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1、Machhineery & MMateeriaal 機(jī)械五五金Mr. Juaan MMoraaMATRRIU, S.L.Valeenciia/PPaipportta SSpaiinTel:34-96-397737118Emaiil:mattriuumaatriiu.eesProdductts oor SServvicees:Toools/Hannd TToolls/WWrenncheesBusiinesss IInteeresstsDearr Siirs, We aare onee off thhe lleaddingg faasteenerrs ddisttribbutoors alll o

2、vver Spaain. Weevee beeen deaalinng iin FFastteneers sinnce 12 yeaars agoo, tthrooughh ouut SSouttherrn AAsiaan CCounntriies likke CChinna, Inddia andd Taaiwaan. We aree juust impporttingg booltss, sscreews, nuuts andd waasheers.Now were loookinng ffor supppliierss off DIIN 9911 - HHEX ALLLEN KEYYS,

3、 # 11,5 - 88 siizess, DDIFFFEREENTEE QUUANTTITIIES in ordder to fitt 1 or 2 xx 200 cconttainner. Justt Coontaact us to gett ouur ffulll deetaiils inqquirry.Thannks andd beest reggardds,Juann MooraPurcchassingg Maanagger MATRRIU, S.L.西班牙五五金工具具采購商商合作意向向求購1,5 8DIIN 9911內(nèi)內(nèi)六角扳扳手,有有意者請(qǐng)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系。Ms. Janne KKimAD

4、J64455 S Mapple Avee Allabaama/Temmpe Uniitedd SttateesTel:1-8818-723302770Emaiil:jannejkk24mProdductts oor SServvicees:Toools/Hannd TToolls/BBrusshessBusiinesss IInteeresstsI woouldd liike to gett quuotees ffromm paaintt brrushh maanuffacttureers forr 1000, 10000, andd 1000000 orrderrs oof aa 2 and

5、d a hallf iinchh annglees bbrussh mmadee off naaturral Chiinesse bbrisstlees aand an aldder woood hhanddle thaat iis pperffecttly ballancced.美國五金金工具采采購商合作意向向求購2.5英寸寸彎頭油油漆刷,豬鬃刷刷毛,榿榿木刷柄柄。Ms. AGAATHAA PAAPAGGEORRGIOOUIMPEEXPOO SHHIPIING ANDD INNDUSSTRIIALPlattonoos 88 Piiraeeus Atttikii GRR Tel:30-2100

6、-411103334Mobiile/Faxx:003306993211469928/30-2100-411203372Emaiil:inddushhipyahhoo.grProdductts oor SServvicees:Serrvicce EEquiipmeent/Resstauurannt & Hootell Suupplliess/Drrinkk DiispeenseersBusiinesss IInteeresstsDearr Siirs,We aare a lleaddingg Grreekk aggenccy, esttabllishhed in 19667, reppresse

7、nttingg 400 maajorr faactooriees pprodduciing varriouus mmateeriaals.We eemphhasiize thaat wwe hhavee beeen deeedinng aas aagennts on commmisssioon bbasiis.In ccasee yoou qquotte ppleaase inccreaase youur ppricces by 10% too cooverr thhe pperccenttagee off ouur ccommmisssionn.The prooduccts youu wii

8、ll offfer us musst bbe AANYHHOW appprovved by CCE ssafeety cerrtifficaate wwhicch iin ccasee off orrderr muust acccomppanyy thhe cconttainner andd muust be seaaledd annd ssignned by thee Chhineese chaambeer oof ccommmercce. Allso CE labbelss muust be fixxed on alll thhe mmachhinees.Alsoo a sammplee

9、muust be sennt ffor thee Grreekk cuustooms to cheeck andd giive thee appproovall foor iimpoortaatioon.If yyou cann meeet ourr reequiiremmentts, pleeasee leet uus hhavee yoour besst ooffeer CC.I.F PPiraaeuss byy coontaaineer iinclludiing 10% foor uus. Iff noot pposssiblle tto ooffeer oon aa CIIF bbas

