



1、無損檢測人員培訓大綱NDE Pers onnel Trai ning Program編制:Prepared By_審批:Reviewed &Approved ByAccepted By(NDE Level III )(QC Man ager)日期:Date日期:DateDate(Al)xxxxxx有限公司XXXX Co., LtdRT Trai ning Course射線檢測培訓課程大綱培訓內容Contents of CourseTraining hours培訓課時Level I I 級A類B類1Radiographic equipme nt operati on and emerge ncy

2、 in structi on course射線透照設備的操作和應急處理552Basic radiographic physics course射線透照基礎物理課20153Radiographic tech nique course射線透照的技術課1510Total總計4030Level n U級A類B類1Film quality and manu facturi ng processes course 底片質量和制造工藝課20152Radiographic evaluati on and in terpretatio n course 射線底片的評定和解釋課2020Total總計4035Not

3、e :注A- High school graduate or equivale nt.A類:高中畢業(yè)或同等學歷。BCompletion with passing grades of at least two years of engineering or scienee study at auni versity, college, or tech ni eal school.B類:在理工科大學、學院或技術學校至少2年學習的經歷。Training Course for Level I RTI RT- I級人員的培訓課程I Radiographic Equipment Operating and

4、 Emergency Instructions course一、射線透照設備的操作和應急處理1. Personnel monitoring 人員的監(jiān)測2. Survey instruments 監(jiān)測儀表3. Leak testing of sealed radioactive sources密圭寸輻射源的泄露檢測4. Radiation survey reports 輻射監(jiān)控報告5. Radiographic work practices 射線照相作業(yè)規(guī)則6. Exposure devices 曝光裝置7. Emergency Procedures緊急處理程序8. Storage and sh

5、ipment of exposed devices and source放射性裝置和射線源的儲存和裝運II Basic Radiographic Physics Course二、射線透照基礎物理課1. Introduction 介紹2. Fun dame ntal properties of matter 物質的基本性質3. Radioactive materials 放射性材料4. Types of radiation 輻射的類型5. Interaction of radiation with matter 射線與物質的相互作用6. Biological effects of radiati

6、on 輻射的生物效應7. Radiographic Examination 射線檢測8. Exposure devices and radiation sources曝光裝置和射線源1) Radioisotope sources放射性同位素2) Radioisotope exposure device characteristic放射性同位素曝光裝置特性3) Electronic radiation sources-500KeV and less, low-energy 500 Ke的低能量電子輻射源4) Electronic radiation sources-medium, and hig

7、h energy 中、高能量的電子輻射源5) Scree n to observe the radiati on sources 察輻射源的熒光屏III Radiographic Technique Course三、射線透照的技術課1. Introduction 介紹2. Basic principles of radiography 射線透照的基本原理1) Geometric exposure principles 曝光的幾何原理2) Radiographic intensifying scree ns射線透照用增感屏3) Radiographic cassette膠片暗盒4) Compos

8、ition of industrial radiographic film 工業(yè)射線膠片的構成5) The “ heel effect-wyhtXbes X 射線的傾斜效應3. Radiographs 射線透照1) Formatio n of the late nt image on film 底片上潛影的形成2) In here nt un sharp ness 固有不清晰度3) Arithmetic of radiographic exposure 射線曝光的計算4) Characteristic (H and D) curve 曝光曲線5) Film speed and class de

9、scripti ons膠片的感光速度和分類6) Selection of film for particular purpose 特殊用途膠片4. Radiographic image quality 射線透照影像質量1) Radiographic sen sitivity 射線照相靈敏度2) Radiographic contrast 射線照相對比度3) Film contrast 膠片對比度4) Subject contrast 被檢件的對比度5) Definition 清晰度6) Film grai nin ess and scree n mottle effects膠片顆粒度和增感屏的

10、斑點7) Penetrometers 像質計5. Film handing, loading, and processing 膠片取放、拆裝和處理6. Exposure techniques-radiography 射線透照和曝光技術1 ) Single wall radiography 單壁射線照相2) Double wall radiography 雙壁射線照相 、 Viewing two walls simultaneously 雙壁雙影法 、 Offset double-wall exposure single-wall viewing 雙壁單影法 、 Elliptical techn

