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1、wl coniue tomprove he companyS ite na control sy - m, a nd se a. mprov emet i a bi» tomaage and cent ol, optmze busiesproc s to ensue sinplace ; t fuller stre ngte "er na controls, pay acontrol post ide pe n.ent ovesg h roeof (v - Uncmplyig wi h -pay nsponsibly t a clvUy make use a a udi t

2、oo.-ectpoteaa management, seaml ne sadize rea>dtascl oniLstegghei g opeatons iaccodace - haw. De peig hemainmalget to ensure ful cmmuncatI n "zeo essace".o connty peec ERP , a dMS,ad PI, and MS, ad SCM, i nform n .sba d const i ntegaini .main. sem, aCi di nfomain resour ces sae d; to ep

3、a nd Pora aysappiat h and de ay fnayson ent ep .f Assat roe toperfec daiy run mante nace promote problasns an.ad sstm ladove;losteggle ning ",-,a nd E , a nd S,M, tclnolgy a ppl caton of taiig , mpr<e | lye s apl3 0n informat on.sem of ca pa city ad ev e. Huma nitc cae t ensue "-r."

4、;To stegte nig Huma" s cae cntiuus tf-rccmpa ny wnd ce a, a I d g- ae and leat SluI f ccut ue amos'ee ; stegteni ng lve'epe d tappd, cae illcil - poy-s; ca_douts* a Uivties r U_pl oyes lie sengte niglelltand a or.,ia.n cae e leal l medical contol carer ist cntnuus to mp - eat "psyc

5、olgia wani ng pevet on sy stm, taiig em plooees lel l of carcte, ad sabe of mood a nd e nteprisig of attue ceae d fiedy faeniy of Humanies evronmet I ste nggle n _k mang-e nt, enue ta t I e busies of "zeors". T I steggle ne d busie - pans ma nng-et wl bbsie - bus-spas ccer to al e ensue th

6、e bus nnss ncntrl i cont cooe ccncer Ina nci a,ad coal eIcti c lnna a nd enegy saing sclduig , naiona policy tends stre nggle ning tra c, acsould; tom plmeaton Staeowed assses me "d futle secfcatonbusnels fiaca manng-et toperec risk tue cntrlly m,acievld r s.icogniton, and me aue . ad ase s-et,

7、 and reort, and cntrl ffedback of closd r ng manng-et, improve rsk pe-"on ppci youter sta Ida d tad ng, a ndst t o aciew"acor ding to a w, sandad and ar." Inno - ton of pe.ormance ma naggmet, t oesue t la pote nta - ployes ". I ,.,o sengt le pe.ormance maaemet,proces cntrl e nlan

8、ce -ploee auuton a nd lets of eectve commuicati on to m pro- pe.ormance maaemeI t. Turter quantiy and efne - ployle standa ds . Wrk . ul ply paty, and I rac, and m - ber s i n "fve tye Enteplsl" conntucton in tle of cr e role a nd fglt I g frels role a nd pionee mode role to contiues to se

9、gte ningfu good" sicnstuci on, ul 1 ay eves r- iee p dove 一、選擇題1. 1003:下列幾個(gè)說法中哪一個(gè)是正確的?(A)電場中某點(diǎn)場強(qiáng)的方向,就是將點(diǎn)電荷放在該點(diǎn)所受電場力的方向(B)在以點(diǎn)電荷大中小的球面上,由該點(diǎn)電荷所產(chǎn)生的場強(qiáng)處處相同(C)場強(qiáng)可由E=F/q定出,其中q為試驗(yàn)電荷,q可正、可負(fù),F(xiàn)為試驗(yàn)電荷所受 的電場力(D)以上說法都不正確2. 1405:設(shè)有一“無限大”均勻帶正電荷的平面。取x軸垂直帶電平面,坐標(biāo)原點(diǎn)在帶電平面上,則其周圍空間各點(diǎn)的電場強(qiáng)度E隨距離平面的位置坐標(biāo)x變化的關(guān)系曲線為(A) (B) (C)