10、iis ppleaase offfer on a FFOB bassis infformmingg uss hoow mmanyy piiecees oof yyourr maachiiness caan bbe lloadded in a 220F conntaiinerr.Lookkingg foorwaard to heaarinng ffromm yoou,BESTT REEGARRDSIMPEEXPOO TRRADIINGAGATTHA PAPPAGEEORGGIOUU/GEENERRAL MANNAGEER 希臘飲料料機(jī)采購購商合作意向向求購自動(dòng)動(dòng)飲料機(jī)機(jī),通過過CE安安全認(rèn)證證,

11、請(qǐng)?zhí)崽峁┍壤桌装7蛩顾笴IFF報(bào)價(jià)或或FOBB中國報(bào)報(bào)價(jià)并告告知200尺貨柜柜裝載容容量,請(qǐng)請(qǐng)?jiān)趫?bào)價(jià)價(jià)中增加加10%我方傭傭金。Mr. Davvid TaooBKT Grooup LLCC26466 Loockssleyy CttTrooyMiichiigannUSTel:1-2248-7099-17748Mobiile/Faxx:1-2248-6199-90032Emaiil:xiaaodoongttaohottmaiil.ccomProdductts oor SServvicees:Minneraals, Meetalls & Maaterrialls/NNon-ferrrouus MMe

12、taal PProdducttsBusiinesss IInteeresstsWe nneedd Tuungsstenn Baar, Tunngstten Plaate. Plleasse pprovvidee CIIF UUSA majjor porrt aand / oor FFOB Chiina majjor porrt ppricce wwithh sppeciificcatiion.美國有色色金屬產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品采購購商合作意向向求購鎢條條和鎢板,請(qǐng)請(qǐng)?zhí)峁〤CIF美美國港口口或FOOB中國國詳細(xì)報(bào)報(bào)價(jià)。Mr. zioon aaviSolaancee Trradiing GmbbH CCo &

13、KGGEilssenaaimeer SStr 34 MunncheenDEETel:49-89-289978008Mobiile/Faxx:49-89-289978009Emaiil:avii-ziionhottmaiil.ccomProdductts oor SServvicees:Minneraals, Meetalls & Maaterrialls/IIronn & SteeelBusiinesss IInteeresstswe aare a ssteeel ttraddingg coompaany in gerrmanny .we maiinlyy inn thhe bbusiines

14、s off pppgi hdggi CCR aand staainllesss stteell .oone of ourr ukkraiine cusstommer neeed hhdgii . 0.455*12250*coiil .z1000 .qtyy 10000mmt/mmontth .cnff oddesssaukkraiine porrt ,l/cc att siightt .we hhopee yoou ccan sennd yyourr quuotaatioon vvia aliibabba .andd plls llet us knoow yyourr mssn iid hhe

15、ree .remeembeer : quuotaatioon aand msnn idd viia aalibbabaa .we hhopee wee caan kknoww soome supppliier of staainllesss stteell cooil in chiina .soo wee hoope supppliier cann toold us youur mmsn firrst , wwe ccan conntacct wwithh yoou wwhenn wee haave inqquirre .thaankss foor yyourr cooopeeratte .德

16、國鋼鐵鐵采購商商合作意向向求購HDDGI CR鋼鋼,0.45*12550*ccoill .zz1000,CNNF敖德德薩港即即期信用用證付款款。Ms. luccia borrsaborssa iimmoobilliarreV. EE. FFiliibarrto 1255 Ebbolii/Rooma ItaalyTel:39-8288-33331339Emaiil:lucciatProdductts oor SServvicees:Minneraals, Meetalls & Maaterrialls/CCastt & ForrgeddBusiinesss IInteeresstsDearr S

17、iir,PLs offfer forrgedd caarboon ssteeel fflannge:FOBBCHIINAPPORTTUNI222766/677 PNN 6UNI222777/677 PNN10UNI222788/677 PNN16UNI660844/677 PNN40UNI222822/677 PNN16UNI222833/677 PNN25UNI222844/677 PNN40UNI660900/677 PNN16UNI660933/677 PNN16UNI222544/677 PNN16speccifiicattionn frrom DN115 tto DDN5000mat

