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1、英語文化常識題庫1. Where were the second Olympic Games held?A. FranceB. AustraliaC. AmericaD. British2. Which city in Asia is the first city to bid for the Olympic Games?A. Beijing B. Seoul C. Tokyo D. New Delhi3. Which session is the largest Olympic Games?A. The 22nd B. The 24th C. The 23rd D. The 25th 4.

2、Who is the Father of the Olympics?A.Samaranch B. Coubertin C.Roger D.Yu zaiqing5. What is not the slogan of the Olympic?A.Quicker B.higher C.stronger D.bigger6. When is the Olympic Day?A.June.23 B.July.23 C.August.23 D.September.237. What does the track and field contain?A. Track and field eventsB.

3、Trackevents C. Field eventsD. Track events, field events and All-around competition8. Where is Olympic Games birthplace?A. Olympia B. France C. Greece D. America9. When is International Olympic Day?A. March.26th B. Feb.14th C. June.23rd D. July.25th 10. How many traffic circles(圓環(huán)) are there on the

4、Olympic Flag?A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven11. Which sport is the earliest sport in China?A. Badmintons B. Baseball C. Football D. Table tennis12. How many people are there in one group in a soccer game?A. 12 B. 16 C.18 D.1113. Which sport is not in triathlon鐵人三項?A. Swimming B. Running C. Riding bi

5、cycle D. Skipping14. The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics _. A. are the same thing B. are different games C. are not held in winter D. are held in summer15. Basketball was started _. A. in Europe B. in the United States C. in the Philippines D. in China16.Which sport isnt the Olympic event?A.

6、fencing擊劍 B. badmintonC. boxingD. basketball17. How many times do the Olympic Games conduct? A. 30 B. 29C. 28 D. 2718.How many countries acceded to參加 the first Olympic Games? A. 20 B. 10 C. 13 D. 14澳大利亞、奧地利、保加利亞、英國、匈牙利、德國、丹麥、美國、法國、智利、瑞士、瑞典、希臘19. In the first Olympic Games, the champion will have ( )

7、? A a gold medal and cup B only a silver medal C only a bronze medal D a silver medal and a garland花環(huán)20. When did the modern basketball game come into China?A. In 1765B. In 1785 C. In 1855D. In 1895 21. The First Continental Congress第一屆大陸會議 was held in _ in September, 1774.A. Philadelphia費城B. Boston

8、 C. New York D. Chicago22. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies 殖民地except _.A. Maryland 馬里蘭 B. South Carolina南卡羅來納C. Delaware 特拉華 D. Colorado科羅拉多州13個殖民地。它們是:弗吉尼亞、馬薩諸塞、康涅狄格、羅得島、紐約、新澤西、特拉華、新罕布什爾、賓夕法尼亞、馬里蘭、北卡羅來納、南卡羅來納、佐治亞23. The Second World War broke out in September _ and ended

9、in August _.A. 1939, 1945 B. 1937, 1943 C. 1938, 1945 D.1937,194524. The frequent emergence出現(xiàn) of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _.A. inflation B. the rise of pricesC. the decrease of population D. the decrease of the purchasing capacity25. The first

10、thirteen states of the US mainly located _ seaboard.A. the eastern B. the western C. the northern D. the southern26. Altogether _ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI世界守望協(xié)會.、世界觀察研究所A. 33 B. 38 C. 39 D.3727. When did the American Revolution (independent war) break out?A.Seventeenth C

11、entury B. Eighteenth Century1775C. Nineteenth Century D. fifteenth Century28. The Great Depression(經(jīng)濟大蕭條) in America lasted _ years.A. 2 B.3C. 4 D.529. In 1799,_become French first emperor of empire.A.Lothaire Ier B. Louis V C. napoleon Bonaparte D. Raoul Ier 30. 1789-1792, _implemented constitution

12、al monarchy(君主立憲制).A.China B. France C. England D. America31. In _, civil war in America broke out.18611865A. 1761 B. 1861C. 1738 D.183832. In 1794, the U.S. government and the _ government signed jay treaty.杰伊條約ABritish B. FrenchC. Spanish D. Russian33. How many dynasties are there in China?A.23 B.