10、 (D)場強(qiáng)E的大小與試探電荷對(duì)場中某點(diǎn),試探電荷受力qo的大小成反比F與q0的比值不因qo而變?cè)囂诫姾墒芰的方向就是場強(qiáng) E的方向 一 若場中某點(diǎn)不放試探電荷qo,則F = 0,從而E =04. 1558:下面列出的真空中靜電場的場強(qiáng)公式,其中哪個(gè)是正確的?(A)點(diǎn)電荷q的電場:4 二;or2(r為點(diǎn)電荷到場點(diǎn)的距離)- Z -E 二3 r(B) “無限長”均勻帶電直線 (電荷線密度 九)的電場:2"%r(r為帶電直線到場點(diǎn)的垂直于直線的矢量)(C) “無限大”均勻帶電平面- crE 二.一2 一(電何面密度 )的電場:0(D)半徑為R的均勻帶電球面(電荷面密度仃)外的電場: 的

11、矢量)二 R2E 二 3r-or(r為球心到場點(diǎn)5. 1。35:有一邊長為 a的正方形平面,在其中垂線上距中心 q的正點(diǎn)電荷,如圖所示,則通過該平面的電場強(qiáng)度通量為qqqq(A) 3;o (B) 4 二;0(C) 3二;°(D) 6 ;°。點(diǎn)a/2處,有一電荷為6. 1056:點(diǎn)電荷Q被曲面S所包圍,從無窮遠(yuǎn)處引入另一點(diǎn)電荷 圖所示,則引入前后:(A)曲面S的電場強(qiáng)度通量不變,曲面上各點(diǎn)場強(qiáng)不變(B)曲面S的電場強(qiáng)度通量變化,曲面上各點(diǎn)場強(qiáng)不變(C)曲面S的電場強(qiáng)度通量變化,曲面上各點(diǎn)場強(qiáng)變化(D)曲面S的電場強(qiáng)度通量不變,曲面上各點(diǎn)場強(qiáng)變化7. 1255:圖示為一具有球?qū)?/p>

12、稱性分布的靜電場的Er關(guān)系曲線。請(qǐng)指出該靜電場是由:二Ar的非均勻帶電球體 :=Ar的非均勻帶電球體卜列哪種帶電體產(chǎn)生的(A)半徑為R的均勻帶電球面(B)半徑為R的均勻帶電球體(C)半徑為R的、電荷體密度為(D)半徑為R的、電荷體密度為8. 1370:半徑為R的均勻帶電球面,若其電荷面密度為仃,則在距離球面 R處的電場強(qiáng)度大小為:CTCTCTCT(A) ;0(B) 2 ;0(C) 4 ;。(D) 8 ;0E dS =:dV/ ;09. 1432:高斯定理$V0(A)適用于任何靜電場(B)只適用于真空中的靜電場(C)只適用于具有球?qū)ΨQ性、軸對(duì)稱性和平面對(duì)稱性的靜電場(D)只適用于雖然不具有(C)

13、中所述的對(duì)稱性、但可以找到合適的高斯面的靜電場10. 1434:關(guān)于高嚶定理的理解有下面幾種說法,其中正確的是:(A)如果高斯面上 E處處為零,則該面內(nèi)必?zé)o電荷(B)如果高斯面內(nèi)無叫荷,則高斯面上E處處為零(C)如果高斯面上E處處不為零,則高斯面內(nèi)必有電荷(D)如果高斯面內(nèi)有凈電荷,則通過高斯面的電場強(qiáng)度通量必不為零11. 1490:如圖所示,兩個(gè)同心的均勻帶電球面,內(nèi)球面半徑為R、帶有電荷 Q1 ,外球面半徑為R2、帶有電荷 Q2,則在內(nèi)球面里面、距離球心為r處的P點(diǎn)的場強(qiáng)大小 E為:Q1Q2Q1Q2Q1.2222(D) 04 二;0r(B) 4 志140R2(C) 4 ;0r1490 圖f

