1、!-97年12月 北美聽力文字Part A1. A: Have you bee n to the new gym since it open ed?B: Are you kidding? Tomorrow s the deadline for my project. What does the man imply?(A) The gym doesn t open until tomorrow.(B) He s too busy to go to the gym.(C) There s a special project going on at the gym.(D) The gym is fu
2、ll of kids.2. A: I d like to borrow that book after you finished it. B: Sure. But I ve promised to Jane first.What does the woma n intend to do?(A) In troduce the man to Jane soon.(B) Let the man have the book after Jane.(C) Ask Jane what she thought of the book.(D) Finish writi ng to Jane as soon a
3、s po ssible.s no closet3. A: I could really use more room. My ap artme nt is so small. And there space.B: You should see the ap artme nts in my buildi ng. You know, one of my n eighbors is moving out. Come by and I ll bring you to his pl ace.What does the man imply?(A) He knows about a larger ap art
4、me nt she can rent.(B) He s helping his neighbor move.buildi ng.(C) It s difficult to get an apartment in his(D) The woma n should stay in her p rese nt buildi ng.4. A: The forecast calls for heavy snow aga in toni ght. Are you glad we will be gett ing away from this for a week?B: I sure am. But let
5、 s call tomorrow morni ng before we leave for the air port to make sure our flight hasn t been delayed or canceled.What does the woma n suggest they do?(A) Check their flight schedule in the morning.(B) Change their vacati on plans.(C) Leave early for the air port.(D) Liste n to the morni ng weather
6、 forecast.5. A: Has anyone turned in a brow n leather wallet? Mine seems to be lost and it has my driver s license in it and also some family pictures that are pretty important to me. B: Oh, I think one like that was brought in this morning. Wait here just a minute, p lease.What will the woma n p ro
7、bably do?(A) Ask to see the man s driver s license.(B) Sell the man a new leather wallet.(C) Take a pi cture of the man.(D) Show the man a wallet.6. A: I d like you to come with me to the opening of the photography exhibit. B: I m exhausted. You ll have to man age without me toni ght.What will the w
8、oma n p robably do?(A) Go to the exhibit toni ght.(B) Stay at home and rest.(C) Find out what time the exhibit opens.(D) Hel p the man arra nge his trip.7. A: Guess what I just heard? Dave s selli ng that car of his that you like so much. B: Oh, wow. I ll bet it s expensive but it couldn t hurt to c
9、heck it out.What will the man p robably do?(A) Offer to buy the car.(B) Find out how much the car costs.(C) Try to sell his car before buying ano ther one.(D) Write a check for the new car.8. A: I have an idea for a sp ecial issue of the school n ews paper. Did you have time to discuss it? m free af
10、ter that.B: My class s over at one. But IWhat does the man mean?(A) He likes the woman s ide a.(B) He can meet the woma n in the after noon.(C) He will discuss the idea tomorrow.t want to pay a fine.(D) The n ext issue of the paper is already plann ed.9. A: Did you return that book to the library fo
11、r me? I don B: Don t worry about it. I took care of it.What does the man mean?(A) He ll have to pay a fine.(B) He s taking good care of the book.(C) He returned the book to the library.(D) He s worried about the book.10. A: I m really sorry I missed the pop art exhibit at the museum. B: You might tr
12、y to catch it whe n it opens in New York next mon th. What does the woma n suggest the man do?(A) Take her to ano ther exhibit.(B) See the exhibit whe n it goes to ano ther city.(C) Go to the museum before it opens.(D) Apply for a job at the museum.11. A: Wasrf t there once a bakery here?B: Yes. But
13、 it went out of bus in ess last year.What does the woma n mean?(A) The bakery closed dow n a while ago.(B) The bakery s bus in ess has doubled (加倍)in a year.(C) She hasn t done much baking recently.(D) The bakery was busy last week. m sure that orange juice12. A: Oh, I m so sorry. You must let me pa
14、y to have your jacket cleaned. B: That s all right. It could happen to anyone. And I doesn t stain.What can be in ferred about the woma n?(A) She wants the man to pay the clea ning charge.(B) She has done the same thi ng to some one else.juice.(C) She doesn t want another glass of orange(D) She isn
15、t up set about the in cide nt.13. A: What are your new blue jeans like?B: Oh, they are pretty much like the other ones except for the larger waist. I guess I don t have much time to exercise these days.What can be in ferred about the man?(A) He only wears blue jea ns to exercise.(B) He hasn t bought
16、 new pants in a while.(C) He s gained weight lately.(D) He used to be an athlete.14. A: If you re trying to fit this bookcase in here, you have to turn your desksideways .B: I guess you are right. But I hate to lose the view I have from my window.What are the wome n doing?(A) Look ing out the win do
17、w.(B) Choos ing a new desk.(家具)(C) Buildi ng a bookcase.(D) Rearra nging furniture.15. A: Did you hear there is some new kind of cable television system that will allow you to get 500 cha nn els?B: Yeah. But I have a hunch wewe have now.What can be in ferred from the man(A) He hadn t heard about it.
