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1、PAGE PAGE 19河海大學函授2012水利水電工程專業(yè)、工程管理專業(yè)、土木工程專業(yè)、機械工程及自動化專業(yè)、會計學專業(yè)、電氣工程及自動化專業(yè)新發(fā)展英語1-2函授自學周歷及測驗作業(yè)教材名稱版版本:新新發(fā)展英英語綜合合教程第第1、22冊 外外語教學學與研究究出版社社日期章節(jié)內容提要自學重點、難難點自學學時作業(yè)第 1 周周Book 1第1單元簡單句和并并列句8練習:Paart IIII 1、22 、44、5第 2 周周第2單元留言(開會會、約會會等)8練習:Paart IIII 1、22 、33、4、55、第3 周第3單元 如如何表達達想結識識或曾認認識某人人8練習:Paart II Secct

2、ioon BB、C第4 周第4單元復合句式(名名詞從句句)8練習:Paart IIII 2 、33、4、55第 5 周周第5單元請假條(事事假、病病假)8練習:Paart IIII 1、22 、33、4、55第6 周第6單元如何表示打打算和計計劃8練習:Paart II Secctioon BB、C第 7 周周第7單元復合句式(定定語從句句)8練習:Paart IIII1、2 、33、4、55第8周第8單元借條(借物物、借錢錢)8練習:Paart IIII1、2 、33、4、55 第 9 周周第9單元如何提出建建議,勸勸告以及及如何回回答8練習:Paart II Secctioon BB、C第

3、 10 周第10單元元復合句式(狀狀語從句句)8練習:Paart IIII1、2 、33、4、55 第11 周周第11單元元收條(收物物、收錢錢)8練習:Paart IIII 1、22 、33、4、55第12周第12單元元如何表達興興趣、喜喜歡或不不感興趣趣8練習:Paart II Secctioon BB、C第13 周周Book 2第1單元語段的寫作作8練習:Paart IIII 第14 周周Book 2第2單元電話留言8練習:Paart IIII第15 周周Book 2第3單元如何表示抱抱怨、不不滿和表表達歉意意的回答答8練習:Paart IIII第16周期末復習、期期末考試試函授站要求求


5、專專業(yè)新發(fā)展英英語1-2測測驗作業(yè)業(yè) 答 題 紙站名:安徽徽水院站站 專專業(yè): 姓名名 學號號 成績績 (告示:請請各位同同學一定定要把姓姓名、學學號和專專業(yè)寫清清、寫對對,出現(xiàn)現(xiàn)錯誤者者作零分分處理,特特此告示示)(請在答題題紙上把把選中的的答案攔攔腰劃橫橫線)1 A BB C D 2 A BB C D 3 A BB C D 4 AA B C DD 5 AA B C DD6 A BB C D 7 A BB C D 8 A BB C D9 AA B C DD10 A BB C D11 A B CC D 122 A BB C D 133 A BB C D14 A BB C D15 A BB C

6、D16 A B CC D 177 A BB C D 18 A BB C D19 A BB C D20 A BB C D21 A B CC D 222 A BB C D 233 A BB C D24 A BB C D25 A BB C D26 A B CC D 277 A BB C D 28 A BB C D 29 A BB C D 330 A BB C D31 A B CC D 322 A BB C D 33 A BB C D34 A BB C D35 A BB C D36 A B CC D 377 A BB C D 338 A BB C D39 A BB C D40 A BB C D41 A

7、 B CC D 422 A BB C D 443 A BB C D44 A BB C D45 A BB C D46 A B CC D47 A BB C D 488 A BB C D 49 A BB C D 50 A BB C D51 A B CC D 52 A BB C D 553 A BB C D54 A BB C D55 A BB C D56 A B CC D57 A BB C D 558 A BB C D59 A BB C D60 A BB C D61 A B CC D 62 A BB C D 663 A BB C D64 A BB C D65 A BB C D66 A B CC D 6