13、24C.25 D. 26夏;商;西周;東周 秦;漢 西晉;東晉;十六國;南朝;北朝:北魏,東魏,北齊,西魏,北周;隋朝;唐朝;五代;十國,北漢;北宋;南宋;遼;金;元;明;清。34. Which university is the oldest university in England?A. University of Oxford B. University of LondonC. University of Edinburgh愛丁堡大學 D. University of Cambridge35. Who is the first queen of England?A. Anne B. E

14、lizabeth C. Mary D. Jane Grey36. Who wrote the I Have A Dream?A. Marx B. Martin LutherC. Hitler D. Napoleon37. Where was the first Great Exhibition萬國工業(yè)博覽會 held?A. Wien B. ParisC. Tokyo D. London38. On 6 August 1945, an American plane dropped an atomic bomb onto the Japanese city of_.A. Tokyo B. Hiro

15、shima 廣島 C. Nagasaki長崎 D.Hokkiado北海道39. Which date is the Independence Day of the United States of America?A.September 4. B.June 6C.July 4 D.June 4 40. When was the statue of liberty built?A.1896 B.1866 C.1876法國送給美國的禮物 D.188641. Which of the following is by far the most influential religion in the w

16、est? A. ChristianityB. BuddhismC. IslamismD. Judaism(猶太教)42. Whats the traditional Easter activity? A. egg huntB. costume partyC. gifts exchangeD. book sale43. Who is the leader of the Catholic Church(天主教會)?A. The presidentB. The Pope羅馬教皇 C. The QueenD. The Prime Minister44. Which of the following i

17、s not one of the three main regions of the world?A. Buddhism佛教B. Judaism猶太教C. IslamismD. Christianity45. Which of the following festival celebrates Jesus birthday?A. ChristmasB. EasterC. ThanksgivingD. Spring Festival46. How do we call people who believe in Islamism?A. ChristianB. BuddhistC. MuslimD

18、. Sikh47. Which book do Christians follow?A. The Bible B. The Koran 古蘭經(jīng) C. Tripitaka 三藏 D. The Great Compassion Mantra(大悲咒)48. Who is the founder of Isamism?A. JesusesB.SakyamuniC. MohammedD.Lao-tse49.Whats the name of the Vigin(圣母)in the Bible?A. JennyB. KatherineC. LucyD. Maria50. From which relig

19、ion was Christmas originated?A. JudaismB. IslamismC. ChristianityD. Buddhism 51. In which country, people are all religious believers?A. NepalB. The VaticanC. RussiaD. Thailand52. The most important Holy Land of Islamism is .A. JerusalemB. MekkaC. BagdadD. Istanbul53. Which religion is originated in

20、 China?A. Buddhism B. TaoismC. ChristianityD. Islamism54. What is the symbol of Christianity?A. B. C. D. 55. What is the symbol of the Judaism?A. B. C. D. 56. Which of the religions is not one of the branches of Christianity?A. Protestantism 新教 B. Catholic天主教C. Eastern Orthodox Church 東方傳統(tǒng)教堂 D. Vood

21、oo伏都57. Who do the Muslim believe in?A. Zeus B. Allah C. Jesus D. Buddha58. Which of the following is the cradle搖籃、發(fā)源地 of Islam?A. India B. Africa C. Arab D. Tibet59. Which book do Muslims follow?A. Quran B. Bible C. Scripture D. Holy Book60. Which of the following is the food that Jews dont eat?A.

22、beefB. lemonC. porkD. vegetable61. William Shakespeares Four Tragedies are .A. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Midsummer Night's DreamB. Hamlet, As you like it, King Lear, Mac BethC. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Mac BethD. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice?哈姆雷特?、?奧賽羅?、?李爾王?、?麥克白?62.

23、The original name of Romeo and Juliet is .A. The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and JulietB. The love of Romeo and JulietC. The Tragically History of Romeus and JulietD. Romeo and Juliet63. Opera originated in_.A. GreeceB. Italy巴洛克時期意大利的佛羅倫薩C. Britain D. France65. Which of the follow

24、ing operas is written by Mozart?A. The Marriage of FigaroB. La TraviataC. Carmen D. Turandot66. Where can you enjoy Broadway Musicals百老匯音樂劇? In _.A. Los AngelesB. New YorkC. Washington D.C. D. Las Vegas67. A dramatist must know a lot about William Shakespeare, who is known as the greatest poet and_.