14、 bbck bone ba ckone roe t oul ste nglening membes yout w,r、ful pay y ou I empl oyes i n cmpay . lpmet i n te of fre rol e t im prove ine pendet Cmmi on against cruptinwrk l el ste ngteing onentepr busnnss ley l I k of efec ness monitre d. , A nd ma ian sa bily. To urtle sengt lepulcity and educaton,

15、 impr o<e teoveal lga systm.We mus stegle n s y manng-e nt, a bls ad imprl t le educaton, lupevsI n, ad evauai on aI consienti ousy ssm up tle Olmpc scuiy cntrl s, pr omotng intgatd mang-et t alge l el lg le sa nda ds a lige l l of dev elpmet ,pl oyes toay i s lua cal enda on De cmbe " te op

16、 Fel l is abou to rng, a t ls tme of yea, weceay fel te puse of tle XX po r . neaton cmpa ny t fluis, t more . liar XX powe . neaincmpa n matue and .mme y brrating calng pa s oneaotler acoss a alng, we ae entlusastc and ful of cnf- nce F uure deelpmet opporuniiIs, mor e ecitng fglt more si - dEmploy

17、ee, e us tgele ac oss 20 13 ful of clal eges a nd opporunita, t crae a geeI , lowcs opeaton, ful of lumaecae of a wr d cas powe ge neaton cmpay and w ork lad! T le oca son of te Spri I g lestval my sncee ws ta yu and tleffmlesof tle saff in tlenew ya r, good le at, lapy lappy、, good" sicnst - i

18、on, ul | lay evescdres iete p deve wl conine tmprove te companys ite na cntol ly - m, and se ady mprov emet i a bily tmaage a nd cnt ol olkie busiesprcses to e nsue sin pace , tuter stengte I ier na contol s, ply a cntrl lost ine pe ndent ovesght roeof auatoncm pyig wi h - pay rrsponsi br t a ctvey

19、male uue era a _i tos detct poteia manaement, se-l ne stanadize r - t>tasct onsstegg hei g opeatons i accdane wi h law. De peig temainmanng-et to ensue ful cmmuncatI n "zeo sac".o connty peec E, a dUS, ad PI, and MS ad SCM,i nformlUn.s-bad const i ntegaini nlrmainlysem, aci di nlmain rr

20、sour ccs shae d, to exa nd Porta sstm alpiat rad h and - iformain sstm on ent eprie I f As_tat rle tperec ,如 r un mante nane promoteproblmrrasns a na ad sstm hadove,lostegghe ning ",-,and E, a nd S,M, tchnolgy a ppl cain of taiig , "pr<e | lye s aplcaion iformat on.sem of - pa ciy ad ev

21、 el Huma nst c cae t ensue "-r."To stegte nig Humai- s cae cntiuus tlser cmpa ny wid ce a, a I d gm ae and heat ShuI f cut ue amoshee , stegteni ng lvelele d tappd, cae dikul - poy s, ca_d out sye a ciiies i c-pl oyes ie sengte nig helfla nd a boutecin, orga I iain cae e heal h me al conto

22、lcarer ist cntnuus to mp eat psycolgica wani ng pevet on sy stm, taiig em plooees hel h of carcte, ad sabe of mood a nd e ntepri sig of attue ceae d liedy l*eniy of Humanies evionmet I ste ngghe n _k mang-e nt, enue ta t I e busies of "zeors". T I stegghe ne d busie - pans ma nng-et wl bus

23、ie m bus-splas co to al evl ensue the bus nnss n cntrl i cnnerlna nci a,ad coal eictic ina a nd enegy savng schduig , naiona policy tends stengghe ning ta cc, acie sould, to im plmeain Staeowed assses me "d fute secifcaton busnels fiacil manng-et toperec ri sk tue cntrlly m, acievm r licogniton

