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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.2001 61. In addition, 75% of the worlds mail is written in English; 60% of the worlds radio stations now broadcast in English. 而且,世界郵件的75%是用英語寫的,世界廣播電臺的60%用英語播音。62. AA suuperrmarrkett iss diiffeerennt ffromm ottherr tyypess off stt

2、orees iin sseveerall waays. 超市市在許多方面面不同于于其它類類型的商商店。63. AA prroduuct thaat iis pplacced at eyee leevell onn a sheelf sellls mucch bbettter thaat oone whiich is plaacedd onn a lowwer or hiigheer sshellf. 放在在與人眼同等等高度貨貨架上的的商品比比放在低低于或高高于人眼眼貨架上商商品暢銷銷。64. HHow menn fiirstt leearnned to invventt woordss iss

3、 unnknoown, inn ottherr woordss, tthe oriiginn off laanguuagee iss a myssterry. 人們最最初如何何發(fā)明了詞語語還不為人知,也也就是說說,語言的起起源還是個迷。65. WWe sshouuld, thhereeforre, leaarn to chooosee ouur wwordds ccareefullly andd usse tthemm acccurrateely, orr thhey willl mmakee ouur sspeeech sillly andd vuulgaar.因此,我們們應(yīng)該學(xué)學(xué)著斟酌酌字

4、詞,精確用用詞,否則這些詞匯會會使我們的語言顯得愚蠢蠢粗俗。66. 學(xué)學(xué)好一門外語是非常常重要的的。 Itts vveryy immporrtannt tto llearrn a forreiggn llangguagge welll. acqquirre67.他用用了大約半年的的時間才完完成這篇論文。He sppentt abboutt/appprooximmateely hallf aa yeear to commpleete thee paaperr.68. 你你讓我做做的事情情我都已已經(jīng)做完了了。I havve ffiniisheed wwhatt yoou mmadee mee do

5、o./ tthosse tthinngs thaat yyou madde mme ddo.69. 一一旦他適應(yīng)了新環(huán)境,他他就會取得更更大的進進步。 Onnce he adaapteed tto tthe neww ennvirronmmentt, hhelll mmakee grreatter proogreess.70. 無無論貧富,人人人都有有教育的權(quán)利。Everyyboddy, pooor oor rrichh, hhas thee riightt too edducaatioon.200371. 這這口鐘大約有三個人那么高。 Thhis belll iis aabouut tthr

6、eee ttimees aas ttalll ass a perrsonn.我聽說劉同同志在申申請回原單位。I heeardd thhat Mr. Liiu wwas appplyiing forr reeturrninng tto hhis forrmerr unnit.這本書非常常有趣,我我一口氣就把它讀讀完了。TThiss boook is so inttereestiing thaat II fiinissh iit wwithhoutt a breeak.我跟他說了了幾次,可可他一個勁地看書,根本本就沒聽見我說什么。I toold himm seeverral timmes, buu

7、t hhe kkeptt onn reeadiing witthouut hhearringg whhat I saaid.As weell as beiing useed ffor takkingg phhotoograaphss, XX-raays aree allso useed ffor treeatiing disseasse ppartts oof tthe boddy iin oordeer tto kkilll thhe ddiseeasee.X光光射線不僅被用于于照相,還可用于治療病變部位的疾病。A punnctuual perrsonn iss inn thhe hhabi

8、it oof ddoinng aa thhingg att thhe ppropper timme aand is nevver latte iin kkeeppingg ann apppoiintmmentt. TThe un-punnctuual mann, oon tthe othher hannd, nevver doees wwhatt hee haas tto ddo aat tthe prooperr tiime.守時的人習(xí)慣慣于按時行動,并從不在在約會中遲到,而而不守時時的人卻卻從不按時行動。In Brritaain todday it is eassierr foor yyo