25、A. singer B. actorC. writerD. playwright68. Sonnet has _ lines.十四行詩A.13B.14C.15D.1669. Which flower is the national flower of China?A. RoseB. Lotus蓮花C. peony牡丹D. Lily70 Which book is written by Jing Yong?金庸A. Harry PotterB. the Legend of the Condor Heroes 射雕英雄傳C. Star WarsD. Gone With The Wind71. Wh

26、o painted Starry Night?A. Da VinciB. Van GoghC. Zheng Ban QiaoD. Tang Bo Hu72. What is Worlds four major ballets?A. The Swan Lake, The Giselle, Fiddler on the roof, OklahomaB. The Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, The Giselle C. The Sleeping Beauty, My fair lady, The Swan Lake, The Gis

27、elleD. My fair lady, Fiddler on the roof, Oklahoma, Watch out your steps73 Who writes the Tale of Two Cities?A. VoltaireB. W. William ShakespeareC. Jane AustenD. Charles Dickens74. Which one is not Shakespeares well-known saying?A. To be or not to be. That is a question.B. Better a witty fool than a

28、 foolish wit.C. A light heart lives long靜以修身.D. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.75. What is William Shakespeares last drama?A. The tempestB. CymbelineC. Henry VIIID. The Winters Tale77. Which one is not one of the four most popular musicals?A. CatsB. Phantom of the OperaC. Les Miserable悲慘世界D. N

29、otre-Dame de Paris巴黎圣母院78. Which opera did Giacomo Puccini create?A. Der Rosenkavalie B. Madama ButterflyC. Aida 威爾第的作品 D. La fille du regiment賈科莫·普契尼全名Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo María Puccini意大利歌劇作曲家,十九世紀末至歐戰(zhàn)前真實主義歌劇流派的代表人物之一。共有作品12部,成名作是1893年發(fā)表的?曼儂·萊斯科?,著名的有?波希米亞人?托斯卡?蝴

30、蝶夫人?西部女郎?等。79. Which is not Shakespeares 4 comedies?A. The merchant of Venice  B.A Midsummer Night's DreamC.  Little Prince       D. Twelfth Night 80. Who wrote the masterpiece War and Peace? A. TolstoyB. HugoC. ShakespeareD. Dickens81. How many state

31、s are there in America? A. 49B. 48C. 50D. 5182. How many political parties are there in America? A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4 83. North America is a colony of_. A. FranceB. GermanyC. ChinaD. England84. When did the U.S. declare to be independent? A. 1789B. 1689C. 1770D.177685. When did the Civil War start? A. 1

32、921B. 1765C. 1861D.145086. Who is the Found Father of the United States of America? A. George W. Bush B. Abraham Lincoln C. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. George Washington87. What form of government does America have?A. Presidential republics, full presidential systemB. Parliamentary republicsC. Absolute

33、 monarchies絕對君主制D. States where constitutional provisions for government have been suspended88. “As far as I know, the supreme power of the most reliable man is in charge of the people themselves. Who say it?A. Thomas Jefferson B. David Truman C. Hillman D. Robert Alan Dahl89. How many presidents ar

34、e there in the American history?A. 47B. 45C. 44D. 4290. How often do they vote for a president?A. once every two yearsB. once every four yearsC. once every five yearsD. once every ten years91. How many members are there in the House of Representatives of America?A. One hundred and fifteenB. Three hu

35、ndredC. Four hundredD. Four hundred and thirty five92. Who has the right to declare war in America?A. CongressB. Supreme CourtC. PresidentD. Pentagon93. How many presidents were murdered in U.S. history? A.3B.1 C.2D. 4 94. Which of the following country isnt using Constitutional Monarchy君主立憲政體?A. En

36、gland B. Germany C. JapanD. China95. Which of the following country isnt a People's Republic country?A. ChinaB. Germany C. LaosD. North Korea96. Harvard University is a famous university of _.A. AmericaB. England C. France D. Germany 97. When was the communist party of China 中國共產(chǎn)黨established?A.1

37、911B.1921 C.1931D.194998. Which country is not the member of Commonwealth of Nations英聯(lián)邦?A. CanadaB. Australia C. France D. South Africa 99. What form of government does Germany have?A. Presidential republics, full presidential systemB. Presidential republics, semi-presidential system半總統(tǒng)制C. Parliamen

38、tary constitutional monarchies in which the monarch does not personally exercise power 議會制君主立憲政體,君主不親自行使權力D. Parliamentary republics議會共和國100. How many senators are there in the Australian Senate?A. 70 B. 72 C. 74 D. 76101. When did the earthquake in Japan happen? A. March, 2021B. May, 2021C. March,

