外貿函電與單證Chaper 4- practice 2Chapter 4 -practice 3_第1頁
外貿函電與單證Chaper 4- practice 2Chapter 4 -practice 3_第2頁
外貿函電與單證Chaper 4- practice 2Chapter 4 -practice 3_第3頁
外貿函電與單證Chaper 4- practice 2Chapter 4 -practice 3_第4頁
外貿函電與單證Chaper 4- practice 2Chapter 4 -practice 3_第5頁
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1、LOGOChapter Four Cases Under L/C, D/ P and T/ T Payment Terms 外貿函電與單證實訓教程外貿函電與單證實訓教程 Practice Three : T/T+CIF Case Objective Requirements Steps Introduction Practice ObjectivevThe objective is to enable students to be familiar with the import procedures under the CIF and T/T and to master the skills

2、 to complete the related correspondence as well as to fill out the application for telegraphic transfers and the relevant documents according to the given information.Requirements v1. To know well about the procedures of T/T and obligations of the Seller and Buyer under CIF price terms. v2. To know

3、well about the writing formats of e-mail and indented format. v3. To master useful expressions and sentence models frequently used in business negotiation. v4. To master the drawing of application for telegraphic transfers.v5. To master the import documentation.Steps v1. To review the procedures of

4、T/T and obligations of the Seller and Buyer under CIF price terms.v2. To analyze the contents of business letters according to the Mind Map 1.v3. To read the Sales Contract.v4. To complete the business letters according to the business background and main points given.v5. To fill in the application

5、for telegraphic transfers according to the given information.v6. To fill out the related documents according to the given information.v7. To answer the questions.v8. To evaluate yourself.Introduction v 本節(jié)實訓是用CIF方式成交以及用T/T付款方式的外貿進口案例, 信函內容涵蓋了建立貿易關系、詢盤、報盤、還盤、交易的達成;涉及到的合約或單據有銷售確認書、電匯申請書、 中華人民共和國出入境檢驗檢疫

6、局入境貨物報檢單、中華人民共和國海關進口貨物報關單、貿易進口付匯核銷單(代申報單)等。要求學生根據思維導圖所給出的信函要點以及銷售確認書,寫出所有信函內容,并填寫單據。Practice5.ExercisePractice 3.Business negotiation6.Self-evaluation1. Warming-up2.Preparation for business4. Import Documentation1.Warming-upv1.1 T/T 流程圖流程圖匯款人買方/進口方收款人賣方/出口方匯出行(進口地)匯入行(出口地)合同電匯委托通知付訖借記通知書電匯申請書匯款通知單據付

7、款v 1.2 CIF 術語買賣雙方的主要義務術語買賣雙方的主要義務賣方義務賣方義務買方義務買方義務1.交貨并通知買方交貨并通知買方1.付款付款2.辦理出口手續(xù)辦理出口手續(xù)2.負責進口手續(xù)負責進口手續(xù)3.租船租船/訂艙,付運費訂艙,付運費 投水上運輸保險,付保費投水上運輸保險,付保費 4.負責貨物越過船舷前的一切費負責貨物越過船舷前的一切費用和風險用和風險3.負擔貨物越過船舷后的一切費用負擔貨物越過船舷后的一切費用和風險和風險5.提供單證提供單證4.接單取貨接單取貨2 Preparation for BusinessInformation about the exporter and impor

8、ter Background information for business Basic information about the product 2 Preparation for business 2.12.2 2.3 2 Preparation for Businessv 2.1 Information about the exporter and importer 2.1.1 Exporters name and address QVC Handel GMBH Cor., Germany Plockstrasse 20, D-40222 Dusseldorf, Germany Fa

9、x: 49-1450950 Sales Representative : Herbert Reed 2.1.2 Importers name and address 桂林甲天下貿易有限公司 (Guilin Betterall Trading Co., Ltd.) 中國廣西桂林市富達工業(yè)園 12號 (No.12 Fuda Industrial Zone, Guilin, China) Tel:86-773-7270086 Fax: 86-773-7270681 Sales Representative : 潘誠 (Peter Pan) 2 Preparation for Business v 2

10、.2 Background information for business On October 10th, 2009, Guilin Betterall Trading Co.,Ltd., a dealer of household articles in China, got the information of Qvc Handel GMBH Cor., Germany on the recommendation of one of their old customers Mr. Smith, and they were in urgent need of wooden hangers

