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1、by UsingTalking about the Risk Managementthe Information Technology in Teacher EducationSino-Australia ClassWenling Teachers Further Education School, where I work, is the training center for all the elementary and middle school teachers and educators of Wenling City. It is responsible for about 920

2、5 elementary and middle schools teachers' training. In 1993, it is authorized into one of the basic constructions of German Hans-Seidal Foundation (Dilingen Education Institute) and Zhejiang Elementary and Middle Schools Teacher Training Center by Zhejiang Province Education Department. It is al

3、so evaluated "the State-level Teacher Education Demonstration Organization" in 2005. Modern ideas such as opening education, lifelong education and subject education have been set up in my city. Also new teacher education methods of concentrated education experts ' guid ance, companion

4、s' mutual aid in “school -centered ” studying and self-reflection by one's own have been constructed. These modern ideas and new methods are unimaginable for 30 teachers in my school, who are especially in charge of elementary and middle school teacher education, to complete the task of trai

5、ning more than 9000 teachers. At present, as a kind of modern education medium, the information techniques are developing fast, which are applied widely in our education, particularly teacherWenling Teacher Educationeducation. With the establishment ofWebsite ” by my school in the early time, great

6、changes have taken place in the learning, working, and living styles of all the elementary and middle school teachers, including studying contents, education ideas, exchanged thought, learning ways, studying means, studying time and space etc. It not only enhances the realization of teacher educatio

7、n goals, but also makes 100% elementary and middle school teachers learn to use modern information techniques. But the usage of information techniques also brings us the new challenge It represents a new realm of the risk of the school, because the new technique has the latent power to change the cu

8、rrent education system. (Quinn, 2003)As we know, the application of new techniques is earlier than the risk management and the policy guarantee (Quinn, 2003). The risk management and the policy guarantee are mostly developing and improving in the applied process of the information technique. The ana

9、lysis of the investigation in my city education system shows: the time for such development and improvement needs about three to five years generally, and some individuals demand more time. A series of approximate perfect operation requests and rules, ., Rules for the School Education and the Resear

10、ch Computer Network Users and Rules and Regulations of the usage of Information Techniques by Elementaryand Middle Schools Teachers, have bee n displayed by our Educati onDepartme nt and related schools. These rules play an importa nt partin support ing teachers to have the legal right to acquire pe

11、rs onalinformation and data. The debut of these rules and demandscomefrom the following important related laws, regulations, and codes systems.Chart One:Laws and Regulations layerThe nameoflawsandregulationsRelease organizatio n and timeMain provisionrelatedto the law, lawsregulationsandAssemblyNati

12、onalPeople' sTheninthOne who has one of the following behaviors constituteCongress'decisionNationalcrime of, relevant rule to pursue the pertaining toconcerningthePeoplescrime responsibilitymaintenanceInternetCongress Make use of the Internetindignityothersorsafepassesonfabricate evidence to

13、 calumniate the othersDecember 28, Illegal intercept and seize, distort, delete the2000others ' E-mails or other data, infringe upon the citizencorrespondence freedom and correspondletter the secret;by Make use of the Internet steal, swindle extortionand Make use of the Internetinvasionothersint

14、elligent property right; Establish the obscenity website, web page on the Internet, provide the obscenity station to order the chain to connect the service, or the obscenity books, periodicals, films , videos or pictures.Administra-ThePeople' sState According to a certain appliedtarget and rules

15、tionRepublicof ChinaDepartmentto collect, process, save, deliver, inspecting anizationcalculatorreleases onthe handler machine system to the rmationsystemFebruary 8 ,safetyregulations1994TheinternationalState The related units should be responsible for theirnet of the People&#

16、39;sDepartmentown unit and their customers on the techniqueRepublicof Chinareleases ontraining and management education of the InternetcalculatorFebruary 8 , The correspondence freedom of the customer and theinformationnetwork1994correspondence secret is protected by thelaw. Anymanagestheunit or ind

17、ividualperson can not break thelawtemporaryprovisionprovision, They are not allowed to use the Internet to make use of the correspondence freedom and the correspondence secret upon the customerTheinternationalState The customers should obey the management of thenet of the People'sDepartmentunit,

18、 obey the customer rules;Republicof Chinagrantson The customers should not enter the computer systemcalculatorFebruary 8 ,without permission. They are not allowed to distortinformation network1994the others ' information.managesthe The customers shouldnot send the malicetemporary provisioninform

19、ation on the network, emit to send out the information usingthe others ' n ames, infringe uponthe othersprivacy.They can not make thedisseminationcalculatorvirus and be engaged in theactivity of the other invasion network and others legal rights.implement wayChineseInternetThe Construct a health

