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1、IFR Flight ConsiderationsIFR Flight Planning.Flight OverviewAIM: 5-1-1 to 5-1-13Before planning the flight details take a broad look at your objective. Compare:Distance with fuelWeather with routeTerrain with aircraft performanceGoal and your proficiencyIs this trip really necessary?.91.103 Prefligh

2、t action. Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. This information must include (a) For a flight under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity of an airport, weather reports and forecasts, fuel requirements, alternati

3、ves available if the planned flight cannot be completed, and any known traffic delays of which the pilot in command has been advised by ATC; (b) For any flight, runway lengths at airports of intended use, and the following takeoff and landing distance information:“NW KRAFT.14 CFR 91.103Preflight Act

4、ion: NW KRAFT(a) For a flight under IFR, pilot should know:N- Notams (all available info concerning flight)W- weather reports and forecastsK - known traffic delaysR runway lengths A- alternatives availableF -fuel requirementsT Take Off/Landing Distance info, Section (b). 91.167 Fuel requirements for

5、 flight in IFR conditions(a) No person may operate a civil aircraft in IFR conditions unless it carries enough fuel (considering weather reports and forecasts and weather conditions) to (1) Complete the flight to the first airport of intended landing;(2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this s

6、ection, fly from that airport to the alternate airport; and(3) Fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.(b) Paragraph (a)(2) of this section does not apply if:(1) Part 97 of this chapter prescribes a standard instrument approach procedure to, or a special instrument approach procedure

7、has been issued by the administrator to the operator for, the first airport of intended landing; and(2) Appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate the following:(i) For at least 1 hour before and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling wi

8、ll be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles.14 CFR 91.167Fuel Requirements for Flight in IFR Conditions:to first airport of intended landingto alternate airport (if required)45 minutes at normal cruising speedAlternate is NOT needed when:

9、first airport has IAP AND1 - 2 - 3 rule forecast wx+/-1 hour ETA At least 2,000ceilingAt least 3 SM visibility.91.169 IFR flight plan: Information required. (a) Information required. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, each person filing an IFR flight plan must include in it the following informatio

10、n: (1) Information required under 91.153 (a) of this part; (2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, an alternate airport. (b) Paragraph (a)(2) of this section does not apply if : (1) Part 97 of this chapter prescribes a standard instrument approach procedure to, or a special instrume

11、nt approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator for, the first airport of intended landing; and (2) Appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate the following: (i) For aircraft other than helicopters. For at least 1 hour before and f

12、or 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles.14 CFR 91.169IFR Flight Plan: Information RequiredSection (c) IFR alternate airport standard minimums600 ceiling / 2sm for precision8

13、00 ceiling / 2sm for nonprecisionat ETA at alternateforecast WX must allow descent from MEA to airport under basic VFR(check VFR minimums for all airspace you will transit!)WITH IAPNO IAP:.(c) IFR alternate airport weather minima. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may inclu

14、de an alternate airport in an IFR flight plan unless appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate that, at the estimated time of arrival at the alternate airport, the ceiling and visibility at that airport will be at or above the following weather minima: (1)

15、If an instrument approach procedure has been published in part 97 of this chapter, or a special instrument approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator, for that airport, the following minima: (i) For aircraft other than helicopters: The alternate airport minima specified

16、in that procedure, or if none are specified the following standard approach minima: (A) For a precision approach procedure. Ceiling 600 feet and visibility 2 statute miles. (B) For a nonprecision approach procedure. Ceiling 800 feet and visibility 2 statute miles. (2) If no instrument approach proce

17、dure has been published in part 97 of this chapter and no special instrument approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator, for the alternate airport, the ceiling and visibility minima are those allowing descent from the MEA, approach, and landing under basic VFR. . . 91.17

18、3 ATC clearance and flight plan required.No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR unless that person has (a) Filed an IFR flight plan; and(b) Received an appropriate ATC clearance.RouteRoute Selection:Aircraft PerformanceFuel EconomyAvailability of Route AlternativesTerrain

19、Aircraft Equipment (IFR-certified GPS) Preferred IFR routesAirportFacility DirectoryEnroute section of Jeppesen Airway ManualIf starting with a fix, then expect routing by way of ODP/SID, or radar vectors. 91.181 Course to be flown.Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, no person may operate an aircraf

