1、2016年中考模擬試卷英語卷考生源知:1. 本試曜怠分(fl 12。分.考試時同100分鐘.2. 答van.在答題卡上m祥題除的密舛區(qū)內(nèi)檢、寫校名、姓名和戒考江號.3. 必緒在答is蒼的時應(yīng)答8位胃。在其他地方無效1至5。小IM在答地卡上涂曉作答.祥丹卡仲耘方 式許史祥程木上的說明.1.澈聽力建時.先將答案則在試卷上,諛&內(nèi)祥兜甲后.彌將有一分鐘的時何將試卷上的答案壯次剝咎 晚k.上.試徵.答IE I和拎戰(zhàn)雀井上之.5.考試充年后.試鬼卷第一卷共兩節(jié),總分值30分)H2分.總分值10分)第一局部聽力9.-f (共5小長,話.粉技話后行個小18.從圖中所給的A. B、C三個逸取中垃出妣正網(wǎng)適用,
2、井標在城慝的相位位H.聽完籍段對話后.10 的時答美小18和閱讀下一小聘,任段月詁僅瀆 湖.1. Whw ikcs the man likedoinj*?A. Playing the puno.B. Playing tennis.2. Wh* the relitionhip between the twoA. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.3. When did the woman *pdoing homcwwri?B AI 8: 35.C. Playing the violin.C. Wjjtcr and customer.A. At 8
3、: 30.C. Al 8: 40.4. Where did (he nun gu kr hu vaction?B. Francv.C. AtnchcuA. England.5.1 Io* doc, (he woman Icain Engliih.1A. By ulkinj: * iih (ora|nc($, H. By Mudying 第二節(jié)(10,卜世,每醞2分,包分值20分(始創(chuàng)) 聽下面一段對話,答M第6至8小I虬 現(xiàn)在.你*15杪鐘的時何闋讀這3個小虬C. By liMcninj: and reading.C. HEi.C. A liX o things to do.6- U*hat
4、city doe% lhe woman think is tourwiV?A. Mexico City.B. Hvei (he wh( lherv.B. No. she has no inlerv in aniirali.C. No. she docsni kno* (he language.折下rti 段對話,答it第9全弟II三個小地 現(xiàn)在.你伽*的時間側(cè)讀這3小毯.9. Whai the nwtcr with chc woman?A. She cjoc find the hotel.B. She cant find the subway aatian.C. She cant walk a
5、ny mere.10. Mow Bong will it lake to wulk bock to the beHet?A. About an hour.B. About thirty minuterC. Abcml an hour and a hilf.11. Where Uxiuld the uxiimn 好l uH it the Ulc lhe nubuiy?A. At Sixth Sti碩.B . A( Sixiwxh Slrwi.C. At Sixdcih Swl.聽卜血 段獨白.聽班白削.20OH*的時,閱謨有關(guān)材料和4個小慝.所光功n后.你有20秒怦的肘網(wǎng) 來適擇有關(guān)選項.獨白連
6、詼兩治WhM does ihe speaker do?A. A Mudenc.B. A teacher.C A foctigner.12. Haw dtKs the speaker teach Tnny?A. Di%cu” bow eo make dinner.B. AUi many question% about Arnrrica.C. Huke up !WDo stories abuut I he nev *xrd.13. WhM xliviiy(Ik)diJnl do for Tbnyb?A. Did Chines peper-cutB. Pitched ChnstiHS ftovies
7、C. Got cogcihcr and enjoyed dimw.14. What does the speaker think of make friends * nh foreijjncr?A. Scungc.B. Awful.C. Comfocxiblc.第二局部閱讀理解共兩節(jié),總分值40分)幫一節(jié)共15小距匆段2分.免分值30分)文,從甜畛所給的四個透項(A. B.。和。)中&1點正碰透項AStrew is everywhere in our drydiy life. Not only men have it. but alw omcn and young people. The mo
8、tliinparUnt rcjmin% of arcx$ arc: death. dhce4. cxam$. making nwocy. getting married, moving bewg. changing job%, ending frienihhips and *o on.lio* do )tu know whether you have rtre%xu give juur ans*vr* Io the (blk*ing queUwm?Strv Test英語聽力材料QueuiumYeNdDo yew cuuly get nngry?英神。力剖武決在開場,做題或先將答案切在試很上,歡
9、音內(nèi)容完畢后.制8有 分仲的時嗣捋城表上的答 京轉(zhuǎn)涂列祥盛低上.笏一那其5小SE,而!8 2分,伺分值10分)所下面5杖對話柯段甘話后有一個小也.從JS中所治的A、B、C三個遷頊中選出HjE確近項,并彌在試 程的mfcR.聽完段對話后.彌部“2秒鈾的時月答U有關(guān)小1和間讀下一小圖.皈段對話僅讀 詢(Texi 1W:WhKyuur bobby?M: I like playing (he violin when Im free. How alxmi you?W: I prefer la pljiy tennis.OO-lO-i停住時問打.點)Ocai 2M: Could you (ell me s
