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1、第一學(xué)期高三英語考試試卷第 I 卷(共 105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirectionsIn Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between twospeakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversationsand the questions will be spoken only once. After you heara c

2、onversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.C. At 19:30 D. At 20:05C. $1,950 D. $2,000B. The man 's sonD. The man himself1. A. At 19:152. A. $ 1,8503. A. The man 's dauC. The man &

3、#39;s wife4. A. Seeing a movieC. Finding a Caf eB. At 19: 20B. $1,900B. Lining for tiCketsD. Having a drink5. A. Joe survived the Car aCCident.C. Joe 's Car was slightly damaged.6. A. The title is eye-CatChingC. The title is misleading7. A. She did better in the driving test.C. She was afraid of

4、 taking exams.8. A. He has a CorreCt attitude towards theB. Joe was badly hurt in the aCCident.D. Joe 's Car was knoCked by others.B. The book is boring.D. The book is wonderful.B. She easily gets nervous.D. She didn 't praCtise muCh. B. He often fails sChool examsC. He surprised the man by

5、failing the exam.D. He doesn 't want to finish high sChool.9. A. He made an appointment for the woman.B. He went to the dentist's last week.C. The woman forgot to make an appointment.D. The woman should have gone to the dentist earlier.10. A. She doesn 't like the topiC.B. He made fewer

6、mistakes this time.C. There 're too many spelling mistakes.D. The report doesn 't keep to the point.SeCtion BDirectionsIn section B, you will hear two short passages, and youwill be askedthree questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoke

7、n only once. Whenyou hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage11. A. To hide his cow behind a tree.B. To look for someone to help him.C. To find

8、 the strongest man in the town.D. To help some people of his own town.12. A. He knew there was money under the stone. B. The old man promised to reward him.C. He feared others in the town might fall on it.D. No one else was strongenough to move it.13. A. A person who is ready to help deserves help.B

9、. One should catch every good chance.C. Those weak and poor people deserve help.D. He laughs best who laughs last.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following speechB. She had problems with otherD. She suffered from severeB. A person with a remarkableD. A person with specialB. Never give up in

10、 face ofD. Never compare yourself with14. A. She could never overcome difficulties. children.C. She had trouble communicating with others. learning disability.15. A. A person whose experience can inspire others memoryC. A person who has a better understanding education16. A. Always listen to doctor&

11、#39; s advice.difficulties.C. Always get encouragement from others. others.Section CDirections In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. Each conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill inthe numbered blanks With the informatiOnyou have hear

12、d. Write your anSWerS On youran SWer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following ConVerSationBook ing a TiCketThe n ame of the opera17KingThe day of the PerfOrma nceNeXt18evenin g.The nu mber of the tickets19The amount of money to Pay20Complete the form. Write ONE WoRD each an swer.BlankS

13、21 through 24 are based on the following conVerSationWhat does the man compla in about?The quality of21What is the problem?The22always gets black.Where is the repair Cen tre?On the 7 th Floor,23What will the compa ny do if there is som problem ConCerning the quality?To let the CUStOmer have it refun

14、ded or24Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORRSCh an swer.II. Grammar and VOCabUIarySeCtiOn ADireCtionS Beneath each of the followingSentenCeS there are four ChOiCeS markedA, B, C and D. Choose the One an SWer that best completes the Senten ce.25. The OPerating ProfitS of the ComPany in th

15、e third quarter rose by 24 PerCent225 milli On PoUndS 182 milli On PoUndS a year ago.A. from toB. for toC. to fromD. to for26. To our surprise,AjiSen Ramen S JaPanese ramen noOdle soup WaS made USing CheaPPOWderS and in Sta nt SeaS OningS boil ing Pig bones for hours, as its advertiseme nts suggests

16、.A. more tha n B. rather tha nC. other tha nD. better tha n27. Pollutio n will rema in a global problem for a Iong time much has bee n done to solve it.A. SinCeB. howeverC. thoughD. if28. Although he majored in art and IiteratUre in college, he had little interestin subject.A. everyB. eitherC. bothD

17、.neither29. I think this exercise as well as the other three OneSA. is worth to doB. are worth to doC. is worth doingD. areworth doing30. solve the medical Care for the low-i ncome earners and the Un employed.A. Only by joint efforts Can WeB. By Onlyjoint efforts We CanC. Only by joint efforts We Ca