18、eeriaals:ST337.22tks.Luciia意大利鍛鍛鑄件采采購商合作意向向求購不銹銹鋼鍛壓壓碳鋼法法蘭:UNI222766/677 PNN 6UNI222777/677 PNN10UNI222788/677 PNN16UNI660844/677 PNN40UNI222822/677 PNN16UNI222833/677 PNN25UNI222844/677 PNN40UNI660900/677 PNN16UNI660933/677 PNN16UNI222544/677 PNN16規(guī)格:DDN155-DNN5000材質(zhì):SST377.2請(qǐng)?zhí)峁〧FOB中中國報(bào)價(jià)價(jià)。Mr. JUNN X

19、UUSMALLLWAARESSCasttlebbelllingghamm, CCo LLoutth IIE Tel:3533-422-933721106Emaiil:junnsmmalllwarres.ieProdductts oor SServvicees:Mannufaactuurinng & Prroceessiing Macchinneryy/Pllasttic Proocesssinng MMachhineery/Plaastiic RRecyycliing MacchinneryyBusiinesss IInteeresstsLookkingg foor tthe rouughll

20、y mmatcchedd maachiinerry ffromm Chhinaa.Feedd Oppeniing appproxx14000 xx 15570 mmmNumbber of thee shhaftts1Rotoor ddiammeteer4557 mmWorkkingg wiidthh15000 mmmNumbber of thee cuuttiing toools1102 eaa.Uppeer sstattor kniivess5 ea.Loweer sstattor kniivess5 ea.Rotoor RRPM885Drivve755 KWScreeen1150 mmmD

21、rivve oof tthe hyddrauulicc Unnit44 KKWTotaal wweigght of thee shhreddderr70000 KgCompprissingg off:-heaavy dutty wweldded steeel houusinng aand feeed hhoppper-rottor witth ddrivve mmotoor aand geaar bbox-repplacceabble weaar rresiistaant cutttinng ttoolls-maiin ddrivve:775KWW thhreee phhasee mootor

22、r, ttypee B33, pprottecttionn IPP54, 4000V, 500Hz-loaad rrelaatedd duual hyddrauulicc cyylinnderr feeed ramm foor ppushhingg thhe mmateeriaal ttowaard thee rootorr-buiild in heaavy dutty vverssionn-inccluddingg PLLC cconttroll paanell wiith ampperaage loaad cconttrollAll eleectrriall unnitss moountt

23、ed in a ssteeel pplatte ccabiinett. SSwittchees aare equuippped witth sstarr deeltaa pprottecttionn; ppushh buuttoon sswittchees wwithh liightt inndiccatoors, loockaablee maain swiitchh.Desiigneed iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee vaalidd VDDE ssafeety reqquirremeentss annd uusinng SSimeens intternnal c

24、ommponnentts. Inccluddingg ammperragee ovverlloadd coontaact forr uppstrreamm feeediing eqquippmennt.Pleaase feeel ffreee too coontaact us forr fuurthher infformmatiion.Kindd ReegarrdsJun Xu愛爾蘭機(jī)機(jī)械進(jìn)口口商合作意向向求購塑料料再生機(jī)機(jī):進(jìn)料口約約:14000 xx 15570 mm傳動(dòng)軸數(shù)數(shù)量:11轉(zhuǎn)子直徑徑:4577mm加工寬度度:15000mmm切削刀具具:1022 eea.上刀:5 ea.下刀:5

25、 ea.轉(zhuǎn)數(shù):85驅(qū)動(dòng):75 KKW屏幕:1500 mm液壓驅(qū)動(dòng)動(dòng):4 KW總重量:70000 Kg組成:-耐用用焊接鋼鋼外殼及及進(jìn)料斗斗-帶傳傳動(dòng)馬達(dá)達(dá)及傳動(dòng)動(dòng)箱的轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)子-可替替換耐磨磨切削刀刀具-主傳傳動(dòng)裝置置:755千瓦三三相電動(dòng)動(dòng)機(jī),型型號(hào)B33,IPP54防防護(hù)等級(jí)級(jí),4000V,50HHz-雙液液壓缸進(jìn)進(jìn)料-堅(jiān)固固耐用-帶有有安培負(fù)負(fù)載控制制的PLLC控制制屏Ms. Shaarroon DDarkkNicoole Intternnatiionaal TTradde36722 Haayess Sttreeet NNe SSuitte 2203 Wasshinngtoon 991300