9、unng ppeopple to commmitt crrimees beccausse ttheyy haave morre ffreeedomm too goo whheree thhey likke annd mmoree mooneyy too doo whhat theey llikee.當今,英英國年輕人比以以前更容容易犯罪罪,因為為他們有更多多的自由由去他們們想去的的地方,有有更多的的錢做他們想做的的事情。A youung houusewwifee inn Meexicco llookks iintoo thhe ccookkingg poot tto ssee if thee

10、foood shee iss coookiing is donne. She is esppeciiallly iinteeresstedd inn heer ddinnner beccausse sshe is usiing a nnew kinnd oof ccookker-onee thhat getts iits heaat ddireectlly ffromm thhe ssun. 在墨西西哥,一一位年輕輕主婦看看鍋里的飯菜是否否已好,她現(xiàn)在對做飯?zhí)貏e感興趣,因為現(xiàn)在用的是一種新型炊具,它的熱能直接來自太陽。71. 電電腦在我我們的日常常生活中中起著非非常重要要的作用用。 Commp

11、utterss pllay a vveryy immporrtannt rrolee inn ouur ddailly llifee/ iin oour eveerydday liffe72. 只只要你不斷努力,你你遲早會取得成成功。 As lonng aas yyou keeep oon ttryiing, yoou wwilll suucceeed sooonerr orr laaterr.73.由你你決定邀邀請誰來來參加下周周的聚會。 Its uup tto yyou whoo wiill be invviteed tto tthe parrty nexxt wweekk.74.這部部電

12、影使我回回想起了了在北京京所看到到的情景景。 Thee mooviee reeminnds me of whaat II haave seeen iin BBeijjingg.75.我已已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了這種生活活方式。 I hhavee goot/bbeenn ussed to thiis wway of liffe.76. SSucccesss relliess noot oonlyy onn onnes aabillityy buut aalsoo a willlinngneess to coooperratee. 成功功不僅取決于個人的能能力,而而且還取決于合作作的意愿愿。77. IIn ss

13、pitte oof aall thee diiffiiculltiees, theey aare dettermmineed tto carrry outt thheirr prromiisess. 盡管管困難重重,他他們還是決心實現(xiàn)諾諾言。Educaate a mman andd yoou eeduccatee ann inndivviduual. But eduucatte aa woomann annd yyou eduucatte aa whholee faamilly.教教育一個男人,你你只是在在教育一個人;而而教育一個女人,你你是在教育整個家庭。Scienntissts havve

14、 ddonee coounttlesss eexpeerimmentts tto sshoww thhat praaisee iss faar mmoree efffecctivve tthann crritiicissm in iimprroviing humman behhaviior.科學(xué)家們做了無無數(shù)次的實驗驗,表明明在改進進人類行為方面表表揚比批評更有效效。Jim uusedd too thhinkk thhat thee moore timme hhe sspennt oon hhis stuudiees, thee beetteer ggraddes he wouuld recc

15、eivve. Butt noow hhe hhas reaalizzed thaat itt iss noot aalwaays thee caase.吉姆過去一一直認為為,花費在學(xué)習(xí)上的的時間越多多,成績績就越好好,但現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在他意意識到事實并并非總是如此此。71. IIn BBrittainn toodayy woomenn maake up 44% off thhe wworkkforrce, annd nnearrly hallf tthe mottherrs wwithh chhilddrenn arre iin ppaidd woork. 當今在英英國,婦女占勞動動力總?cè)藬?shù)的444%。

16、幾幾乎一半半有孩子子的婦女都工工作賺錢錢。72. IIt iis uusefful to be ablle tto ppreddictt thhe eexteent to whiich a ppricce cchannge willl aaffeect suppplyy annd ddemaand. 能預(yù)測測物價的的變動對對供應(yīng)和需求求的影響響程度是有有用的73. WWe llovee peeacee, yyet we aree noot tthe kinnd oof ppeopple to yieeld to anyy miilittaryy thhreaat. 我我們熱愛愛和平,然然而我們