18、nD. Only We Can joint effort31. - I don ' t mind telling you WhatI know.-You. I ' m not asking you for it.A. mustn ' tB. may notn eed n'tC. Can ' tD.32. I think that SOmething has to be done to stop the air from being polluted,A. doesn ' t itB. hasn ' t itC. don ' t t

19、heyD.haven' t they33. Comeand ViSit OUr school at the end of this year, by WhiCh time my academic thesis.A. I Will finishB. had fini ShedC. have fini ShedD. I will have fini Shed34. - You have n' t bee n to Shan ghai, have you?-.And how I WiSh to go there aga in!A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I have

20、n ' tC. No, I haveD. No, I have n 't35. I like draw ing, while What my brother enjoysA. cook ingB. to cookC. is cook ingD. cook36. NearIy all trees have SeedS that fallto the ground ,and even tually PrOdUCenew seeds.A. tak ing root B. take root37. The Wrong you ' Ve done him is terrible,

21、 for him, I thi nk.C. took rootD. to take rootyou should make an apology toA. itB. WhiChC. WhatD. that38. In Order for everyOneSeriOUSChanges need to be made in globaldevelopme nt.A. to SUrViVeSUrViVeB. SUrViVedC. SUrViVi ngD.39. from other Continents for millions of years, AUStraIia has many plants

22、 and ani mals not found in any Other CoUntry in the world.A. Being SeParatedB. HaVing SeParatedD. To be SeParatedC. HaVing bee n SeParated40. Maybe the fact he Want to marry him.A. that, WhyC. because, Whyis two inCheS ShOrter than herB. which, thatD. that, WhiChis the reason She don' tSeCtiOn B

23、DireCtiOnsComplete the followingPaSSage by USing the words in the box. EaCh wordCan Only be USed On ce. Note that there is One word more tha n you n eed.A. heavily B. SUrgeryC. drive nD. regulateAB. applyAC. loose ned AD. treatme nt BC. i nflue nceBD. pote ntialCD.IaUn ChedChin ese medical experts h

24、ave Warned that an tibiotics (抗生素)are “ 41OVerUSed ” in hospitals, WhiCh may CaUSe SeriOUS side-effects for the health of an en tire gen erati on.ACCOrd ing to the mini stry, 70 PerCe nt of Chin ese in Patie nts have receivedantibiotics, while the maximum number Set by the World HeaIth OrganiZation

25、is 30PerCent. About 97 PerCent of 42 Patients USed antibiotics but research ShOWed that a large number of them could avoid the need if hospitals Conducted PrOPer SanitatiOn measures.Particularly, antibiotics are OVerUSed in the 43 of ChiIdren. NearIy Onethird of the daily 10,000 OUtPatients at the B

26、eijing ChiIdren' S HOSPitaI takeintravenous (進(jìn)入靜脈的) drips that largely Contain antibiotics,Said YangYonghong,a doctor With the hospital.“SomedoCtorS might IaCk ProPer trainingOn how to 44 antibioticsin a morePreCiSe Way and avoid 45 risks. Some SimPIy Want to play it safe,” Said ZhUZhen gga ng,

27、PreSide nt of Shan ghai-based RUijin HOSPital.The mi nistry 46 a n ati On Wide CamPaig n over the PaSt SiX mon ths to 47 theUSe of antibiotics. ViCe HeaIth Minister Ma XiaOWei admitted that the governmentfaces great challe nges as many PUbIiC hospitals have 48 SUPerViSi On OnPreSCriPti On Safety Un

28、der heavy PreSSUre from Patie nts.In SiderS also no ted that the OVerUSe of an tibiotics WaS PartIy 49 byPrOfit-SeekingPharmaCy firms. There are more than 6,000 PharmaCy companies in Chinathat PrOdUCe more than 1,000 kinds of antibiotics.About 60 PerCe nt of the n ewly approved medic ines by the Sta

29、te Food and DrUgAdmi nistrati On last year Were an tibiotics. ACCOrd ing to the SFDA, the CoUntry reported 690,000 CaSeS of adverse drug react ions CaUSed by abuse of medic ine, including 600 deaths in 2010.III. Readi ng COmPrehe nsionSeCtiOn ADireCtionS For each blank in the following PaSSageS ther

30、e are four words or PhraSeS marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank With the word or PhraSe that best fits theCon text.I ' Ve been teaching Piano IeSSOnSin my SPare time for over 30 years. EVen thoughI have n ever had the 50 of havi ng a PrOdigy(天才), have taught some Very 51StUde nts.However, I