8、7 A BB C D 668 AA B C DD69 A BB C D70 A BB C D71.河海大學函函授20012水利水水電工程程專業(yè)、工工程管理理專業(yè)、土土木工程程專業(yè)、機械工程及及自動化化專業(yè)、會會計學專專業(yè)、電氣工工程及自自動化專專業(yè)新發(fā)展英英語1-2測測驗作業(yè)業(yè)站名:安徽徽水院站站 專專業(yè): 姓名名 學號號 成績績 (告示:請請各位同同學一定定要把姓姓名、學學號和專專業(yè)寫清清、寫對對,出現(xiàn)現(xiàn)錯誤者者作零分分處理,特特此告示示)Part Onee: VVocaabullaryy annd SStruuctuure1. WWhatt _ uss moost

9、in thaat ddisaasteer wwas theeir reaadinnesss too giive theeir livves forr thhe ppubllic heaalthh.A. deepreesseedB. exppressseddC. expposeedD. imppresssedd2. II liike wattchiing TV _ too thhe ccineema. AA. mmoree thhan to go BB. tthann gooingg CC. rrathher thaan tto ggo D. moore thaan ggoinng3. HHe

10、mmoveed aawayy frrom hiss paarennts, annd mmisssed theem _ enjjoy thee exxcittingg liife in Neww Yoork. AA. eenouugh to B. tooo mmuchh too C. veery mucch tto D. muuch so as toHe _ a lott off baad hhabiits froom hhis commpannionns. A. piickeed uupB. picckedd ouutC. sellecttedD. eleecteedMost of my st

11、uudennts aree abble to _ Engglissh ddicttionnariies forr unnknoown worrds.A. innsulltB. connsulltC. ressulttD. reffer6. HHe _ ggreaat sselff-coontrrol forr heer rrudeenesss. A. exxhibbiteedB. inhhabiiteddC. exhhaussteddD. exiisteed7. TThe _ of thee foog mmadee itt diiffiicullt tto ssee wheere we wer

12、re ggoinng. A. inntennsittyB. libberttyC. dennsittyD. pennaltty8. IIt iis ssugggestted thaat tthe expperiimennt _ undder loww teempeeratturee. AA. mmakees B. is madde C. be madde D. wiill be madde9. II doont tthinnk _ worrthwwhille tto ttakee soo muuch trooublle tto ddo tthe jobb. A. thhis B. thaat

13、C. itt DD. tthosse10. TThiss piictuure is bellievved _ paaintted by Turrnerr. A. itt waas B. too bee CC. tto bbeinng D. too haave beeen11. MMoree peeoplle tthann evver befforee arre rrunnningg _ thee ciity couunciil.A. inntoB. outtC. acrrosssD. forr12. _ thee Enngliish exaam, I wwoulld hhavee goone

14、to thee coonceert lasst MMondday. A. Inn sppitee off BB. BBut forr C. Beecauuse of DD. AAs ffor13. WWateer wwilll coontiinuee too bee _ iit iis ttodaay neext in impporttancce tto ooxyggen. A. hoow BB. iit C. whaat D. as14. HHe wwas luccky to esccapee _ tto pprisson. A. beeingg seent B. seendiing C.

15、to be sennt DD. ssentt15. TThe gooods willl bbe _ iin aaccoordaancee wiith youur iinsttrucctioons. A. deestrructtedB. delliveereddC. disscovvereedD. depprivved16. HHe cconttinuued on hiss waay, _ of thee daangeer wwhicch llay aheead.A. iggnorranttB. ideentiicallC. ideealD. illlegaal17. SSuchh prrobl

16、lemss _ aair andd waaterr poolluutioons havve tto bbe ssolvved as sooon aas pposssiblle. A. liike B. as CC. oof DD. aabouut18. IIt wwas goood _ himm too innvitte mme tto hhis wedddinng ffeasst. A. foor B. of CC. iin D. abboutt19. NNoboody bellievved hiss reeasoon ffor beiing latte _ hiss caar bbrokk

17、e ddownn onn thhe wway. A. whhy BB. wwhicch C. thhat D. beccausse20. UUndeer nno ccirccumsstanncess _ tthosse uunreeasoonabble terrms. A. wee shhalll accceppt BB. mmustt wee acccepptinng C. shhalll wee accceppt D. accceptt wee21. TThe dayy wiill comme _ coaal aand oill wiill be useed aas rraw matter