17、們不是那那種屈服于于武力威威脅的人人。74. WWhenneveer ccirccumsstanncess peermiitteed, theey wwoulld ccomee annd llendd uss a hellpinng hhandd. 無論論何時,情情況允許許的話,他他們會來來幫助我我們。75. IIt wwont maake mucch ddifffereencee wheetheer yyou leaave or staay. 你走走還是留留,不是是很重要要。76. 正正式語言言主要用用于政府府報告,考考試作文文和商業(yè)業(yè)信函中中。 Foormaal llangguagge i

18、is mmainnly useed iin ggoveernmmentt reeporrts, exxamiinattionn coompoosittionns aand bussineess lettterrs.77. 據(jù)據(jù)當?shù)貓髨蠹垐蟮赖?,昨天天這家銀銀行遭到到搶劫。 It iis rrepoorteed iin tthe loccal newwspaaperr thhat thee baank wass roobbeed yyestterdday.78.直到到天黑了了,他才才意識到到太晚了了而無法法回家。 Hee diidnt reealiize it wass tooo llatee

19、too goo hoome unttil it wass daark.79. 既既然你明明天就要要動身,今今晚我們們可以一一起共進進晚餐。 Since you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.80. 英英國人對對不同的的文化和和不同做做事方式式不太熟熟悉,這這種情況況在其他他國家也也如此。 Thhe BBrittishh arre nnot so fammiliiar witth ddifffereent cullturre aand othher wayys oof ddoinng tthinngs, ass

20、iss offtenn thhe ccasee inn ottherr coounttriees.91.就是是在這間間小屋里里,他們們勤奮地地工作著著。Itt iss inn thhis smaall houuse thaat ttheyy arre wworkkingg haard.92.如果果我們不不努力的的話,就就學(xué)不好好英語。If wee doont wworkk inndusstriiallly/hhardd, wwe wwilll neeverr leearnn Enngliish welll.93.一個個人的學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)能力力是無限限的。The llearrninng aabillit

21、yy off a perrsonn iss unnlimmiteed.94. 人人和動物物的最大大區(qū)別在在于人能能學(xué)習(xí)并并使用語語言。The bbigggestt diiffeerennce bettweeen aanimmalss annd hhumaan bbeinngs is tthatt huumann caan llearrn aand usee laanguuagee.95.薩姆姆買不起起他極想要要的那種種照相機機,因為為那相機機太貴了了。Sam ccannnot afffordd thhe ccameera whiich he dessirees, beccausse iits

22、ttoo exppenssivee.96. WWherre oour mottherrlannd nneedds mme, I wiill ressponnd tto hher calll.無論我們的的祖國什什么時候候需要我我,我都都將響應(yīng)應(yīng)她的號召。97. IIts oobviiouss thhat thee deevellopmmentt off scciennce andd teechnnoloogy is vittal to thee mooderrnizzatiion of chiina. 很明明顯,科科技的發(fā)發(fā)展對中中國現(xiàn)代代化起著著至關(guān)重重要的作作用。98. SShe reffu

23、seed tto hannd ooverr thhe ccar keyys tto hher hussbannd uuntiil hhe hhad proomissed to weaar hhis saffetyy beelt. 她拒拒絕把車車鑰匙交交給她丈丈夫,直直到他答答應(yīng)把安安全帶系系好。99. QQuitte aa feew yyounng ppeopple nowwadaays havve tthe habbit of lisstenningg too baackggrouund mussic whiile doiing theeir homme wworkk. 現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在,許許多年輕輕

24、人習(xí)慣慣邊聽背背景音樂樂邊做作作業(yè)。100. As farr ass thhe mmethhod itsselff iss coonceerneed, it is worrth tryyingg. 就這一方方法本身身而言,是是值得一一試的。91. 他他一直全全身心地地撲在工工作上。He haas ddevootedd hiimseelf to hhis worrk.92. 一一天,蘇蘇珊(SSusaan) 在瀏覽覽書籍時時,被一個真真實故事事吸引住住了。One dday, whhilee sccannningg boookss, SSusaan wwas atttracctedd byy a

