1、2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)1 / 9Unit 1 A New Start單元綜合復習PartPart 1 1 基礎知識達標英漢互譯1.第一周結束的時候我有一次化學考試。(主謂賓結構)2.起初我很難過。(主系表結構)3. 這會使你感覺良好。(主謂賓賓補結構)4. 他給了我一個大大的微笑。(主謂雙賓結構)5.我早早地醒了過來。(主謂結構)PartPart 2 2 綜合素質提升.一. 學習策略:1. What can you do to help you when you are listeni
2、ng something?sen ior_orga nize_gym_ 有智慧的_ 失望的二.短語快記eagerness_collecti on_pia no_ v.畢業(yè)_ v.選擇explore_pressure_stage_ 機會_ 隊友impressi on_challe nge_ 爭論_ 恐懼的_ 特定的engine_calm_ 話題_ 時刻_ 敏銳的one by one_decide to do sth._step into_in panic_keep an ope n mind_三.翻譯句子in particular_turn around_in troduce on eself
3、to sb._put sb. un der pressure_deal with_over and over aga in_find out_first impressio n_not onl y.but also._give sb. a hand_2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)2 / 92. What can you do to help you find specific information when you are reading something?二.思維品質What can y
4、ou do in order to write an essay ?PartPart 3 3 閱讀訓練.I. .閱讀理解HIGHFIELD COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLSCHOOL REPORTForm Teacher: G.Baker Pupils Name : Sim on Watki nsTerm:Summer 2015 Form: WBSubjectExamClassworkComme ntsEn glish5961Simon has reached asatisfactory sta ndard but now needs to apply himself with mo
5、redetermi natio n.Mathematics7785Sound work and progressthroughout the year. Well done !History4653A disappo in ti ng exam result.He is unable to give attention tothis subject for long.Chemistry7885His obvious ability in thesubject was not fully reflected in hisexam work, but I have high hopes forhi
6、m n evertheless.Physics8694Anexcelle nttermsperforma nee. He goes from strength to stre ngth. A born scie ntist, 1feel.Biology5760This time next year he will be2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)3 / 9tak ing the “ 0 ”xam.He n eeds toconcentrate on the work, not onclass
7、 con versatio n.French4146Clearly he did nt bother torevise. His general attitude is far toocasual.PhysicalEducati on/31Weak. Its time he exercisedhis body more and his voice less. Heshould try to work with a team.FORM TEACHERSREMARKSHEADMASTERBasically satisfactory work andprogress though he will n
8、ow haveI shall be keeping an eye on his progress in hisrealized. I hope that in certainweaker subjects though his success in the scie nces is mostsubject areas he needs to makepleas ing.speedy improveme nt.1.Accord ing to the comme nts of the Physical Educati on teacher, Simon_A.is too talkative in
9、the classB.likes to work with his classmatesC.does nt exercise his body at the right timeD.becomes weak because he does nt exercise at all2.Which of Simons subjects will attract the headmasters attention in future?A . Biology and Maths.B.History and Fren ch.C . En glish and Chemistry.D . Physics and
10、 Physical Educati on.3.Which of the followi ng stateme nts best describes Sim on?2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)4 / 9A.He has made great progress in Ianguage classes.B.His potential has been fully reflected in scienee classes.C.His grade in maths makes him a born s
11、cientist.D.He needs to improve his attitude on certain subjects.4.Based on the school report, which of the following statements is TRUE?A . Simon did nt bother his teacher to revise Fren ch.B.Basically, Simon did a good job in scienee.C.Sim on is a determ ined lear ner in En glish.D.Sim on is able t
12、o pay atte nti on to history for long.n.完形填空(2016 濟南調研考試)When he was 5, Nicholas Low in ger visited a homeless shelter with hismother. He was _1_ to show off his new light- up sn eakers. But his mom warned him aga inst doingso, _2_ that these childre n might not have such thin gs._3_ eno ugh, whe n
13、Nicholas met kids at the shelter, he _4_ realized that they were living incircumsta nces that were differe nt from his own.I saw other kids who looked just like me. The only _5_ was that they were wearing _6_shoes that were falli ng apart. Some did nt have a pair of shoes to call their own , ” said
14、Nicholas, now15. Ive been _7_ to grow up in a family that is able to provide me withwhatever I need. A lot of kids here in the U . S. dont have the same _8_. ”That first shelter _9_ left a strong impression on Nicholas, who started _10_ all the shoes hedoutgrow n to local shelters. But he soon _11_
15、that his don ati ons were nt that helpful.It _12_ me that I only had used shoes to give to them _13_ new shoes that fit right , ” hesaid. “ No two peoples feet are exactly the same, and _14_ you are weari ng some one elses wornshoes, your feet arent going to be comfortable. ”So at the age of 12, Nic
16、holas started a program that donates _15_ shoes to homeless children._16_, his efforts were part of a community service project. With the help of his pare nts, he the nstarted the Gotta Have Sole Foun dati on, which has don ated new footwear to more than 10, 000_17_ children in 21 states.2019-2020 年
17、新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)5 / 9“ Someth ing that seems so_18_,a pair of shoes, can make childre n feel _19_ aboutthemselves and gain con fide nee.” Nicholas _20_ other young people to do the same.1. A.disappo in tedB. puzzledC. excitedD. surprised2. A.explainingB. expect
18、ingC. decidingD. judging3. A.TerriblyB. SureC. StrangelyD. Fair4. A.actuallyB. possiblyC. quicklyD. simply5. A.resultB. problemC. reasonD. differenee6. A.oldB. bigC. specialD. heavy7. A.braveB . fortun ateC. healthyD . selfish8. A.educationB . experie ncesC. clothingD . opport un ities9. A.lectureB.