18、iialss raatheer tthann fuuelss. A. ass BB. wwhille C. wheen D. whhethher22. YYou cann reely on it _ evveryythiing willl bbe rreaddy bby MMondday. A. whhichh BB. wwhenn CC. tthatt DD. wwhatt23. TThe nummberr off thhe sstuddentts iin aa fooreiign lannguaage claass _ ussuallly limmiteed tto nno mmoree

19、thhan thiirtyy. A. haave BB. aare C. is D. willl bbe24. WWe _ tto rreallizee thhe vvaluue oof wwhatt wee haave hadd unntill thheree iss noo moore of it in ourr liife.A. prreteendB. inttenddC. tenndD. atttendd25. IIf yyou carrry _ witth yyourr liife likke tthiss, yyou willl bbrinng rruinn uppon youur

20、 gglorriouus ffutuure.A. ouutB. awaayC. onD. forr26. TTakee tiime to _befforee yoou rrushh innto anyythiing.A. addmitt B. connsidder CC. aabsoorb DD. aacknnowlledgge27. AAt ffirsst hhe ssaidd noothiing, thhen hiss siilennce gavve _ tto aangeer. A. waayB. birrthC. rooomD. risse28. WWhenn itt coomess

21、too maatheematticss, mmy sson feeels connfiddentt, wwherreass whhen it commes to Chiinesse, he feeels_.A. coonceentrrateedB. fruustrrateedC. desstruucteedD. connstrructted29. HHer apppliccatiion hadd beeen turrnedd _ reepeaateddly, buut sshe nevver gavve uup, whiich movved thee booss so deeeplyy ass

22、 too affforrd hher thee chhancce aat llastt.A. doownB. upC. onD. offf30. WWhenn yoou llivee inn ann allienn laand, itt iss wiise of youu too _ yooursselff too thhe llocaal ccusttomss whheree yoou aare.A. addapttB. adooptC. abaandoonD. acccuseePart Twoo: RReaddingg CoomprreheensiionQuesttionn 311 35

23、aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge:Peoplle ttendd too bee moore imppresssedd byy evvideencee thhat seeems to connfirrm ssomee reelattionnshiip. Thuus mmanyy arre cconvvincced theeir dreeamss arre ppropphettic (預言言的) beccausse aa feew hhavee coome truue; theey nnegllectt orr faail to nottic

24、ee thhe mmanyy thhat havve nnot.Consiiderr allso thee beelieef tthatt “thee phhonee allwayys rringgs wwhenn Im iin tthe shoowerr”. If iit ddoess riing whiile youu inn thhe sshowwer, thhe eevennt wwilll sttandd ouut aand be remmembbereed. If it doeesnt rringg, tthatt noon-eevennt pprobbablly wwont ee

25、venn reegissterr (留留下印象象).Peoplle wwantt too seee oordeer, pattterrn aand meaaninng iin tthe worrld. Coonsiiderr, ffor exaamplle, thee coommoon bbeliief thaat tthinngs likke pperssonaal mmisfforttunees, plaane craashees, andd deeathhs “happpenn inn thhreees”. SSuchh beelieefs steem ffromm thhe ttend

26、denccy oof ppeopple to alllow thee thhirdd evventt too deefinne tthe timme pperiiod. Iff thhreee pllanee crrashhes occcur in a mmontth, theen tthe perriodd off tiime thaat ooccuurs as theeir “happpenningg toogettherr” iss a monnth; iff thhreee crrashhes occcur in a yyearr, tthe perriodd off tiime is

27、 strretcchedd. FFlexxiblle aand poiintss reeinfforcce ssuchh beelieefs.We allso tennd tto bbeliievee whhat we wannt tto bbeliievee. AA maajorrityy off peeoplle tthinnk ttheyy arre mmoree inntellliggentt, mmoree faair-minndedd annd mmoree skkillled behhindd thhe wwheeel oof aan aautoomobbilee thhan t

28、hee avveraage perrsonn. PPartt off thhe rreasson we vieew ooursselvves so favvoraablee iss thhat we usee crriteeriaa thhat worrk tto oour advvanttagee. AAs eeconnomiist Thoomass Scchelllinng eexpllainns, “Eveerybbodyy raankss hiimseelf higgh iin qquallitiies he valluess; ccareefull drriveers givve w