11、iques 橢圓技術3) Panoramic radiography 全景射線照相4) Use of multiple-film loading 使用多膠片法5) Specimen configuration 透照排列配置的實例7. Fluoroscopic techniques 熒光屏觀察技術Training Course for Level II RTRT-H級人員的培訓課程I Film Quality and Manufacturing Processes Course 一、底片質量和制造工藝課1. Review of basic radiographic principles 射線透照

12、基本原理的復習2. Darkroom facilities, techniques and processing暗室設施、技術和底片處理1) Facilities and equipment 設施和設備2) Film loading 膠片的拆裝3) Protection of radiographic film in storage 儲存膠片的保護4) Processing of film-manual 底片手工處理a. Developer and replenishment 顯影液及其補給b. Stop bath 停顯液c. Fixer and replenishment 定影液及其補給d.

13、 Washing 沖洗e. Prevention of water spots 水漬的預防f. Drying 干燥5) Automatic film processing 底片的自動處理6) Film filing and storage 底片的歸檔和儲存7) Un satisfactory radiographscauses and cures不 合格底片產生的原因及纟片正方法a. High film density 黑度過高b. Insufficient film density 黑度不足c. High contrast 對比度過高d. Low contrast 對比度不足e. Poor

14、definition 清晰度不足f. Fog 灰霧g. Light leaks 漏光h. Artificial 人為缺陷8) Film density 底片的黑度a. Step wedge comparison film 階梯試塊黑度比較片b. Densitometers 黑度計3. Indications, discontinuities, and defects 顯示和缺陷1) Indications 顯示2) Discontinuities 不連續(xù)性a. Inherent 本身固有的b. Processing 加工過程造成的c. Service 使用中產生的3) Defects 缺陷4.

15、 Manu facturi ng Processes and associated Disc on ti nuitie審 9 造工藝及由此產生的不連續(xù)1) Cast ing processes and associated disc ontin uitie鑄造工藝及由此產生的不連續(xù)2) Wrought processes and associated disco nti nuitie鍛造工藝及由此產生的不連續(xù)3) Weldi ng processes and associated disc on ti nuitie 焊接工藝及由此產生的不連續(xù)a) Submerged arc welding (

16、SAW) 埋弧焊b) Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) 手工電弧焊c) Gas metal arc welding(GMAW )熔化極氣體保護焊d) Flux corded arc welding (FCAW)藥芯焊絲電弧焊e) Gas tungsten arc welding( GTAW)鎢極氣體保護電弧焊f) Resistance welding 電阻焊g) Special welding processes-electron beam, electroslag , electrogas , etc 特殊焊接 方法,電子束焊,電渣焊5. Radiologi

17、cal safety principles review 輻射安全防護的復習II Radiographic Evaluation and Interpretation course二、射線底片的評定和解釋課1. Radiographic Viewing 射線透照底片的觀察1) Film -illuminator requirements 評定照明裝置的要求2) Background lighting 背景照明3) Multiple -composite requirements 綜合觀察4) Pe netrometer placeme nt透度計(或像質計)的放置5) Personnel da

18、rk adaptation and cisual acuity6) Film identification 底片的辨認7) Location markers 標記的位置8) Film-density measurement 底片黑度的測定9) Film artifacts 膠片的偽缺陷2. Application techniques 使用的技術1) Multiple -film techniques 多膠片法a. Thickness variation parameters厚度改變參數(shù)b. Film speed 膠片的感光速度c. Film latitude 膠片曝光的時限2) Enlarg

19、ement and projection 放大和投影3) Geometrical relationship 幾何關系a. Geometrical unsharpness幾何不清晰度b. Penetrometer sensitivity 透度計(像質計)靈敏度c. Source-to-film distance 射線源至膠片的距離d. Focal spot size 焦點尺寸3. Evaluation of castings 鑄件底片的評定4. Evaluation of weldments 焊件底片的評定1) Welding method review 焊接方法的復習2) Welding di