11、 the German firm produced for export. 2 Preparation for Businessv 2.3 Basic information about the product 2.3.1 Name of commodity:“Freeman” brand Wooden Hanger 2.3.2 Specification WL8011 USD 10.00/DOZ 30cm30cm30cm WL8016 USD 12.00/DOZ 30cm30cm30cm WL8017 USD 12.00/DOZ 30cm30cm30cm 2.3.3 Specificatio

12、n for carton 300cm300cm300cm 2.3.4 Packing 10 dozs packed in a carton, 100 cartons in one 20container 2.3.5 Information about the bank Applicants A/C No. (R.M.B.): 9843 0116 1004 9318 Beneficiary Bankers A/C No.: COMMERZBANK AG D-60261 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Telephone: +49-69-13620 Beneficiarys

13、A/C No.: 578-5003366-67v 2.4Sales Confirmation153. Business Negotiation1Analyze the contents of the business letters2Complete the letters3. Business Negotiation v 3.1 Analyze the contents of the business letters according to main points of Mind Map. v 3.2 Please complete the business letters accordi

14、ng to the above background information and the main points on Mind Map 1.3. Business Negotiationletterletterletterletterletter7. Acceptance 5. Second Counter-offer / New offer1. Enquiry (importer writes to exporter) 2. Firm Offer 3. Counter-offer .letter4. Another Counter-offer letter6. Another Coun

15、teroffer 1) Enquiry (importer writes to exporter) 3. Business NegotiationTranslation LetterMain points1) Enquiry1) Enquiry To: From: Date: October 10th, 2009 Subject: Enquiry for wooden hanger Dear Mr. Reed, Through the courtesy of Mr. Smith, we get to know that you are one of the leading exporters

16、of household articles in your area. We have been major importers of household articles for many years. At present, we are interested in your “Freeman” brand Wooden Hanger with details in the following form. It would be highly appreciated if you could quote your lowest price on CIF GUANGZHOU basis. A

17、rticle Nos. Quantity WL8011 100 DOZS WL8016 200 DOZS WL8017 300 DOZS When quoting, please state your terms of payment and the earliest delivery date you can arrange. We believe there is a promising market in our place for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned above. We look forward to your f

18、avorable reply. Yours faithfully, Peter Pan GUILIN BETTERALL TRADING CO.,LTD.1) EnquiryTranslation 里德先生: 承蒙斯密斯先生介紹,我們獲悉你方是貴地最大的家居用品出口商之一。 多年來,本公司主要經營家居用品進口貿易,目前對貴公司的“Freman” 牌木制衣架很感興趣,具體如下表所示。如能報CIF廣州最低價,將不甚感激。 貨號數量WL8011100 DOZSWL8016200 DOZSWL8017300 DOZS 報價時,請闡明支付方式和最早交貨期。我們相信,如上提及的幾類價格適中的產品在我地市場

19、銷路良好。 敬候佳音。 桂林甲天下貿易有限公司 彼得潘 謹上 2) Firm offer 3. Business NegotiationTranslation LetterMain points 2) Firm offer 2) Firm offer To: From: Date: October 11th, 2009 Subject: Firm offer for wooden hanger Dear Mr.Pan, We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your enquiry dated October 10th, showing your

20、interest in our wooden hangers. In reply, we would like to make you, subject to your reply reaching us not later than October 15th, the following offer: Commodity: “Freeman” brand Wooden Hanger Shipment: On or before November 30thArticle Nos Unit price (CIF GUANGZHOU)quantitiesWL8011USD 20.00/DOZ100

21、 DOZSWL8016USD 30.00/DOZ200 DOZSWL8017USD 30.00/DOZ300 DOZS We are willing to grant you a discount of 5% for all orders over 1 000 dozs. You are kindly informed that we can only accept payment by T/T in advance for the initial order. In view of the great demand for this line, we advise you to order

22、as soon as possible. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully, Herbert Reed QVC HANDEL GMBH COR., GERMANY 2) Firm offer Translation 潘先生: 貴公司10月10日詢盤收悉,感謝你方對我們木制衣架的喜愛。現發(fā)盤如下,以不晚于10月15日復到為有效。 品名:“Freeman”牌木制衣架 貨 號單價 (CIF廣州)數 量WL8011USD 20.00/DOZ100 DOZSWL8016USD 30.00/DOZ200 DOZSWL8017USD 30.00/DOZ3