25、truue sstorry. Browwse 93. 和和遠方的的朋友保保持聯(lián)系系不是一一件容易易的事。It iss noot eeasyy too keeep in touuch witth ffrieendss whhen theey aare farr awway.94. 鄰鄰居們都都不能容容忍他那樣對年邁的父父親說話話。The nneigghboors cannt bbearr thee waay hhe ttalkks tto hhis oldd faatheer.95. 李李大伯自自己雖不不富裕,但在別人需要幫助時,他從不猶豫。Althooughh hee issnt rrichh

26、 hiimseelf, Unnclee Lii neeverr heesittatees tto hhelpp ottherrs iin nneedd.96. WWhettherr wee liike it or nott, tthe worrld we livve iin hhas chaangeed aa grreatt deeal in thee laast hunndreed yyearrs. 無論我我們是否否愿意,我我們生活活的世界界在過去去的一百百年間已已經(jīng)發(fā)生生了很多多變化。97. TThe keyy too ouur rroomm iss atttacchedd too a l

27、arrge plaastiic bblocck wwithh thhe rroomm nuumbeer oon iit.我們的房間間鑰匙系系在一塊塊標有房房門號的的大塑料料板上98. AAs II viieweed tthesse ooncee faamilliarr suurroounddinggs, imaagess off myysellf aas aa chhildd thheree caame to my minnd. 當我看看到這些些我曾經(jīng)經(jīng)熟悉的的環(huán)境時時,我想想起了我我孩提時時住在那那兒的情情景。99. OOverr yeearss, II haave wriitteen ee

28、xteensiivelly aabouut aanimmal-inttellligeencee exxperrimeentss.多年來,我我寫了大大量關(guān)于于動物智智能實驗驗的文章章。100. Youud bbettter opeen aa saavinngs acccounnt aat tthe bannk nnearr thhe uunivverssityy.你最好在學(xué)學(xué)校附近近的那所所銀行開開個儲蓄蓄賬戶。隨著經(jīng)濟發(fā)發(fā)展,在在中國,旅游越越來越受受到人們們的歡迎迎。With thee deevellopmmentt off ecconoomy, trraveelliing is becco

29、miing morre aand morre ppopuularr inn chhinaa noow.他的演講激激勵我們們比以往任何何時候都都更加努努力工作作。His sspeeech insspirred us to wworkk haardeer tthann evver befforee.不管他們說說什么,做做你認為為正確的的事。Whateeverr thhey sayy/ NNo mmattter whaat ttheyy saay, do whaat yyou thiink is rigght.一個人要想想健康,每每天鍛煉煉身體是是非常必必要的。Its neccesssaryy th

30、hat a ppersson do exeerciisess evveryydayy, iif hhe wwishhes to be heaalthhy.他試了好幾幾次,但但試驗還還是以失敗告終終。He trriedd seeverral timmes, buut tthe expperiimennt eendeed iin ffailluree.Its greeat pleeasuure to havve aa frriennd ccomiing froom aafarr.有朋自遠方方來不亦亦樂乎?The ggoodd trradiitioons of thee Chhineese peoo

31、plee arre ccerttainn too bee paasseed oon ffromm geenerratiion to ggeneerattionn.中華華民族的的優(yōu)良傳傳統(tǒng)一定定會代代代相傳。Love is likke wwarmm suunliightt, wwhicch wwilll noot oonlyy brringg jooy tto tthosse wwho aree loovedd butt allso addd moore pleeasuure to thoose whoo loove.愛猶如如溫暖的的陽光,它它不僅給給被愛的的人帶來來歡樂,還還給付出出愛的人人增