18、(B) He s not enthusiastic(C) He s curious (好奇的)ll have nothing to watch that is differe nt form whats react ion to the new televisi on system?(熱心的)about it. to know how it works.(D) He hopes it has more tha n 500 cha nn els.s.16. A: I hope you remember to pick up my clothes from the cleaner B: I cou
19、ldn t go because the car wouldn t start.What does the man mean?(A) He didn t get the clothes.(B) The store closed while he was clea ning the car.(C) He ll clean up when he has more time.(D) The clothes aren t ready.17. A: I must have told Mike five times not to forget the meeting and he still missed
20、 it. B: Well, you know Mike. Everyth ing is in one ear and out the other.What can be in ferred about Mike?(A) He has an earin fectio n(傳染病).(B) He doesn t always listen.(C) He s never missed a meeting.(D) He had to atte nd ano ther meet ing.18. A: Have you see n Joh n since he started weari ng con t
21、act len ses? B: I almost didn t recognize him at first.What does the woma n mean?(A) She hasn t seen John.(B) She doesn t like John s new glasses.(C) Joh n looks differe nt.(D) Joh n has bee n away for quite a while.19. A: I still don t feel well. I don t know what I m going to do.B: I think the hea
22、lth center s open late tonight.What does the man imply the woma n should do?(A) Wait a while to see if she feels better.(B) Go to bed early.(C) Take some medici ne.(D) See a doctor.20. A: Say, Richard, if you likeantique cars, we ve got an extra ticket for the auto showon Saturday. Care to join us?B
23、: Gee, how could I turn down an offer like that?What does the man mean?(A) He s eager (渴望的) to go to the auto show.(B) He doesn t know a polite way to refuse theoffer.(C) He d like to repay (補償,償還)the woman s kindness.(D) He s sorry he can t accompany the woman.s all21. A: That new soap I ve been us
24、ing latterly smells nice. But it dries my skin out. B: It s probably all those harsh chemicals. You should try the kind I use? It natural.What does the man suggest the woma n do?thoroughly (徹底地). cream (面霜).(A) Use less soa p.(B) Rinse(沖洗)off the soap more(C) Use a moisturizi ng(有水分的)(D) Switch bran
25、ds of soa p.22. A: That bread I brought yesterday isn B: Look on top of the refrigerator. What does the woma n imply?(A) She didn t buy any bread.(B) The bread might not have bee n eate n.t in the kitche n. Some one must have eate n it.(C) She ate the man s bread.(D) The bread is in the refrigerator
26、.23. A: Can you believe this great gift Sharon sent you?B: I know. She really has a heart of gold.What can be in ferred about Sharon?(A) She n ever gives people jewelry.(B) She gives generous (慷慨的,大量的)presents (贈品).(C) She doesn t often give gifts.(D) She likes to receive expen sive gifts.24. A: I h
27、eard you auditioned for the chorus . How did it go? B: Oh, well. The director is pretty high standards. I guess I just didn What can be in ferred about the man?(A) He missed the auditi on.(B) He s been taking voice lessons.(C) The director likes his voice.(D) He won t be in the choru s.t measure up.
