1、Chapter 7ORGANIZATIONALSTRUCTURE AND DESIGN7-1110-Management Functions- Planning - defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities (Ch6789)- Organizing arranging and structuring work to accomplish the organizations goals
2、(determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are made)組織設計、權力配置 (Ch10)、人員配備 (Ch12)- Leading motivating, leading, and any other actions involved in dealing with people (Ch14151617)- Controlling - monitoring activi
3、ties to ensure that they are accomplished as planned (Ch1819)7-2210-1. Defining Organizational Structure P2662. Organizational Design Decisions P2743. Common Organizational Designs P278Outline7-3310-Teaching Objectives1. Define organizational structure and organizational design2. Describe the six ke
4、y elements of organizational structure3. Differentiate mechanistic and organic organizational design4. Identify the four contingency factors that influence organizational design5. Describe a simple structure, a functional structure, and a divisional structure6. Explain team, matrix, project structur
5、es and learning organization7-4410-Lead-in Case 事情發(fā)生在10月的某一天,地點在圣路易斯的巴恩斯醫(yī)院。 戴安娜給院長戴維斯打來電話,要求和他見面。從戴安娜急促的聲音中,院長感覺到發(fā)生了什么事情。他要戴安娜馬上到他的辦公室來。大約5分鐘后,戴安娜來到了他的辦公室,遞給他一封辭職信。 “院長先生,我再也干不下去了?!贝靼材乳_始陳述,“我在產科當護士長已經四個月了,我簡直沒法干,我有兩個上司,每個人都有不同的要求,都要求優(yōu)先處理。讓我舉個例子吧,這是一件平常的事,但這樣的事每天都在發(fā)生。昨天早晨7:45分,我來到辦公室,發(fā)現桌上有主任護士杰克遜的一張紙
6、條,她告訴我,上午10:00需要一份床位利用情況的報告,以便下午向董事會匯報時使用。這份報告至少需一個半小時才能寫出來。30分鐘后,基層護士監(jiān)督員喬伊斯,我的直接主管,走進來問我為什么有兩位護士不在班上。我告訴她,外科主任雷諾茲醫(yī)生要走了她們,說外科急癥手術正缺人手借用一下。我不同意,但雷諾茲醫(yī)生說只能這樣辦。您猜,喬伊斯說什么?立即讓這些護士回產科部!一小時后我回來檢查你是否把事情辦好了。院長,類似的事情每天發(fā)生好多次。醫(yī)院只能這樣運作嗎?” 7-6610- (1)這家醫(yī)院在組織結構的運行上合理嗎?為什么? (2)如果你是戴安娜你將如何處理這些沖突的要求呢? (3)戴維斯院長能做些什么以改變
7、目前的現狀呢?話 題7-7710-1. Defining Organizational Structure- organizational structure - the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization 是組織對工作任務進行分工、歸類和協(xié)調的正式框架體 系。 界定了組織內部的勞動分工與專業(yè)化 使組織成員通過規(guī)則、過程等整合機制形成合作關系 定義了組織邊界及組織與外部環(huán)境之間的界面7-9910-1. Defining Organizational Structure (cont.)- organizational design
8、- process of developing or changing an organizations structure 進行專業(yè)分工和建立使各部分相互有機地協(xié)調配合的系統(tǒng)的過程 組織設計的任務是建立組織結構、確定組織中 各成員的責權利和明確組織內部的相互關系 組織設計內容: 提供組織機構圖、部門職能、崗位說明書7-101010-某房地產公司組織結構圖 總裁工程總監(jiān)市場總監(jiān)財務總監(jiān)行政總監(jiān)地產研發(fā)部房產營銷部規(guī)劃設計部工程管理部人力資源部總裁辦公室行政管理部財務管理部會計核算部7-111110-部 門 職 能 說 明 書部門名稱:營銷部直接上級:公司總經理主要職能:- 基本業(yè)務管理 - 市
9、場信息分析負責市場信息收集與處理兼管職能 :部門權力: 崗位設置: 經理: 1 名 副經理: 名 調研員: 名 信息員(數據庫、檔案建立與維護人員): 名考核指標:7-121210-崗位說明書崗位名稱:業(yè)務員所屬部門:銷售部崗位職級:直接上級:地區(qū)經理直接下屬:無本職工作:指定區(qū)域的產品銷售工作責任: 負責具體執(zhí)行上級制訂的銷售計劃; 配合本地區(qū)經銷商開展產品促銷工作; 負責及時向客戶提供貨物; 負責本人經手貨款的及時回籠; 負責對客戶資信的調查分析,并及時向上級提交有關客戶資料; 保持與老客戶的密切聯(lián)系,積極開拓新客戶; 注意收集和整理市場信息和本公司質量信息并及時向上級匯報; 在銷售過程中
10、遵守公司各項制度,維護公司形象; 及時向上級匯報工作情況,并完成上級下達的各種臨時性任務。主要權力: 在公司價格政策允許的范圍內視情定價的權力; 對分管客戶的考查權和選擇建議權; 對所分管客戶進行獎懲的建議權; 要求上級協(xié)助做好產品銷售工作的權力; 在本職工作范圍內按公司制度自主開展工作的權力。素質要求: 從事本公司產品營銷工作一年以上,并具有較豐富的銷售經驗; 熟悉公司產品與消費群體; 具有較強的人際交往能力; 工作積極進取,吃苦耐勞,敢于承擔責任; 做事踏實認真,忠于職守; 具有一定的市場學、心理學知識;7-131310-1. Defining Organizational Structu
11、re (cont.)- Design process involves six key elementsWork specializationDepartmentalizationChain of commandSpan of controlCentralization and decentralizationFormalization7-141410- Departmentalization- the basis by which jobs are grouped together functional - grouping jobs by functions performed produ
12、ct - grouping jobs by product line geographical - grouping jobs on the basis of geographical region process - grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow customer - grouping jobs on the basis of specific and unique customers who have common needs1. Defining Organizational Structure (cont.