20、scontinuities 焊接產生的不連續(xù)性3) Origin and typical orientation of discontinuities 不連續(xù)形成的原因和典型部位4) Radiographic appeara nee射線底片的顯示5) Welding codes/standard-sapplicable acceptancecriteria 使用的合格標準 -焊接規(guī)程 /標準6) Refere nee radiographs or pictograms參考的射線底片5. Standards, codes and procedures for radiograph射線透照的標準、

21、規(guī)范和規(guī)程1) Acceptable radiographic tech niq ues and equipme n適用的射線透照方法和設備2) Procedure for radiograph parameter Verificatio n 射線透照工藝參數(shù)的驗證規(guī)程3) Radiographic reports 評片報告Training Course for Level 山 RTRT -M級人員的培訓課程1. Principles/Theory 原理 /理論1) Nature of penetrating radiation 穿透輻射的性質2) In teracti on betwee n

22、 pen etrati ng radiati on and matte穿 透輻射與物質的相互作用3) Radiography 射線透照a. Imaging by film 膠片的成像b. Imaging by fluorescent materials 熒光材料的成像c. Imaging by electronic devices 電子裝置的成像4) Radiometry 輻射測量2. Equipment/Material 設備、材料1) Electrically gen erated sources 電離射線源a. X-ray sources X射線源2) Particulate radia

23、tion sources 粒子輻射源3) Radiation detectors 輻射探測器a. Imaging 影像b. Nonimaging devices 非影像裝置4) Gamma 伽馬源3. Techniques/Calibrations 技術/校準1) Imagi ng con sideratio ns 成像因素考慮a. Sensitivity 靈敏度b. Contrast and Definition 對比度和清晰度c. Geometric factors 幾何因素d. Intensifying screens 增感屏e. Scattered radiation 散射的輻射f.

24、Sources factors 源的因素g. Detection media 檢測介質h. Exposures curves 曝光曲線2) Film processing 膠片處理過程a. Darkroom procedures 暗室工藝b. Darkroom equipment and chemicals 暗室的設備和化學物質c. Film processing 膠片處理程序3) Viewing of radiographs 底片的觀察4) Judging of radiographic quality 射線底片質量評定a. Density 黑度b. Contrast 對比度c. Defin

25、ition 清晰度d. Artificial 人為缺陷e. IQIs 像質計f. Causes and correction of unsatisfactory radiographs 不合格射線底片產生的原因及 糾正5) Exposure calculations 曝光量的計算6) Radiographic techniques 射線照相技術4. Interpretation/Evaluation 解釋 /評定5. Procedures 規(guī)程6. Safety and Health 安全與健康PT Tra ining Course滲透檢測培訓課程大綱Training hours培訓課時A類B

26、類Level II級44Level nn級84Note :注AHigh school graduate or equivale nt.A類:高中畢業(yè)或同等學歷。BCompleti on with pass ing grades of at least two years of engin eeri ng or scie nee study at auni versity, college, or tech ni eal school.B類:在理工科大學、學院或技術學校至少2年學習的經歷。Training Course for Level I PTPT-1級人員的培訓課程1. Introduct

27、ion 介紹1) Brief history of non destructive test ing and liquid pen etra nt testi ng NDE 和 PT 簡史2) Purpose of liquid pen etra nt test ing PT的目的3) Basic prin ciples of liquid pen etra nt testi ng PT 的基本原理4) Types of liquid penetrant commercially Available 工業(yè)用滲透劑的種類5) Method of personnel qualification 人

28、員資格評定的方法2. Liquid penetrant processing 滲透檢測的工藝過程1) Preparation of parts 工件的準備2) Adequate lighting 適當?shù)恼彰?) Application of penetrant to parts 在工件上施噴滲透劑4) Removal of surface penetrant表面滲透劑的去除5) Developer application and drying 噴灑顯像劑并干燥6) Inspection and evaluation 檢驗和評定7) Post cleaning 后清洗3. Various pen

