1、精品文檔精品文檔實(shí)用文檔實(shí)用文檔2021-20222021-2022本試卷分為第卷(選擇題)和第卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共 130 分,考試用時(shí) 100 分鐘??荚嚱Y(jié)束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第卷第一部分:英語知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45 分)第一節(jié):單項(xiàng)填空(共 15 小題,每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)從 A、B、C、D 四個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。 We have booked a room for today and tomorrow., sir.AAt your serviceBIllcheckCIts all rightDMypleasure Mum, have
2、 you seen my mobile phone?you bought last week? Im afraid I havent seen it.ThatBItC The oneDOneLifeisharderforSeniorThreestudentsthroughoutChinaHardly endless exercises or testsdoes everyday go by withBany day goes by with Ceveryday goes by withoutDdoes any day go by Wed better go downstairsrightnow
3、forlunch.They serve food 24 hours a day.Hurryup!B. Takeyourtime.C.Noway!D. Itmatter.At minus living cell canbefor one thousand ApreservedBprotectedCspreadDdevelopedHave you persuaded him?Yes. After hours of discussion, I to reason him intoaccepting the new plan.managedB. would manageC. have managedD
4、. had managedA traffic regulation released in a foreign country states passengers sharing a car with a drunken driver be punished together with the driver himself.shallB. mustC. canD. will in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized had left the money in the car.WaitingB. Having wai
5、tedC. To waitD. To have waitedHow happy we are !The winter holiday we have been lookingforward soon.has eB. to have eC. to ingD. to will eJohn told me hed like to go hiking with me, his voicejoy.was heavy withB. heavy withC. was full ofD. full withIt is said that people in that area have littletorec
6、reational activities such as watching TV or seeing films.avenueB. edgeC. exposureD. accessNever believe anythingany other person has believed it.becauseB. unlessC. thatD. 13. Mike went to the hospital alone.If heme about it, I would have gone with himA. should tellB. toldC.had toldD. tellsThe govern
7、ment hasa series of policies and measures toensure the improvement in living standards.put downB. put outC. put offD. put forwardAswasknowntoall,Johnhadbrokenhispromisehe wouldwith us for some time .whenB. whichC. thatD. 第二節(jié):完形填空(201.530)1635A、B、C、D項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。Iwasfeelingalittleblue.Mymotherhadbeenlaid
8、offfromherjob, but she said she was OK since her boss wasnt the nicest person16I got off the college bus and started walking. Thats17I heard piano music and singing rising above the18of the people and the traffic. I walked alittle slower19I could findout where it wasing from.20the crowd I saw a youn
9、g lady sitting at a piano with anext to her, singing songs about love. The way she was singing22me a bit. I stood there watching her23for about fifteen minutes, thinking that it must take24to perform on her own in public.Feeling my presence, she looked in my25. I walked over and putsome money in her
10、 carriage. “I have been going through a26lately, but youve made me hopeful again.”Im happy that I could27. Why are you so sad?Well, my mum told got 28 from her job, but Im not sure what to do.”You see, the way you were 29 , she explained. “Dont look defeated, 30 es in different ways. If your head is
11、 down you might never see it .Smile more. 31 your head up.I smiled slightly, amazed by how she was 32 me. “Why are you playing here?” I asked.“I am not making music. I study psychology. I often see many 33 peopleandhopetorelievetheir 34 and makethemthinkpositivelysharing music.”I smiled a little wid
12、er. She was doing a good thing. My heart was touched by a 35 soul.Sheexplainedtomethatsheseesalotofnegativepeopleintheworld and she tries toalleviate the pain and bring more positivity bymotivational music. She told me that when she wasnt making music shestudied psychology. So, that was how she knew
13、 some of the things she was telling me.IsmiledalittlewiderbecauseIknewthatshewasdoingagoodSo,afterthatweparted,myhearttouchedandlightenedbyamusicalsoul!16Ainstead17Asince 18AnoiseB anywayBafter BviewCsomehowCbefore CsceneDeitherD when Dhurry19AbutByetC soDor20AAcrossB ThroughC.BesideDAlong21AplateBb
