1、fiber optical communicationmarket and technical trendbo caijds uniphasejdsu snapshotcommunications marketsfiber opticalcomponentscapacity per strand (gb/s)as the demand for bandwidth grows, each networkimpact of wdm technologyas the demand for bandwidth grows, each networkpipe needs to expand to car
2、ry more data,with aaminimum investment of $/managed bitperformance / price9 months18 monthsopticalimpact of wdm technologytime to double12 months storagemoores law:silicon ic51234year 0steam1enginestcornish iist eam t urbinest eam t urbinecharles p arsonsexpansiongaas diode10 gb/s 25 ghzgas t urbine
3、flourescent10 gb/s 50 ghzt homasjames w at t iijamesiw at t it ungst encelulose filament10 gb/s 100 ghzdwdmsystems4 x 10gb/st homas savery1lampsedisons first lampp araffin candle8 x 2.5gb/sresource efficiencyprogress time scales acceleratingtechnology progress100%10%1%0%17001750180018501900195020002
4、0501) jesse h. ausubel, where is energy going?, the industrial physicist, vol. 6 (1), p. 17 (feb. 2000).pja 3/2/00what if photonic engineersad workedtheir magic on aviation?boeing 747“teraplane”passenger capacitycoast-to-coast timeticket price4005 hours$400800020 minutes$5the bubblerapid change in t
5、he telecom economyservice provider annual capital spending$120,000$100,000$80,000$60,000$40,000$20,000$01996 2002 2008source: cibc world markets unsustainable spending by service providers40%35%capex and cashflow as a % of sales45%cash flowcapex30%25%20%15%10%5%0% 1996 2002 2008source: cibc world ma
6、rketsrelative size (1999 = 10)the traffic dilemmatrafficcostsrevenues10000traffic is growing atexplosive rates1000100. . . and network costsare growing faster thanrevenues101999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005new component and network technologies help solvethis dilemma - on a large scaleafter rhkwild
7、 swings in component revenuecibc optical component revenue estimates ($b)$9$8$7$6$5$4$3$2$1$0$101997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004source: cibc world marketscompany52-wk high52-wk lowrecentchg fm peakcsco$82.000$13.690$23.150-71.77%ala$71.750$7.650$15.670-78.16%lu$75.375$1.500$3.900-94.83%nt$89.
8、000$2.400$5.700-93.60%cien$151.000$4.191$4.910-96.75%glw$113.333$5.270$10.250-90.96%jdsu$153.422$2.600$4.070-97.35%oplk$34.900$0.870$2.140-93.87%avnx$273.500$0.780$3.830-98.60%nasdaq5132.521413.712032.91-60.39%market view: stock price performancea trillion$ industry!service providerssystem vendorsco
9、mponent makersmaterialsuppliers$20bn/yr50%/yrsmartpipe, yips,level 3, worldcomnortel, lucentalcatel, cienajdsu, avnxbkhm, agere$700bn/yr10%/yr$150bn/yr15%/yroptical is a major industry!sdli - gmciena - mcdonaldscorning - boeingjdsu - sony(=user2 x bandwidth x online time)capacity19951996199719981999
10、200020012002we are here!where we are? near futurethere is rapid increasing demand400% per yearit is commercially profitable to fulfill3% for 1% price reductionit is environmentally sustainablenon nature resource hungry200320042005an optical solution optical communication is the only viableway becaus
11、e: optical fiber is the only wideband, costeffective, low loss media. a large bandwidth of signal can be processedmuch easily in optical domain. dwdm is a preferred approach for highcapacity optical network. cost effective, scalability, flexibility double capacity every 6 months!components and modul
12、es in dwdm networkstransmission source lasers modulators wavelockers receivers detectors tx/rx modulesdwdm thin film filters fiber gratings waveguides circulators interleavers mux/demuxmodulesamplifiers isolators tap couplers pump lasers gain equalizers attenuators integratedamplifiers soasswitching
13、 opticalswitches circulators couplers add/dropmodules980 nmpump moduleedfaramanmodulelinbo 3productstx/rxelectronicsnetworkmonitorawgmultiplexerrev.7/24/00 - 161rmodoadmpolrx elec.modtx2voavoavoadrvdrvmoddrvmodnmnmnmnmnmnmramanramanpolpolpolrx elec.rx elec.rx elec.980nmpumpedfa980nmpumpedfa980nmpump
14、edfa980nmpumpedfadrvoxcmuxdemuxnetworks by structurescaleabilityre-configurabilityconfigurabilityconnectivitycapacitytechnical functionalityadd-dropflexible wavelengthtranslation, wavelengthrouted networks.reliable end-to-endwavelength serviceoxcoxcoadmoadmoadmwdm rings, programmableoadmflexibleband
15、widthprovision,reliable opticalprotectionpoint-to-point wdmwith fixed add-dropoadmpoint-to-pointwdmcapacity increase,fiber reliefoptical networking evolutionoptical cross-connects,interconnected opticalrings and meshesoxcoxcoxctime200019962008200410245122561286432168optical10 mhzds3100 mhzoc3oc121 g
16、hzoc48oc192100 ghz10 ghzelectrical vs. optical - cross connectselectrical limits high powercomsumption:e.g. 1024x1024: 4 kw jitter: very large large switches need oe/eo conversion bipolar or gaaselectricaldata ratenumber of portsshare of transport marketoptical network evolution0%100%0%100%networkin