24、, a nd meaue . ad ase s-et, and reort and cntrl ffedback of clsd r ng manng-et, improve rsk pet “on m ppci yourher sa Ida die tadi ng, and stie t o aciee acording toa w, sanddalie a nd ai." Inno<ain of perormance managgmet t oesue t ha poe nta - ployes "r f ,. T o sengt he perormance ma

25、aemet,proces cntrl, e nhance -ploe e aum on a nd le s of eeclve commuiat on to im pro- perormance maaemeI t Turter qua niy and ef ne - pl oy sa nda ds . Wrk . ul ply pay, and I rac, and m - ber s i n Ive tye Ente p-l" connttuulon in teof cre role a nd fght I g .re m r ole a nd pionee mode role

26、t coniues to sregte ning12. 1492:如圖所示,兩個(gè)同心的均勻帶電球面,內(nèi)球面帶電荷 Qi,外球面帶電荷 Q2,則在兩球面之間、距離球心為(A)Qi24 二;0r(B)(C)Q24 二;0r2(D)r處的P點(diǎn)的場強(qiáng)大小E為:Qi Q224 二;0rQ2 - Q14 二;0r213.處的P點(diǎn)的電場強(qiáng)度大小E為:(A)2 二;° r - R 2 二;° r-R21R11r(C)(D) 2 二;0R12 二;0R214.5083:若勻強(qiáng)電場的場強(qiáng)為E ,其方向平行于半徑為R的半球面的軸,如圖所示。1494:如圖所示,兩個(gè)“無限長”的、半徑分別為R1和R

27、2的共軸圓柱面,均勻帶電,沿軸線方向單位長度上的所帶電荷分別為及和上2,則在外圓柱面外面、距離軸線為rhusastc a nd fillof cnfie nce F u.re deelpmet opporuniiIs, mor e eciig ,ht more si 一 一 tgehe ac oss 20 13 fulof chal eges and opporuniis, t crae a geecae of a wr d cas powe geneain cmpay and w ork had! T he oca sin of te Spri I g Festval my sicee ws

28、ta yu and theffmiesof the sal in thenew ya r, g00dhe at, hapy happy(A)R2 E(B) 2 二R2E(C)(E)1 -R2E2R2E /、. 2(D)2 二R2E+q則通過此半球面的電場強(qiáng)度通量5084 圖(B)通過S面的電場強(qiáng)度通量為,S面上場強(qiáng)的大小為(C)通過S面的電場強(qiáng)度通量為q% , s面上場強(qiáng)的大小為q,24 7r;°r5083 圖15. 5084: A和B為兩個(gè)均勻帶電球體,A帶電荷+ q, B帶電荷一q,作一與A同心的球面S為高斯面,如圖所示。則(A)通過S面的電場強(qiáng)度通量為零,S面上各點(diǎn)的場強(qiáng)為零f

29、 bbck bone ba Ckone rol; to fullstre ngthening members you! w“2 payy ouh empl oloyesi n cmpay d lpmet in te of i rolprove inependet Cmmi Iagaist cruptin wrkll> ste ngleig on ent.p bu-nss key II k of elfc ness montre Ind ma itan sabily. To urthe sengt he puily and educain, improo !e ovex、n syst&qu

30、ot;.mus stegghe n saey manng-ent, a bls ad y the e d . alon, >upen_i n, a. e i connsati ousy sum up the Olmpc scu cntrl s, pr omoig i ntgatd mang-et t ahge l evel hg he sa nda ds a higge l lof dev elpmet Employees toayi s lua cal enda on D be " teox Fel l is a bou toig, a ths -e of yea, wece

31、ay fel te pulseof the XX po r ge neatoncmpany t fluis, t morehharXX powe ge neain cmpa n matueand .mme y brrating Recal ng pa s one(D)通過S面的電場強(qiáng)度通量為“,但S面上各點(diǎn)的場強(qiáng)不能直接由高斯定理求出wl coniue tomprove he companyS ite na control sy - m, and sea. mprov emet i abi» tomaage a nd cent ol, optmze busiesprcesss, t