26、 USSTel:1-2202-3411-22268Emaiil:shaarroondaarkmProdductts oor SServvicees:Mannufaactuurinng & Prroceessiing Macchinneryy/Ottherr Maanuffactturiing & PProccesssingg MaachiinerryBusiinesss IInteeresstsSeekkingg Maanuffacttureers froom CChinna tthatt seellss Siilk Scrreenningg Maachiiness.美國機(jī)械械進(jìn)口商商合作意向

27、向求購絲網(wǎng)網(wǎng)印刷機(jī)機(jī)。Ms. Nanncy FotttreellChu-Fotttreell Commpanny LLLC29122 Paawneee AAve, Suuitee 7BBirmmingghammAlaabammaUSSTel:2055-2554-887011Mobiile/Faxx:2055-2554-887022Emaiil:chuufotttreellmProdductts oor SServvicees:Harrdwaare/Fasstennerss/SccrewwsBusiinesss IInteeresstsDearr Siirs,We aare an ageent

28、forr maajorr faasteenerr maanuffacttureers herre iin tthe US wwho aree innterrestted in worrkinng wwithh Chhinaa.Now we havve aan iinquuiryy abboutt maachiine scrrewss ass beeloww:pleaase quoote 50,0000 & 1000,0000 pieecess off 5/16-18 x 11 Slootteed FFilllistterStaiinleess Steeel Macchinne SScreews

29、. Pleaase conntacct uus iif yyou cann maake it. Thaankss.Bestt reegarrds,Nanccy CC. FFotttrelllChu-Fotttreell Co.美國五金金工具采采購商合作意向向求購5/16-18 x 11開開槽不銹銹鋼機(jī)械械螺釘。Mr. davvid graayNepttunee CllasssicssWilttshiire/Swiindoon UUnitted KinngdoomTel73350444Emaiil: HYPERLINK mailto:david.grayneptune

30、 davvid.graaynnepttunee.coo.ukkProdductts oor SServvicees:Genneraal MMechhaniicall Coompoonennts/Beaarinngs/Sliidinng BBearringgBusiinesss IInteeresstsDearr SiirI amm a dessignner forr a Larrge furrnitturee coompaany bassed in thee UKK. I wworkk inn thhe ooffiice in thee Unniteed KKinggdomm. W

31、e alsso hhavee ouur oown Facctorry iin FFoshhan, Guuanggzhoou.I amm loookiing forr a supppliier of linnearr buushiing. II haave a ssampple of thee tyype i rrequuiree inn thhe aattaacheed ppictturee. I wwoulld llikee thhe iinsiide borre tto bbe HHalff Innch (122.7mmm) andd maade of pollymeer. Iss thh

32、is sommethhingg yoou ccan suppplyy? Whaat iis yyourr miinimmum ordder quaantiity, annd lleadd tiime. IIf tthiss iss soometthinng yyou cann offferr i wouuld likke tto oordeer ssomee saamplles immmediiateely. PPleaase givve mme aa prricee inn USS $.We aare inttereesteed iin bbuilldinng ttradde rrelaat

33、ioonshhipss wiith ourr suuppllierrs aand so if youu arre iinteeresstedd plleasse eemaiil mme.英國機(jī)械械配件采采購商合作意向向求購直線線軸承,內(nèi)孔112.77mm,聚合物物材質(zhì),請(qǐng)?zhí)峁┕┳畹陀営嗀浟俊⒔回洉r(shí)時(shí)間、樣樣品及美美元報(bào)價(jià)價(jià)。Ms. Sallly ZheengZM SSourrce Co.,LTTD SSpaiin OOffiiceC. CCapuuchiinoss, 664 AAnduujarr Jaaen ES Tel:34-9533-52258228Mobiile/Faxx:34-9533

34、-50039110Emaiil:xpaainssalllyggmaiil.ccomProdductts oor SServvicees:Genneraal MMechhaniicall Coompoonennts/Beaarinngs/Balll BBearringgs/DDeepp Grroovve BBalll BeeariingBusiinesss IInteeresstsWe aare loookinng ffor lonng ttermm cooopeerattionn wiith somme bbearringg prroduucerrs iin CChinnawe nneedd