14、asketC carriageDbowl22Adiscouraged shockedD 23Arefreshing B24AimageBbelief25A. direction B. instruction DintentiondisturbedC.dancingDbeggingC courageC . operation26A. nice 27AworkB roughB helpCstandDimprove28AlostBstuckC.firedDtired29A walking30AExperiencesPerformancesD. OpportunitiesCsighingBPossib
15、ilitiesC.31AdropBpickC liftDknock32AdepressingDsurprising33A negative Dsurprising34Aattention Bsight 35Aclassical BseriousCfrighteningCactiveCrespectD painCcuriousDmusical第二部分: 閱讀理解(共 20 小題;每小題 2.5 分,滿分 50 分)A、B、C、DOnthefirstdayoftheNewYearxx,ImadeupmymindtogotoThailandto teach English as a voluntee
16、r. Fresh out of college with the world my fingertips, all I cared about was travelling and seeing the world.Little did I know how awesome my life would be in the ing months!My journey began with the attendance of TESOL certification coursein my home state of Florida last February. After 3 weekends o
17、f study and another 40 hours post-study online, I received my TESOL certificate.I was put in touch with Philip, who is Program Director of the Teach in Thailand. In close consultation with Philip, I chose my employment school and after many months of excitement, I finally boarded my plane to Thailan
18、d in early April, and set off on an adventure!Afterafewweeksofsingletravel,ImetupwithPhilipandtheother new teachers in my program in Bangkok. It was great to meet other who were on the same journey as me, see some cool sights and hang out Thailandscities!Directlyafterthat,Iattendedtheweek-longsemina
19、rwhich isincluded in the Teachin Thailand Program. At the oftheseminar,IwastransportedtomyemploymentschoolAnubanBuriram Primary School.Itrulylovemyjob IteachGrades5and6andIhavethecleverest and most motivated kidsin the world.Its a trulyfantastic thing youcanseethedifferenceyoumakeinsomeoneelseslife,
20、rightinfront of you!The city Buriramis small, surroundedwith green rice fields.Peoplehere are more friendly than anyone Ive ever metIve never been anywhere where a smileis so easily received, where everyone you pass is so eager to say “Hello” and “Good morning”. Ive been taken out to countless dinne
21、rs, and been lent a guitar, a digital camera, and even a motorbike, and I am constantly given little Thai treats and the most delicious fresh fruits many times a week. I only hope to pay it forward in the future.To teach English in a foreign country, one has to.graduate from universityreceive a cert
22、ificate of TESOLbe trained in a summer coursetake a course onlineWhat did the author do immediately after arriving in Thailand?He travelled around Thailand by himself.He had a close discussion with Philip.He attended a seminar in Bangkok.He had meeting with other volunteers.In the last paragraph the
23、 author is trying to show that his placement city is small but very beautiful.that he wants to repay the people who helped him.how generous and friendly the Thai People are.that the Thai treats are fresh and delicious.The author wrote this passage in order to.encourage more people to travel in Thail
24、andgive some advice to future volunteersshow the readers how to bee a volunteertell us his voluntary experience in ThailandThe author found his teaching in Thailand.rewardingB. boringC. realisticD. attractive BKids love the all-knowing Google. Your kids likely use Google to help them find everything
25、 from information for homework assignments, funny cat videos, and everything in between. Sometimes kids can take a wrong turn on Google and end up in a dark part of the Internet where theyshouldntbe.Thankfully,Googlehassomeparentalcontrolfeaturesthat parents can implement to at least help reduce the
26、 量) of crap(廢物) thatendsupinsearchresults,whichcanenableyoutohelp keep your curious kids from ending up on the wrong side of the What is Google SafeSearch? Google SafeSearch is one of the parentalcontroloptions offeredbyGoogletohelpparentspolicesearch results.SafeSearchhelpstofilterexplici(明確的conten