10、had wrong with nw?W: Well. nxhin$ serious. Take (hit medicine and wull feel better.(? W10-I停頓時何打.0)(Text 3)M: Have you nninhed your Uxk yel? It alrvudy nine.W: Yeah, Dad! I Hnkhed m eight thiny.(ff00-10-s停住時閔打由)(Text 4)W: Did mhi have a gixx! time b%t vocation?M: Yes bins i“ good pi*x. We htd fun ih
11、etc.(停的00.KT:停頓時網(wǎng)打點)d?(停曲IXN0L停頓時何打點)第二革 共10小12,缶12 2分,以分伍為分)聽下臨訥段皎仁對話.每段電話后有幾個小的.如ttH中所給的A. B. C三個通項中逸出技正斑選項.聽籍 a.低有時何混讀備小腐似堆5抻鐘,所完8.各小地給出5枚鐘的作答時何.餅段對訪讀電停2 秒!聽卜倔一段對話.答殳第6至8奈18現(xiàn)在,你書IS杪鐘的時間閔讀這兩個小.(停IS秒)M: Wuuldni ii be gre if we wuld go on vacaiion logeihcr,.W: Where wdqM jo?M: Well. I hupc viwi Hawa
12、ii one day. I like platen *bervhe weailwt is alwa wanitW: Huwuii would be nice, but its too louriay. Nh)he we could goto Mexican. The food itwir k very special und delicious.M Bui we doni kmu the Unfuuge. Why don、*c viui ihe Ydlcw Stone Piirk?W:! have ix interot in animals. How about going to Iking
13、Kong? Il ha cxrrthin - bcxuliful view. (netxJly pt?pJc. and exerting ihin筍 to doW: Thal not a bad idea.if you pay far it!(停2秘.然后)klL內(nèi)停15Bl聽卜而一段而話.I1H個小!現(xiàn)在.你有IS砂時的時間閱設(shè)垓三小趣I停15秒W: Excumt me. oftlccf. Im a Miungcr Iktc and Im lost.M: Where do you wjrnt u go?W: 1 wunl (o geibKi io niy hotel - lhe Hilion
14、 H wulk thmr?M: About half an hourW: Is there a bus t can lake k get there?M i AciuaJly you ukc the subuyiy und get oft m Sixtieth wetW: Where 皿】邸 the Mibuny?Mt Just acrof ihesued. SecrW: m. I we tt. Think you.(伶2秒.慈后旅抑停15秒)聽卜而一位獨口.折徑自歸你有20秒沖(RIH問伺成名美材網(wǎng)和4個小攻所完牲自后.你有20秒鐘的時間來 SffftXA.枚白注讀兩地.Vniversity
15、 is an amzins place. This tem. I had such a chance to teach a foreigner. 1 wtss really excited. My student* s nan? ix Tony. Ifc* is Fixti Anorici. He is a runny guy who likes lei line jokes, lie is a good learner, he likes Chines very tweh. I think he had takni in learning)6nu8g vaj; quit。 intereste
16、d in it. 1 Anuld nak。up interesting stnris about the word g learnt, in this way. he could rcocsbcr the word wvll. Tony wanted our clnsxcj; to be lively, so 1 kept thinking hoi to mke our classes lively as veil as effective.Tuny and 1 arc also good Cricfxlx. Yesterday his birthday. Hany friends were
17、evil ins logelher and enjoyed Veil can dinner. After dinner, g vatched Chri situs mvies. I gave hin Chine 獨 papei-cul 88 a gift. He liked ll very nuch. At that wm, I 四8 prood of our great traditional culture.Before 1 J-eally rwde friends vilh foreigners. 1 judt kne* tliea fron neMspper, W and Intern
18、et, h is quite different. Soneone my think that Atericans are meg。but as far as I an concrncKJ. ve are the *-.(停 2 秒.Fff5 20t聽力利淡到比完華.ifllnj孕*1把答案輯庶到答迎抿上.然峪接苕找筆試地H,ord可奴輒|歡濁下UDu yixi often sleep badly?Ik you get bcadicbe% a lot?IX、you hikepi Ik?Du you find i( difficull co relax?Do you UMully hide yo