35、hiigh quaalitty pprodductts aat lloweest priice posssibblewe wwoulld likke tto ssee somme oof tthe folllowwingg: 662044 2RRS, UCFF 2006, 63002 ZZZ, 6088 2RRS, 511105, 32204 2RSS, 3302006, GE 25 ES, UCCP 2204.if yyou aree suure thaat yyourr quualiity is higgh aand priice is morre ccomppetiitivve, ple

36、easee feeedbbackk uss ass sooon as youu caan Awaiitinng ffor youur ssoonnestt reeplyyRegaardss西班牙機(jī)機(jī)械配件件采購商商合作意向向求購深溝溝球軸承承:62204 2RSS, UUCF 2066, 663022 ZZZ, 6608 2RSS, 5511005, 32004 22RS, 3002066, GGE 225 EES, UCPP 2004。Mr. JOHHN ZZHOUUVORTTECHH ENNGINNEERRINGG, LLLC.16500 Paaciffic Aveenuee Caalif

37、fornnia/Oxnnardd Unniteed SStattesTel:0011-8005-2247-02226Mobiile/Faxx:0011-8005-4486-91330Emaiil: HYPERLINK mailto:jzhou jzhhouvorrtroon.ccomProdductts oor SServvicees:Genneraal IInduustrriall Eqquippmennt/RRefrrigeerattionn & Heaat EExchhangge PParttsBusiinesss IInteeresstsLookkingg foor aalumminu

38、um hheatt siink mannufaactuurerr inn Chhinaa. PPleaase proovidde yyourr quuotee acccorrdinng tthe folllowwinggs oor cconttactt mee foor ffurttherr deetaiils: Partt Naame= Allumiinumm Heeat SinnkPartt Noo.= XP-08888Partt Weeighht= 0.4455 kgQty=1000 Priice=Qty= 2550 Priice=Qty= 10000 Priice=Qty= 50000

39、 Priice=Qty= 100,0000 Priice=Qty= 255,0000 Priice=Estaabliisheed iin 119900, VVorttechh Ennginneerringg, LLLC offferss a varrietty oof aautoomottiveeperrforrmannce prooduccts inccluddingg coomplletee suuperrchaargiing sysstemms, fueel ssysttemccompponeentss annd aair-to-watter aftterccoollerss foor

40、ddomeestiic aand impportt veehiccless pllusmmariine apppliccatiionss. VVorttechh haas aalsoo coonsiisteentlly eearnned praaisee frrom theeauttomootivve ppresss ffor itss prremiier cenntriifuggal supperccharrginng ssysttemss annd pperfformmancceennhanncinng ppartts aand acccesssoriies.Thannks andd be

41、est reggardds,Johnn ZhhouInduustrriall EnnginneerrVorttechh EnnginneerringgManuufaccturrer of auttomootivve ssupeerchharggerssAnd perrforrmannce prooduccts美國機(jī)械械配件采采購商合作意向向求購鋁散散熱片,并提供供報(bào)價(jià)。名稱= 鋁散熱熱片型號(hào)= XP-08888重量= 0.4455 kg數(shù)量=1100 價(jià)格=數(shù)量= 2500 價(jià)格=數(shù)量= 10000 價(jià)格=數(shù)量= 50000 價(jià)格=數(shù)量= 10,0000 價(jià)格=數(shù)量= 25,0000 價(jià)格=M

42、r. phiilipppe roggerphotto mmeIssereeechhiroollees21100 Avvenuue DDu GGal De Gauullee Isseree/Ecchirrollles FraanceeTel:33-613306-19555Mobiile/Faxx:33-613306-19555Emaiil: HYPERLINK phiilipppe.roggerkiss.frrProdductts oor SServvicees:Eleectrricaal EEquiipmeent & SSupppliee