17、g functionality in the optical layermesh of dwdm pipesnowfutureperformance / $fixed add / dropconfigurableadd / dropoxcflexibility:- all-optical routing- dynamic add/drop- network topologymetro core (iof)metroaccesswrelong-haul fiberwrewrewremetro regionaloxcwrewavelength routing elementoxc optical
18、cross-connectaccess optical add-drop nodesoptical monitoringtrends in metro dwdm networksscalability:- modular approach- protocol-independentmanageability:- optical layer protection- automated optical performance monitoring- software controlled optical tuning- auto-discovery of optical nodeswaveleng
19、th service provisioningand bandwidth managementswitchmuxoutdropdemuxinaddattenuatorconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexerwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchwavelengthswitch
20、wavelengthswitchwavelengthswitchscalabilitywavelengthswitchwavelengthrouter/wavelengthinter-exchange- eliminate regenerators and oxc between rings- scalable oxc !wavelength switch system applications:all optical ring interconnectwavelengthselectableoadmmulti-port wavelength switchinmultiple fibersdi
21、spersiveelementmems arrayarraycontrolout add/drop any or all wavelengths: any orderhitless reconfiguration wide passband, very low dispersionrxrxrxrxtxtxtxtxnodenodewavelength switch / wavelength blockerwavelengthswitchexpresstunablefilterstunabletransmittersnodeaanodebblower cost network installati
22、on and node upgradesenables remotely configured installation procedureslower labor cost to manage and maintain networksimplified network planning:shorter time from capital expenditure to revenuecolourless optical network:lower inventory costs, low sparing costs, fewer part numbersdynamic bandwidth a
23、llocation:improved network efficiency through re-distribution of bandwidthopticalcrossconnect(oxc).multiwavelength opaque optical networks1.3 m intra-officeoptical transport system(1.55 m wdm)transpondersterminating equipment|sonet, atm, ip.why ultra long haul system? reduced cost:from point-to poin
24、tto all opticalnetwork equipment operation administration increase revenue:from voice to datanetwork faster provision provided new servicefuture ulh all optical networkenabling technologies for ulh system raman amplifier x 2.5 forward error correction (fec) x 2 modulation format x1.5 x 2 dynamics ga
25、in equalizer (dge) dispersion management 5 10 (1 / mw / km)raman scattering interactionbetween opticalphonon andphoton strongly dependon fiber type non-linearity inwdmgraefframan gain 18.864 p = 0.25(db / km)with pp = 100mwraman gain = 3.75dbgr ppaeff psignal powerraman amplifier for 13 db gain(400m
26、w pump),about 2.5xdistance avoided highpower region: non-linearity avoided high noisesource: lightwave august, 20001 0 1 + 0q regionpure edfahybrid amplifierhigh power regionhigh noise regionsource: m. nissov et al, ecoc 97, pd, pp.9-12dynamic gain equalizer electronic equalizer demux / attenuation
27、/ mux awg: lucent diffraction grating: lucent: mems jdsu: lcd coring: lcd fouier filter mzi waveguide: ibm birefringence crystal: chorum all fiber acousticgratingawgmziall fiberacousticspectralresolution2.4 nm1 nm5 nm3.3 nm6 db 6.8 db3.5 db10 db9 db7db10 dbattenuationrangepdl0.3 db0.2 db1 db0.5 dbpm
28、d0.3 ps0.15 ps0.3 ps0.1 pspower8 w12 w8 w1 wspeed1ms5ms5 ms100 usdynamic gain equalizerr zd ( z)dispersion management for ulh system (i);a( z) =kr 1d( z) 1 rz 1x for ulh system,seasonal temperaturechange will requiredtunable dispersioncompensation vipa fbg all-pass filter mems all-pass filter ring a
29、ll-pass filter gires-tournois all-pass filterodispersion management for ulh system(ii) vipagires-tournois all-pass filterinterleaver: enables scaleableterabit network80-ch c-band+80-ch l-band1.6 tb/sinterleaver10-ch mux/demuxloss (db)-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 01 57815 79158 01 58115 82158 315 84158 51 58 615 8
30、7dr op 1dr op 2dr op 3dr op 4wavelength (nm)test results: bandwidth and crosstalklow loss, flat passband, high isolationfull spectrum0-1 0-2 0networkserviceaverageuptimeaveragedowntimevoice(dial-tone)99.999%5 minutesper yeare-mail99.8%18 hoursper yeardata(web)99.0%88 hoursper yearreliabilitytelecomd
31、atacomas more traffic iscarried on opticalinfrastructure,the reliability ofthe optical networkwill be required toapproach that ofvoice networks oftoday.datacom and telecom convergence will require robustnetwork protection, restoration, monitoring, andthe optical layermetroiofmetroaccess5-10 km50-60
32、kmmetroiof 20 km300 kmspanreachnetwork by distanceoptical layermanagementlong haulcentralofficecentralofficebusiness &metroaccessnetwork monitoringpower equilization, fault sectionalizationlong term monitoring, network commissioninginter-network monitoringpartsqtyunit pricetotal costisolator30$600$18,000fused coupler30$120$3,600wdm coupler8$1,200$9,600attenuator4$400$1,60010 years ago: distance4 channel p2p wdm linkwdmrxrxrxrxattenuatoroacomp90km x 9 spanstxtxtxtxpartsqtyunit pricetotal costisolator30$300$9,000fused coupler30$80$2,400gff10$800$8,000wdm coupler80$800$64,000attenuator40
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