27、toutofsearch results. It is mainly designed to target sexually explicit material (images and videos) and not violent content.How to Enable Google SafeSearch ? 1. From the Search Settings preferencespage,placeacheckintheboxwiththelabelFilterexplicit results.2.Tolockthissettingsothatyourchildcantchang
28、eit,click theLockSafeSearchlink.IfyouarenotalreadyloggedintoyourGoogle account, you will need to do so in order to lock SafeSearch to the position.Enable SafeSearch on Mobile Devices. In addition to your puter, you will probably also want to enable SafeSearch on any mobile device that your child use
29、s regularly. For instructions on how to enable SafeSearch on a variety of mobile devices, check out Googles SafeSearch Mobilesupport page.As we all know, kids are going to be kids and try to their boundaries. We put up one roadblock and they go around it. Its a constant cat and mouse game and there
30、will always be some internet door thatweasparentsforgettolock,andthatwillbetheonethatthekids get through, but we do the best we can.Which of the following are kids NOT likely to Google to do?To find information for homework assignments.To find everything except information and funny cat videos.To fi
31、nd funny cat videos on the Internet.To find everything between information and funny cat videos.What does the underlined “options” in Paragraph 2 mean?JudgmentsB. UsesC.FunctionsD. ChoicesWhats the first thing youd do before setting Google SafeSearch?Sign up and log into your Google account.find the
32、 “Search Settings” preferences page.Find the label “ Filter explicit results”.Click the “Lock SafeSearch” link.How do you enable SafeSearch on Mobile devices?Read the instructions of the related mobile devices directly.Look for some Internet door to be sure we parents did not to lock it.Check out Go
33、ogles SafeSearch Mobile support page instructions.Check in the box with the label any mobile devices.Whats the best title of the passage?How to use Google to help kids find everything.What is the meaning of Google SafeSearch.How to make Google safer for your kids.How to set Google SafeSearch for you
34、r kids.CThe Gunpowder Plot was conspiracyto kill King James I, as well as the members of the House of Lords and mons at the re-opening Parliament. It was designed by a group of Catholics in protest against the anti-Catholic laws that were being introduced by the king.RobertCatesbywastheleaderofthegr
35、oup.Itwasheandhiscousin, Thomas Wintour, and two other friends, Thomas Percy and John Wright, who formed the center of the group. They were joined by nine more men; them was Guy Fawkes, from the city of York in the north of England.Fawkes found a store room directly under the House of Lords and rent
36、editoutunderthefalsenameofJohnJohnson.Theconspiratorsstored thirty-sixbarrelsofgunpowderthere,andFawkes,whowasanexplosives expert, was to light the fuses (引信) on 5th November 1605.The plot failed because one of the conspirators, Francis Tresham, sent a letter to his relative, who was a member of the
37、 House of Lords. The letter warned him not to attend the opening ceremony of Parliament. The letter was passed on to the authorities, who took action.GuyFawkeswasfoundinthecellaronthenightof4thNovemberthe thirty-six barrels and a number of fuses. He was imprisoned and ill-treated, eventually giving
38、away the names of the conspirators.Soldiers of the king surrounded Holbeach House, in the Midlands, wheretheyknewtheconspiratorstobehiding.Inthefightthatfollowed, fourofthemwereshotdead,includingCatesbyandPercy,whowereactuallykilled by the same bullet. The others were imprisoned and hanged along wit
39、h Guy Fawkes on 31st January 1606.These days, on 5th November, children all over Britain celebrate Guy Fawkes Night by building huge bonfires and lighting fireworks. a family tradition and an occasion to eat potatoes baked by the Thereisalwaysaguyontopofthefire,amodelofGuyFawkes,dressed in the cloth
40、es of the 17th century.Francis Tresham wrote the letter to his relative to.warn him of the danger of being killedreveal the names of the conspiratorsprotect the House of Lordsreport the plot to the authoritiesAccording to the passage, the total number of people involved the plot is.A. 40B. 4C. 36D.