29、etrant testing methods各種滲透檢測方法1) Current ASTM and ASME standards ASTM E1208,1209,1210 現(xiàn)行的 ASTM 和 ASME 標準方法 ASTM E1208、1209、12102) Characteristics of each methods每種方法的特點3) Gen eral application of each method 每種方法的常規(guī)運用4. Liquid penetrant testing equipment 滲透檢測設備1 ) Liquid penetrant testing units 滲透檢測裝

30、置2) Lighting for liquid penetrant testing equipment and light meter 滲透檢測設備的照明及照度計3) Materials for liquid penetrant 滲透檢測材料4) Precautions in liquid penetrant inspection 滲透檢測中的注意事項Training Course for Level II PTPT-H級人員的培訓課程1. Review 復習1) Basic principles 基本原理2) Process of various methods各種方法的工藝3) Equip

31、ment 設備2. Select ion of the appropriate pen etra nt test ing method選擇適當?shù)臐B透檢測方法1) Adva ntages of various methods 各種方法的缺陷2) Disadva ntages of various methods各 種方法的缺點3. Inspection and evaluation of indications 顯示的檢驗和評定3.1 General 概述1) Discontinuities inherent in various materials 各種材料固有的不連續(xù)性2) Reason f

32、or indications 顯示的原因3) Appearance for indications 顯示的現(xiàn)象4) Time for indications to appear 顯示出現(xiàn)的時間5) persistence of indications 顯示的持久性6) Effects of temperature and lighting (white to UV ) 溫度和照明的影響7) Effects of metal smearing operations (shot peening, machining, etc.) 金屬表面工藝處理的影響(拋丸硬化、機械加工等)8) Preferre

33、d sequenee for penetrant inspectio滲透檢測的首選順序9) Part preparation(precleaning, stripping, etc.) 工件的準備(預清洗、打磨等)3.2 Factors affecting indications 影像顯示的因素1) Pre-cleaning 預清洗2) Penetrant used滲透劑的使用3) Prior processing 預先的表面處理4) Technique used 使用的技術3.3 Indications from cracks 由裂紋形成的顯示1) Cracks occurring duri

34、ng solidification 結晶過程中產生的裂紋2) Cracks occurring during processing 在加工過程中產生的裂紋3) Cracks occurring during service 在使用過程中產生的裂紋3.4 Indications from porosity 由氣孔形成的顯示3.5 Indications from specific material forms 由特定材料形成的顯示1) Forging 鍛件2) Castings 鑄件3) Plate 板材3) Welds 焊縫4) Extrusions 擠壓制品3.6 Evaluation of

35、 indications 顯示的評定1) True indications 真實的顯示2) False indications 偽顯示3) Relevant indications 相關顯示4) Uncorrelated indications 非相關顯示5) Process control 過程控制a. Controlling process variables 控制過程的可變因素b. Testi ng and maintenance materials材料的檢測和維護4. Inspection procedures and standard檢測的規(guī)程和標準4.1 In spect ion

36、procedures(mi nimum requireme nts)檢測規(guī)程(最低要求)4.2 Sta ndards/codes 標準 / 法規(guī)1) Applicable methods/procedures 適用的方法 /工藝2) Acceptance criteria 驗收標準5. Basic Methods of Instruction 指示的基本方法Liquid Penetrant Testing Method Level 皿 topical Outline液體滲透檢測方法皿級課程提綱1. Principles/Theory 原理 /理論1.1 Principles of liquid

37、 penetrant process 液體滲透程序的原理1) Process variables 程序可變性2) Effects of test object factors on process試驗物體在處理過程中的因素效應1.2 Theory 理論1) Physics of how penetrants work 滲透檢驗物理原理2) Con trol and measureme nt of pen etra nt process variable滲透過程易變因素的控 制及測量a. Surface tension, viscosity and capillary entrapment表面張

38、力,粘度及毛細管 形成b. Measurement of penetrability, Washability and emulsification 滲透能力,清洗 及乳化能力的測量c. Con trast, bright ness and fluoresce nee對比度,亮度和熒光d. Contamination of materials 材料污染e. Proper selection of penetrant levels for different testing(sensitivity) 對不同檢測方法中靈敏度的要求,正確選擇滲透劑的級別1.3 Proper selectio n o