28、25. A: The weather is certa inly unu sual for this time of year. B: Yeah, so warm and humid.What does the man imply?(A) He disagrees with the woma n.(B) He likes this ki nd of weather.(C) The weather doesn t interest him.(D) The weather is gen erally cooler and drier.26. A: Basketball practice doesn
29、 B: Only every spare minute.What does the man imply about basketball p ractice?(A) Only some pl ayers spend a lot of time on it.(B) It takes up a large amount of time.(C) No one can be excused from it.(D) P ractice begi ns in a few mi nu tes.t take a lot of time, does it?27. A: What are you doing he
30、re? You are not in the film class.B: I changed my schedule. Movies are a good change of pace from all these chemistry exp erime nts.What does the man mean?(A) He doesn t have time to go to the movie.(B) He s tak ing the class as adivers ion(轉(zhuǎn)移).(C) He wants to cha nge his major.(D) His chemistry cla
31、ss was can celed.28. A: Waiti ng in line to copy just one p age of an article wastes so much time. B: Have you ever tried thephotocopieron the third floor of the library? I donthere s many people know about it.t thinkWhat does the man suggest that the woma n do?(A) Read the article while she waits i
32、n line.(B) Have her copies made outside the library.(C) Use a differe nt mach ine to make her copies.(D) Look for a differe nt magaz ine article.29. A: With all of these typos in this resume, you are not going to make a very good imp ressi on.B: Good thing is on the word processor.What will the man
33、p robably do?(A) Hel p the woma n with her resume.(B) Fix (修改) the errors in the resume.(C) Send the resume right away.(D) Change his p rocess of review ing resumes.30. A: I have two exams and three papers to get done in the next couple of days. B: How did it get so backed up?What does the woma n im
34、ply about the man?(A) He s been putting off(推遲) his work.(B) He s been working harder than usual.(C) He should return the papers to the woma n.(D) He should take several days off.(放下)Part BII bes also becauseQuesti ons 31-33 Liste n to a radio in terview with the artistic director of a dance company
35、. Today s arts report betrays Dan P arker of the America n In dia n Dance Theater. Mr. Parker, I un dersta nd your troop p erforms traditi onal music and dance from many differe nt Native America n cult ures. Can you give us some ideas of some of the dan ces you doing in your p erforma nee toni ght?
36、Certainly. We ll be doing wonus-award dance. Originally it was a story telling devise to recount battles. Another is the grass dance preformed by the plains Indians where they actually flatte n tall field grass to prepare it for a ceremony.Since your dancers are from many differe nt tribes, how can
37、you be sure the dances are done correctly?Everything we do has been approved by the elders of our tribes.That s partlybecause we don t necessarily know each other s styles or dances, but itit s hard to get complete agreement even within the same tribe about exactly how the dance should be done.Anyon
38、e who atte nds one of your p erforma nces would no tice that your company goes to a lot of trouble to p rovide detailed explan ati ons of the origi n of the dan ces, the music, the costumes and so forth. Could you explain to our liste ners why you do this?Good questi on. There are always concerns th
39、at traditi onal dances p erformed in a theater are nothing more tha n a sp ectacle. Our explan ati ons show that in our cultures dance is ritual rather than entertainment. We also want to make it clear to our audienee that we are not p erform ing any dances used for sacred ceremoni es.31. What is th
40、e main topic of the con versati on?(A) The dances of a Native American dance troupe (團(tuán)體).(B) How Native America n cerem onial dan ces are classified.(C) Variati ons of a basic dance among Native America n tribes.(D) How Native America n artists are trained.32. What is the purp ose of the in terview?