31、 have also had my Share of What I call musically 52' PUPiIS One SUChpupil being Robby, an 11 year old boy, who told me that it had always been his mother ' S (a Single mom) _53 to hear him play the Piano. So I took him as a StUdent.From the beginning Robby Seemed to 54 the natural CaPabiIity

32、needed to excel. BUthe dutifully reviewed the elementary Piano PieCeS that I 55 allmy StUdents to Iearn.OVer the mon ths he tried and tried 56 I Iiste ned and tried to en COUrage him.Thenone day Robby StOPPed Coming for his less ons. And I WaS glad about that. After all, he WaS a bad 57 for my teach

33、 ing!Then Came the recital(演奏會(huì)).To my 58 , Robby, having received a flyer, askedto be in it.He told methat his mother had been SiCk and Unable to take him to his Piano IeSSons, but that he had been 59.“ PIeaSe MiSS Honor, I ' Ve just got to play. ” he inSiSted.I don ' t know What led me to a

34、llow him to play in the recital PerhaPS it WaS his 60or maybe SOmeth ing in Side of me Say ing that it would be all right.On the ni ght of the PerfOrma nce, I PUt Robby 61 in the program,just before I WaSto come UP and tha nk all the StUde nts and play a finishing piece. I thought that any62 he migh

35、t do would come at the end of the PrOgram and I could always SaIVage(挽救) his 63 PerfOrmance throughmy CUrtain closer'.It turned out that Robby PIayed Won derfully.That ni ght I became a PrOdigy of Robby. He WaS the teacher and I the pupil, forhe had taught methe meaning of 64 andlove and believi

36、ngin yourself, and maybe eventaking a Chance On someOneand you didn ' t know why.50. A. fortu nateB. POSSibiIityC. PIeaSUreD. likelihood51. A. tale ntedB. aggressiveC. StUPidD. dema nding52. A. challe ngedB. giftedC. botheredD. rewarded53. A. requestB. orderC. dreamD. task54. A. take an in teres

37、t i nB. have comma ndedC. be aware ofD. lack55. A. hopeB. requireC. orderD. dema nd56. A. howeverB. Whe nC. OtherWiSeD. while57. A. in flue nceB. threatC. advertiseme ntD.danger58. A. expectati OnB. WiShC. SUrPriSeD. glad ness59. A. WOrriedB. PraCtiS ingC. UPSetD. StUdy ing60. A. in SiSte nceB. POVe

38、rtyC. en thusiasmD. StUbbOr nn ess61. A. firstB. secondC. lastD. on top62. A. mistakeB. failureC. destructionD. damage63. A. poorB. wonderfulC. terrificD. unexpected64. A. dreamB. perseveranceC. encouragementD. guiltSection BDirections Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by s

39、everal questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)One day, when Anna was about to walk into her office, the headmaster, Mr. Henry stopped her.N

40、ow,” he said, “I want you to tell me the truth, my dear.”Naturally, ” said Anna shortly, fearing that something terrible had happened.I have had a most serious accusation(控告) made against you by Mrs. Bond.Mrs. Bond? ” said Anna, not understanding. Janet Bond was a quiet, little mousespeak an angry w

41、ordher daughter yesterday” she addedof a child. As far as Anna could remember she had never had cause to to the girl.“Mrs. Bond, ” went on Mr. Henry, “tells me that you scolded afternoon. ”“ Scolded? ” cried Anna. “I don 't scold. At least not in school, honestly.lateback to school in the aftern

42、oon.“Mrs. Bond's story is that Janet was a littleShe said that the child had to spend some time in the bathroom, which meant she set out from home a little late.”“Just a minute, ” said Anna, beginning to understand. “She did come late, very late. I had marked her absent, of course. Then she wand

43、ered in, when we'd started ourpaper-cutting,and I believe I said she was a nuisance (討厭的人) . She didn 't appearto hear, and was certainly quite cheerful.”“Ah, a nuisance. ” Mr. Henry jumped on the word.“You're sure you only said a ”nuisance. ”“I may not even have said that,” Anna replied

44、. “It was no more than slightdi spleasure that I felt and I certainly didn't scold. ”“ Mrs. Bond said that you called her child a blasted (該死的) nuisance. Is that true?“ Indeed it isn ' t, ” said Anna, “ The child or the mother has made it up!”Mr. Henry was satisfied with Anna' s explanat

45、ion.“ Just as I thought, my dear, but of course I had to make sure.”65. When Mr. Henry stopped Anna, heB. thought she had done somethingD. wanted to tell her a true storyA. made her feel worried at first wrongC. had made up his mind to scold her66. Mr. Henry thought that trustworthyA. Janet had scol