29、weigght to carre, skiilleed ddrivverss giive weiightt too skkilll, aand thoose whoo arre ppoliite givve wweigght to couurteesy.” Thhis wayy evveryyonee raankss hiigh on hiss owwn sscalle.Perhaaps thee moost impporttantt meentaal hhabiit wwe ccan leaarn is to be cauutioous in draawinng cconcclussionn

30、s. Thee “eviidennce” off evveryydayy liife is sommetiimess miisleeadiing.31. IIn PParaagraaph 1 tthe autthorr sttatees tthatt _.A. reeamss caannoot bbe ssaidd too prrophhetiic eevenn thhouggh aa feew hhavee coome truueB. drreamms aare proopheeticc beecauuse somme oof tthemm diid ccomee trrueC. drrea

31、mms mmay comme ttruee iff cllearrly remmembbereed DD. ddreaams andd reealiity aree clloseely rellateed32. BBy “tthinngs likke haappeen iin tthreees” iin PParaagraaph 3, thee auuthoor iindiicattes thaat ppeopple bellievve _.A. peersoonall miisfoortuuness teend to happpenn evveryy noow aand theenB. pe

32、ersoonall miisfoortuuness, pplanne ccrasshess, aand deaathss ussuallly happpenn toogettherrC. miisfoortuuness teend to occcur acccorddingg too ceertaain pattterrnsD. miisfoortuuness wiill nevver occcur morre tthann thhreee tiimess too a perrsonn inn hiis llifeetimme33. TThe worrd “couurteesy” inn Pa

33、araggrapph 44 prrobaablyy meeanss _.A. goood mannnerrs B. appproopriiatee sppeecch C. frrienndlyy reelattionns D. saatissfacctorry sservvicee34. WWhatt caan bbe iinfeerreed ffromm thhe ppasssagee?A. Haappeeninngs thaat ggo uunnooticced desservve mmoree atttenntioon.B. Inn a serriess off miisfoortuun

34、ess thhe tthirrd oone is usuuallly tthe mosst sseriiouss.C. Peeoplle ttendd too maake usee off evvideencee thhat suppporrts theeir ownn beelieefs.D. Beelieeverrs oof mmisfforttunees hhapppeniing in thrreess arre ccauttiouus iin iinteerprretiing eveentss.35. IIt ccan conncluudedd frrom thee paassaage

35、 thaat _.A. thheree iss soome truuth eveen iin tthe willdesst ddreaams B. onne sshouuld takke nnotiice of othher peooplees mmeriitsC. thheree iss noo orrderr orr paatteern in worrld eveentss D. wee shhoulld nnot basse oour conncluusioons on acccideentaal eeviddencceQuesttionn 366 40 aare bassed on t

36、hee foolloowinng ppasssagee:Beautty hhas alwwayss beeen reggardded as sommethhingg prraissewoorthhy. Almmostt evveryyonee thhinkks aattrracttivee peeoplle aare happpieer aand heaalthhierr, hhavee beetteer mmarrriagge aand havve mmoree reespeectaablee occcuppatiionss. PPerssonaal cconssulttantts ggiv

37、ee thhem bettterr addvicce ffor finndinng jjobss. EEvenn juudgees aare soffterr onn atttraactiive deffenddantts (被告). BBut in thee exxecuutivve ccirccle, beeautty ccan beccomee a liaabillityy.Whilee atttraactiivennesss iss a possitiive facctorr foor aa maan iin hhis wayy upp thhe eexeccutiive laddde

38、rr, iit iis hharmmfull too a womman.Handssomee maale exeecuttivees wweree peerceeiveed aas hhaviing morre iinteegriity thaan pplaiinerr meen; efffortt annd aabillityy weere thooughht tto aaccoountt foor ttheiir ssucccesss.Attraactiive femmalee exxecuutivves werre cconssideeredd too haave lesss iinte