20、t within controlled airspace under IFR except as follows:(a) On a federal airway, along the centerline of that airway.(b) On any other route, along the direct course between the navigation aids or fixes defining the route.Along the RouteCheck MEAsGenerally along airways unless GPS is IFR certifiedCh

21、eck for ODPs/SIDs and STARsAlternate airports?Far enough away to avoid destinations adverse weather close enough to make it.Recommended instrument approach.Flight Information PublicationsFlight PublicationsPublished Departures and ApproachesSuitability and familiarityAlternate suitabilityNOTAMsChart

22、 NOTAMs section of JeppsNotices to AirmenAirplanes Flight Manual SupplementIFR equipment certification requirements.NOTAM (D)Information is disseminated for all navigational facilities that are part of the NAS, all public use airports, seaplane bases, and heliports listed in the A/FD. The complete l

23、ist of all (D) information is maintained in a computer database. May be obtained from FSS for the duration of the (D) unless it is published. .NOTAM (L)Taxi way closures, personnel and equipment near or crossing runways, and airport lighting aids that do not affect instrument approach criteria, such

24、 as VASI.Distributed locally only and is not attached to the hourly weather reports. A separate file of (L) is maintained at each FSS for facilities in their area only.FDC NOTAMsAmendments to published IAPs and other current aeronautical charts. They are also used to advertise temporary flight restr

25、ictions caused by such things as natural disasters or large-scale public events that may generate a congestion of air traffic over a site. FSS will give the pilot those FDC NOTAMs, that are within 400 miles of their facility and are unpublished. Those outside 400 miles are given if specifically requ

26、ested by the pilot.NOTAMSAn integral part of the NOTAM system is the Notices to Airmen Publication published every four weeks.Once published, these NOTAMs are not given to pilots in weather briefings unless specifically requested by the pilot.- “Remember to ask for published NOTAMS -.Flight Informat

27、ion PublicationsAIMFor review of current procedures and changesNavigation LogHave a flowAircraft logbooksFor transponder, pitot/static, altimeter, and VOR check currencyUse Latest Issue of Aeronautical ChartsIFR Enroute Charts: 56 daysIFR Approach Charts: 56 day cycle .Weather ConsiderationsBy the t

28、ime you are ready to receive a standard briefing from Flight Service, you should already have some idea about the weather hazards along your route of flight and conditions at your destination.Pre-Flight BriefingPre-flight Briefing Objective:“ communicate a “picture of meteorological and aeronautical

29、 information necessary for the conduct of a safe and efficient flight.Preflight Briefing request should includeType of flight planned (IFR or VFR)Name or aircraft numberAircraft typeDeparture AirportArrival Airport.Weather ChartsGood start is Weather DepictionBirds eye view of categorical outlooksSu

30、rface AnalysisFrontal movementsRadar and Satellite imagesArea ForecastsIcing Level.Altitude SelectionBased on:MEAATC assigned lowest available IFR altitudeHighest altitude without oxygenWinds, turbulence, and ice. 91.177 Minimum altitudes for IFR operations(a) Operation of aircraft at minimum altitu

31、des. Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft under IFR below (1) The applicable minimum altitudes prescribed in parts 95 and 97 of this chapter; or(2) If no applicable minimum altitude is prescribed in those parts (i) In the case of operations over an area des

32、ignated as a mountainous area in part 95, an altitude of 2,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 4 nautical miles from the course to be flown; or(ii) In any other case, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 4 nautical miles

33、 from the course to be flown.14 CFR 91.177Minimum Altitudes for IFR OperationsApplicable minimumsMountainous (2000AGL / 4nm)Other (1000AGL / 4nm)MEA / MOCA / 22nmClimb to higher minimum immediately, or MCA designated(well cover this in more detail in Enroute operations). 91.179 IFR cruising altitude

34、 or flight level(a) In controlled airspace. Each person operating an aircraft under IFR in level cruising flight in controlled airspace shall maintain the altitude or flight level assigned that aircraft by ATC. However, if the ATC clearance assigns “VFR conditions on top that person shall maintain a

35、n altitude or flight level as prescribed by 91.159.(b) In uncontrolled airspace. Except while in a holding pattern of 2 minutes or less or while turning, each person operating an aircraft under IFR in level cruising flight in uncontrolled airspace shall maintain an appropriate altitude as follows:(1