46、ded AnnaC. Anna would not tell the truthB. Anna had scolded JanetD. Mrs. Bond had not told the truth67. To call a child a nuisance isA. not considered serious by the teacher accusationC. obviously upsetting for the child68. Mr. Henry considered Anna ateacher.B. considered a seriousD. a sign of great

47、 angerA. carelessB. cruelC. badD.(B)Where to find authentic Yangcheng Lake hairy crab Yi Feng CourtFairmont Yangcheng LakeAt the hotel on the scenic shore, you can savor the crab and enjoy the lake view. The chef presents a mouth-watering crab feast menu.Address: 3668 West Ma ' anshan Rd, Kunsha

48、n City, Jiangsu Province Sui Yuan, Doubletree by Hilton Huaqiao/KunshanChef Alan Liu presents hairy crab in a classical Shanghai style. You can either eat thecrab in the restaurant or order and take out. We recommend the crab meatxiaolongbaowith juice and creamy crab roe.Tel: 3921-5700 ext 6266Addre

49、ss: 2 Zhaofeng Rd, Huaqiao CBD, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Ye ShanghaiThis restaurant specializes in Shanghainese cuisine. In addition to steamed hairy crab with rich and firm meat, diners can try creative crab dishes, including refreshing crab meat With Winter melon broth, and SaUt e ed Crab me

50、at With SeSame flavored pastry.Tel: 6311-2323AddreSS: 338 HUangpi Rd, ShanghaiYi Long CoUrtThe PeninSUla ShanghaiChef Tao GUojian laUnChed the SeaSon'S neW hairy Crab feaSt menU.He balanCed the Crabflavor With other freSh ingredientS, SUCh aS mUShroomS, greenS and beef.Tel: 2327-6742AddreSS: 32

51、ZhongShan Rd E1, ShanghaiWei Jing Ge, Waldorf AStoriaShanghai on the BUndThe reStaUrant eqUipS dinerS With traditional Crab implementS, inClUding SCiSSorS and forCepS and ServeS SeaSonal ChrySanthemUm tea. ThiS letS yoU experienCe hoW ChineSe SCholarS enjoyed Crab in anCient timeS. We reCommend SoUp

52、 noodle topped With Crab roe.Tel: 6322-9988AddreSS: 2 ZhongShan Rd E1, Shanghai69. WhiCh ColUmn Can thiS paSSage appear?A. ServiCeSB. FeatUreC. BUSineSSD. SportS70. If yoU Want to invite yoUr gUeStS to enjoy the deliCioUS Crab in yoUr oWn hoUSe,yoU Can Call .A. 6311-2323 B. 3921-5700 C. 6322-9988 D.

53、 2327-674271. ACCording to the paSSage, WhiCh of the folloWing iSTRUE?A. YoU Can enjoy the Crab in a Shanghai Style only in SUi YUan.B. All the reStaUrantS provide Crab implementS When yoU enjoy the Crab.C. Not all the reStaUrantS Can provide the Crab feaSt menU.D. YoU Can only enjoy the deliCioUS S

54、teamed Crab in the reStaUrantS.C)Nowadays, people have a heated discussi On On Whetherthe PreSSUre On intern ati OnalSPOrtS PIayerS kills the essence (真諦)of sport the PUrSUit of PerSOnal excellence.ChiIdre n kick a football around for fun. When they get older and play for local school teams, they be

55、come COmPetitiVe but they still enjoy play ing. The in dividualreprese nti nghis CoUntryCannot afford to think about enjoying himself; he has to think only about winning. He is respOnsible for the entire natiOn' S hopes, dreams and reputation.A good example is the football Word Cup. Football is

56、the world' S most importantsport. Winning the World CUP is PerhaPS the SUmmit of internatiOnal sporting success.Mention Argentina (阿根廷)to someOneand the Chances are that he' ll think of football. In a Sen se, Winning the World CUP PUt Arge nti na On the map.SPOrtS fans and SUPPOrterS get qui

57、te irratiOnal about the World Cup. People in England felt that their CoUntry WaS Somehowimportant after they Wonin 1966. LaSt year thousands of Scots sold their cars, and even their houses, and SPe nt all their money traveli ng to Argentina, Where the finals Were played.So, am I arguing that internatiOnal COmPetition kills the idea of sport? Certainly not! Do the Argentineansreally believe that because eleven Of the


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