39、2021D. May, 2021102. When is the Independence Day of the United States of America? A. July 1B. July 4 C. July 14 D. July 10103. How often is the World Expo held? Every yearsA. three B. fourC. fiveD. six104. How many stars are there on the National Flag of the United States of America? A. Sixty. B. F

40、ifty. C. Seventy. D. Forty.105. How many stripes are there on the National Flag of the United States of America? A. Fifteen. B. Twelve. C. Fourteen. D. Thirteen.106. When will the election of American president be held?A. 2021 B. 2021 C.2021 D. 2021107. Which flower is the symbol of Japan?A. Chrysan

41、themum B. Rose C. Cherry blossom D. Lily108. India used to be a colony of _. A. CanadaB. the US C. JapanD. England109. Who has written the novel the Old Man and the Sea?A. Ernest HemingwayB. Jane AustinC. Mark TwainD. Shakespeare110. Which of the following novel is written by Mark Twain?A. Oliver Tw

42、istB. Pride and Prejudice C. The NecklaceD. The adventures of Tom Sawyer111. Who are the current U.S. president and the secretary of State?A. Clinton and HillaryB. Obama and BushC. Hillary and BushD. Obama and Hillary112. When was Prince William's wedding held?A. May 29, 2021B. April 29, 2021C.

43、April 29, 2021D. February 14, 2021113. Who is the British Prime Minister?A. Robert WalpoleB. Cameron C. Gordon Brown D. Tony Blair114. Who is the worlds first female president?A. Hillary Clinton B. Isabel Peron C. Benazir Bhutto D. Elleina Byron115. What is the first U.S moon landing rocket called?A

44、. Challenger B. DeepImpact C. Apollo 11 D. Mercury116. Which day is the World water day?A. April.23rd 117. Where will the next Olympic Games be held?A. Vancouver B. New York C. London D. Paris118. Whos the first woman prime minister in Australia? A. Julia Gillard B. John Winston HowardC. Paul John D

45、. Edward Gough Whitlam119. What is the most important economic activity in Canada?A. MiningB. Fishing C. Farming D. Manufacturing120. Which one is the longest river in the world?A. The Yangtze RiverB. The Amazon C. The Mississippi D. The Nile 121. Where is Victor Hugo from?A. Germany B. Britain C. F

46、rance D. China122. Who delivered the famous speech “I have a dream? A. Bill ClintonB. Barack Hussein ObamaC. George WashingtonD. Martin Luther King123. Who was an actor before he became the President?A. Ronald Reagan B. Abraham LincolnC. Herbert Hoover D. Jimmy Carter124. Who is the best actress of

47、the 2021 Oscar Award?A. Nicole KidmanB. Natalie PortmanC. Anne HathawayD. Gwyneth Paltrow125. Who wrote Jane Eyre?A. Emily Bronte B. Charlotte Bronte C. Agnes Grey D. Jules Verne126. Who formulated the special theory of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921?A. Nelso Rockefeller B. T

48、homas EdisonC. Leonardo da Vinci D. Albert Einstein 127. Which musician wrote the Ode to Joy?A. Franz Joseph Haydn B. Sebastian BachC. Ludwig van Beethoven D. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart128. Who was named as the King of Pop in 21st century?A. Lady GagaB. Michael JacksonC. John EltonD. Elvis Presley129.

49、What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?A. Telephone B. Printer C. Explosive D. Television130. What movie did Shirley Temple act?A. The Golden Compass B. Roman HolidayC. The Little Colonel D. Gone with the Wind131. Who wrote Pride and Prejudice?A. Charlotte Bronte B. Emily BronteC. Jane Austin D. Perc

50、y Bysshe Shelley132. Who established the evolution theory?A. George Byron B. Charles Darwin C. Winston Churchill D. Isacc Newton133. Walt Disney produced many childrens movies. Which of the following is NOT produced by him?A. CinderellaB. Peter PanC. Snow White and the Seven DwarfsD. Kung Fu Panda13

51、4. Mahatma Gandhi was a major political and spiritual leader of _.A. IndiaB. SpainC. MexicoD. South Africa135. Abraham Lincoln was the _ President of the United States who led the country to victory during the American Civil War.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16thD. 17th 136. Who was the famous explorer born in Italy?A. Henry VIII


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