19、ur feeling*g you mnkc and drink a Im to keep quiet?IX you lind it difficult to |Xii our hcun mio socnaliing?If you Ye* lo more than (wo of they: question%, you are cine of lho pecipk with slnzw. So whM can you do about il?IXinj relaxing exerciu:*. talking with frimds wxl liucnin; to light music arc
20、Ml otuul ways uf rdicvina M輕)Urew. However, doctors no* wy iht (here aic ciricf way*. Tlicir advice is dial pcopk sliould laugh nd sniilc inorc ohen. When men. shixild cr more often, bevauw cryng i$ the naiurul w*y of rdicvint sirws.15. Which of the folkwin| k ibe reiison of stress?A. Changing ofYio
21、es B. Taking exam*. C Sleeping bmlly. D. Crying often.16. How do you know you arc Miflchng from tirex?D feel xleqiy. drink much. hide feeling% Gnd it difBculc to relax.A. (!) and C.andD.(D*ndThe caer wa)*s(kcis advi C. fiwnic aiul talking D. *JccpinjE: mk! eatingWhai un you lcm frotn (he pJMdgc?A. F
22、br MresK men nullcr more ihun wcwncn and i!k old more (han (he y、m could caw*c urewt.D. Men should cry more often because crying k the natural wuy k deul with ares.I根揖2010年福篷fHE中若英語卷閱讀理郵甌改編)Bh i% a winter day and I am walking home from work. 1 cnx my arm% aaimt my body, trying u make myself *umxr. M
23、y bead point% do*n against the wind. 1 walked quickly. Iben I nixicc her.She walking in fmnl of me if the niArwulk. Well, she k rxH nrally wulkinj:. mure like 加Hllin alun: in her hmise slipper*. Her back w Iwnched over. She is mx waring a coat and Iwr j4mml gr*y hair m me“y. she i into her WK. maybe
24、 even curl) 90s. A,I pass her. nhc (urni and Her site lights up her fave. And she is bolding some loiters in herhMKkI walk on and arrive M the imffic light. Wuicinx there. I the nwilbox crow the Mrcct. The light (iimn rcen for me to erg the Mrcet. Bui I pretend co check my phone and wui( for her in
25、cauh up to me. In this ncighbcdwKMt even crockingwith the i(ccn lihi i danfcrous. Drivrs often drive wikily ihrough red hfhu and top Mfinn. When she rexhes me on ihe sidew以k. we wit. xidc-b)-%ide. for the light la change. 1 la speak io her. but l*m n(x sure. People vc often untruMin$ af tirdng
26、en in the city, and rightfully %a.But 1 turn to her and gently touch heron the arm. Excuse nx maam. Can I help you?* She xmikf und in u langtuc I do mil undersUnd. Bui then %he hrr hand 心 if to wy. *Wc dont need k talk, my dear/ She *ecm% like (he kind of wunian hu would cull ine dear?She lake* my h
27、and in hm and hoWs iL Her 口mil hand is ufl and warm. So. now *v*re wailing hand-in-hand fur (he lighi(o change. Whai might have tdi awkwwd. tech cixnkxtabic. Ute light change and we walk logeihcr slowly across (he Mrt. I drvp Uk kiicts m (he nwlbox und lake her buck across iIk Mr oct. Wbon “fdy acrs