19、 showC. visitD. class10. A.donatingB. postingC. sellingD . deliveri ng11. A.rememberedB . admittedC. doubtedD. realized12. A.delightedB . botheredC. amazedD . ast oni shed13. A.because ofB . apart fromC. in stead ofD . except for2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)6 / 9
20、14. A.ifB. onceC. untilD . though2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)7 / 9Last ni ght, I saw a great film, Forrest Gump. I am great impressed by this film, by the stories of ForrestGump. Forrest Gump was born in small village. He was born men tally disabled, and he was
21、discrim in ated byother.But his mother is a strong female who en couraged Gump to be strong but live the same as normalpeople. Beside, he meets Jenny, a tragic but kind -hearted girl.With the love of his mother and Jenny, ForrestGump begi ns his running all his life. I am moving by his strong willin
22、g, kindness and optimism. There are manymiracles in his life what seem impossible to him. But I know it is reas on able, because of he wins them with hisn oble pers on alities.15. A.expensiveC. strong16. A.At leastC. In addition17. A.homelessC. poor18. A.uselessC. funny19. A.warmC. good20.A.forcesC.
23、 prefers川短文改錯B. newD.uniqueB. In factD. At firstB. specialD. sickB. simpleD. cheapB. luckyD . sadB . comma ndsD . encourages2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)8 / 9【答案】:I.語篇解讀: 本文是一篇說明文。 文章展示了學生Simon Watkins 的一份成績單,成績單上面附有每一科老師以及班主任、校長的評語。1.【解析】:選 A 細節(jié)理解題。根據PhysicalEdu
24、cation老師評語中的 Its time heexercised his body more and his voice less. ” 可知 Simon 上課時身體動的少 ,愛說話。故選 A。2.【解析】:選 B 細節(jié)理解題。根據 HEADMASTER語中的keeping an eye on his progress in his weaker subjects 可知老師希望 Sim on Watk ins 關注弱科的進步,并且根據成績看 History 和 French 的分數最低,故選 B。3.【解析】:選D 推理判斷題。根據從歷史、生物、體育老師的評語可知Sim on 需要改進學習態(tài)
25、度。故選 Do4.【解析】:選 B 推理判斷題。根據各科成績及老師的評語可知Mathematics 和 Physics的成績和老師的評價都不錯。故選B。n.語篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文。Nicholas 在 5 歲時隨媽媽拜訪了無家可歸者的收容 所。這給他留下了深刻的印象,于是他發(fā)起了一個為無家可歸者捐鞋的活動來幫助他們。他還鼓勵其他年輕人也去做相同的事情。1. 【解析】:選 C 根據空格后的 “to show off his new light-up sneak ers ”可推知,Nicholas 為可以炫耀他的能發(fā)光的新運動鞋而感到興奮(excited)。故選 C。2.【解析】:選 A 根據
26、空格前的 But his mom warned him against doing so可知,Nicholas 的媽媽警告他不要這么做,并向他解釋了 (explaining) 原因,因為收容所里的孩子可能沒有 這樣的東西。故選A3.【解析】:選 B 根據空格后的i. living in circumstances that were different from his own ” 可知,果然如媽媽所說,Nicholas 發(fā)現收容所里的孩子們過著跟他不一樣的生活。sureenough “果然,果真”,符合語境。2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new
27、+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)9 / 94.【解析】 : 選 C 根據第一段最后一句和空格后的內容可知,Nicholas 來到收容所后,很快(quickly)就意識到收容所里的孩子們的生活環(huán)境和他自己的有所不同。故選C。5.【解析】:選 D 根據上段和空格前的“sawother kids who looked just like me. Theonly可知,住在收容所里的孩子看起來和Nicholas 差不多大,唯一的不同是他們穿著破損不堪的舊鞋子。故選Do6.【解析】:選 A 根據空格后的 shoes that were falling 即 art ”可推知,住在收容所里的孩
28、子們穿的是破損不堪的舊鞋子。故選Ao7.【解析】:選 B 根據空后內容可知,Nicholas感到很幸運(fortunate),因為他成長 在一個能給他提供任何他需要的東西的家庭。故選 B。&【解析】:選 D 根據上句可知,Nicholas 感到生長在一個能給他提供任何他需要的東西的家庭是很幸運的。而美國的很多孩子卻沒有同樣的機會。opportunity機會”,符合語境。9.【解析】:選 C 根據文章第一段第一句中的visited a homeless shelter with his mother ”可知,此處指第一次的拜訪(visit) 就給 Nicholas 留下了很深的印象。故選
29、C。10.【解析】:選 A 根據上文內容可知,收容所里的孩子們穿著破舊的鞋子給Nicholas留下了很深的印象,于是他開始將自己穿小了的鞋捐給(do nat in g)當地的收容所。下句中的“ don atio ns 也是提示。故選 A。11.【解析】:選 D 根據下文 No two peoples feet . to be comfortable.可知,Nicholas 很快意識到(realized)他的捐贈對那些無家可歸的孩子們不是那么有幫助。故選D。12.【解析】:選 B 根據下文可知,因為每個人的腳并不完全相同,所以舊鞋穿到別人 腳上可能會不舒服。而自己只有舊鞋而沒有新鞋可以捐贈,這一點讓 Nicholas 很煩惱(bothered)。故選 B13. 【解析】:選 C 句意同上。because of 因為,由于”;apart from 遠離,除.2019-2020 年新外研版高一英語單元測驗:必修 1+Unit+1+A+ new+start+單元綜合復習+練習(1)(解析版)10 /
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