Wai Lingding Island 第8組_第1頁
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1、Wai Lingding Island外伶仃島外伶仃島外伶仃島的地理位置外伶仃島的地理位置(Wailingding island location)這是唯一這是唯一可看見香港市中心的可看見香港市中心的海島海島This is only visible to central Hongkong Island休閑休閑勝地勝地(Leisure resort)在珠海眾多的海島中,外伶仃島天生麗質(zhì),石奇水美、優(yōu)雅恬靜、獨具風韻,名聞遐邇;島上冬無寒, 夏無酷暑,四季如春,山水兼得,旅游資源豐富多彩,具有典型的亞熱帶雨林風景和海島伊甸園風光,是鑲嵌在珠江口與南太平洋交匯處的一顆璀璨的明珠In Zhuhai n

2、umerous islands, outside the Lingding Island natural beauty, stone spring beauty, tranquil and elegant, unique charm, Mingwenxiaer; island no winter cold, summer without heat, the four seasons such as spring, landscape concurrently, tourist resources are rich and colorful, with typical subtropical r

3、ain forest scenery and island in the garden of Eden scenery is embedded in the Pearl River Estuary and the South Pacific interchange, a shining pearl景點景點介紹介紹(Attractions)島上四時花木蔥蘢,美不勝收。登高望遠,可見群島星羅棋布;逐浪飛舟,更覺波濤激蕩,滄海橫流。薰風麗日里,伶仃洋上蔚藍相接,海天一色;薄霧黃昏時,霞緋映海,漁舟唱晚;云霓雨霧中,香江景物時隱時現(xiàn),恍如夢幻中的海市蜃樓。On the island of four v

4、erdant trees, beautiful. Certainly, the visible islands dotted; wavesFeizhou, feel more waves surging, The seas are in turmoil. Liri perfumed wind, Lingding ocean blue phase, sea and sky merged; mist in the evening, Fei Xia Hai Ying, song of the homebound fishermen; clouds rain and fog, Hong Kong at

5、 the scene when they are hidden, Huangru dream of mirage.景點景點介紹介紹(Attractions)Fog poissonii cha (stone King Park)霧海仙槎(石景公霧海仙槎(石景公園)園)主峰伶仃峰海拔311.8米,雄奇俊秀,深山藏古秀,瑞石撒幽香。景區(qū)內(nèi)奇石嶙峋,惟妙惟肖,有海豹石、巨鯨石、雄雞石、陰陽石等等,一線天、迷宮穿插其中,盡顯大自然的鬼斧神工。到了四、五、六、七月份,此處常是輕霧漫飄,幾縷白云纏繞,如透明薄絹,輕輕揚揚,快慢疾徐,飄忽不定,仿若仙境。園內(nèi)有一條1200余級的石階景觀路通往大東灣海上娛樂中心

6、,一路盡是不勝美景,峰回路轉(zhuǎn),如影隨形,故有“萬山群島第一天然奇石公園”之美譽。The main peak of the peak elevation of 311.8 meters, Yuch Junxiu, the ancient Tibetan mountains show, rich and delicate fragrance. Scenic areas within the rugged rocks, lifelike, stone seal, whale stone, rooster stone, Shi Yin and Yang, and so on, Yixian Tian,

7、 maze interspersed among them, reveals the nature of the uncanny workmanship. Four, five, six, seven months here is often floating mist diffuse, wisps of white clouds entanglement, such as a transparent thin silk, gently triumphantly, speed of Xu disease, erratic, fangruo fairyland.The park has a mo

8、re than 1200 level stone landscape road leading to the East Bay Marine entertainment center, numerous beauty is full, winding paths, shadow, so it is the reputation of Wanshan islands first natural stone park.萬山萬山棋局棋局WanShan game登高遠望,整個萬山群島猶如一把翡翠散落在伶仃洋上,而群島星羅棋布,又象是一盤棋局,任游客思緒馳騁,指點江山。在不同的季節(jié),隨著氣候的變化,群島

9、風云變幻,氣象萬千。Denggao Yuanwang, Wanshan islands like the jade scattered in the Lingding ocean, islands spread all over, and as a chess game, let visitors racing thoughts, pointing Jiangshan. In different seasons, with climate change, islands amidst the winds of change, majestic and grand.玉帶環(huán)玉帶環(huán)腰腰The jad

10、e ring waist外伶仃島正面的兩邊,在山腰和礁石叢中,有一條精雕細鑿的石階小徑,人稱“情侶路”,在綠林和碧海之間蜿蜓,遠遠望去,如美人腰間玉帶,故名“玉帶環(huán)腰”。Outside the Lingding Island positive on both sides, on the mountain and reef, a vulture thin chisel stone alley, called couple road, in forests and sea between sinuosity, from afar, such as beauty waist belt, named

11、jade belt loop waist.交通交通指引指引Traffic guide珠海香洲北堤客運站乘船,每天快船兩班。一班早上去程8:40,回程10:30,另一班去程14:20 返程:16:15。Zhuhai Xiangzhou Beidi passenger boat, the Clippers two shifts a day. A class in the morningto return 8:40, 10:30, another class to return: 16:15 14:20.旅游貼士旅游貼士Travel Tips請游客出游時必須攜帶身份證,以備登船時邊防隨時檢查。Please tourists when traveling must carry identity cards, to prepare for boarding border check.島上設施較為完善,提供燒烤、劃艇、潛水等娛樂項目,并設有聽海樓(公寓式酒店)、浪晴灣賓館、水產(chǎn)賓館、帳篷營地(假日時期住房緊張)。The island facilities, provide barbecue, rowing, diving and other entertainment pro


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