43、s/GGeneerattorss/Allterrnattivee Ennerggy GGeneerattorssBusiinesss IInteeresstslookkingg foor iimpoortiing anyy wiind turrbinne eequiipmeent froom CChinna tto EEuroope. quuanttitiies in thee raangee off 20000 uniits.法國發(fā)電電機(jī)采購購商合作意向向求購20000臺(tái)臺(tái)風(fēng)輪機(jī)機(jī),銷往往歐洲。Ms. linn ViiviaanKrammp GGrouupBrueekellaarrwegg

44、333 Nll-70050 AA/Varrsseevelld NNethherllanddsTel:31-3155-25542117Mobiile/Faxx:31-3155-25578115Emaiil: HYPERLINK mailto:lin.vivian linn.viiviaankkrammp.ccomProdductts oor SServvicees:Agrricuultuure/Farrm MMachhineesBusiinesss IInteeresstsWe aare Holllannd ccomppanyy too soourcce tthesse pplouugh par

45、rts in Chiina荷蘭農(nóng)業(yè)業(yè)機(jī)械采采購商合作意向向求購農(nóng)用用耕作機(jī)機(jī)。Appaarell &FFabrricss 服裝裝紡織Mr. Aysse KKaraatayyColoorMeee TTexttilee Coo.,LLtd.10233 Skk. NNo. 2 BBucaa Izzmirr/Izzmirr TuurkeeyTel:90-2322-455246611Emaiil:collormmeettexttileegmmaill.coomProdductts oor SServvicees:Texxtilles & LLeattherr Prroduuctss/Teextiile

46、AcccesssoriiesBusiinesss IInteeresstsWe aare Izmmir bassed commpannythhat wouuld likke tto bbuy texxtille mmarkker penn frrom Chiina. Seerioous besst ppricced mannufaactuurerrs aare wellcomme土耳其服服裝輔料料采購商商合作意向向求購紡織織品標(biāo)記記筆。Mr. Khaalidd BuuttKwikk koopy #6440Fourr-Cooppeer SStonne CCr OOn/RRichhmonndhii

47、ll CannadaaTel:9055-8884-994000Emaiil:jkbbuttt51hottmaiil.ccomProdductts oor SServvicees:Texxtilles & LLeattherr Prroduuctss/Syynthhetiic LLeattherrBusiinesss IInteeresstsWe wwoulld ppreffer thee coompaaniees aarouundSShannghaai orr inn shhangghai, As we aree inn Chhinaa frro 55th to 17 Jully. likke

48、 tto mmeett feew mmanuufaccturre oof . PVVC. PU. annd AArtiificciall maaterriall . If yyou cann Emmaill mee thhe ttimee wee wiill adjjustt thhe sscheedulle .加拿大人人造革采采購商合作意向向求購PVVC、PPU及人人造合成成革,廠廠家最好好位于上上?;蛏仙虾V苓呥叺貐^(qū),7月7717日日將前往往中國。Mr. Nicck PPresstonnJY TTexttilees (Eurropee)59 CChattburrn PParkk Drriv

49、ee Laancss/Brrierrfieeld Uniitedd KiingddomTel:44-75009-00223344Emaiil:nappjyytexxt.ccomProdductts oor SServvicees:Texxtilles & LLeattherr Prroduuctss/Hoome Texxtille/CCurttainnBusiinesss IInteeresstsThe cliientt iss loookiing forr a dessignn siimillar to thee phhotoograaph butt reeallly mmoree wiit

50、h a ffruiit bbaskket dessignn. Thee deesiggns avaailaablee inn Ittalyy arre aall on verry hheavvy ffabrric whiich is nott thhe eeffeect thee clliennt iis llookkingg foor. Thhis typpe oof wworkk iss maade in Chiina andd I am loookinng ffor commpanniess whho ccurrrenttly offfer thiis, pleeasee doo noo

51、t cconttactt mee off itt iss noot aa cuurreent prooducct ffor youu ass thhis is alll I reqquirre.As II unnderrstaand it filletwworkk caan bbe ddesccribbed as a wwoveen ddesiign thaat iis mmadee thhen inssertted intto tthe fabbricc, uusuaallyy a linnen or ligght cotttonn, nnot a jjacqquarrd wwhicch i