39、f PT as method of choice當 選擇方法時,適當選擇 PT 方法1) Differe nee betwee n PT and other methods P與其它方法的區(qū)別2) Complime ntary roles of PT and other methods PT與其它方法的互補的作用3) Potential for conflicting results between methods 方法間的不一致結果可能性4) Factors that qualify/disqualify the use of PT 限制/不限制 PT 應用的因素5) Selectio n

40、of PT tech ni que PT工藝的選擇1.4 Liquid penetrant processing 液體滲透的檢測過程1) Preparation of parts 工件準備2) Application of penetrants to parts 對工件施加滲透劑3) Removal of surface pe netra nts 去除表面滲透劑4) Developer application and drying 施加顯像劑和干燥5) Evaluation 評定6) Post cleaning 后清洗7) Precautions 注意點2. Equipment/Materia

41、ls 設備 /材料2.1 Liquid penetrant test units 滲透檢測設備2.2 Methods of measurement 液體滲透檢測的照明1) White light intensity 白光強度2) Black (UV) light intensity ,warm-up time etc 黑光(熒光)強度,預熱時間等3) Physics and physiological differences 物理與生理的差別2.3 Lighting for liquid penetrant testing 液體滲透檢測的材料1) Solvent removable 溶劑可去除

42、的滲透材料2) Water-washable 可水洗的滲透材料3) Post emulsifiable 預乳化a. Water base(hydrophilic) 水基(親水性的)b. Oil base(lipophilic) 油基(親脂性)2.4 Testi ng and maintenance of materials檢測和材料保養(yǎng)3. Interpretation/Evaluation 解釋、評定3.1 General 概述1) Appeara nee of pen etra nt in dicati ons 滲透劑顯示的出現(xiàn)2) Persistence of indications 顯

43、示的持久性3.2 Factor affecting indications 影像顯示的因素1) Preferred seque nee for pen etra nt in spectior滲透檢測的優(yōu)先順序2) Part preparati on (preclea ning , stripp ing, ect)工件的準備(預清洗、打磨等)3) Effects of temperature and lighting (white to UV) 環(huán)境(燈光、溫度等)4) Effects of metal smeari ng operati ons (shot pee ning, machi ni

44、ng, etc金 屬表面工藝 處理的影響(拋丸硬化、及加工等)3.3 Indications from discontinuities 不連續(xù)性(缺陷)的顯示1 ) Metallic materials 金屬材料2) Nonmetallic materials 非金屬材料3.4 Releva nt and un correlated in dicati ons 相關和非相關顯示1) True indications 真顯示2) False indications 偽顯示4. Procedures 規(guī)程5. Safety and Health 安全與健康5.1 Toxicity 毒性5.2 Fl

45、ammability 易燃性5.3 Precautions for ultraviolet radiation 紫外線照射的防護5.4 MSDS 材料安全性數(shù)據(jù)表MT Tra ining Course磁粉檢測培訓課程大綱Training hours培訓課時A類B類Level II級128Level nn級84Note :注AHigh school graduate or equivale nt.A類:高中畢業(yè)或同等學歷。BCompleti on with pass ing grades of at least two years of engin eeri ng or scie nee stu

46、dy at auni versity, college, or tech ni eal school.B類:在理工科大學、學院或技術學校至少2年學習的經歷。Trai ning Course for Level I MTMT-I級人員的培訓課程1. Principles of magnets and magnetic fields磁體和磁場原理1 ) Theory of magnetic fields 磁場理論a. Earth s magnetic fie地球磁場b. Magnetic fields around magnetized materials 磁場周圍被磁化的材料2) Theory

47、of magnetism 磁學理論a. Magnetic poles 磁極b. Low of magnetism 磁場定律c. Materials influenced by magnetic field 受磁場影響的順磁性材料d. Magn etic characteristics of non ferrous materials 非鐵磁性材料的磁特性3) Termino logy associated with magn etic particle test ing 與磁粉檢測有關的術語2. Characteristics of magnetic 磁場的特性1 )Bar magnet 棒形