41、13What can we learn about Robert Catesby?He wrote a letter to his relative in the authorities.He was imprisoned and hanged.He was responsible for lighting the fuses.He was shot dead in the fight.49. What is the right order of the event describedinthe passage?a. A cellar was found.b. Four conspirator
42、s were shot.c. The letter was passed on to the authorities.d. The rest of the conspirators were hanged.e. Some gunpowder was prepared.f. The authorities took action.A. c, a, e, f, b, dB. e, a,c,f, b, fC . a, e, c, f, b, dD. c, f, a, e, b, dThe writer wrote the passage in order to.tell how a British
43、family tradition developeddisclose the severe struggle among the British politiciansinform the readers of the cruelty of King James Idescribe one event in the British historyDMostAmericanstudentsgototraditionalpublicschoolsThereareabout 88, 000 public schools all over the USSome students attend abou
44、t 3000 independent public schools called charter schools.Charter schools are panies operate some charter schoolsThey are similar in some ways to traditional public schoolTheyreceivetaxmoneyjustasotherpublicschoolsdoCharter schools must prove to local or state governments that their aregovernmentspro
45、videtheschoolswiththeagreement called a charter that permits them to operateCharterschoolsaredifferentbecausetheydonothavetoobeymost laws governing traditional public state, or federal governments cannot tell them what to school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach teClass
46、is usually smaller than in traditional public schoolsTheBushAdministrationstronglysupportscharterschoolsasaway tore-organizepublicschoolsthatarefailingtoeducatesome education agencies and unions oppose charter schools teachersunionhasjustmadepublictheresultsofthefirstnational study paring the progre
47、ss of students in traditional schools andcharter schoolsThe American Federation of Teachers criticized the governments delay in releasing the results of the study, which is called the NationalAssessmentofEducationalProgressUnioneducationexperts say the study shows that charter school students perfor
48、med worse math and reading tests than students in regular public schoolsSome experts say the study is not a fair look at charter because students in those schools have more problems than students intraditionalschoolsOthereducationexpertssaythestudyresults should make charter school officials demand
49、improved student progressIfaprivatepanywantstooperateacharterschool,itmustAtry new methods of teachingprove its management abilityget the governments permissionobey the local and state lawsCharter schools are independent becauseAthey make greater progressthey enjoy more freedomtheir class size is sm
50、allerthey oppose traditional waysWhats the governments attitude toward charter schools?ADoubtful.BOptimistic CSubjectiveDSupportive.What can we learn from the text?People have different opinions about charter schoolsCharter schools are better than traditional schoolsStudents in charter schools are w
51、ell educatedMore students choose to attend charter 55It can be interred from the text thatAcharter schools are all privately financed Bone-on-one attention should be paid to students Cthe number of charter schools will be limitedDcharter schools are part of the public education system第卷注意事項(xiàng):本卷共 6 小題
52、,共 35 分。第三部分: 寫作第一節(jié):閱讀表達(dá)(5210閱讀短文,并按照題目要求用英語回答問題。Why play sports? You might say“to get exercise”and youd be right. To have fun?Thats true,too.But theres more.In fact, areatleast5morereasons.AccordingtotheWomensSportsFoundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.Girls who play sports
53、 do better in school. You might think athleticswilltakeupallyourstudytime.Butresearchshowsthatgirls who play sports do better in school than those who dont. Exercise improveslearning,memory,andconcentration,whichcangiveactivegirls an advantage in the classroom.Girls who play sports learn teamwork an
54、d goal-setting skills.Sportsteachvaluablelifeskills.Whenyouworkwithcoaches,trainers, and teammates to wingamesandachieve goals.Youre learning howto successful. Those skills will at work and in family life.Sports are good for a girls health. In addition to being fitand maintaininga healthy weight, gi
55、rls who p1ay sports are lesslikelytosmoke.Andlaterinlife,girlswhoexercisearelesslikely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis (骨質(zhì)疏松).Playingsportsbuildsself-confidence.Girlswhoplaysportsbetteraboutthemselves.Why?Itbuildsconfidencewhenyouknowyouachieveyourgoals.Sportsarealsoafeel-goodactivitybecausetheygirls get in shape,maintain a healthy weight and make new friends.Exercise cuts the pressure. Playing sportscan reduce stress and helpyoufeelalittlehappi
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