39、egriity thaan uunatttraactiive onees; theeir succcesss wwas atttribbuteed nnot to abiilitty bbut to facctorrs ssuchh ass luuck.All uunatttraactiive wommen exeecuttivees wweree thhougght to havve mmoree innteggritty aand to be morre ccapaablee thhan thee atttraactiive femmalee exxecuutivves. Innterre

40、sttinggly, thhouggh, thee riise of thee unnatttracctivve ooverrnigght succcesss wwas atttribbuteed mmoree too peersoonall reelattionnshiips andd leess to abiilitty tthann waas tthatt off atttraactiive oveerniightt suucceess.Why aare atttracctivve wwomeen nnot thooughht tto bbe ccapaablee? AAn aattrr

41、acttivee woomann iss peerceeiveed tto bbe mmoree feeminninee (女女性的) annd aan aattrracttivee maan mmoree maascuulinne (男性的的) tthann thhe llesss atttraactiive onees. Thuus, an atttracctivve wwomaan hhas an advvanttagee inn trradiitioonall feemalle jjobss, bbut an atttracctivve wwomaan iin aa trradiiti

42、oonallly masscullinee poosittionn apppeaars to lacck tthe “masscullinee” quualiitiees rrequuireed.This is truue eevenn inn poolitticss. “Wheen tthe onlly ccluee iss hoow hhe oor sshe loooks, peeoplle ttreaat mmen andd woomenn diiffeerenntlyy,” saays Annne BBowmman, whho rreceentlly ppubllishhed a ss

43、tuddy oon tthe efffectts oof aattrracttiveenesss oon ppoliiticcal canndiddatees. Shee asskedd 1225 uundeergrraduuatee sttudeentss too raank twoo grroupps oof pphottogrraphhs, onee off meen aand onee off woomenn, iin oordeer oof aattrracttiveenesss. Thee sttudeentss weere tolld tthe phootoggrapphs we

44、rre oof ccanddidaatess foor ppoliiticcal offficees. Theyy weere askked to rannk tthemm aggainn, iin tthe ordder thaat ttheyy woouldd voote forr thhem.The rresuultss shhoweed tthatt atttraactiive malles uttterlly ddefeeateed uunatttraactiive menn, bbut thee woomenn whho hhad beeen rrankked mosst aatt

45、rracttivee innvarriabbly recceivved thee feewesst vvotees.36. TThe worrd “l(fā)iaabillityy” inn Paaraggrapph 11 moost proobabbly meaans “_”.A. miisfoortuune B. innstaabillityy CC. ddisaadvaantaage D. burrdenn37. IIn ttradditiionaallyy feemalle jjobss, aattrracttiveenesss _.A. reeinfforcces thee feeminni

46、nee quualiitiees rrequuireed B. maakess woomenn loook morre hhoneest andd caapabbleC. iss off prrimaary impporttancce tto wwomeen D. oftten enaablees wwomeen tto ssuccceedd quuickkly38. BBowmmans eexpeerimmentt reeveaals thaat wwhenn itt coomess too poolitticss, aattrracttiveenesss _.A. tuurnss ouut

47、 tto bbe aan oobsttaclle tto mmen B. afffectts mmen andd woomenn allikeeC. haas aas llitttle efffectt onn meen aas oon wwomeen D. iss moore of an obsstaccle thaan aa beeneffit to wommen39. IIt ccan be infferrred froom tthe passsagge tthatt peeoplles vviewws oon bbeauuty aree offtenn _.A. prractticaa

48、l B. prrejuudicced C. olld-ffashhionned D. raddicaal40. TThe autthorr wrritees tthiss paassaage to _.A. diiscuuss thee neegattivee asspeccts of beiing atttracctivve B. giive advvicee too joob sseekkerss whho aare atttracctivveC. deemannd eequaal rrighhts forr woomenn D. empphassizee thhe iimpoortaan

49、cee off apppeaarannceQuesttionn 411 45 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge:An apppliicattionn leetteer thhe llettter youu wrritee too appplyy foor aa joob wiill proobabbly be thee moost impporttantt kiind of lettterr yoou wwilll evver wriite. Veery likkelyy, iit iis aa leetteer tthatt yoou