41、(A) To broadcast an awards cerem ony.(B) To announce a meet ing of the tribal elders.(C) To celebrate the opening of a new theater.(D) To inform people about a p erforma nee.33. Why are the dances app roved by the elders of the tribes?(A) The elders must give appro val to p erform sacred dan ces.(B)
42、 The elders make sure the dan ces are p erformed prop erly.(C) The troupe is finan ced by the elders.(D) The elders havesubsta ntial(大量的,實質(zhì)上的)act ing exp erie nee.Questi ons 34-37 Liste n to a phone con versatio n betwee n two friends who are discuss ing a p roblem?Hello?Hello, Sam. This is P aula H
43、anson. Sorry to bother you, but Ip roblem I thought you might be able to help me with.Sure, Paula. What s up?Well, you know Sarah and I moved into an off-ca mpus ap artme nt in the fall, over onthe west side of tow n. Any way, we ve bee n happy with it un til the p ast couple of mon ths.Yeah. What h
44、appen ed?Well, the dishwasher broke n dow n, so we rep orted it to Ms. Corn ers, the owner. She said she d take care of it, but a month went by and nothing happened.Did you get back in touch with her?I got a rep air person to give me an estimate, the n I sent it to her. Whe n I did nfrom her, I had
45、the rep air done. And I deductedthe cost from the rent check.So what s the problem?She called here mad as a hornet . She said she could have gotte n the rep air done for less money. Now, she s threatening tsvict us for not paying the full rent.Hold on, Paula. It does sound pretty serious. But I m su
46、re you can all sit down andwork this out.Well, you re over at the law school. So, I wondered if you would mind coming with Sarah and me whe n we go to talk to Ms. Corn ers. We tomorrow ni ght at eight.Sure. I have n t studied a lot about con tracts yet, but Ithings out. Why don t I stop by about 7:3
47、0? Thanks Sam. You are our lifesaver.34. Why is P aula un ha ppy?(A) The ap artme nt is too far from the camp us.(B) The ap artme nt n eeds a lot of rep air work.(C) She s having trouble with the owner of the(D) Her roommate won t share expenses. m having a smallre supposed to meet with hert hearII
48、be glad to help you straightenap artme nt.35. Why is Ms. Corners an gry?(A) The women didn t pay their rent on time.(B) She can t find anyone to rep air the dishwasher.(C) She had to buy a new dishwasher.(D) P aula had some rep airs done without her p ermissi on.36. What are P aula and her roommate
49、planning to do?(A) Find ano ther ap artme nt.(B) Talk to Mr. Connors.(C) Ask Sam to rep air the dishwasher.(D) Buy a new dishwasher for the owner.37. Why does P aula thi nk Sam can help her?(A) He has some kno wledge of the law.(B) He had the same p roblem.(C) He knows the owner.(D) He can bring a l
50、awsuit aga inst the owner.Part CQuestio ns 38-42 Liste n to part of a lecture in sp eech class.Today we are going to p ractice evaluat ing a main tool used whe n address ing groups the voice. There are three main eleme nts that comb ine to create either a po sitive or n egative exp erie nee for list
51、e ners. They can result in a voice that is p leas ing to listen to and can be used effectively. Or they can create a voice that doesn t holdatte nti on. Or even worse, causes an adverse react ion. The three eleme nts are volume, p itch and p ace.When evaluat ing volume, kee p in mind that a good sp
52、eaker will adjust to the size of both the room and the audie nee. Of course, with an amp lify ing device like a microphone, the sp eaker can use a n atural tone. But sp eaker should not be dependent on microphon es. A good sp eaker can sp eak loudly without shouti ng.The sec ond eleme nt, p itch is
53、related to the high ness or low ness of the soun ds. High p itches are for most people more difficult to liste n to. So, in gen eral, sp eaker should use the lower registers of their voice. During a presentation, its important tovary pitch tosome exte nt in order to main tai n in terest.The third el
54、eme nt, pace that is how fast or slow words and sounds arearticulatedshould also be varied. A slower pace can be used to emp hasize imp orta nt poin ts. Note that the time spent not sp eak ing can be meanin gful too. Pauses ought to be used to sig nal tran siti ons or create an tici pati on. Because
55、 a p ause gives the liste ner time to think about what was just said or even to p redict what might come n ext, it can be very affective whe n moving from one topic to ano ther.What I d like you to do now is watch and listen to a videotape and use the forms I gave you to rate the sp eak ing voices y
56、ou hear. Then toni ght, I want you to go home and read a p assage into a tape recorder and evaluate your own voice.38. What is the main point the pro fessor makes?(A) Content of sp eech is more imp orta nt tha n tone of voice.(B) Voice quality has a stro ng effect on liste ners.(C) Effective sp eakers must use visual aids.s attention?(D) AmpI ifyi ng devices are esse ntial in large rooms.39. Accord ing to the pro fessor, what can a sp eaker do to kee p an audie n
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