36、) When operating below 18,000 feet MSL (i) on a magnetic course of zero degrees through 179 degrees, any odd thousand foot MSL altitude(ii) on a magnetic course of 180 degrees through 359 degrees, any even thousand foot MSL altitude. .Completing the Nav LogHelps to organize your flightConcise textua

37、l descriptionMonitor your progress for subsequent changeETE / ATE : ETA / ATASee examples in chapter 10C of your Jeppesen Test GuideCompare what is on the FAA flight plan form to the Flight Log examples given.Get some one-on-one instruction from your flight instructor when you start your IFR cross-c

38、ountry flying.Flight Plan Example(Note: there should not be “K in front of VOR identifiers in route section. Thats a misprint!).Flight Planning.Filing the Flight PlanPilots should file flight plan at least 30 minutes prior to estimated time of departure to preclude possible delay in receiving ATC cl

39、earance. .Block 3:Aircraft equipment suffix code:Check AIM paragraph 5-1-7, Table 5-1-2 for appropriate code.Note Equipment Headings on legend.Filing Altitude:File your initial cruising altitude.With multiple cruising altitudes, list Altitude for first leg only.Filing your route:It is important that

40、 the route of flight be accurately and completely described in the flight plan.If flight is to be conducted via designated airways, describe the route by indicating the type and number designators of the airway requested. If more than one airway is to be used, clearly indicate points of transition.

41、If the transition is to be made at an unnamed intersection, show the next succeeding NAVAID or named intersection on the intended route and the complete route from that point. Transfer from flight log to flight plan.Filing the Flight PlanRoute of FlightUse Airways or Jet routes using type and number

42、 designators “V433 for Victor Airway 433 “J14 for Jet Route 14Clearly indicate route requested with:Airways/ Route designators andNavigational Aids (VOR, VORTAC, NDB, etc.)List Nav Aids only at route change points.FAA Data Base Waypoints (GPS, etc.).Flight PlanningFiling your routeExample: Drake to

43、Winslow via FERER would be filed: DRK V562 FERER V567 INWEstimated time en routeThe estimated flying time from departure point to destination (lift-off to touchdown)Fuel On BoardTotal fuel on board in hours & minutes.Flight Plan IFR FlightsRoute of Flight (continued)File a “Preferred Route whenever

44、appropriate. (See A/FD)DPs, SIDs and STARsMay be issued by ATC as part of your clearanceunless:You write “NO DP, “NO SID or “NO STAR in Remarks section, as appropriate.Filing DPs and STARsHow to file a DP or STARDeparture name: ROCKI ONE DEPARTUREDeparture code: (ROCKI1.ROCKI)For filing a transition

45、:Transition name: MILISTransition code: (ROCKI1.MILIS)Arrival name: MOORPARK FOUR ARRIVALArrival code: (FIM.MOOR4)For filing a transition:Transition name: FRESNOTransition code: (FAT.MOOR4).Flight Plan IFR FlightsDirect FlightsMust be in radar environment.The pilot is responsible for obstruction cle

46、arance requirements. Check OROCAs.Defined by radio fixes:All fixes/waypoints become “compulsory reporting pointsMust have minimum of one waypoint in each ARTCC.Should be guided byStandard Service Volume: AIM, par. 1-1-8Below FL 180: Navaids should not be over 80 NM apart (L).14,500 MSL to FL 180: Na

47、vaids not over 200 NM apart (H).FL 180 to 450: Navaids not over 260 NM apart (H).Standard Service Volumes.Aircraft performanceClimb performanceUse the maximum rate-of-climb chart in POH to determine if the C172 performance will be adequate for any given DP.Flight Plan ChangesChange in Flight PlanCha

48、nge of altitude or flight levelChange of destinationChange of routeAVERAGE TAS AT CRUISEAdvise ATC if changes 5% OR 10 kts, whichever is greater.Change In ETD (“proposed departure time)1 hour after ETD your FP may drop out of system.Thus, if delayed over 1 hour:Advise FSS/ ARTCC.Airborne FilingPrior

49、 to entering controlled airspace when weather is below VFRSubmit (file) a complete IFR flight plan usually to FSSReceive an ATC clearance from ARTCCAir Filing to enter B,C, D, and E airspace“Pop-up IFR Traffic permitting, otherwise: May require a 30 min delay.Composite Flight PlansVFR for one portion / IFR for another portion of flightIf VFR is first:Report departure


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