13、)7-161610-Functional Departmentalization7-17AdvantagesEfficiencies from putting together similar specialties and people with common skills, knowledge, and orientationsCoordination within functional areaIn-depth specializationDisadvantagesPoor communication across functional areasLimited view of orga
14、nizational goals1710-Geographical Departmentalization7-19AdvantagesMore effective and efficient handling of specific regional issues that ariseServe needs of unique geographic markets betterDisadvantagesDuplication of functionsCan feel isolated from other organizational areas1910-Process Departmenta
15、lization7-20+More efficient flow of work activitiesCan only be used with certain types of products2010-Customer Departmentalization7-21+ Customers needs and problems can be met by specialists- Duplication of functions- Limited view of organizational goals2110-1. Defining Organization Structure (cont
16、.) Departmentalization (cont.)- large organizations combine most or all forms of departmentalization- Todays view: trends customer departmentalization is increasingly being used- better able to monitor and respond to customer needs cross-functional teams are becoming popular- groups of individuals w
17、ho are experts in various specialties- involved in all aspects of bringing a new product to market7-222210-1. Defining Organization Structure (cont.)Chain of Command- continuous line of authority extending from upper organizational levels to the lowest levels, which clarifies who reports to whomauth
18、ority - the rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do itresponsibility - the obligation to perform any assigned dutiesunity of command the management principle that each person should report to only one manager7-23 Todays view: - These traditional co
19、ncepts are less relevant.2310-1. Defining Organization Structure (cont.) Span of ControlThe number of employees who can be effectively and efficiently supervised by a manager.Width of span is affected by:Skills and abilities of the managerEmployee characteristicsSimilarity of tasksComplexity of task
20、sPhysical proximity of subordinatesStandardization of tasks The trend in recent years has been toward larger spans of control7-242410-1. Defining Organization Structure (cont) CentralizationThe degree to which decision-making is concentrated at upper levels of the organization. Organizations in whic
21、h top managers make all the decisions and lower-level employees simply carry out those orders. DecentralizationOrganizations in which decision-making is pushed down to the managers who are closest to the action.7-262610-1. Defining Organization Structure (cont)- Another term is employee empowerment
22、Increasing the decision-making authority (power) of employees. 授權的益處高層管理者從日常事務中擺脫出來提高下屬的積極性和責任感增長下屬的才干充分發(fā)揮下屬的潛能 7-27Todays view: decentralizing decision making2710-1. Defining Organization Structure (cont.) FormalizationThe degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent
23、 to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.Highly formalized jobs offer little discretion over what is to be done.Low formalization means fewer constraints on how employees do their work. Todays view: less reliant on strict rules and standardization7-292910-2. Organizational Desig
24、n Decisions Mechanistic Versus Organic Organization High specialization Rigid departmentalization Clear chain of command Narrow spans of control Centralization High formalizationA rigid and tightly controlled structure Cross-functional teams Cross-hierarchical teams Free flow of information Wide spa
25、ns of control Decentralization Low formalizationA highly flexible andadaptable structure7-303010-2. Organizational Design Decisions (cont.) -Contingency FactorsStructural decisions are influenced by:Overall strategy of the organizationOrganizational structure follows strategy.Size of the organizatio
26、nFirms change from organic to mechanistic organizations as they grow in size.Technology used by the organizationFirms adapt their structure to the technology they use.Degree of environmental uncertaintyDynamic environments require organic structures; mechanistic structures need stable environments.7