50、wwilll wrritee seeverral timmes, ass moost peooplee chhangge eemplloyeers sevveraal ttimees dduriing theeir bussineess carreerrs. Youur ffirsst jjob, ass weell as eacch oof tthosse tthatt foolloow, is almmostt ceertaain to invvolvve ssomee wrritiing aand mosst eemplloyeers loook uuponn ann apppliica

51、ttionn leetteer aas aan eexceelleent inddicaatorr off ann apppliicannts wwrittingg annd ootheer ccommmuniicattionn skkillls.The ppurpposee off yoour apppliccatiion lettterr, wwhicch sshouuld go toggethher witth yyourr reesumme, is to gett yoou aan iin-ppersson inttervvieww wiith thee emmplooyerr. II

52、f tthe lettterr iss a goood oone, itt moost likkelyy wiill achhievve iits objjecttivee.The ggeneerall pllan of an apppliccatiion lettterr clloseely mattchees tthatt off a salles lettterr. FFor an apppliccatiion lettterr, tthe “prooducct” yoou aare selllinng cconssistts oof yyourr knnowlledgge, youur

53、 sskillls, yoour perrsonnaliity eveerytthinng aabouut yyou thaat wwilll ennablle yyou to perrforrm tthe jobb too thhe ssatiisfaactiion of thee emmplooyerr. AAs aa reesullt, youu muust unddersstannd tthe empployyers nneedds, knoow tthe speeciffic reqquirremeentss off thhe jjob youu arre sseekkingg, a

54、and knoow wwhatt yoou hhavee too “selll”.41. TThe worrd “thoose” (uundeerliinedd) rrefeers to _.A. thhe jjobss B. thhe llettterss C. thee tiimess D. thee emmplooyerrs42. OObviioussly, affterr yoou hhavee prreseenteed yyourr apppliicattionn leetteer, youu wiill _.A. haand in a ccopyy off yoour ressum

55、ee B. exxpecct aa faace-to-facce iinteerviiewC. acchieeve youur oobjeectiive D. woork forr thhe eemplloyeer43. AAccoordiing to thee paassaage, yoour apppliccatiion lettterr iss immporrtannt bbecaausee _.A. itt meeanss hoow eexpeerieenceed yyou aree B. it inddicaatess hoow hhardd yoou ccan worrkC. it

56、t shhowss hoow wwelll yoou ccan commmunnicaate D. it tellls howw suucceessfful thee innterrvieew wwilll bee44. TThe wriiterr off thhis passsagge ccompparees aan aappllicaatioon llettter to _.A. a strrongg peersoonallityy B. a ssatiisfaactoory skiill C. a nnew prooducct D. a salles lettterr45. TTo ee

57、nsuure thaat tthe lettterr caan ssatiisfyy thhe eemplloyeer, youu muust _.A. knnow hiss neeedss B. teell youur rrequuireemennts C. shoow yyourr knnowlledgge D. gett faamilliarr wiith hiss prroduuctQuesttionn 466 50 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge:The LLonddon Undderggrouund (ussuallly c

58、allledd “thee tuube”) iis tthe bigggesst ssubwway sysstemm inn thhe wworlld. It iis aalsoo thhe ffasttestt waay tto ttravvel in thee ciity. Thhe nnetwworkk coonsiistss off niine majjor rouutess, ccallled “l(fā)innes”.You ccan buyy tiickeets at anyy unnderrgrooundd sttatiion, att a ticckett offficce, or

59、froom aa tiickeet mmachhinee. SSomee off thhe ttickket macchinnes reqquirre eexacct mmoneey. Alll off thhe mmachhinees ddispplayy “Chaangee giivenn” orr “Exaact monney onlly” siignss. TThe priice of thee tiickeet ddepeendss onn thhe llenggth of thee trrip. The lonngerr thhe ttripp, tthe higgherr thh

60、e ccostt off thhe ttickket.Trainns sstopp att alll sstattionns. On somme ttraiins, paasseengeers neeed tto ppresss aa buuttoon tto oopenn dooorss. EEverry uundeergrrounnd ttraiin ccar hass maaps thaat sshoww alll tthe staatioons on thee liine youu arre ttravveliing on. Therre iis aa maap oof tthe wh


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