28、. fbe Miy *(hnnkin bcMiti fully Kvcnccd Diflish andgood-bxc.I uulk home the rest of ihe htwne I can Mill fl the uannih of her himd in my own. I couch my hand io my cheek. Rvcn as I write thu. thinking of her. I can Mill feel her ift. urni hand in mine.17. Haw h the weMhcr while the writer,* walking
29、home?A. cold but sunny.B. cM and windy.C. *indy but warm.D. sunny and womi.18. The writer pnzlcnd% check my phunc and waiu fur the wucnan txcauM: .A. he wanb to lulk with her.B. lhe fitailboi is (he urwt.C. Ik hr* ne (o lidp anyone in nocd.D drim in (he ncighkwhood ohen drive wildly (hroujih red hhi
30、s tmd stop qgiuWhich of the foilou ing not I RLC Mconhng(o the passage?A The wnicr(ion,( know the wman but hdpoi her crow the rrudB. Both M the old lady and writer (cd cnmftvublc *hen hand in-hand.C. Pcapie in this city are wualiy willing u trua nd help “range”.D. The Ionian may be not a native spea
31、ker ja *be speaks, in accented English.19. Whx ws lhe ccrcct okr in which lhese cvciHx happened,? u. Tbc uxxmn walkx Uciwly to mail leUen.b. The writer touche her o- d B. a-b-c-d24. What ft the best title of the posige?A. A cold winter dayC. Special Jove for xtrangervW&J)C. b-a-iD. c-b-a-dB. An old
32、uxinun with lettersD. The power of touchA desert m a very dry land where there hurdiy any ruin. In the that you could fry an on the ground. But during the night 袖 *utcr zuld lum iiuo ice.day. it can be m bo somclimi:% so cold thatdeep under Ute ground spread oui a long way has kxtg.平readme And cold.
33、 Cuinek arc aMany depots arv xvertd in and. Bui Mime have mounuinx. rcxrks. ar lakes that have dried up m the hex. Tbe Great American Dtnrrt hw cliffs (處危)hut have been trudc ino aim/ing and beautiful xhapci by Ihc wind. The Sahuru Dturrt in Africa is mostly mix). The Australian IXxrt ha,red Mmd.Sun
34、ctimc$ il &6 itoi rain for a whole year in (he dcft But (here ii walerand ome plants have roots Z go very deep co M i(. Other plants have nxis lhai w ihcy 3 sixk im (he rain aw m n (aIIs. One Sen phrnt k (he which cook The cm(us stores w*cr inside its turd 4iin. This km gccu il fnxn hei bit like cuc
35、tus pkn! They oorc water uxi inxkic lheir bxiic. They have spccinl fur which prelects them tram the sun during the diy And keep% them wurm x niht.Some other sinuh livx: in xt of them only come out M niht. This k why rmny desert eye* or car. A ikrt fcx has bijer cart (han a nornul tkx. A gerbil hu% c
36、an see al night h May% coei in the day by Maying imdcriinMaxJ. like rwvASome people live in (he iKku but they way,make lheir honied gr an*Herc *uicr corm ftom an underground rg. Ncur an cirtis. people 3 gig animals.om. An oomi r*lens of phnu and keepiccing and bciring animal% have extra big h呻 eye,.