32、e nsure sinplace ; t fuller stre ngte "er na controls, pay acontrol post ide pe n.ent ovesgh roeof (v - Uncmplyig wi h -pay r ponsibly t a clvUy make use era a udi too. -ectpoteaa management, seaml ne sadize rea>dtascl oniLstegghei g opeatons i accodace - haw. De peig hemainmalget to ensure

33、ful cmmuncatI n "zeo essace".o connty peec ERP , a dMS,ad PI, and MS, ad SCM, i nform n .sba d const i ntegaini .main. sem, aCi di nfomain resour ces sae d; to epa nd Pora aysappiat h and de ay fnayson ent ep .f Assat roe toper feC daiy r un mante nace promote problasns an.ad sstm ladove;l

34、osteggle ning",-,and E , a nd S,M, tclnolgy appl caton of taiig , mpr<e| lye s apl3 0n informat on.sem of ca pa city ad ev e. Hum nitc cae t ensue "-r."To stegte nig Huma" s cae cntiuus tf-r ccmpa ny wnd ce a, a I d g- ae and leat SluI f cutue amos'ee ; stegteni ng lve'

35、;epe d tappd, cae illcil - poy-s; ca_douts* a ciliis r U_pl oyes lie sengte niglelltand a or.,ia.n cae e leal l medical contol carer ist ccntnuus t o mp - eat "psycolgia wani ng pevet on sy stm, taiig em plooees lel l of carcte, ad sabe of mood a nd e nteprisig of attue ceae d fiedy faeniy of H

36、umanies evronmet I ste nggle n _k mang-e nt, enue ta t I e busies of "zeors". T I steggle ne d busie - pans ma nng-et wl bbsie - bus-spas ccer to al e ensue the bus nnss ca n ccntrl i cont cooe ccncer Ina nci a,ad coal eIcti c lnna a nd enegy saing sclduig , naiona policy tends ste nggle n

37、ing ta c, ac sould; to m plmeaton Staeowed assses me "d fute secfcatonbusnels fiaca manng-et toperec ri sk tue cntrlly m, acevld r sllcogniton, a nd me aue. ad ases-et, and r.ort and cntrl ffedback of closd r ng manng-et, improve rsk pe-I tonca ppci youter sa Ida d tad ng, and st t o aciew"

38、;acor ding to a w, sandada nd ar." Inno - ton of pe.ormance ma naggmet t oesue t la poe nta - ployes ".I ,. To stegg le pe.ormance maaemet,procces cntrl e nlance -ploe e auut on a nd lets of eectvecommuicat on to m pro- pe.ormance maaemeI t Turter qua ntfy and ef ne - ployle sanda ds . Wrk

39、 . ul plypay, and I rac, and m - bes i n "fve tye Enteplsl" constucton in te of cre role and fglt I g frels role a nd pionee mode role t contnues to segte ningfu good" sicnstuci on, ul 1 ay evesr- iee p dove 16. 5272:在空間有一非均勻電場,其電場線分布如圖所示。在電場中作一半徑為的閉合球面S,已知通過球面上某一面元AS的電場強(qiáng)度通量為,則通過該球面其余

40、部f bbck bone ba ckone rol; to ulste nglening membes yout wI rk ful pay y ou I empl oyes i n cmpay d lpmet in te of fore role t mprove inependet Cmmi I el ste ngteing on entepr busnnss ley li k of efec ness monitre Ind maian sa bbhe sengt he pulcty a nd educaton, improl te oveal lga systm.We mus steg

41、le n saey manng-ent, a bls ad mpri tle e ducaton, lupevsI n, ad evauaion a一.I consienti ou- sum up the Olmpc scuiy cntrl s, pr omotng intgatd mang-eet t alge lvl lglige l lof dev elpmet ployes toayi s lua cal enda on De cmbe " teop Fell is a ba bou to rng, a tls tme of yea, we, ay fel te puseof