20、y and civilizedInternetprofessioninformationenvironment,guide the InternetpersonnelSelf-disciplineindustryespecially the teenagers to get to the Internetconventionreleases onApril24,2002healthily The Internetinformationnetwork productfabricator wants to respect the intelligentpropertyright of the ot

21、hers, the objectionmanufactureimplies the product of harmful informationandinfringe upon the others intelligentproperty right. The whole profession guards against the calculatormalice code or the destructiveness procedures in the disseminationon the Internet together from theoperator,theobjectionman

22、ufactureanddisseminations have the calculator procedureof themalice attack ability to the calculator network andthe others calculator information system, oppose illegalirruptiveor break the others calculatorinformation system.TheInternetTheAnyone can not release the information about one ofelectroni

23、csinformationthe followingcontents in electronicsannounceannouncestheindustryservice system:servicemanagementreleases on Spread the rumor, disturb the social order, breakprovisionOctober 8,2000the society stable; Spread the obscenity, sexy, wager , violence, murder, terror or to incite the crime . H

24、umiliate or calumny others,violate thelegalrights of others Do the other contents that are not permitted by the law and the administration laws.Education in ChinaThe Ministry Educate the teaching website, register the area andand researchEducationhold the net school and the network university withca

25、lculatorneton Novemberthe school or the organization 'name withoutcustomer rules22, 1996authorization will ,according to the nation relevantlaws and provisionsthat schoolconstitutions pursue the parties concerned and the responsibility concerning personnel.JudicialSupremePeople'sSupreme Appr

26、opriate the public informationnetwork oforganizationCourtconcerningPeople'sothers to get to the Internet the numbered account,take up to disturbCourt passespassword get to the Internet, making the others loseconcreteappliedon April 28a great deal of telecommunication fee.According tosome problem

27、s of law ofthetelecommunicationmarketmanagementordercase hermeneutic2000the provision of the penal code Article 264, sentence the punishment with the thieves and burglars offense.SupremePeople'sSupreme The work of the dissemination which have alreadyCourtconcerningPeople'spublished on the ne

28、wspapers and magazines or networktake up to involveCourt passesin addition to the work power person declare or ascendthe calculatornet-oncarrying the network service promoter of that workworkworks powerNovember 22,to be subjected to the work power person entrustingdispute case to apply some problems

29、 of law2000declare and canning not turn to carry, take off plait of, the website turns to carry, take off the plaithermeneuticand press relevant the provision pays the guerdon and notes the source, don't constitute the infringement. But the website turnto carry, take off to weave thework to exce

30、ed the relevant newspapers and magazines to turn to carry the work scope of, should affirm for the infringement.(Bibliography 5 & 6 )With the fast developme nt of teacher professi on, the means of in formati on tech nique in teacher educati on have already completely got to promote and achieved

31、great social and econo mic performa nee, the rate of which con tributes70%above (Zhu Baiga ng & Chen Hon gshe ng,2003). But accord ing to the in ter nal data in the rece nt five years, the risk can not be neglectedin the process of teacher usinginformation technique in our education system. Then

32、 what is a risk?Risk implies the possibility of an eve nt that may bring loss ofsomething that is important ' (Trone, 2004). That is to say, an affair produces the possibility of the results that we don' t expect. Forexample, bad information in teacher's forum, plagiarism in teacher educ

33、atio n homework and articles, visit ing bad website, piracy of learning resource and research results, addiction in the network games, chat and son gs; virus attack in teacher educati on internet etc. How to con trol the risk above in the process of i nformatio n tech no logy usage? I think it is ne

34、cessary to describe and analyze these risks.The risk description and analysisis a foundationwork for theinformation technique usage and the procedure to carry out the riskmanagement. Comprehending from the meaning of the risk, the risk analysis includes two aspects: the possibility of the occurrence

35、 and the degree of the serious result that it result produces. It can be displayed as the rate of affairs and the function of its results: R= p, c. Amongthem, R stands for risk, p stands for the rate of affairs, and c stands for the ace all for the affairs rate, c for serious that affairs take place

36、. The school leadership must understand this problem well, reducing the interference and negative influences that problem bring as far as possible, the full exertive information technique promotes the learning potential (Quinn, 2003). According to this comprehension, I investigated 217 elementary an

37、d middle school teachers who were trained in my school. The investigation involves two problems: Concerning what risk possibilities exist during the training the usage of information technique? Let the teachers make choices. Among them, the top ten terms with higher statistics rate were assured and

38、divided into five levels according to the rate. Based on the above, I investigated the comments by teachers for the seriousness degree, and divided them into five levels according to the investigation rate. Then Table 2 of the risk evaluation was formed based on the analysis data (reference to EPA l