37、 i Ihn il dcMirt animah.Life hard in ihc ik*cn. for pcDflc. nmmals aik! plants. Bui Sen there.people like to liveA. Aniiml.B. Planb.26. What do the underlined wank suck up*A. give away.C. hM o.C. Cliff、D. Dvei.in pMigruph pnihibly mcn?B. take in.D. put down.25. Whm 認(he pusMe mainly About?27. Whkh o
38、f the (bluing it Uue?A. Desert peopk like IO li*V in (he dCMMI Ihvuh life is hard.B loplc m (he dccn usually fry epgs on (he groundCamels have 湖 fur io store wmjD. All (he dewns *re covered in sand.2JC. Some dewn umnwls huve extra big eyes x ew beenuse.A. it k very cuy cool in the diy by.A. u)-ing u
39、ndcrgnxind.B. rowing lou of pliantC. Moring water inkk lheir bodies.D. drinking wnicr a much m they can.50. Which of the f)lli*-ingthe stricture af lhe pawige?20H年峨那市初中學(xué)業(yè)可試試卷闌讀理郵慝改娠)第二節(jié)共5小U,冬短2分,忘分值10分下而文章中有股(第31 35 Ml K9in小標請從以raw( A、B. C、D. RfrFI中選出符ft各段 意思的小桁藏.選項中有一頌為# 頊多余選項.A. Prepare your beddi
40、ng.B. Prepare a waling area.C. Pul up your lent.D. Deal With ZU.E. Brin food and drinks.F Make mcnKirc$,Guide to Camping in the backyardCamping in your hickyani is full of fun. whatever ymir Ac. Ii grcui far kecking us reUxcd. Il offer% clunccs to check lhe night *ky and to be noikr thun usual. h Ic
41、tx ux have friends over to iuv who might nnc fit inside the houc! Follow these instnxtiocif and youll have a night youll never forget!31. Depending on lhe number of family members and gue%tK. you may need inorc than one lent. Tell yuur friend* Io bdn their tenu ir needed. Fol km (he imlnactium ur ch
42、eck out (he articles on ho* to pul up a lent on the InternetYoull *uim your o be able to rcU in comfort. Pul Tghing soh * lc oc oou)n bkmkeu. They mc especially imp Uy a Njnkct in the sun. w ihai your fhcnd can cat and talk. Be sure the grat n*l wet?33. Fumily camping cun be l(x of fun. but if you 虹
43、 noi prqMrcd for some pei* io wwh for. it cun be an unplciiim experience. Flics si MoMjuitoe* can quickly bring im end in your jnund the camprouncl. mi lake along Mxnething that hdp* Lp them away. a general rule, avoid all snakes in lhe outdoors.34. Plan some activibes. Youre camping in the backyard
44、. *o if* (imc to make the nw“ of bcin txrtdocirt. Il,vc a cumcni nearb) Io Cake silly photo% make wpiex fw everyone!I相扼2O】34tStrtT中考卷口注現(xiàn)夠題 做0)第三局郃英語知識運用共兩節(jié),總分值25分 第一節(jié) 充形填空共15小HL每&1分,忌分恒15分)追讀下由短女草故其大意.然G在備魄所給的四個選項(A. B. CWD)中透出-個燃止嫉速順,My mother imd co ask me u-hai the nvwt 36 pein of the body K Thrn
45、ujh the years I would uex a 37I ibouhi wjs ike civrvci answer.Wbeti I wat jxiungcr. I thoughc 熱 was very impexunt to us m humane, so I xaid. My ears. Mommy. She ud. No. Many people are deaf. But you 39 thinking tbmn it and 1 will “k you iigain scan. *Several yean pushed 40 h kcd me aain. Thw time I
46、wild her. Mommy, sight is very imporUnt to everybody, so H 41be our eyes.,She looked at me and told me. You an: learning 42 . but the ansu-erw nu cwrtxt bveauM: there arv many |xvple *hci arc blind. * Over lhe jvar*. Mother xtked nc a cciupk more (imr% and always her anw” was. No. bul you arv43 every year, my child.Then laM year, my Grandma died Everybody zs 44. My Mom kigcd al me when ii uw our turn co my our45oodbye houkJcr to cry an Miinctimc% in life, my dcx.
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- 第四章逐步聚合反應(yīng)