此而引致之損失。12. At the expiry of the lease period or where both parties thereto agree to terminate thereof in adva

42、nce according to the terms and conditions thereof, Party A agrees that the decoration shall not be restored to its previous state or conditions, but Party B must keep it in good order and condition (except for the natural depreciation and the damages caused by reasons as stipulated in Article 13). P

43、arty B shall not ask Party A to purchase or compensate for any equipment on any grounds. In the meanwhile, where the hand-over procedures are not properly handled prior to the expiration of the lease period thereof due to Party Bs reasons, Party B shall still be liable for paying the rental and mana

44、gement fees for the period from the first day after the termination date of this contract until the day the handover procedures are property handled, but the payment of the expenses does not mean the continuance of the leasehold between both parties and at the same time Party B shall be liable for c

45、ompensating to Party A for any losses thus incurred.13. 在未得到甲方及管理公司書面同意之前,乙方未能及未能允許他人在該廣場任何地方包括外墻及公共地方掛上廣告招牌或海報,但乙方可于甲方和管理公司書面同意的地方懸掛關于該公司名稱或商標的招牌。13. Party B shall not or permit any other person(s) to hang any billboards or advertising signs or posters before obtaining the written consent from Part

46、y A and the management company, but Party B can hang any billboards or advertising signs or posters in the place(s) or where as agreed upon by the written consent by Party A and the Management Company.14. 未經(jīng)特別許可,不得及不得允許他人在該物業(yè)內(nèi)留宿。14. He/she/it shall not permit any other person(s) to stay overnight wi

47、thin this property without the special permission.15. 乙方有權根據(jù)情況需購買必要的保險,包括但不限于乙方在該物業(yè)辦公財產(chǎn)保險等。 15.Party B shall have right to decide to purchase the necessary insurance under the circumstances, including but not only limited to the coverage of the office property insurance, etc.16. 乙方裝修如涉及水、電、煤氣、消防、通信、

48、空調(diào)及排污等中央系統(tǒng)的接駁、更改或搬移,必須取得管理公司的書面同意,必要時由管理公司指派的施工隊施工,費用由乙方支付。16. Where the central systems related to water, electricity, gas, firefighting, telecommunication, air-conditioning and sewage disposal in the decoration process are involved with any connection, change or movement or removal, the written co

49、nsent must be obtained from the management company and the management company will appoint the construction team for the engineering construction, if necessary, but the expenses thus incurred shall be borne by Party B.17. 在取得甲方書面同意前,乙方不得將該物業(yè)的全部或部分,以轉租、分租、無償或以任何其他方式提供予第三方使用,如違反則視為乙方單方面違約,本協(xié)議在轉租、分租、無償

50、或以任何其他方式提供予第三方使用之日起解除,保證金不予退還,甲方因此遭受的所有損失,由乙方負責全部賠償。17. Party B shall not sublease, underlease or provide the property, in whole or in part, to any third party for use without compensation or by any other means without obtaining the written consent from Party A. Where Party B is in breach of this pr

51、ovision, Party B shall be deemed as have unilaterally violated the contract, the contract shall be terminated as from the day the property is subleased, underleased or provided to any third party for use without compensation or by any other means, but the security deposit shall not be returned and a

52、ll losses thus incurred to Party A shall be fully compensated by Party B.第9條:協(xié)議終止 Article 9: Termination thereof租賃期內(nèi),乙方不得單方終止協(xié)議,直至協(xié)議期滿方可終止。如乙方于租期內(nèi)違反本協(xié)議的條款或單方終止本協(xié)議,甲方有權利義務成乙方于書面通知五日內(nèi)按協(xié)議要求交回該物業(yè),乙方需繳清該單元內(nèi)因使用所造成或產(chǎn)生的管理費、電費。同時甲方有權沒收乙方所繳付的租賃保證金。During the lease period, Party B shall not unilaterally cancel

53、 or terminate thereof until the contract is terminated at its expiry. Where Party B is in breach of any terms and conditions thereof or unilaterally terminates thereof during the lease period, Party A has the right to instruct Party B to return this property according to the requirements as stipulat

54、ed herein within five days after the receipt of the notice in writting and Party B shall be liable for paying off the management fees and electricity fees incurred from use within this property. At the same time, Party A has the right to confiscate the lease security deposit paid by Party B.租賃期內(nèi),甲方不

55、得單方解除協(xié)議,直至協(xié)議期滿方可終止。如甲方于租期內(nèi)違反本協(xié)議的條款或單方解除本協(xié)議,乙方有權要求甲方雙倍返還乙方所繳付的租賃保證金作為賠償,并有權要求甲方賠償乙方的其他損失。During the lease period, Party A shall not unilaterally cancel or terminate thereof until the contract is terminated at its expiry. Where Party A is in breach of any terms and conditions thereof or unilaterally t

56、erminates thereof during the lease period, Party B has the right to ask Party A to return in doubled value the lease security deposit paid by Party B as the compensation,Party B also have right to require Party A to compensate the other economic losses of Party B thus inccured. 第10條: 甲方的責任Article 10

57、: Liabilities of Party A甲方同意于租賃期間遵守下列條款及條件:Party A agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions during the lease period:1、按本協(xié)議第三條之商定時間,向乙方提供具備辦公條件的物業(yè)。未按商定提供房屋的,每逾期一日,須按月租金額的1%向乙方支付延遲履行金。1. He/she/it shall provide the property with the proper office conditions within the time as prescribed i

58、n Article 3 thereof. Where He/she/it shall not fails to provide the property as agreed upon, for each overdue day, a default penalty of 1% of the monthly rental shall be paid to Party B.2、甲方無權在乙方合法使用該物業(yè)的情況下滋擾乙方對該物業(yè)之使用(本協(xié)議第八條商定的情況除外)。2. Party A shall not disturb the use of this property by Party B un

59、der the legal condition (except for the circumstances as provided for in Article 8 thereof).3、保證乙方、其人員及客人于租賃期內(nèi)在不違反任何租賃條款及法規(guī)的情況下,有權正常使用該物業(yè)及自由出入該廣場的公共場所。3. Have the right to normally use this property and be free of the public places in the plaza on the condition of guaranteeing Party B, its staff and

60、 visitors or guests against violating any leasehold terms and conditions and the legal regulations within the lease period. 4、保證乙方租賃及使用該物業(yè)的權利不受任何按揭、租約或其它關于之契約的負面影響。于本協(xié)議期內(nèi),不論設于物業(yè)的物權或債權如何變更,乙方的的合法權利和協(xié)議權利得到合理的保證。否則乙方有權要求解除本協(xié)議并要求退還乙方所有履約保證金(無息)及預交的租金及管理費等,并賠償乙方由此造成的經(jīng)濟損失。同樣,甲方應保證其權利義務受讓人繼受本協(xié)議內(nèi)全部甲方對乙方應盡的職


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