39、earning materials, 2006).Theriskdescripti onPossibility(P)Consequenee(c)Risk(RgradeRiskIn itiativeSequeneeoccurre neeratelevelsserious nesslevelslevelsGradesAcademic misc on duct91 %593 %525High risk1Illegalin formatio n dissem in ati on56 %369 %39Medium risk4Addictio n in games or chat82 %491 %520H

40、igh risk2Virus attack34 %195 %55Low risk6Visit ingthebad website66 %335 %13Low risk7Los ing research result45 %238 %12Low risk8Disturba nee67 %347 %26Low risk5Los ing in formatio n78 %362 %39Mediumrisk4Downl oad piratical software84 %487 %416High risk3Offen sive63 %364 %39Medium4riskmailNote:【1 Leve

41、l 1 for 40% below; 2 for 40-60%; 3 for 61-80%;4 for 81-90%; 5 for 91% above;【2 Risk grades: Low risk for 1-7; Medium risk for 8-11;High risk for 12-15The table above shows: teachers think the risk types with higherrate in order are academic misc on duct, dow nl oad piratical software, addicti on in

42、games and chat, los ing in formati on, disturba nee, and visitingthe bad website. The risk types with serious result are virusattack, academic misc on duct, addicti on in games and chat, dow nl oad piratical software, illegalin formatio n dissem in ati on,and offen sivemail. The risk types of academ

43、ic misc on duct, dow nl oad piratical software, addiction in gamesand chat belong to the types of high risk. How to prevent these risks effectively? Take the “academic misc on duct ” of the highest risk as an example to have a thorough research.In my opinion, a man has two big basic n eeds. One is t

44、o exist, the other to develop. Food and drinks, safety etc. are an essential for a person to live. Chineseteachers ' treatment , particularlyteachers in the eastern developed regions, is basically in accordanee with other medium developed countries. Existence is for the sake of development. When

45、 the development gets the obstacle, teachers will take risk to makepotential get full exertive for surmount, breaking through, rounding the obstacles. At present our teachers met various new challenge in intelligence support, profession development, the course reform ; On the other hand, in order to

46、 pursue the personal benefits only for professional title evaluation, job promotion, appraisal of excellence and prize, an irreconcilable conflict happen between long-term development and short-term utilitarian concerns.The investigation shows: the real reason for academic misconduct comes from teac

47、hers themselves giving up the profession in 80%, rather than the reaction on outer mechanism. Recently, because China is during the social transformation period, the phenomenon of the morals loss and many cultured persons become very uneasy. They take benefits as true, take honor and dignities as fa

48、lse, and adopt the attitude of "no matter others smile or scold, I just hold good things ". So we used to think the evaluation or commentfrom other teachers is enough to makea teacher stop before the ungrateful action, but actually this kind of virtuous defense line is usually nominal. Tho

49、se persons with academic misconduct think: carrying on academic misconduct through the information technique is easy to get and difficult to be found out. Also no clear and practicable laws or regulations have been set up to punish those behaviors of academic misconduct. So high risk rateexists natu

50、rally. Teachers in my city are asked to hand in an article after a subject training about teacher virtuous and can obtain related 12 credits. But a selective investigation shows:the total amount ofelementary and middle school teachers involving copying and plagiarizing whole article on the internet

51、to complete the homework occupies more than 70%. Even 20% teachers copy the same topic and headline.The consequence of teachers ' ill-got academic is terrible, as it has very strong and continuous effect. It mainly has the following three aspects:One is to induct the occupation moral imperfectio

52、n.Obeying theacademic norm is one kind of teacher's occupation morals, but this kind of occupation morals wouldaccompany teacher ' s whole life.Although SomeRules on Strengthening the AcademicMorals Construction has been delivered by Education Department in 2002, in fact the effect is still

53、misty through teachers' conclusion nowadays. How profoundand deep it is the influence of imperfection of teacher virtuous on our students. The second is to foster the laziness oneself.Someonesays," A modern teacher writes an article with download, copy and stick by computer and mouse. This

54、is a realistic description about modern teachers ' articles. As the academic norm is not strict enough, our teacher's profession development level can't participate in theacademic competition or exchanging innovation activities, which is disadvantageous for the implement of the education

55、 reform. A teacher who has no learning motivation and power is a bad teacher who delays the whole citizen education.The third is to cause breaking the laweasily. With the development, the possibility of always exists. it is true because the circumstances of academic misconduct are growing in recent

56、years. Although no teacher have been punished by law so far. Circumstance of academic misconduct still exists. With the development of teacher academic communication, the law problems of copyright and knowledge property right will appear continuously. (Xue Hong, 2000)It is a must for us to consider

57、this high risk of academic misconduct and how to adopt effective measures to prevent it. According to the way of risk management, we should make sure the controlling strategies actively and choose the appropriate valid steps, that is to say, demandclearly before, monitor strictly during the process, and punish seriously after.Demand clearly before to preven


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