1、difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article" gave everyone, with a view on how to do
2、 well under the new situation of township and village leaders inspire and help, and also share with you. a good play to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume the burden be passed; only specific qualities, will it be possible in specific areas to create a world. in my view, village chiefs in t
3、he new situation, we must first have five basic quality. one ambition is to pioneer. "who is handsome." people only high-minded can stimulate the flow of momentum to become brave and persistent, become quiet and powerful. township and village party "leaders", within their respect
4、ive jurisdictions, political stability and economic and social development issues, decisions and orientation depends to a large extent because of your. everybody in village chiefs and the positions, both the trust of the masses, the organization's trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the m
5、oral and other qualities. therefore, we must always maintain the historical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hard work of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage to open up a new situation of villages and towns. to have a feeling of closeness to the
6、second. "the people and country." our business foundation in the people's blood in the people power people. advanced decisions of the party cadres to the feelings of the people is an eternal theme. fan zhong-yan, called "first, and enjoy comfort about others", zheng banqiao
7、39;s also wrote a "ya chai lay listening to the rustling of bamboo, the suspect is suffering. cao county officials, little my, a total turn off. "old of feudal official even has so feelings, alone we is to" serving "for purposes of people servant does? we more should always hold
8、with on people of deep feelings, heart department masses of leading visited tea, care masses of emotions thoughts complained, always insisted put masses of interests put in first, consciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests
9、 problem grabbed, real do love for people by department, and right for people by with, and lee for people by conspiracy to. three with the fame of mind. "non-indifferent not insist your dream, without serenity not go far." ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the soul. as t
10、ownship and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a correct viewpoint on power, position and values and outlook, as fame is light like water, depending . 50 km, also red and like hundreds of thousands of the kmt military combat, but he went on to collect a variety of newspap
11、ers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. as long as the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the library, workshops, into the villages, people learned farming techniques, problem-solving methods, participation in初中物理力學綜合測試題一一、單項選擇題1.以下所給數(shù)據(jù)中,最接近實際的是( )a.一個西瓜的質量一般是50kgb.正常成
12、年人脈搏跳動的時間間隔約為1sc.人的正常體溫大約是40d.普通樓梯一級臺階的高度約為50cm2.下列有關運動的描述正確的是( )a.以地面為參照物,坐在行駛汽車里的乘客是靜止的b.太陽是恒星,因此太陽是恒定不動的c.列車勻速運動時,火車頭拉車廂的力大于車廂所受的阻力d.擲出的鉛球在空中運動過程中,鉛球的運動狀態(tài)在改變3.以下現(xiàn)象解釋正確的是( )a.學校里旗桿的頂端所安裝的滑輪是定滑輪b.礦泉水瓶蓋周圍的凹凸花紋是為了減小摩擦c.用瓶蓋起子開啤酒瓶蓋,是為了省距離d.飲料吸管的一端剪成斜的,是為了增大壓力4.如圖所示,一個質量為50kg的人,在10s內連續(xù)向上跳12個臺階,已知每個臺階的高度
13、為0.2m,則這個人在這段時間內的功率是:( )(g取10n/kg)a、1200w b、10w c、12w d、120w 第4題圖 第6題圖5.一艘船從東海駛入黃浦江時,船受的浮力將會( )a.浮力減少,船身下沉些b.浮力增大,船身上浮些c.浮力不變,船身下沉些d.無法確定6.一密度計分別放入甲、乙兩種液體中時的情況如圖所示,則( )a.甲的密度大par b.乙的密度大c.密度計在甲中受到的浮力大d.密度計在乙中受到的浮力大7.在用天平和量筒測量某種食油的密度時,以下操作步驟中,不必要且不合理的是( ) a、用天平測空燒杯的質量 b、取適量的油倒入燒杯中,用天平測出杯和油的總質量c、將燒杯中的