23、00 DOZS 裝運:不晚于11月30日 如訂單超過1 000打,我們將給予5%的折扣。敬請注意,對于首次訂購,我們只接受電匯預付的付款方式。鑒于該貨物需求量大,建議你方盡快下訂單。 盼早復。 德國QVC HANDEL GMBH 公司 赫伯特里德 謹呈 3) Counter-offer3. Business NegotiationTranslation LetterMain points 3) Counter-offerv 1. Thanks for the offerv 2. Declining the offer and giving the reasonsv 3. Counter pro

24、posal (asking for price reduction and payment by L/C)v 4. Expectation of acceptance 3) Counter-offer To: From: Date: October 12th, 2009 Subject: Counter-offer on wooden hanger Dear Mr. Reed, Many thanks for your reply to our enquiry for wooden hangers. Much as we are interested in your products, we

25、cannot place an order with you because of the high price. It would leave us only a small profit. Information indicates that some kinds of the said articles made in other countries have been sold here at a level about 8% than that of yours. Such being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you c

26、ould make reduction in your price, say 8% lower. At the same time, we have to point out that we cannot see our way to increase the quantity. As to the terms of payment, we shall be appreciated if you could accept irrevocable L/C at sight. In order to encourage business between us, we trust you would

27、 quote us a favorable price. We are anticipating your early reply. Yours faithfully, Peter Pan GUILIN BETTERALL TRADING CO., LTD. 3) Counter-offer Translation 里德先生: 非常感謝貴公司對我方木制衣架詢盤的回復。 盡管我們對貴公司產品很感興趣,但由于價格太高我方還不能 訂貨。我們將無利可圖。有消息表明,市場上銷售的其他國家生產的該類產品價格比你方報價低約8%。 情況既然如此,我們不得不請貴公司考慮是否能降價,比如說8%。同時,不得不指出我

28、們無法增加訂購量。 至于支付方式,貴公司如能接受即期不可撤銷信用證,將不甚感激。 為了促進雙方貿易,望貴公司能報給我們優(yōu)惠的價格。 盼早復。 桂林甲天下貿易有限公司 彼得潘 謹上 4) Another counter-offer (Reply to the above counter-offer ) 3. Business NegotiationTranslation LetterMain points 4) Another counter-offer v 1. Confirming receipt of the counter-offer v 2. Rejection of price re

29、duction and reasonsv 3. Offering the lowest price v 4. Expectation of acceptance 4) Another counter-offer To: From: Date: October 13th, 2009 Subject: Counter-offer on wooden hanger Dear Mr. Pan, We learn from your email of October 12th and feel surprised that our price for the subject article is fou

30、nd to be on the high side. Much to our regret, we just cannot entertain your counter-offer, as the price we quoted is quite realistic if you take the quality into consideration. Actually, we have received a lot of orders at our level. Since this is our first transaction with you, we decide, as an ex

31、ception, to cut the price by 3%. In the meantime, please note that the order is too small to be worth opening L/C, so we still require the payment to be made by advanced T/T. On account of a limited supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly. You may rest assured that any further r

32、equires from you will receive our prompt attention. Please reply ASAP. Yours faithfully, Herbert Reed QVC HANDEL GMBH COR., GERMANY 4) Another counter-offer Translation 潘先生: 從貴公司10月12日郵件驚訝得知我們所報產品價格偏高。 很遺憾,我們不能接受貴公司還盤,因為如果考慮到商品的質量,我 們的報價是相當現實的。事實上,我們已經收到了很多以這個價位成交的訂單。鑒于這是初次交易,我們決定破例降價3%。同時請注意,該訂單量太小

33、,不值得花錢開立信用證,因此我們仍然要求采用前T/T付款方式。 由于目前供貨有限,請及時行動。請盡管放心,貴公司還有任何要求,我們都將及時處理。 盼早復。 德國QVC HANDEL GMBH 公司 赫伯特里德謹呈 5) Another counter-offer (Reply to the above counter-offer/new offer ) 3. Business NegotiationTranslation LetterMain points 5) New offer v 1. Confirming receipt of the counter-offer v 2. Reject

34、ion and reasonsv 3. Making a concession v 4. Expectation of acceptance 5) New offer To: From: Date: October 14th, 2009 Subject: Counter-offer on wooden hanger Dear Mr. Reed, Thank you for your E-mail of October 13th, 2009. While appreciating the good quality of your wooden hanger, we find your price