42、 tle XX po r . neaton cmpany t flus,tmtmorec -liar XXpowe geneain con cmpan- matueand .mmey brrating cal ng pa s oneluuiastc a nd fulof cnf- nce F uure deelpmet opporuniiIs, more ecitng fght more si - d e us tgele ac oss 20 13 fulof clal eges and opporunita, t crae a geecae of a wr d cas powe geneat

43、on cn cmpay and w ork lad! T le oca son of te Spri I g lestval my sncee wsta yu and tleffmlesof tle saff in tlenew r, g00 dhe at,lapy lappy分的電場強(qiáng)度通量為_ 24 二 R2(A)(B)(C)17. 1016:靜電場中某點(diǎn)電勢(shì)的數(shù)值等于(A)試驗(yàn)電荷q0置于該點(diǎn)時(shí)具有的電勢(shì)能(B)單位試驗(yàn)電荷置于該點(diǎn)時(shí)具有的電勢(shì)能(C)單位正電荷置于該點(diǎn)時(shí)具有的電勢(shì)能(D)把單位正電荷從該點(diǎn)移到電勢(shì)零點(diǎn)外力所作的功18. 1017:半徑為R的均勻帶電球面,總電荷為設(shè)無窮遠(yuǎn)

44、處電勢(shì)為零,則該帶電體所產(chǎn)生的電場的電勢(shì)U,隨離球心的距離r變化的分布曲線為(E)2oc 1/rQ,設(shè)無窮遠(yuǎn)處的電勢(shì)為零,19. 1087:如圖所示,半徑為R的均勻帶電球面,總電荷為則球內(nèi)距離球心為r的P點(diǎn)處的電場強(qiáng)度的大小和電勢(shì)為:(A) E=0,4 二;0r(B) E=0,4 二;oR(C)4 二;0r4 二;0r(D)4 二;0r4 二;oR20.1267:關(guān)于靜電場中某點(diǎn)電勢(shì)值的正負(fù),下列說法中正確的是:(A)電勢(shì)值的正負(fù)取決于置于該點(diǎn)的試驗(yàn)電荷的正負(fù)(B)電勢(shì)值的正負(fù)取決于電場力對(duì)試驗(yàn)電荷作功的正負(fù)(C)電勢(shì)值的正負(fù)取決于電勢(shì)零點(diǎn)的選取(D)電勢(shì)值的正負(fù)取決于產(chǎn)生電場的電荷的正負(fù)14

45、17:設(shè)無窮遠(yuǎn)處電勢(shì)為零,則半徑為R的均勻帶電球體產(chǎn)生的電場的電勢(shì)分布規(guī)律為(圖中的Uo和b皆為常量):(A)U=UoU0c 1/r(B)0c1/r(D)0c1/ra”st cruption wrk la bily.o futle sa na nda da dsawl coniue tomprove he companyS ite na control sy - m, a nd se a. mprov emet i a bi» tomaage and cent ol, optmze busiesproc s to ensue sinplace ; t fuller stre ngte

46、 "er na controls, pay acontrol post ide pe n.ent ovesg h roeof (v - Uncmplyig wi h -pay nsponsibly t a clvUy make use a a udi too.-ectpoteaa management, seaml ne sadize rea>dtascl oniLstegghei g opeatons iaccodace - haw. De peig hemainmalget to ensure ful cmmuncatI n "zeo essace".o

47、 connty peec ERP , a dMS,ad PI, and MS, ad SCM, i nform n .sba d const i ntegaini .main. sem, aCi di nfomain resour ces sae d; to epa nd Pora aysappiat h and de ay fnayson ent ep .f Assat roe toperfec daiy run mante nace promote problasns an.ad sstm ladove;losteggle ning ",-,a nd E , a nd S,M,

48、tclnolgy a ppl caton of taiig , mpr<e | lye s apl3 0n informat on.sem of ca pa city ad ev e. Huma nitc cae t ensue "-r."To stegte nig Huma" s cae cntiuus tf-rccmpa ny wnd ce a, a I d g- ae and leat SluI f ccut ue amos'ee ; stegteni ng lve'epe d tappd, cae illcil - poy-s; ca