27、-313110-2. Organizational Design Decisions (cont.) -Contingency Factors (cont.)Strategy Frameworks:Innovation (Differentiation)Pursuing competitive advantage through meaningful and unique innovations favors an organic structuring.Cost minimization (Cost leadership)Focusing on tightly controlling cos
28、ts requires a mechanistic structure for the organization.ImitationMinimizing risks and maximizing profitability by copying market leaders requires both organic and mechanistic elements in the organizations structure.7-323210-2. Organizational Design Decisions (cont.) - Contingency Factors (cont.) Si
29、ze and Structure - As an organization grows larger, its structure tends to change from organic to mechanistic with increased specialization, departmentalization, centralization, and rules and regulations. 一般來說,規(guī)模越大,越專門化,標準化,規(guī)章制度越多,越正規(guī)。7-333310-2. Organizational Design Decisions (cont.) -Contingency
30、Factors (cont.) Technology and StructureOrganizations adapt their structures to their technology.Woodwards classification of firms based on the complexity of the technology employed:Unit production : organic organizationsMass production : mechanistic organizationsProcess production : organic organiz
31、ationsRoutine technology = mechanistic organizationsNon-routine technology = organic organizations7-343410-2. Organizational Design Decisions (cont.) -Contingency Factors (cont.) Environmental Uncertainty and StructureMechanistic organizational structures tend to be most effective in stable and simp
32、le environments.The flexibility of organic organizational structures is better suited for dynamic and complex environments.7-353510-3. Common Organizational Designs-Traditional Organizational DesignsSimple structureLow departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, little formali
33、zationFunctional structureDepartmentalization by functionOperations, finance, human resources, and product research and developmentDivisional structureAn organizational structure made up of separate, semi-autonomous units or divisions.7-363610-3. Common Organizational Designs (cont.)-Traditional Org
34、anizational Designs (cont.)- Simple Structure - An organizational design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, and little formalization- commonly used by small businesses- as organizations increase in size, the structure tends to become more specialized and form
35、alized7-37營業(yè)員1收銀員小百貨店老板營業(yè)員23710-3. Common Organizational Designs (cont.)-Traditional Organizational Designs (cont.)- Functional Structure - An organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together. (departmentalization by function)廠長人力資源部財務部銷售部研發(fā)部生產車間主任班組長班組長班組長7-383
36、810-3. Common Organizational Designs (cont.) -Traditional Organizational Designs (cont.) Divisional Structure - Composed of separate business units or divisions.- each division has limited autonomy- parent corporation acts as an external overseer to coordinate and control the divisions provides supp
37、ort services7-393910-董事會總經理事業(yè)部工程職能部門職能部門職能部門職能部門事業(yè)部事業(yè)部生產工廠會計銷售工廠工廠7-404010- 1920年,斯隆在通用汽車公司最早引入了事業(yè)部制。 美國通汽車公司、杜邦公司被認為是事業(yè)部型結構 的創(chuàng)新者。美國通用汽車公司 1921年,為了解決產品多樣化、產品設計、信息傳遞和各部門決策協(xié)調問題,通用汽車公司新任總裁斯隆決定不建立單一的、集中化的、按職能劃分部門的組織。因為該公司的規(guī)模太大、活動太多、太復雜、太分散,無法用該種組織形式加以控制。于是創(chuàng)立了新型的多部門組織結構,讓各個事業(yè)部管理人員基本享有針對各細分市場的經營決策自主權。公司總部
38、不再插手日常事務,主要執(zhí)行戰(zhàn)略決策、計劃協(xié)調、監(jiān)督等職能,并負責研發(fā)、資金、法律等問題。這種組織結構的改革為通用創(chuàng)造了競爭優(yōu)勢,使其超越了福特公司。7-414110-事業(yè)部型結構特點 分權管理,總公司成為投資決策中心,事業(yè)部是利潤中心,下屬的生產單位是是成本中心,實行“集中政策下的分散經營”。事業(yè)部在不違背公司總目標、總方針和總計劃的前提下,充分發(fā)揮主觀能動性,自主管理其日常的生產活動??偣局槐A纛A算、人事任免和重大問題的決策權等權力,并運用利潤等指標對事業(yè)部進行控制。7-424210-Strengths and Weakness of Common Traditional Organiza
39、tional Designs7-434310- Case Study: 浪濤公司 7-444410-3. Common Organizational Designs -Contemporary Organizational Designs Team-Based Structures An organizational structure in which the entire organization is made up of work groups or teams.- employee empowerment is crucial- teams responsible for all work activity and performance- complements functional or divisional structures in large organizations allows efficiency of a bureaucracy provides flexibility of teams7-454510-3. Common Organizational Designs (cont.) -Contemporary Organizational Designs (cont
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