35、 is still out of line with the prevailing market, so it is beyond what is acceptable to us. We would like to invite your attention to the fact that all our competitors are booking at a price lower than that of yours. In order to cope with the heavy competition we have to order the goods of high qual

36、ity at reasonable price. We earnestly ask you to allow us a higher rate of reduction. Since we note your good credit position, we agree to purchase on the basis of T/T, but would you kind enough to adopt payment by 100% T/T at the acceptance of B/L copy? Please reply at your earliest convenience. Yo

37、urs faithfully, Peter Pan GUILIN BETTERALL TRADING CO., LTD. 5) New offer Translation 里德先生: 感謝貴公司10月13日的郵件。 盡管很欣賞你方木制衣架的良好品質,我們發(fā)現你方價格仍然與現行市場價格水平不一致,所以超出了我們能接受的范圍。 提請你方注意的是,我們所有的競爭對手都在以低于你方報價的價格訂貨。為了應付激烈的競爭,我們不得不以合理的價格訂購高質量的產品。我們熱切的盼望貴公司能夠給予更多的降價。 由于我們了解到你方良好的資信情況,我們愿意以電匯方式購貨,但是你方能否接受100%電匯見提單副本后付款?

38、盼早復。 桂林甲天下貿易有限公司 彼得潘 謹上 6) Another counter-offer (Reply to the above counter-offer )3.Business NegotiationTranslation LetterMain points 6) Another counter-offerv 1. Confirming receipt of the counter-offer v 2. Rejection and reasonsv 3. Meeting in the half way v 4. Expectation of acceptance 6) Anothe

39、r counter-offer To: From: Date: October 15th, 2009 Subject: wooden hanger Dear Mr. Pan, We confirm having received your counter-offer of October 14th, asking us to make an 8% reduction in our price. We regret to find it intolerable to comply with your request because of the high cost of raw material

40、s. However, in order to develop our market in your place, we are prepared to accept the payment you proposed and make a concession to lower the price by 5%. Please understand that this is an exceptional treatment. We await your prompt acceptance. Yours faithfully, Herbert Reed QVC HANDEL GMBH COR.,

41、GERMANY 6) Another counter-offer Translation 潘先生: 茲確認已收到你方10月14日的還盤,要求我們降價8%。 很遺憾,由于原材料成本太高,我們不能接受你方要求。然而,為了開拓你地市場,我們愿意接受你方提出的付款方式并降價5%以示讓步。這是一個破例的待遇,請理解此點。 期待你方早日接受。 德國QVC HANDEL GMBH 公司 赫伯特里德謹呈 7) Acceptance3.Business NegotiationTranslation LetterMain points 7) Acceptance 7) Acceptance To: From: D

42、ate: October 16th, 2009 Subject: Acceptance Dear Mr. Reed, This is to confirm your E-mail of October 15th, 2009. The protracted negotiation and your final concession have enabled us to make it possible for us to close this deal. We are pleased to inform you that we accept your 5% reduction in price.

43、 We invite your attention to the fact that the goods are urgently required in our market. If your shipment is what we have been expecting, subsequent orders will be in large quantities. Please send us your Sales Contract as soon as possible. We sincerely hope that this exchange of business will be a

44、n initial to our mutual advantage. Yours faithfully, Peter Pan GUILIN BETTERALL TRADING CO., LTD. 7) Acceptance Translation 里德先生: 茲確認收到你方2009年10月15日的郵件。 此前多輪磋商和你方做出的最終讓步促使我們達成了這筆交易。很高興告知你方我們接受5%的降價。 提請你方注意的是,我地市場急需這批貨物。如能按我們所期待的安排裝運,后續(xù)將會有大量訂單。 請盡快惠寄你方銷售合同。我們衷心希望此次交易將是一個互惠互利的良好開端。 桂林甲天下貿易有限公司 彼得潘 謹上4

45、. Import Documentation4.1 Application for Telegraphic Transfer4.2 Application for Import Inspection Certificate4.3 Import Customs Declaration 4.4 Import Verification Sheet 4.1 Application for Telegraphic TransferApplication for Telegraphic TransferAnswer of Application for Telegraphic TransferApplication for Telegraphic Transfer Peter Pan filled it in on November 25, 2009 at the local bank .電匯申請基本程序電匯申請基本程序電匯申請基本程序v (1)匯款人填寫匯款申請書,并在申請書中注明采用電匯T/T方式;v (2)將所匯款項


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