48、磁體2) Ring magnet 環(huán)形磁體3. Effect of discontinuities of materials 材料不連續(xù)性的影響1 )Surface cracks 表面裂紋2) Scratches 刮傷3) Subsurface defects 近表面缺陷4. Magnetization by means of electric Current 用電流進行磁化的方法1 )Circular field 周向磁場a. Field around a straight conductor 直導體周圍的磁場b. Right-hand rule 右手定則c. Field in parts

49、through which current floes 通電零件內的磁場d. Methods of inducing current flow in parts 工件中產生感應電流的方法e. Discontinuities commonly discovered by circular fields 周向磁場檢測中常見的 不連續(xù)性2) Longitudinal field 縱向磁場a. Field produced by current flow in a coil 線圈通電產生的磁場b. Field direction in a current-carrying coil 通電線圈的磁場方向

50、 c. Field strength in a current-carrying coil 通電線圈的磁場強度 d. Discontinuities commonly discovered by longitudinal fields 縱向磁場檢測中常見的不連續(xù)性e. Advantages of longitudinal magnetization 縱向磁化的優(yōu)點 f. Disadvantages of longitudinal magnetization 縱向磁化的缺點5. Selecting the proper method of Magnetization 選擇合適的磁化方法1)All

51、oy, shape, and condition of part 工件的合金成分、形狀和狀態(tài)2)3)Type of magnetizing current 磁化電流的類型Direction of magnetic field 磁場的方向4)5)Seque nee of operatio ns 操作程序Value of flux density 磁通密度值6. Inspection materials 檢測介質1)Wet partieles 濕磁粉2)Dry partieles 干磁粉7. Principles of demagnetization 退磁原理1)Residual magnetis

52、m 剩磁2)3)Reas ons for requiri ng demag netizati on 需要退磁的原因 Longitudinal and eireular residual Fields 縱向和周向剩余磁場4)5)Basie prineiples of demagnetization 退磁的基本原理Retentivity and eoereive foree 頑磁性和矯頑力6)Methods of demagnetization 退磁的方法8. Magnetic particle testing equipment 磁粉檢測的方法1)Equipment-seleetion eons

53、iderations 選擇設備考慮的因素a. Type of magnetizing eurrent 磁化電流的類型b. Loeation and nature of test 檢測部位和性質 e. Test materials used檢測用材料d. d. Purpose of test 檢測的目的e. Area inspeeted 檢測的面積2)Manual inspeetion equipment 手提式檢測設備3) Stationary equipment 固定式檢測設備4) Medium -and heavy-duty equipment 大、中型檢測設備5) Mechanized

54、inspection equipment 機械化檢測設備9. Types of discontinuities detected by magnetic particle testing磁粉檢測中不連續(xù)性的種類1) Inclusions 夾雜2) Blowholes and porosity 砂眼和氣孔3) Flakes, cracks 發(fā)裂、裂紋4) Pipes, lam in ati ons andlaps 縮孔和分層5) Forging bursts 折疊6) Voids 孔穴10. Magnetic particle test indications and Interpretatio

55、ns磁粉檢測的磁痕評定1 )Relevant indications 相關顯示a. Indications of nonmetallic inclusions 非金屬夾雜的磁痕b. Indications of surface seams表面裂縫的磁痕c. Indications of cracks, bursts and flakes發(fā)裂和裂紋的磁痕d. Indications of laminations, laps and porosity 縮孔和分層的磁痕2)Nonrelevant indications 非相關顯示Training Course for Level II MTMT-1級人員的培訓課程1. Principles 原理1 )Theory 理論2)Magnets and magnetism 磁體和磁性2. Flux fields 磁場1) Direct current 直流電產生的磁場a. Depth of penetration factors 穿透深度的因素b. Source of current 電源2) Alternating current 交流電產生的磁場a. Cyclic effects 交流頻率對磁場的影響b. Surface strength characteristics表面磁場強度的特性c . Safety precautions 安


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