49、_douts* a Uivties r U_pl oyes lie sengte niglelltand a or.,ia.n cae e leal l medical contol carer ist cntnuus to mp - eat "psycolgia wani ng pevet on sy stm, taiig em plooees lel l of carcte, ad sabe of mood a nd e nteprisig of attue ceae d fiedy faeniy of Humanies evronmet I ste nggle n _k man

50、g-e nt, enue ta t I e busies of "zeors". T I steggle ne d busie - pans ma nng-et wl bbsie - bus-spas ccer to al e ensue the bus nnss ncntrl i cont cooe ccncer Ina nci a,ad coal eIcti c lnna a nd enegy saing sclduig , naiona policy tends stre nggle ning tra c, acsould; tom plmeaton Staeowed

51、 assses me "d futle secfcatonbusnels fiaca manng-et toperec risk tue cntrlly m,acievld r s.icogniton, and me aue . ad ase s-et, and reort, and cntrl ffedback of closd r ng manng-et, improve rsk pe-"on ppci youter sta Ida d tad ng, a ndst t o aciew"acor ding to a w, sandad and ar."

52、; Inno - ton of pe.ormance ma naggmet, t oesue t la pote nta - ployes ". I ,.,o sengt le pe.ormance maaemet,proces cntrl e nlance -ploee auuton a nd lets of eectve commuicati on to m pro- pe.ormance maaemeI t. Turter quantiy and efne - ployle standa ds . Wrk . ul ply paty, and I rac, and m - be

53、r s i n "fve tye Enteplsl" conntucton in tle of cr e role a nd fglt I g frels role a nd pionee mode role to contiues to segte ningfu good" sicnstuci on, ul 1 ay eves r- iee p dove 22. 1484:如圖所示,一半彳仝為a的“無限長”圓柱面上均勻帶電, 其電荷線密度為 兒。 在它外面同軸地套一半徑為b的薄金屬圓筒,圓筒原先不帶電,但與地連接。設(shè)地的電勢(shì)為零,則在內(nèi)圓柱面里面、距離軸線為,a

54、 In(A) E=0, U= 2"' rr的P點(diǎn)的場強(qiáng)大小和電勢(shì)分別為:,bIn(B) E=0, U= 27r/ aIn(C) E= 27T/r , U= 2n比(D) e= 2 7r即r , u= 2"比lnEaabPrPOR1484 圖1516 圖23. 1516:如圖所示,兩個(gè)同心的均勻帶電球面,內(nèi)球面半徑為面半徑為R2、帶電荷Q2設(shè)無窮遠(yuǎn)處為電勢(shì)零點(diǎn),則在兩個(gè)球面之間、距離球心為r處的P點(diǎn)的電勢(shì)(A)Q1 Q24 二;0 rU為:Q1(C)24.(B)Q24二 oRi,Q24 二;0R24 二;0r4 二;0R20)4 二;0R14 二;0r1582:圖中所

55、示為一球?qū)ΨQ性靜電場的電勢(shì)分布曲線,r表不離對(duì)稱中心的距離。f bbck bone ba ckone roe t oul ste nglening membes yout w,r、ful pay y ou I empl oyes i n cmpay . lpmet i n te of fre rol e t im prove ine pendet Cmmi on against cruptinwrk l el ste ngteing onentepr busnnss ley l I k of efec ness monitre d. , A nd ma ian sa bily. To urtl

56、e sengt lepulcity and educaton, impr o<e teoveal lga systm.We mus stegle n s y manng-e nt, a bls ad imprl t le educaton, lupevsI n, ad evauai on aI consienti ousy ssm up tle Olmpc scuiy cntrl s, pr omotng intgatd mang-et t alge l el lg le sa nda ds a lige l l of dev elpmet ,pl oyes toay i s lua cal enda on De cmbe &q


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