14、油倒入量筒中,測出倒入量筒中的油的體積 d、用天平測出燒杯和剩余油的總質量8.將同一個小球放入三個盛有不同液體的容器中,小球靜止后容器中是液面向平(如圖所示),此時液體對容器底部的壓強是( )a甲容器的最大b乙容器的最大c丙容器的最大d一樣大 第8題圖二、多項選擇題9.滑雪運動員從山坡上勻速滑下,則運動員的( )a機械能增加b動能和勢能都減小c動能不變,勢能減小d機械能減小10.一些日常工具,在使用時屬于費力杠桿的是( )a.釣魚竿 b.筷子 c.瓶蓋起子 d.鑷子11.下列事例中,哪個措施的目的是為了增大壓強( )a.注射
15、器的針頭很尖b.為了易于把吸管插入軟包裝飲料盒內,吸管一端被削的很尖c.火車鐵軌不直接鋪在路面上,而鋪在一根根枕木上d.大型的載重車輛安裝很多輪子三、填空題12.歷史上證明大氣壓強存在的最著名的實驗是_實驗13.跳傘運動員在勻速下落過程中,勢能_,動能_14.縫紉機皮帶如果打滑,只要在皮帶上擦一些松香或將皮帶加緊一些,這樣就不打滑了。其道理:前者是_;后者_。15.請舉出一個防止慣性帶來危害的事例: 。請你舉出一個生活或生產技術中減小摩擦力的事例: 。16.將以下做法中用到的主要物理知識分別填在題后的橫線上(簡要寫出物理知識的內容,不要求解釋)。攔河壩總是上部窄、下部寬。 ;自行車的軸承上要經
16、常加油。 ;洗手后用力甩手,可以把手上的水甩掉。 。17.測量圖所示的滑輪組的機械效率,被提起的是質量200 克的物體,對繩子自由端的實際拉力是0.8牛頓,當物體升高0.2米時,繩的自由端移動的距離為_米,對滑輪組做成的總功為_焦耳;滑輪組做的有用功為_焦耳;機械效率為_第17題圖18.2008年5月12日,四川汶川發(fā)生8.0級地震,救援隊員利用各種器材展開搶險救災工作。利用如圖甲所示的鋼絲鉗,救援隊員把鋼筋剪斷,鋼絲鉗是 (省力/費力)杠桿。使用撬棒,救援隊員把滾落在公路上的石塊撬起,如圖乙所示,若救援隊員在撬棒的d點沿dm方向用力撬起石塊1,撬棒的支點是 點;若救援隊員在撬棒d點沿dn方向
17、用力撬起石塊1,撬棒的支點是 點。 甲 乙 第18題圖19.如圖所示茶壺的容積為600ml,用它最多可裝水 g;若以o為支點提壺把向杯中倒水,則它相當于一個 杠桿。(選填“省力”、“費力”或“等臂”) 第19題圖 第20題圖20.如圖是剛泡好的茶葉,浮在水面的茶葉受到的浮力 (填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”)它受到的重力;用手轉動茶壺,發(fā)現(xiàn)浮著的茶葉幾乎不動,其原因是 ;若茶壺與桌面的接觸面積是30cm2,茶水和壺的總重是6n,則茶壺對水平桌面的壓強是 pa。四、作圖與簡答21.畫出圖中,加在杠桿上的動力f的力臂 第21題圖22.按要求畫出滑輪組的穿繩情況:(動滑輪重力不計,f為拉力) 第22
19、厘米3,合_千克/米3。(5)在觀察量筒里的水面到達的刻度時,視線要跟_,量筒里的水面是凹形的,觀察時要以_為準。 第24題圖25.小東同學想測出液體b的密度,他手邊只有:一個彈簧測力計、一根細線、一個小石塊、兩個燒杯和足量的水。小東同學根據(jù)這些器材設計出了下面的實驗步驟,但不完整。請你將小東的實驗步驟補充完整:(1)用細線系住小石塊,將適量的水與液體b分別倒入兩個燒杯中;(2)_;(3)用彈簧測力計測出小石塊浸沒在水中受到的拉力f;(4)_;請根據(jù)小東測量的物理量表示出液體b的密度:b_。26.小華用圖所示的實驗,探究影響浮力大小的因素。 進行甲、乙兩步實驗,小華的目的是_;(2)
20、進行乙、丙兩步實驗,小華想驗證的猜想是_;(3)小華研究浮力大小與深度的關系時,根據(jù)測得的實驗數(shù)據(jù),作出了彈簧測力計的示 數(shù)f與物體下表面所處深度h的關系圖像,如圖所示,根據(jù)圖像可以判斷出,此實驗過程中浮力的變化情況是先_后_。六、計算題27.一個空瓶質量為0.25千克,裝滿水時質量共1.05千克,裝滿油時,質量共0.85千克,計算油的密度? 28.小明做“測滑輪組機械效率”實驗時,用圖18中所示的滑輪,組裝成滑輪組,請在圖中畫出使用該滑輪組時最省力的繞法。用此滑輪組將重為3.6n的物體勻速提起時,拉力的功率為0.36w,滑輪組的機械效率為75%。(忽略摩擦及繩重)求:(1)繩子自由端移動的速
21、度和動滑輪的總重。(2)若用此滑輪組提起小于3.6n的重物時,其機械效率將如何改變?說明理由。 第28題圖 29.如圖所示是小明同學測滑輪組機械效率的實驗裝置圖。他在2s內做2j的有用功使重物勻速上升了0.4m,不計繩重及摩擦。請你回答:彈簧測力計勻速向上運動的速度?該滑輪組的機械效率是多少?若僅增加鉤碼的個數(shù),在不考慮滑輪的摩擦時,該滑輪組的機械效率將 (填“增大”、“減小”或“不變”)。根據(jù)題目所提供的相關信息,還可以求出其他一些物理量。請從中任選兩個并加以解答。 第29題圖啟動脫硝氨區(qū)系統(tǒng)前,先進行氨氣稀釋罐注水和并檢查液氨儲罐液氨儲量足夠,檢查壓縮空氣系統(tǒng)、氨蒸發(fā)器、緩沖罐及管路系統(tǒng)是
22、否正常,安全閥、調節(jié)閥試驗合格,啟動scr的供氨系統(tǒng),然后按以下步序啟動脫硝系統(tǒng)。conferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. to continuously expand the scope of the study. the complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we
23、want to be "professionals", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowledge. mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. this on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national o
24、f legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption sm of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to outside learn; not only to to books
25、learn, also to field study learn. therefore, i would encourage you, and more to the outside world when i have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other people's development approach, and then come back to guide our work. second, we must think. "learning withou
26、t thought to overshadow, thinking without learning is perilous." we want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms
27、of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promising state of mind. in order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, god disposes of the base. to wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, and outrea
28、ch, and in-depth masses, worship masses for division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especially on masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active research, caught not put. dare to innovate, in our work, oft
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