32、添更更大的愉愉悅。Peoplle ffromm alll wwalkks oof llifee exxpreess theeir greeat resspecct tto oour solldieers,beccausse ttheyy arre tthe lovveliiestt peeoplle iin tthe worrld.各行各業(yè)的的人向戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)士們表表達了崇崇高的敬敬意,因因為他們們是世界界上最可可愛的人人.Congrratuulattionns oon yyourr suucceess in thee Naatioonall Coolleege Enttrannce Exaaminn

33、atiion.祝賀你在高高考中取取得了優(yōu)優(yōu)異成績績.91. 他們已已經(jīng)十年年沒見面面了。TTheyy haavennt seeen eeachh ottherr foor tten yeaars.92. 在我看看來,討討論是解解決問題題的好方方法。IIn mmy oopinnionn, ddisccusssionn iss a goood ssoluutioon tto tthe proobleem.93. 你應(yīng)該該利用課外外一切機機會學(xué)英英語。YYou shoouldd taake advvanttagee off evveryy oppporrtunnityy too sttudyy En

34、ngliish outt off cllasss.94. 她對知知識有強強烈的渴渴望,但但不知道道如何求求知。Shee haas aa sttronng ddesiire forr knnowlledgge, butt shhe ddoessntt knnow howw too obbtaiin iit.95. 人們只只有生病病了才知知道健康康的價值值。Onnly wheen ppeopple falll iill cann thhey comme tto kknoww thhe vvaluue oof hheallth.96. AA frriennd iin nneedd iss a fri

35、iendd inndeeed. 患難朋朋友才是是真朋友友。97. TThiss iddea souundss goood, buut wwilll itt woork in praactiice? 這個個注意聽聽起來不不錯,但但實際上上行得通通嗎?98. IIt iis eestiimatted thaat aabouut 880% of thee woorldds poppulaatioon ccannnot afffordd too prropeer ffoodd, hhoussingg orr meediccal carre. 據(jù)估計計,世界界上大約約有800%的人人口支付付不起合合理的

36、飲飲食、住住房和醫(yī)醫(yī)療保健健費用。99. AAmerricaans oftten sayy thhat theere aree onnly twoo thhinggs aa peersoon ccan be surre oof iin llifee: deeathh annd ttaxees. 美國人人常說,人人的一生生只有兩兩件事是是可以肯肯定的:死亡和和納稅。100. We knoow tthatt a catt, wwhosse eeyess caan ttakee inn maany morre rrayss off liightt thhan ourrs, cann seee ccl

37、eaarlyy att niightt. 我們們知道,由由于貓的的眼睛比比人的眼眼睛能吸吸收更多多的光線線,所以以它在夜夜里能看看得很清清楚。The ccats eeyess caan ttakee inn maany morre rrayss off liightt thhan ourrs.81. 長長城是中中國的歷歷史文化化符號之之一。TThe Greeat Walll iis oone of thee syymbools of Chiinesse hhisttoryy annd ccultturee.822. 無無論生活活多難,我我都不會會失去信信心。NNo mmateer hhow h

38、arrd/ddiffficuult liffe iis, I wwilll neeverr loose my faiith/connfiddencce.83. 物體體離我們們越遠,看看起來就就越小。The farther an object/a body is away from us, the smaller it looks.84. 政府已經(jīng)采取積極措施防止空氣污染。The government has already taken active measures/steps to prevent/stop the air pollution.85. 建設(shè)和諧校園的關(guān)鍵在于讓每個學(xué)生都能積極

39、參與進來。The key to constructing/building a harmonious campus is to have every student take part in it actively. 86. Practice should go hand in hand with theory. 實踐應(yīng)該和理論相結(jié)合。87. Closely related to our daily life are goods prices. 商品價格與我們的生活密切相關(guān)。88. One who makes no investigation has no right to speak. 沒有調(diào)查就沒有發(fā)言權(quán)。89. Individual freedom does not in any way mean that you can do what you like at your free will. 個體自由在任何意義上都不意味著你可以按照自由意志行事。90. When it came to his amazing achievements, the famous scientist put an emphasis o


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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