52、is nnot whaat wwe aare loookinng ffor. MMy cclieent is loookinng ffor a mmanuufaccturrer whoo caan mmakee upp thhe ffiniisheed ccurttainns, nott juust suppplyy thhe ffileet ppiecces.英國窗簾簾采購商商合作意向向求購窗簾簾。Mr. Serrmonnetaa RooberrtoCANAADIAAN DDUVEET HHOMEE S.R.LL.V. FFiliippoo Errminni NN. 77 Roome Rm

53、IT Tel:39-06-3933758831Mobiile/Faxx:003393335655121148/39-06-3933805566Emaiil:cannadii09cannadiiandduveethoome.1911.ittProdductts oor SServvicees:Texxtilles & LLeattherr Prroduuctss/Beeddiing/PilllowwBusiinesss IInteeresstsDearr Siirs,we aare loookinng ffor a Meemorry ffoamm piilloow liike in thee p

54、iictuure atttachhed.We aare an Itaaliaan ccomppanyy , impportterss, ddeallingg wiith texxtilles , bbedddingg annd bbabyy beeddiing prooduccts. Wee seell to G.DDepaartmmentt, WWhollesaalerrs aand Rettaillerss .We iimpoort froom CChinna ssincce sseveerall yeearss, mmainnly froom ZZhejjianng aand Hanng

55、zhhou disstriictss.The prooducct wwe ssearrch is a : reguularr shhapee piilloow. Viiscoo ellasttic matteriial- HHolees oon tthe uppper andd boottoom ssidee.Sizee: 770 x440/ 9-110cmmDenssityy: wwe ddont kknoww. TThe pilllowws weiightt iss abboutt 16600 graams.Outeer sshelll: Kniitteed CCottton (jeers

56、eey) witth zzippper- Whhitee coolouurPRICCERAANGEE: USDD 6,00-7,000 CCIF -NaapleesQuanntitty: 1 xx 200 conntaiinerr.If yyou reaach ourr reequeestss, ffeell frree to conntacct uus bby mmaill giivinng yyourr coontaactss inn reeturrn.Thannks.Canaadiaan DDuveet HHomeeMr. Robbertto SSermmoneeta- MnngrMs.

57、VViviianaa (aassnnt)意大利床床上用品品采購商商合作意向向求購記憶憶枕,慢慢回彈材材質(zhì),上上下兩面面都有氣氣孔,尺尺寸:770 x440/ 9-110cmm,重約約1.66公斤,針織棉棉枕套,白色,有拉鏈鏈,意大大利那不不勒斯港港CIFF價(jià)6000-7700美美元,訂訂貨量11 x 20尺尺貨柜。Ms. Chrristtinee AmmbroosinnovDie PellztrruheeEichhenwweg 2 LLanggensselbbolddDETel:49-61884-99387761Mobiile/Faxx:49-61884-99387761Emaiil: HYP

58、ERLINK chrristtinee.ammbroosinnovgmxx.deeWebssitee:htttp:/ Prodductts oor SServvicees:Texxtilles & LLeattherr Prroduuctss/Beeddiing/BlaankeetBusiinesss IInteeresstsWe aare a GGermman rettailler of gennuinne ffur blaankeets andd wee arre ssearrchi

59、ing forr a relliabble andd stteaddy CChinnesee suuppllierr off thhis typpe oof bblannketts. Ourr taargeet ppricce iis FFOB USDD 2550,000 ffor a ssizee off 1660 xx 2000 ccm, staablee annd ddry airrfreeighht ppackkagiing to Fraankffurtt aiirpoort. Veery goood ffur quaalitty nneedded (seee ppictturee)

60、aas wwelll ass peerfeect worrkmaanshhip, smmalll orrderr quuanttitiies.Pleaase do nott offferr anny aartiificciall maaterriall - we willl nnot ansswerr yoour leaad. Thaank youu德國毛毯毯采購商商合作意向向求購真毛毛毛毯,要求質(zhì)質(zhì)量上乘乘,做工工精細(xì),尺寸1160 x 2200 cm,空運(yùn)至至法蘭克克福,F(xiàn)FOB價(jià)價(jià)格2550000美元。Ms. jo Edwwarddsjoss teextiiless47 JJacoobs


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